genius evil

Chapter 960

Chapter 960

Just as Jiang Chen walked out of the airport, he immediately saw the figure of a girl in a green skirt at the exit.

The young girl had an innate clean and natural aura. She stood there quietly, without looking around or making other small movements, but she was still shining brightly, as if given to the perennially turbid air of the capital, After injecting a dose of freshener, it looks very gratifying.

The existence of the girl naturally attracted countless eyes, but perhaps it was because the aura between the girl's eyebrows was too pure, so even though she was followed by countless people, no one came forward to strike up a conversation.

It's as if each of them subconsciously thinks that once they strike up a conversation, it will destroy this rare beauty, and that will be an unforgivable sin.

But Jiang Chen obviously didn't have this kind of consciousness.

After walking out of the airport, Jiang Chen quickly walked towards the girl.

"Jiang Chen." The girl who stood quietly saw Jiang Chen walking towards her. There was a happy smile on her face as bright as snow, just like spring flowers blooming in March.

"Why did you come to the capital?" Jiang Chen asked strangely, frowning slightly.

This green skirt girl is none other than Zong Xiaomei of that clan.

Jiang Chen's impression of Zong Xiaomei was very deep. She was a woman who had never been tainted by the world, she was good and beautiful, pure and true.

Although she may not have thousands of pets all over her body, she has a sense of love and affection that makes people can't help but give her thousands of pets.

"I came to the capital specifically to find you." Zong Xiaomei said with a delicate smile.

"Looking for me? Did you come alone?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, I came with my aunt." Xiaomei Zong explained.

Almost as soon as Zong Xiaomei said that, a figure appeared like the wind, it was Miaoyu whom Zong Xiaomei called her eldest aunt.

"I heard that you were in Tiannan City, and I wanted to take a plane to meet you. When I checked the flight, I found that you were on the plane to the capital, so I waited for you here. I would like to invite Jiang Don't be offended." Miao Yu said.

This Miaoyu was kind-hearted, with a dignified face, which easily gave people a sense of affinity. She said this with sincerity, so that even if Jiang Chen wanted to blame him, he couldn't blame him at all.

"I'm going to say it's strange, could it be that you're leaving right away?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

Miaoyu smiled wryly, and said, "Jiang Shao, this time, I brought my little sister to Beijing, but actually, I have something to ask for."

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing? If it's a bad thing, forget it." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said lazily.

"To be honest, I'm afraid it's not a good thing for you, Young Master Jiang." Miaoyu said bitterly.

"Don't talk here, you two come with me." Jiang Chen said, people come and go here, it is definitely not a place for conversation, leaving these words behind, Jiang Chen strode towards the parking lot.

Miaoyu led Zong Xiaomei and followed behind Jiang Chen.

Entering the parking lot and getting in the car, Jiang Chen drove the car along the airport expressway and returned to downtown Beijing. While driving, he said, "Elder Miaoyu, you have about three to ten minutes to talk to me. Of course, Since it is not a good thing for me, it is difficult for me to guarantee that you can successfully persuade me."

Miaoyu didn't come to the capital alone, but brought Zong Xiaomei with her, saying that she wanted to ask for something, and Jiang Chen knew that what she was asking for must have something to do with Zong Xiaomei.

This is also why Jiang Chen is willing to give Miaoyu a chance, otherwise, Jiang Chen would not want to waste even a second.

"The Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference will be held soon, Young Master Jiang, you must have already received the invitation," Miao Yu said.

After a pause, Miaoyu continued: "I, Qianxiumen, will also go to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance meeting this time. Because there is an unresolved grievance, this time I will go to the best of the best."

Hearing Miaoyu say this, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of the dead Miaoyun. Presumably, the sect where the woman in the yellow dress who killed Miaoyun belonged was the old enemy of the Qianxiu sect where Miaoyu belonged.

"Do these things have something to do with me?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"This matter is my Qianxiumen's private matter. It has nothing to do with you, Young Master Jiang, but my Qianxiumen and the Zong family are interdependent. Once the Qianxiumen are exhausted, the Zong family will lose their backing. I am very worried. At that time, something unexpected will happen." Miao Yu said slowly.

"You want me to help you take care of the Zong family?" Jiang Chen asked.

"If you are willing, Young Master Jiang, I do have such thoughts, but it is difficult to ask for extravagance. The only wish is that Young Master Jiang, you can take care of my little sister as well as possible." Miao Yu said, this time That said, I finally got to the point.

"Take care of little sister Zong?" Jiang Chen said in his heart. This request seems to be too much, but compared to taking care of the entire clan, it is undoubtedly not too much.

It is not difficult to see that Miaoyu speaks very skillfully and knows how to measure.

After all, if Jiang Chen was asked to look after that idiot Zongzifeng, no matter how many benefits were given, Jiang Chen would not be able to do that.

Of course, fortunately, it was this Miaoyu who escorted Zong Xiaomei to the capital this time, not the cold but irritable Miao Bing, otherwise, if there was a disagreement, the audience would be left alone.

"It doesn't seem like an excessive request, but you must at least give me a reason." Jiang Chen said.

Sighing softly, Miaoyu touched Zong Xiaomei lightly with one finger, and Zong Xiaomei's tender body softened and fell asleep on the car seat.

Miaoyu then said: "I, Qianxiumen, and the Goddess Sect are life-and-death rivals. This trip to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference will inevitably end in an unending end, and my Qianxiumen has declined in recent years. The Goddess Sect, But it has always been in a good state of development.”

"Are you worried that Qian Xiumen will go and never return this time?" Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"That's exactly what I mean." Miaoyu nodded with a heavy expression on her face, "The worst result is that everyone will go and never return. In that case, the Zong family will be in danger without the help of my Qianxiu family. Others, I'm not worried at all, the one I'm most worried about is my little sister."

Gently stroking Xiaomei Zong's cheek with her palm, Miaoyu said: "Everyone has their own destiny, and you can't force it. I believe that my little sister is destined to be with you, Young Master Jiang. That's why I would propose such a presumptuous request."

"Wait..." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "Of course you don't have confidence, so why do you still want to attend the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference? This is death, don't you know?"

"This grievance has to be settled after all. Escape is not the way." Miao Yu smiled helplessly and said, "Some time ago, something happened to my Qianxiu Clan. My junior sister Miao Bing died."

"Huh?" Jiang Chen frowned, and suddenly frowned.

No wonder, in Miaoyu's capacity, she would personally escort Zong Xiaomei to the capital. It's likely that Miaobing died.

Even though he didn't have a good impression of Miao Bing, this sudden news still made Jiang Chen feel very sorry.

No wonder Miaoyu would say that this grievance cannot be avoided. There is no doubt that she was pushed too hard by the Goddess Sect.

First Miaoyun died, and then Miaoyu died. The Goddess Sect has been continuously consuming Qianxiumen's vitality. If Qianxiumen endured any longer, it won't take long for the Goddess Sect to disintegrate them.

Fighting to the death, of course, the consequences will be extremely tragic, but compared to sitting and waiting to die, it is a choice that has to be made.

Jiang Chen understood Miaoyu's difficulties, and also understood the predicament Qianxiumen was facing now.

From another point of view, the plight of Qian Xiumen is the plight of the Zong family.

However, Qianxiumen can't even take care of their own safety at the moment, how can they take care of the Zhou family, Miaoyu's only wish is to protect this little sister.

The Qianxiu family is far away in Tianhang, living in a remote corner, so it's hard to say what kind of relationship it has with other families. Furthermore, even if the Qianxiu family has an irreversible relationship with other families, it may not be reliable.

Two of the four major families in the capital city were wiped out by Jiang Chen. The Wu family also survived in name only. Only the Zhou family benefited, and the Ma family in the southern capital was also tossed by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen can be regarded as a half-grandson-in-law.

Unknowingly, the seven major families in China were all inextricably linked with Jiang Chen. No matter who Miaoyu asked for help, it would be better to ask Jiang Chen.

Probably, this is why Miaoyu brought Zong Xiaomei directly to the door.

"After the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, if something happens to my Qianxiu family, and the clan loses the support of Qianxiu family, the name will not be worthy of its name. In that case, if you are interested, Young Master Jiang, you might as well give my little sister a title." Zong Xiaomei glanced at it, and Miaoyu said.

"Are you going to betroth my little sister to me?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

"Exactly." Miao Yu nodded, and said: "A woman is always looking for a home in her life. Jiang Shao, you are a rare and magnificent man in the world. I think you will not treat my little sister badly."

"Whether I will treat my little sister badly or not is hard to say, but if this is the reason you persuaded me, how would you know, I will agree." Jiang Chen said.

It's true that he loves beautiful women, but isn't it true that he has two big characters of pervert written on his face?

"Jiang Shao, this is not a reason to persuade you, but, I sincerely hope that my little sister can have a good home, and you are that, the best home." Miao Yu said seriously.

"Have you discussed this issue with my little sister?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Before I came to Beijing this time, I told my little sister to come to see you. My little sister was very happy. I know that she likes you very much." Miaoyu said.

"So you haven't talked to my little sister." Jiang Chen said.

"If my little sister knows, based on my understanding of my little sister, she will not refuse." Miaoyu said.

Jiang Chen was speechless for a moment. What kind of thing is this? No matter what Miaoyu said, it meant that he was determined, and he would never be given a chance to refuse.

"Very good, you succeeded in persuading me." With a little headache, Jiang Chen said reluctantly.

"Jiang Shao, thank you for your generosity, I, Miaoyu, will never forget it." Miaoyu said gratefully.

When the car entered the urban area, Miaoyu got out of the car and left. Looking at the sleeping figure of Zong Xiaomei in the rear seat through the rearview mirror, Jiang Chen felt that his head was hurting even more...

(End of this chapter)

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