genius evil

Chapter 961

Chapter 961
"Sure enough, you can't be too soft-hearted." Jiang Chen sighed while driving the car.

Today's matter, on the surface, is very simple from beginning to end.

That is, Qianxiumen is about to encounter an unprecedented crisis. As a last resort, Miaoyu brought Zong Xiaomei to the capital to join him.

Miaoyu can't force him to do anything, accept or reject Zong Xiaomei's defection, it's all up to his own choice.

Yes, no matter which angle you look at it, it is very simple and not complicated at all.

But behind this simple appearance, there is actually a huge pit, and Jiang Chen has already stepped into the pit, which is why Jiang Chen said that his heart is too soft.

After all, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to sit idly by Zong Xiaomei.

This way of doing it has nothing to do with any other feelings towards Xiaomei Zong. In fact, Jiang Chen really doesn't have any other feelings. Just because he doesn't have other feelings, it doesn't mean that Jiang Chen can die with a heart of stone.

Once Jiang Chen couldn't do nothing, he would have no way to push Zong Xiaomei away, not to mention, Zong Xiaomei was sent to him on his own initiative.

Undoubtedly, Miaoyu is very smart, and she has calculated this point early in the morning. Moreover, Miaoyu's most clever thing is that she sent Zong Xiaomei under Jiang Chen's nose, and Jiang Chen even refused the opportunity. nothing.

Once Jiang Chen couldn't refuse to take care of Zong Xiaomei, then Jiang Chen couldn't refuse to take care of the entire Zong family, which was why Jiang Chen would think it was a huge hole.

"Elder Miaoyu, I sincerely hope that you can live longer." After a long sigh, Jiang Chen said amusedly, while talking, he glanced at the sleeping Zong Xiaomei through the rearview mirror.

Zong Xiaomei, who was sleeping soundly, curled up slightly, her pink lips parted slightly, exhaling like orchids, she looked so gentle and harmless, like a cute kitten.

Jiang Chen knew in his heart that it was precisely because of Zong Xiaomei's unique characteristics that it was rare for him to soften his heart and take the initiative to find trouble for himself.

"Where should we go next?" Jiang Chen thought while driving the car aimlessly in the downtown area of ​​Beijing.

Bringing Miss Zong back to Capital University is obviously not possible. Throwing Miss Zong to Sister Lan will also cause problems. The best way is to find a place to hide Miss Zong, which is the so-called Golden House Jiao.

However, Jiang Chen didn't have a house in the capital.

"Are you going to buy a house?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

However, as soon as this idea popped up in his mind, it was rejected by Jiang Chen.

To him, buying a house or a house is an insignificant matter. What is more difficult is that Jiang Chen is very suspicious of Zong Xiaomei's ability to take care of herself in life.

After all, he couldn't be by Zong Xiaomei's side 24 hours a day. If Zong Xiaomei's hands-on ability was not good enough, she might starve to death if she lived alone.

As for hiring a nanny for Xiaomei Zong, Jiang Chen disliked it being too troublesome.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen finally thought of only one place to go, that is, to bring Zong Xiaomei to Lin Baobao's villa, and let Zong Xiaomei live with Tang Tian and the three daughters.

Fortunately, when they were in Yilan City before, Tang Tian and the three daughters all met Zong Xiaomei, so there was no need to waste too much time introducing the relationship between him and Zong Xiaomei.


With the help of Jiang Chen, after Tang Tian captured Yan Sanping, and within a few days after Jiang Chen went to Yilan City, with the help of Yan Sanping's shareholder style, the whole journey was like a broken bamboo. In just a few days, it was Having won several pieces of land, there is a tendency for gods to block and kill gods, and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas.

The plan to unify the underground world of the capital was implemented extremely smoothly. Tang Tian was more or less complacent, and even felt a sense of loneliness as a master.

No, after fighting for several days in a row, Tang Tian planned to give herself a few days off to rest in the villa.

"Xiao Tiantian, when do you think Jiang Chen will come?" In the villa, Lin Baobao asked Tang Tian.

"You ask me who am I asking?" Tang Tian said angrily.

"Don't you want Jiang Chen?" Lin Baobao asked.

"I don't want to." Tang Tian's answer was extremely straightforward.

"Xiao Tiantian, duplicity is wrong, don't you realize that we are sleeping at night now, what is missing?" Lin Baobao said.

"Baby Lin, if you have anything to say, can you just say it?" Tang Tian was too lazy to play riddles with Baobao Lin.

"Didn't everyone say that men are the best beauty products? You see, we've been running around for the past few days, and we've aged quite a bit. We need to call Jiang Chen to come over and make adjustments." Baobao Lin said with a smile .

"You damn showy hoof, you finally showed your true nature, right? I guess I misread you." Tang Tian grinned and said.

"What are you talking about, what are you talking about? It's not normal for a man to love a woman. Besides, Jiang Chen is my man." Lin Baobao said as a matter of course.

"Correct me, it's my man." Tang Tian said coldly.

"I didn't say I'm not your man. The premise is that Jiang Chen is my man first, and then your man." Lin Baobao said sternly.

"Baby Lin, go to hell with me." Tang Tian couldn't take it any longer, she turned over and stood up from the sofa, and went to pinch Baby Lin's neck, almost wanting to strangle this woman to death.

Therefore, when Jiang Chen showed up at the villa with Zong Xiaomei, he happened to see the scene of Tang Tian and Lin Baobao fighting.

"Um, what are you two doing?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Don't worry about it, I will kill this woman today." Tang Tian said angrily.

"Wait... let go, Xiao Tiantian," Lin Baobao yelled.

"You want to surrender, don't you? Well, I'm not denying you a chance, you say three times out loud, Tang Tian is the most beautiful, I'll let you go." Tang Tian said with a snort.

"I won't surrender to the beauty you think, and you are not the most beautiful at all, I am the most beautiful." Lin Baobao sneered and said, "I just want to remind you, take a quick look, Jiang Chen seems Hong Xing is out of the wall again."

"Hong Xing is out of the wall again?" Tang Tian was stunned, then turned her head to look at Jiang Chen, just took a look, saw Zong Xiaomei standing beside Jiang Chen, her face changed quietly.

Immediately, Tang Tian released Lin Baobao, got up, arranged her clothes, and instantly returned to her ladylike appearance.

"Xiao Tiantian, have you noticed that this beauty looks familiar?" Lin Baobao also quickly straightened her clothes and hair, looked at Zong Xiaomei several times, and muttered.

"Of course it looks familiar. It's Miss Zong." Tang Tian despised Baobao Lin's IQ very much. From the capital? Why don't you come and play with me?"

"I just came here today." Zong Xiaomei said a little rigidly.

"Something happened, little sister will live here for a while." Jiang Chen said from the side.

"Okay, welcome." Tang Tian said immediately, Tang Tian still likes Zong Xiaomei. Of course, what Tang Tian likes most is that Zong Xiaomei is very harmless to humans and animals, and will not bring her the slightest threat.

"Xiao Tiantian, why do you say welcome? This is my house, do you know?" Lin Baobao reminded.

"Don't you welcome it?" Tang Tian asked.

"Of course I welcome you very much. I just want to tell you that some things should be said by me. You can't do it for me." Lin Baobao was very preoccupied, and then took Zong Xiaomei's other hand, He said enthusiastically: "Welcome, welcome, you are so welcome, little girl, I really like you."

"Nicky, nauseous, want to vomit." Tang Tian spared no effort to strike.

However, the two daughters, Tang Tian and Lin Baobao, were fighting among themselves, but they both liked Zong Xiaomei tightly. After a while, they were holding Zong Xiaomei's hand and chatting on the sofa , completely left Jiang Chen in the cold.

Shuang'er came back from buying groceries, and as soon as she entered the door, she was quite pleasantly surprised to see Miss Zong sitting on the sofa. She even forgot to cook, and chatted with Miss Zong together.

And I have to say that Zong Xiaomei is definitely not a good chat partner. After waking up in the car, Miaoyu disappeared. Not to mention, Chuchu entered an unfamiliar environment, even if she had met Tang Tiansan before. The woman, however, always inadvertently showed a bit of timid tenderness, raising her head to look at Jiang Chen from time to time, as if she was afraid that Jiang Chen would disappear if she was not careful.

The three daughters, Tang Tian, ​​chatted with Zong Xiaomei for about half an hour, and then they had a tacit understanding, saying that they would cook together to express their love and welcome to Zong Xiaomei.

"Jiang Chen, come with me." Tang Tian pulled Jiang Chen over and led him into the kitchen.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I still want to ask you what's the situation. How did I find out that Miss Zong's condition is very wrong?" Tang Tian said, rolling her eyes.

"Something happened in her family." Jiang Chen said amusedly, but he didn't expect Tang Tian to have such a sensitive side.

"Then why is she with you?" Tang Tian asked, rather doubting whether Jiang Chen had some kind of shady relationship with Zong Xiaomei.

You know, when I was chatting with Zong Xiaomei just now, I clearly noticed that every time Zong Xiaomei looked at Jiang Chen, there was a strong sense of dependence.

Since Zong Xiaomei was going to live here for a long time, Jiang Chen didn't hide anything, and simply explained the cause and effect.

"Ah, so that's what happened. My little sister is so pitiful. If something happened to her aunt, wouldn't my little sister be homeless? Jiang Chen, why are you so heartless and heartless? What? I, Tang Tian, ​​misunderstood you!" Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, Tang Tian complained bitterly to Jiang Chen.

"I... have no conscience?" Jiang Chen stared at Tang Tian dumbfounded. It was called a mess in the wind, he was such a bodhisattva with such a kind heart, how could he have no conscience?
"Jiang Chen, what Xiao Tiantian said is right, you just have no conscience, no, you are very heartless." Lin Baobao and Shuang'er walked into the kitchen at this time, just when they heard Tang Tian's words, Lin Baobao immediately chimed in road.

"Master, I also think it's your fault." Shuang'er said softly.

Ever since, Jiang Chen became more and more messy. For a moment, he couldn't help but wonder if he really had no conscience...

(End of this chapter)

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