genius evil

Chapter 962 Don't Mind Your Own Business

Chapter 962 Don't Mind Your Own Business
It is said that three people become tigers, one mouth makes gold, and Tang Tian and three women fully interpret the meaning of these two idioms in an extremely perfect way.

"What's wrong with me?" Hearing the three girls accusing him like this, as if he had made a huge mistake inadvertently, Jiang Chen was so wronged that he couldn't help crying. Drum called himself wronged.

"It's your fault. Could it be that we criticize you and you're not happy?" Tang Tian said angrily.

Without waiting for Jiang Chen to reply, Tang Tian immediately said: "Did you tell me personally that my little sister and her eldest aunt will be in danger?"

"That's right." Jiang Chen said.

Before, when Miaoyu talked to him about the grievances with the Goddess Sect, it was called death, no accident, this time to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference, doomed to die.

Moreover, Jiang Chen could tell that Miaoyu had long since had a desire to die, and if she fought against the Goddess Sect with this mentality, it would be even more ominous.

"That's right. If that's the case, why can't you help my little sister's eldest aunt? Have you ever thought that if my little sister's big aunt doesn't have an accident, then my little sister will be fine, let alone nothing?" home."

Jiang Chen looked at Tang Tian as if he had seen a ghost. A younger sister of Zong is already a big burden. Moreover, if he takes good care of younger sister Zong, the troubles of the Zong family may become his. trouble.

According to Tang Tian, ​​he was actually asked to help Qian Xiumen. Could it be that he was full and had nothing to do?

"You don't like even such a small matter. Isn't that hard-hearted and heartless?" Tang Tian said coldly.

"It's a long story and quite complicated, so I won't explain it to you." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Jiang Chen, don't quibble here, in the final analysis, you have no conscience." Lin Baobao said angrily.

"It has nothing to do with conscience." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, don't you even want a conscience?" Lin Baobao said in surprise.

Jiang Chen immediately understood why Tang Tian couldn't help but want to strangle Lin Baobao. Right now, he had a strong urge to strangle Lin Baobao to death.

Can we still have a pleasant chat?

Is it necessary to doubt his character so much?

"Master, human life is at stake. It's not a trivial matter. If possible, you should help my little sister and her aunt." Shuang'er said softly, with big eyes, she looked at Jiang Chen expectantly.

"I'll think about it again." Jiang Chen said perfunctorily. He regretted bringing Xiaomei Zong back now. Judging from the current situation, he was just asking for trouble.

Moreover, from the perspective of this development trend, these troubles will only snowball and increase.

"Don't think about it, let's make a decision now, you must help my little sister and her big aunt." Tang Tian said without doubt.

"Yes, we must help." Lin Baobao followed suit.

Shuang'er didn't speak, but judging from her expression, she also earnestly hoped that Jiang Chen could make a move.

It has to be said that when a woman's sympathy flares up, there is no reason at all.

And when a group of women's sympathy flares up, even if there is a great reason, there is no place to talk about it.

Tang Tian and the three daughters made it clear that they were on the side of justice that they believed to be righteous, and believed that Jiang Chen had a reason to take action, but they didn't know that from Jiang Chen's own point of view, Jiang Chen had more reasons to refuse shot.

Jiang Chen never thought of himself as a good person, nor had he ever considered himself a good person.

Occasionally, when he was in a good mood, Jiang Chen didn't mind being a good person once in a while, but that was just a matter of convenience. If he was asked to spend time and energy, or even take risks to do so-called good people and good deeds, it would never be Jiang Chen's fault. style!

"Needless to say, I will seriously consider it." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said solemnly.

Seeing this, Tang Tian and the three daughters knew that with Jiang Chen's personality, it was impossible to persuade Jiang Chen. Fortunately, Jiang Chen did not refuse outright, but said that he would seriously consider it, but he did not. Let the three girls feel more or less at ease.

Tang Tian pushed Jiang Chen away from the kitchen, and together with Lin Baobao and Shuang'er, they started preparing meals in the kitchen.

Jiang Chen entered the living room, poured a glass of water and handed it to Zong Xiaomei. Zong Xiaomei took the water glass, took a sip, and said in a low voice: "Jiang Chen, I heard what you said to them just now. .”

"Any thoughts?" Jiang Chen asked.

Zong Xiaomei looked at Jiang Chen in a daze, lowered her head silently, and asked, "Jiang Chen, do you think Eldest Auntie will die?"

"This point is beyond my control." Jiang Chen said truthfully, without intending to deceive Xiaomei Zong.

Although Jiang Chen knew very well that this was quite cruel to Zong Xiaomei, but one day in the future, if Miaoyu couldn't come back, Zong Xiaomei would have to bear it.

Instead of this, it would be better for Zong Xiaomei to face the reality. If Miaoyu really had an accident after the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, she would not be completely unprepared.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for taking me in." Zong Xiaomei didn't ask Jiang Chen to help, but said absentmindedly.


It takes nearly two hours for a meal to be ready.

Tang Tian and Lin Baobao were not so much there to help as to add to the chaos. Shuang'er had to keep cleaning up the mess, and then made this meal out of her busy schedule.

But even so, the two daughters, Tang Tian and Lin Baobao, also seemed to have an extra sense of accomplishment. After all, this could be regarded as the first time for the two of them to cook a meal.

No, at the dining table in the restaurant, the second daughter kept picking up dishes for Xiaomei Zong, and said conclusively that she did it herself.

In this way, the few dishes on the table were divided up by the two, as if there was nothing wrong with them.

The second daughter may be due to sympathy, she is so enthusiastic about Zong Xiaomei, Zong Xiaomei is simply unable to resist, intentionally or unintentionally, but they all ignore Jiang Chen's existence, let alone pick up food for Jiang Chen , even to serve rice, Jiang Chen had to do it himself.

"What a big resentment." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought to himself that after this meal, he had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, Tang Tian and the three daughters might complain about him.

But obviously, Jiang Chen was too naive. When he proposed to leave first after dinner, Tang Tian and the three daughters had no intention of releasing them at all.

"Jiang Chen, come with me." After dinner, Tang Tian said, and walked upstairs.

"What are you doing?" Touching his nose, Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment, and walked upstairs with Tang Tian.

Going upstairs and entering the bedroom, Jiang Chen immediately understood what Tang Tian was going to do, because as the bedroom door closed, Tang Tian's clothes disappeared miraculously.

Not to mention, with Tang Tian's help, Jiang Chen's clothes left his body one by one.

"Xiao Tiantian, are you the so-called Bao Nuan Si Na Han?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tang Tian didn't reply, she pushed Jiang Chen down on the bed, then sat on Jiang Chen's body and started to move.

"Jiang Chen, do you think I'm beautiful?" Tang Tian stretched out her small tongue, licked her red lips, and said coquettishly with a wink.

"Nature is beautiful." Jiang Chen said with a smile, this little goblin is becoming more and more charming.

"I'm so beautiful, so why didn't you agree to help my little sister?" Who knew, Tang Tian turned her face instantly and said angrily.

"Xiao Tiantian, do you think it is appropriate to discuss this kind of topic under such circumstances?" Jiang Chen said with black lines all over his head.

"Of course it's appropriate, I just want to discuss this topic with you." Tang Tian said with a cold snort.

Tang Tian was focused on persuading Jiang Chen, so she put in extra effort, but it was a pity that she underestimated Jiang Chen's perseverance and let her resort to all kinds of methods, but Jiang Chen would not let go.

In the end, Tang Tian had to lose.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Who knows, this good show has just begun. At some point, Lin Baobao slipped in and joined the battle group to persuade Jiang Chen.

Later, when Lin Baobao was exhausted, Shuang'er came.

This afternoon, under the lobbying of the three women in turn, Jiang Chen was so desperate to live and die, even if he had a strong mind, he almost couldn't control himself.

This kind of lobbying lasted until dark, and the three girls were all hungry, so they had to temporarily truce and strictly asked Jiang Chen not to slip away, and wait until after dinner to continue.

Regarding the attitude of the three women, Jiang Chen seriously suspected whether they were acting for personal gain, under the guise of being good to Zong Xiaomei, but actually trying to squeeze him dry.

After dinner, it was already eight o'clock. This time, Tang Tian and the three daughters ran upstairs together. They felt that the lobbying method in the afternoon was a bit wrong, and they were accidentally defeated by Jiang Chen one by one. When it was time, it was decided that the three of them lobbied together, leaving no room for Jiang Chen to breathe.

However, after the three girls went upstairs, they waited in the bedroom for more than ten minutes, but none of them saw Jiang Chen go upstairs.

"Where's Jiang Chen, shouldn't he have run away?" Tang Tian said.

"No way, how could he run? He hasn't had enough fun yet." Baby Lin complained.

"Baby Lin, is this a game? This is a battle, so be serious." Tang Tian warned.

"Well, I haven't fought enough yet." Lin Baobao immediately changed his words and said pitifully.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't run, but walked out of the villa, a yellow figure led the way in front of him, and soon the two of them appeared beside a small artificial lake in the villa manor.

"Since you came to find me on purpose, wouldn't it be too much to pretend to be a ghost?" Jiang Chen said lazily while staring at the yellow figure.

"Boy, I'm here to warn you that the matter of the Zong family and Qianxiu family has nothing to do with you. If you meddle in your own business, you will ruin your life carefully." The woman in the yellow skirt said coldly, the evil spirit was extremely astonishing .

"So, this is actually threatening me, isn't it?" Jiang Chen smiled and said calmly.

"You can understand it this way." The woman in the yellow skirt said noncommittally, looking at Jiang Chen like that, as if she was looking at a dead person!
(End of this chapter)

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