genius evil

Chapter 963 I Changed My Mind

Chapter 963 I Changed My Mind
The woman in the yellow skirt, estimated to be about fifty years old, had a pair of inverted triangular eyes and a mean face. When she was angry, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows raised slightly, and the meanness became more and more obvious. some.

There is no doubt that this kind of woman is very difficult to deal with.

And the few words this woman said also subtly confirmed this point.

Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't take the threat of the woman in yellow to heart, smiled, and said, "Elder Miaoyu hasn't been away for a long time, you found me so quickly, you must have been following me early in the morning Elder Miaoyu's whereabouts."

"Even if you guessed it right, so what?" the woman in the yellow skirt said noncommittally.

"Not really, I'm just a little curious, don't you know my identity?" Jiang Chen looked at the woman in the yellow skirt very suspiciously, and said slowly.

"Of course I know a little about your identity, but so what? Do you think you are great? Do you think that my Goddess Sect will be afraid of you?" The woman in the yellow skirt sneered, as if watching a joke looked at Jiang Chen.

"Of course I'm amazing." Jiang Chen said with incomparable sincerity.

If people like him are not considered great, then dare to ask, who else in this world dares to call themselves great?
Jiang Chen had never been a humble person, and he didn't need to be modest when it came to this issue.

After all, this is an impressive fact that cannot be changed.

"You all naturally need to be afraid of me." After saying a word, Jiang Chen followed suit, speaking in a leisurely manner.

When he said the second sentence, Jiang Chen was still extremely sincere, as if he was simply telling the woman in the yellow skirt a fact, and he was afraid that he should.

On the contrary, if you are not afraid of him, then there is a problem.

"Jiang Chen, are you joking?" The woman in the yellow skirt snorted very much, then said impatiently: "I have already given you some advice, if you still want to meddle in your own business, you will be at your own risk."

"For example, what will be the consequences?" Jiang Chen asked calmly.

"I will kill you, and then kill the other three women in the villa." The woman in the yellow skirt said indifferently.

"You're so stupid, really." Jiang Chen sighed helplessly.

"What do you mean by that?" The woman in the yellow skirt said angrily.

"If you really know me, even if you only know a little bit, then you should also know that I am not a nosy person." Jiang Chen said.

"But you are already meddling in your own business." The woman in the yellow skirt reminded.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet, what are you in such a hurry for?" Jiang Chen waved his hand, signaling the woman in the yellow skirt to shut up, and said, "You shouldn't threaten me, let alone the people around me I made two mistakes in a row, you are not stupid, what are you?"

"Shut up." The woman in the yellow skirt said in a serious tone, "Jiang Chen, I don't have time to play tricks with you. It seems that you plan to take this nosy business to the end, right? Then, you are ready to bear my anger."

Jiang Chen, as if he didn't hear the woman in yellow skirt's angry reprimand, said leisurely: "Again, I really don't like to meddle in other people's business, but I'm sorry, I've decided to change my mind now."

"Looking for death." The woman in the yellow skirt shouted sharply, and slapped Jiang Chen with her right hand.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to look at the woman in the yellow skirt, so he slapped the woman in the yellow skirt at random, and hit the woman in the yellow skirt on the right cheek. In an instant, five red finger prints emerged from the woman in the yellow skirt.

"The mere existence of the ninth floor of Houtian, an ancient martial artist, dares to speak nonsense in front of me." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chen slapped the woman in the yellow skirt again on the left side of her face. Immediately, five red finger prints also appeared on the left side of the woman in the yellow skirt.

Jiang Chen spoke very fast, but Jiang Chen shot even faster.

The two slaps were almost seamless, and when the woman in the yellow skirt reacted, the two slaps had already landed on the woman in the yellow skirt, directly blinding the woman in the yellow skirt.

"" The woman in the yellow skirt looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, so unbelievable.

You know, she is a strong person in the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts. Although her strength is slightly inferior to that of Miaoyu, she is much stronger than Miaoyun and Miaobing.

This is why she dared to follow Miaoyu alone.

The woman in the yellow skirt never expected that in terms of her strength, in front of Jiang Chen, she could only be hanged and beaten.

If Jiang Chen hadn't slapped her, but directly slapped the killer, she would probably be dead at this moment.

"The promised understanding of me? I'm curious, have you really understood me?" Jiang Chen said in bewilderment, and slapped him again.

Seeing Jiang Chen's big hand drawn towards him, the woman in the yellow skirt subconsciously wanted to dodge, but she couldn't dodge at all.

Jiang Chen's slap in the face seemed slow, but in fact it was reaching its peak. It was almost her movement that landed on her face. There was a clear and clear slap, and the woman in the yellow dress only felt her half His cheeks were bruised and swollen.

"Have I ever told you that I'm amazing? Why, you just don't believe my words? Have I ever told you that you need to be afraid of me, so it's possible that you took my words as a deaf ear." Jiang Chen Xuxu He muttered, and then, the fourth slap was slapped.

"I also said that I'm not a meddling person. If you can understand people's words, you should know what you should do. Unfortunately, you are really stupid. What are you doing?" Forcing me, forcing me to change my mind." With a look of helplessness on his face, Jiang Chen slapped the woman in the yellow skirt heavily on the face for the fifth time.

"Don't be nervous, let alone be afraid. I won't kill you tonight. After all, if you were to be killed, how would you Goddess Sect know that I changed my mind?" Jiang Chen slapped the sixth time. Pulling it out, the woman in the yellow skirt staggered and fell to the ground.


Deep in the brain of the woman in the yellow skirt, there was a buzzing sound. Although Jiang Chen didn't hurt the killer, he didn't stay strong when he struck.

Both cheeks of the woman in the yellow skirt were swollen like a pig's head, more or less, she was beaten into a concussion by Jiang Chen.

This is also the reason why the woman in the yellow skirt is so powerful, otherwise, with Jiang Chen's strength, she might just be beaten to death by Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, please speak clearly." The woman in the yellow skirt threw herself on the ground and said hysterically.

"It's very simple. From tonight on, I, Jiang Chen, will take care of everything about the Zong family and the Qianxiu family." Looking down at the woman in the yellow skirt, Jiang Chen said lazily.

The woman in the yellow skirt gasped, looked at Jiang Chen in amazement, and thought, could it be that she was really wrong?

I shouldn't threaten Jiang Chen, let alone attack Jiang Chen, otherwise, Jiang Chen wouldn't change his mind.

But is it really so?

Jiang Chen took in the younger sister of the sect, which meant that Jiang Chen was against the Goddess sect.

Furthermore, this is not the first time Jiang Chen has protected Zong Xiaomei. That time, in Yilan City, Miao Yun died, and it was Jiang Chen who escorted Zong Xiaomei all the way to Tianhang.

The woman in the yellow skirt thought that Jiang Chen was just playing tricks, but her subconscious mind told her that was not the case, Jiang Chen really didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

The woman in the yellow skirt was a little confused, completely unable to understand what tricks Jiang Chen was playing.

But there is one thing that the woman in the yellow dress knows, that is, from today onwards, Jiang Chen will formally break with the Goddess Sect. If the Goddess Sect dares to take action against the Zong Family and the Qianxiu Clan, it will be an enemy of Jiang Chen .

"Jiang Chen, I understand what you mean. Since you said you won't kill me, can I leave now?" the woman in the yellow skirt said.

She is not Jiang Chen's opponent, and there is no point in staying.

Moreover, the woman in the yellow skirt was worried that Jiang Chen would change his mind, and if she stayed for a second longer, it would be more dangerous!
"I said I wouldn't kill you, but I didn't say that I would let you go easily." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

If it weren't for the woman in the yellow skirt to speak, the woman in the yellow skirt would have died long ago, but if he dared to threaten him with the people around him, even if he didn't kill the woman in the yellow skirt, how could he make her feel better? ?

After the words fell, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the woman in the yellow skirt in the next second, raised his foot, and quickly kicked the woman in the yellow skirt with several kicks.


Following Jiang Chen kicking her body one after another, the woman in the yellow skirt found that every cell in her body seemed to be protesting. The inhuman pain made her so painful that she couldn't bear to live. In the end, the whites of her eyes rolled. Completely passed out.

"Jiang Chen..." The soft and weak voice, with a little trembling, penetrated into Jiang Chen's ears at the moment when the woman in the yellow skirt passed out.

When Jiang Chen turned his head, he suddenly saw a green figure standing not far behind him, except for Zong Xiaomei.

"Little sister, why did you come out?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I just saw you come out." Zong Xiaomei asked anxiously.

"Then you heard everything again?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"Yes." Gritting her white teeth lightly, Zong Xiaomei said in a low voice, "Jiang Chen, thank you."

"It's fine to thank me or something. If you have to thank me, then thank the idiots in this world. There are too many." Jiang Chen said with a long sigh.

He really doesn't want to be nosy.

Miaoyu forced him once, but this woman in yellow skirt forced him again, could it be that he, Jiang Chen, looks like a good person?

"In short, thank you." She gritted her teeth even tighter, and Zong Xiaomei's voice also became lower, inaudible.

As she spoke, she could clearly see that there were two teardrops rolling down the girl's delicate cheeks.

Jiang Chen walked over, stretched out his hand, and slowly wiped away the two teardrops on Zong Xiaomei's face, feeling quite distressed. This carefree, innocent girl, judging from the current situation, I'm afraid that from now on, her life will never be as peaceful as before...

(End of this chapter)

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