genius evil

Chapter 964 I'm a Genius

Chapter 964 I'm a Genius

This night, Jiang Chen lived in the villa.

Tang Tian's three daughters, who didn't know what had happened, continued to use their unique methods to persevere in persuading Jiang Chen. Moreover, the performance of the three women was one by one, as if they didn't know what it meant to be tired. of.

Looking at that appearance, it was clear that he would not give up unless Jiang Chen was persuaded.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, was extremely happy with the three daughters' way of lobbying, so he simply pretended to be stupid to the end.

As for the end, it is hard to say who will take advantage and who will suffer.


The next morning, Tang Tian expressed her interest in going shopping. After breakfast, she took Zong Xiaomei and led Lin Baobao and Shuang'er out without asking Zong Xiaomei if she wanted to or if she liked it. I don't like shopping.

Looking at Zong Xiaomei's tender and pitiful appearance who was bullied but had to submit to it, Jiang Chen wondered if Tang Tian did it on purpose.

However, no matter whether Tang Tian intends to or not, the life of Zong Xiaomei here will not be too boring, and Jiang Chen is happy to see it.

The four girls all went shopping, Jiang Chen had nothing to do, so he just drove back to Capital University.

"Look, look, is that car a Land Rover?" Jiang Chen had just driven the car and entered the Capital University. Among the girls who were walking, one girl spotted Jiang Chen's car and pointed at Jiang Chen's car. , Ask the female companion around you.

"Yeah, it's a Land Rover." Another girl stared at the car and said.

"It seems a bit familiar." A tall, pure-looking girl stared at the car and said in a low voice.

"Hee hee, tell me, Wan Xi, why does it look familiar? Do you know this local tyrant who drives a Land Rover?" The first girl who spoke said with a playful smile.

Her small face was slightly red, Gu Wanxi glanced at the license plate, she was sure that it looked familiar, it was Jiang Chen's car, and said embarrassedly: "It's not a local tyrant."

"Aren't they local tyrants? But how did I hear that those who like this kind of car are all local tyrants?" The girl said in disbelief.

"It's really not a local tyrant. If you see the owner of the car, you will know." Gu Wanxi explained.

"So Wanxi, you know the owner of the car?" The girl blinked, proud of her cliché skills.

Gu Wanxi's face became even redder, and she said, "I know each other. If there is a chance in the future, I will introduce you to each other."

"Wanxi, you are so kind. I've never met a local tyrant. Tell me quickly, whether this local tyrant is handsome or not." The girl said excitedly.

"It's already said that you are not a local tyrant, so stop talking nonsense." Gu Wanxi said dissatisfiedly, she felt that the word "local tyrant" was completely insulting Jiang Chen.

"I'm not really a local tyrant, but I'm really handsome." Even in the car, the voices of Gu Wanxi and the others were inevitably heard by Jiang Chen.

There were people coming and going in the campus, and the speed of the car was not fast, so Jiang Chen simply pulled the car over and walked over.

"You're so handsome." The beauty who was talking to Gu Wanxi, when she saw Jiang Chen, little stars would pop out of her eyes, she was a nympho.

Gu Wanxi lowered her head, feeling ashamed, how come she has known her for so long, and she didn't realize that this woman has such a nympho side?

Or is Jiang Chen really so handsome that she has no reserve at all?

"Let me just say, I'm handsome." Jiang Chen said narcissistically.

"Handsome guy, you're so narcissistic. Wan Xi said she knew you, what's your relationship?" the girl said mischievously.

"The kind of relationship that is very familiar." Jiang Chen said casually, dealing with this kind of little girl who has not yet left school, Jiang Chen is very familiar with it.

"Very familiar? How familiar?" The girl's gossip mentality was immediately mobilized following Jiang Chen's words.

"You're going to ask beautiful woman Wanxi about this." Jiang Chen said with a smile, not directly speaking to the girl's appetite, but said a few words to Gu Wanxi, turned around, got in the car and left.

"Wanxi, tell me quickly, what's the relationship between you two?" the girl said impatiently, being overwhelmed by Jiang Chen's appetite.

"Jiang Chen is my cousin's boyfriend." Hesitating, Gu Wanxi said.

"Your cousin? Nangong Xiaohua... Ah, I remembered, so he is Jiang Chen. The real person is even more handsome than the rumored one, and he looks rich. Nangong Xiaohua is really lucky." The girl said enviously.

The other two girls also expressed their envy.

Only Gu Wanxi felt a little sad.

"Cousin's boyfriend seems to have put a label on Jiang Chen." Gu Wanxi said silently in her heart.

Even though Jiang Chen was a freshman, he was in the limelight for a while. He did not know how many old students were overshadowed. There may be many students in the school who have never seen Jiang Chen, but basically most of them have heard of Jiang Chen. Over Jiang Chen's name.

Gu Wanxi knew very well that once the female classmates around her learned of Jiang Chen's identity, they would all have such a reaction.

Handsome and rich, this should be the prince charming in the minds of many girls.

It's no wonder that they all envy Nangong Hua so much.

Even she herself felt a little sore in her heart.


Last night, Jiang Chen was so tormented that he almost didn't sleep all night. No, after returning to the dormitory, Jiang Chen slept with his head covered for several hours.

It wasn't until Nangonghua's call came in that Jiang Chen got up and had lunch with Nangonghua.

"Wanxi said that she met you at the school gate in the morning." Nangong Hua said while eating in the school cafeteria.

"Then what?" Jiang Chen said vaguely while gobbling.

"Then Wan Xi told me to watch you more." Nangong Hua said.

Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and said, "And then?"

"I think Wan Xi's suggestion is right. You're too hardworking, and you don't see him all day long, so you don't know what you're up to." Nangong Hua said slightly complaining.

"Who is too bothered?" Jian Xiaoyu just came over and asked curiously after hearing Nangong Hua's words.

Nangong Hua pointed at Jiang Chen, Jian Xiaoyu understood, smiled slightly, and said: "Nangong, you are right, you really should watch Jiang Chen more, otherwise the freshman class will officially start in a few days, and you probably won't be able to see it." What about others?"

"Two big beauties, let's forget about the class." Jiang Chen said with a bitter face.

Hearing this, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

No matter what Jiang Chen said, it means that he doesn't like class, no, it should be said that he hates class.

However, how did a guy who hated even going to class get into the Capital University?

Moreover, according to the information they got from fairy tales, Jiang Chen entered Capital University as the number one student in the Jiangnan Provincial College Entrance Examination.

Although, no matter how you look at it, Jiang Chen doesn't look like a schoolmaster in the traditional sense.

But on this issue, Fairy Tale obviously won't lie to them, and there is no need to lie.

"Jiang Chen, don't you plan to go to class?" Nangong Hua asked strangely, thinking what kind of freak is this pervert.

"It just so happens that we will be leaving the capital in a few days." Jiang Chen said.

He was going to attend the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, but since it was not easy to talk about this kind of thing with the second daughter, he might as well take it as a leave today, and let the second daughter have a psychological preparation for his disappearance.

"Fairy said that your academic performance is very good, is it true? Jian Xiaoyu is more concerned about this issue.

Jiang Chen smiled proudly, and said proudly, "That's right, I'm a genius."

"Smelly shameless." Nangong Hua rolled her eyes.

Jiang Chen just laughed out loud, and said, "You two beauties, don't you think it's too boring to talk about this kind of topic? I don't know if you two have time in the afternoon, how about we go on a date?"


Following Jiang Chen's words, both Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu made a big fuss.

Naturally, they would not refuse a date, but the premise of that was a two-person date, but what Jiang Chen meant was a three-person date.

Even though they knew that Jiang Chen was very fickle, and knew that Jiang Chen had many girlfriends, but in this situation, the second daughter was at a loss and flustered.

"If you didn't refuse, then I'll treat you two as agreeing." Jiang Chen said.

Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu looked at each other, not knowing what each other was thinking in their hearts, they silently lowered their heads, but neither of them rejected Jiang Chen's suggestion.

Jiang Chen naturally knew that the two of them would not refuse, they were both the favored children of heaven, they were both proud girls, they did not fall behind in studies, and even in terms of love, they had an unyielding vigor to admit defeat.

If anyone objected, it would undoubtedly mean that they lost to the opponent.

After a meal was finished quickly, Jiang Chen led the two girls who had different thoughts, walked out of the cafeteria, walked straight to the boys' dormitory building, and then drove away from Capital University to formally start the three-person date.

However, none of the three of them noticed that there was a delicate figure standing under a tree downstairs in the boys' dormitory. It was Gu Wanxi.

In the morning, I met Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's deliberately joking words made Gu Wanxi feel a little uneasy.

After eating, Gu Wanxi came downstairs to the boys' dormitory. She originally wanted to make a phone call and ask Jiang Chen to come down. Who knew that before she could make a call, she saw Jiang Chen, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu appearing. up.

"Are you going on a date?" Watching the car leave, Gu Wanxi muttered to herself, her thoughts became more complicated before she knew it.

Jiang Chen was Nangonghua's boyfriend, but when they were dating, he took Jian Xiaoyu with him. From Gu Wanxi's point of view, it meant that Nangonghua acquiesced in Jian Xiaoyu's existence.

Gu Wanxi couldn't believe this kind of situation in the past, after all, she knew very well how proud Nangong Hua was, and there was no sand in her eyes.

Jiang Chen didn't shy away from Nangonghua at all. Under Nangonghua's nose, he went on a date with Jian Xiaoyu, which greatly overturned Gu Wanxi's three views.

Gu Wanxi didn't leave until the car went away and disappeared from the field of vision. She stood under the tree by herself, hesitating and wandering, sometimes happy, sometimes worried...

(End of this chapter)

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