genius evil

Chapter 965 Jiang Chen's Only Flaw

Chapter 965 Jiang Chen's Only Flaw

Jiang Chen drove the car all the way out of Capital University and on the road.

After Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu got into the car, they sat in the back seat together by coincidence. The two women stayed together from beginning to end without saying a word.

But even though he didn't speak, judging from the expressions of the second daughter, it can be seen that the second daughter's heart is not at peace at the moment.

"Where is Jiang Chen taking Xiaoyu and me?" Nangong Hua was thinking to herself.

Even if you have never dated anyone before, there is actually a certain process in Nangonghua's self-cognition.

It's nothing more than shopping, eating, watching movies, and the last step of opening a house!
Because of the meal just now, the item of eating is naturally ruled out.

Nangong Hua felt that whether it was shopping or watching a movie, it was a good option, even if there were three of them together, it would not look too abrupt.

But because Jiang Chen never played cards according to common sense, Nangong Hua felt that Jiang Chen's so-called dating was definitely not that simple.

Maybe, Jiang Chen would omit the prelude and directly take her and Jian Xiaoyu to the room!
Nangong Hua wouldn't mind if she and Jiang Chen were going to open a room together, she was already Jiang Chen's woman, so she couldn't stay in that dilapidated small rental house every time, right?

However, now that they brought Jian Xiaoyu together and broke their heads, Nangong Hua couldn't imagine what it would be like if three people went to open a room.

Moreover, if Jiang Chen really did that, should she refuse?Or should I accept it?

If so, what reason should be given for the refusal?
Nangong Hua thought a lot at once, and her thoughts were very chaotic. The more she thought, the more she felt that it was most likely that Jiang Chen would take her and Jian Xiaoyu to open a room.

Nangong Hua's mind was complicated, while Jian Xiaoyu's mood could be called uneasy.

Jian Xiaoyu had dated Jiang Chen once, and it was also the first date in her life with a boy.

The meeting place is at Capital University.

This time, it was her second date with Jiang Chen.

Jian Xiaoyu believes that without Nangong Hua, this date would have been perfect.

But it is obviously impossible to have ifs, because Nangong Hua is in the car now, and it is impossible for her to drive Nangong Hua out of the car.

Jian Xiaoyu also thought about where Jiang Chen would take him and Nangong Hua on a date. Jian Xiaoyu also understood the usual dating routines between men and women.

She herself prefers Jiang Chen to take her and Nangong Hua to go shopping. In that case, she can buy a few clothes by the way, and ask Nangong Hua to refer to them.

It's just that Jian Xiaoyu felt that it was not very likely that Jiang Chen would take her and Nangong Hua to go shopping.

At this point, Jian Xiaoyu and Nangong Hua couldn't help but thought of something together.

The young girl, who was not a human being, thought that she might be taken by Jiang Chen to open a room, her cheeks were hot, her delicate body trembled slightly, she couldn't help herself, and she was extremely nervous.

Between male and female friends, when the relationship develops to a certain stage, there will always be many firsts for each other, such as the first date, the first time eating together, and the first time going to a hotel to open a room.

As the intimacy between the two sides continues to deepen, these first times are inevitable.

Jian Xiaoyu is conservative, but not pedantic. She doesn't think there is any big problem with Jiang Chen taking her to open a room. Perhaps the only problem is that the pace from the first date to the first room is too fast.

But it was the first time, so it was impossible to say that there was no special feeling.

He didn't resist being taken by Jiang Chen to open a room, and never expressed that Jian Xiaoyu was willing to be taken by Jiang Chen to open a room with Nangong Hua.

"Miss Nangong, Miss Xiaoyu, I see you both seem very excited." Jiang Chen said with a light smile after glancing at the second daughter in the rear seat through the rearview mirror.

"Jiang Chen, where are you taking me and Xiaoyu?" Nangong Hua asked straightforwardly after hearing Jiang Chen's words, otherwise, she would only be more excited.

"Haven't thought about it yet, I wonder if Nangong Meimei has any good suggestions." Jiang Chen said.

What Jiang Chen said was not a lie, but that he really didn't think it through.

It was said that the three of them were dating together, but they happened to meet in the cafeteria, and Jiang Chen had a sudden idea. Naturally, Jiang Chen would not know that his temporary idea caused the two girls to have so many associations.

"Didn't think about it?" Nangong Hua was suspicious and didn't quite believe what Jiang Chen said.

However, since Jiang Chen asked her to make suggestions, Nangong Hua naturally would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately said: "It just so happens that the season is about to change, I haven't bought any clothes yet, let's go shopping."

"Yes, let's go shopping for clothes." Jian Xiaoyu said in a hurry.

"Little fisherman, do you want to buy clothes too?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I can't wear last year's clothes anymore. I need to buy some clothes." Jian Xiaoyu said shyly, realizing that he was too anxious to express his opinion, and worried that Jiang Chen would see his small thoughts.

"Well, let's go to the mall first." Jiang Chen said, accepting Nangong Hua's suggestion.

"Go to the mall first?" Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Nangong Hua couldn't help but wonder what it meant to go to the mall first. Could it be that she really planned to take her and Jian Xiaoyu to open a room?
It was just because she and Jian Xiaoyu both wanted to go to the mall to buy clothes, Jiang Chen had no choice but to accommodate, and wait until she and Jian Xiaoyu had bought clothes before going to open a house?
Fortunately, Jiang Chen didn't reject the suggestion to go to the shopping mall outright, which made Nangong Hua heave a sigh of relief.

Nangong Hua secretly decided in her heart that after she went to the shopping mall, she would delay for a while so that Jiang Chen would not have the opportunity to arrange other things.

In that way, it might be possible to avoid being taken by Jiang Chen to open a room today.

Jiang Chen was not familiar with the shopping mall near Capital University. Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu said the name of a shopping mall in unison. Jiang Chen turned on the navigation and drove there.

The distance is not far, and it takes about ten minutes to arrive.

After getting off the car and entering the shopping mall, Jiang Chen followed Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu, and started shopping in the shopping mall.

"Xiao Yu, help me see how this dress is." Nangong Hua picked up a dress at a women's clothing counter, gestured on his chest, and asked Jian Xiaoyu's opinion.

"The color and style match you very well, hurry up and try it on." Jian Xiaoyu said, and at the same time, he was looking for clothes that suit him.

"Xiaoyu, I think that dress suits you quite well." After a while, Dang finished trying on the clothes and walked out of the fitting room. Seeing that Jian Xiaoyu had no clue, Nangong Hua pointed out a piece of clothing to Jian Xiaoyu.

Looking in the direction Nangong Hua pointed at, Jian Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, he asked the shopping guide to take it off, and entered the fitting room.

Both Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu are rare beauties. They are tall and well-proportioned. It is no exaggeration to say that they are born models.

Although they have been carefully selected all the time, in fact, if you take a piece of clothing casually, as long as the size is suitable, it will not feel out of place when you wear it on the two of them.

Girls choose clothes very carefully, so naturally it takes more time to buy a piece of clothing.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry, he leisurely drank the coffee brought to him by the shopping guide, and quietly watched Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu's fitting meeting.

"Sir, you can pay the bill." After almost half an hour, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu picked out a few pieces of clothing respectively, and the shopping guide said to Jiang Chen in a soft voice.

"Okay." Jiang Chen handed over a card casually, and said casually, "There is no password, just swipe it."

The shopping guide took the card and was about to swipe it. Nangong Hua hurriedly stopped: "Just swipe my own card."

"Beauty, aren't you boyfriend and girlfriend?" the shopping guide asked.

But after saying this, the shopping guide looked at Jian Xiaoyu again, suddenly a little confused, because she couldn't tell which one was Jiang Chen's girlfriend, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu.

Or, both of them are Jiang Chen's girlfriends?

"It's true that they are boyfriend and girlfriend, but I still swipe my card." Nangonghua insisted.

"Miss Nangong, as your boyfriend, don't you even give me a chance to show off?" Jiang Chen walked over and said innocently, while motioning for the shopping guide to swipe his card.

The shopping guide understands, quickly swipes the card to check out, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu are quite helpless, dating is one thing, buying clothes is another.

They all knew that Jiang Chen might have money, maybe a lot of money, but they were not materialistic girls, and they never thought about spending Jiang Chen's money.

But obviously, Jiang Chen would not give them a chance to refuse.

"Jiang Chen, I will return the money to you when I go back to school." Jian Xiaoyu whispered.

"Xiao Yumei, you may not know that I have nothing, the only thing I have more is money. If you and Nangong beauty don't help spend a little, I will be very angry." Jiang Chen bluffed said the face.

The shopping guide suddenly realized that these two beauties were indeed Jiang Chen's girlfriends.

For a while, they didn't know whether to say that Jiang Chen was very lucky, or that Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu were lucky enough to find a boyfriend who was willing to spend money for them.

"Then...well..." Jian Xiaoyu said shyly.

"Jiang Chen, are you really rich?" Nangong Hua asked after walking out of the counter after a while.

"I've always been perfect. Being too rich is my only shortcoming." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Well, don't feel bad." Nangong Hua said with a soft snort.

Jian Xiaoyu was dumbfounded. Just now Nangong Hua said that he would not spend Jiang Chen's money, why did he change his attitude all of a sudden?

Seeing Jian Xiaoyu's confused face, Nangong Hua pulled Jian Xiaoyu over and whispered a few words in Jian Xiaoyu's ear. She didn't know what Nangong Hua said, but it made Jian Xiaoyu short of breath and blushed.

"Let's go, let's pay for it." After saying those few words, Nangong Hua glanced at Jiang Chen and said provocatively.

Soon, Nangong Hua pulled Jian Xiaoyu into another counter.

"Open the room?" Jiang Chen slowly followed behind the second daughter, smiling.

Although Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu's voice was very small, how could it escape his ears? They even wanted to spend money to make his heart hurt, and then avoid being taken to open a room by him. Jiang Chen could only express that Nangong Hua really It's so naive and so cute...

(End of this chapter)

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