genius evil

Chapter 966 You Are Hopeless

Chapter 966 You Are Hopeless
One man, two women and three people date, literally, it is full of ambiguous and charming atmosphere.

If those two women, holding the man's card, kept swiping the card to shop in the mall, the ambiguous taste would naturally deepen.

At least, that's the case for the shopping guides in those stores.

Because Nangonghua decided to spend more time in the mall, the time was naturally not wasted, and all of it was spent by Nangonghua on shopping.

After buying all the way like this, Nangong Hua couldn't take it anymore, and Jian Xiaoyu was even more ashamed and uneasy.

It was the first time for the two girls to spend a man's money, and without knowing it, they seemed to have spent a lot.

Jiang Chen's reaction to the second daughter is temporarily unknown, but the second daughter did not have the courage to continue spending money.

"Jiang Chen, let's go out." Looking at the large and small shopping bags Jiang Chen was carrying, Jian Xiaoyu was extremely embarrassed.

"Xiao Yumei, have you bought all of them? I think you can buy a few more." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Enough is enough. There are so many clothes, I can't wear them all this year." Jian Xiaoyu whispered.

"Then Nangong beauty, you can buy a few more." Jiang Chen said to Nangonghua without forcing.

"I've bought it too." Nangong Hua said angrily.

She had originally thought about spending Jiang Chen's money continuously until Jiang Chen's heart felt bad. How could she know that Jiang Chen didn't mean to feel bad at all, on the contrary, it was her own heart that felt bad.

"How much money does this guy have?" Nangong Hua couldn't help thinking in her heart.

About how much money he has, in fact, even Jiang Chen himself is not very clear, or in other words, his money is too much, so much that he has no feeling at all.

To Jiang Chen, money is just a number without much meaning.

Not to mention, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu just took his card to buy a few clothes, even if they were going to buy a car or a house, Jiang Chen didn't even blink.

No way, money is willful.

It has to be said that from the very beginning, Nangong Hua was wrong.

Another point is that even if Jiang Chen has no money, as a man, spending money for his own woman is a matter of course, so why would he feel distressed?

Both Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu stopped shopping, and Jiang Chen led the two daughters out of the shopping mall.

Unknowingly, several hours passed, Jiang Chen glanced at the sky outside, and said with a smile: "You two should be tired, why don't we find a place to rest."

"Open the room?" Nangonghua asked subconsciously.

"I see there is no coffee shop there. I originally wanted to take Nangong Meimei and Xiaoyumeimei to have a cup of coffee, but since Nangong Meimei wants to go to the hotel to rest, let's open a room." Jiang Chen Said along the way.

Nangong Hua was ashamed and angry.

What do you mean she wants to go to the hotel to rest?
Obviously Jiang Chen said that on purpose, causing her to have ambiguity, okay?
"The coffee shop is pretty good, let's go drink coffee." Nangong Hua could only pretend that he didn't hear Jiang Chen's words, and acted nonchalantly.

"How about you beauty Xiaoyu, are you going to the hotel to rest?" Jiang Chen asked Jian Xiaoyu.

"Go to the coffee shop." Jian Xiaoyu stammered.

"It seems that in big hotels, there are coffee shops. In fact, we can go to the hotel and ask the waiter to deliver the coffee to the room, and drink coffee while resting. Thinking about it is very good." Jiang Chen touched With his chin down, he looked extremely longing.

Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu glanced at each other, both very flustered, and then Nangong Hua took Jian Xiaoyu's hand, ignored Jiang Chen, and walked directly towards the coffee shop.

Looking at the figures of the two girls who seemed to be in a panic, Jiang Chen couldn't stop laughing.

For this impromptu three-person date, Jiang Chen really never thought about taking the second daughter to a hotel to open a room at first. Even if he is a pervert, he is still a pervert with taste, sentiment and integrity. How can you force them?
Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu's worries were obviously superfluous, but Jiang Chen knew that they had already determined that they had no morals, so they simply didn't explain it. If they explained, they would not believe it.

What's more, if you explain it, wouldn't today's three-person date lack a lot of fun?
Jiang Chen put the shopping bag in the trunk of the car, and then Shi Shiran walked to the coffee shop.

Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu ordered coffee and waited for Jiang Chen. In this coffee shop, listening to piano music, it took almost an hour before they checked out and left.

As soon as they walked out of the coffee shop, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu, perhaps because of a discussion, said in unison that they were hungry, so they went to find a restaurant to eat.

In short, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu teamed up to unite the front, which was constantly killing time and Jiang Chen's patience.

After eating, they ate snacks, and after eating snacks, they said that they would press the road to digest and digest. In this way, the three of them were able to return to the car until around nine o'clock in the evening.

"Jiang Chen, drive quickly, the dormitory will be closed soon." Nangong Hua urged impatiently as soon as he got in the car.

"Auntie the housekeeper is very fierce. If the door is closed, no matter how much you plead, she won't let anyone in." Jian Xiaoyu said very worriedly.

"Why do you have to go back to the dormitory? You can definitely find a hotel outside, can't you?" Jiang Chen pretended to be puzzled.

"We didn't bring our ID cards." Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu said in unison.

Jiang Chen smiled, and lazily said: "It's okay, I can handle it."

"Ah, I remembered, there is still something to deal with, Jiang Chen, drive faster, or you will stay up late at night." Nangong Hua said worriedly.

"It's the same when we deal with it tomorrow." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I made an appointment with Mao Dan and the others. We will go to self-study together tomorrow morning." Jian Xiaoyu racked his brains and said.

"You can find a hotel that is closer to the school, it won't delay things," Jiang Chen said.

While the three were talking, Jiang Chen drove to the Capital University.

Along the way, the three of them were constantly fighting wits and wits. Whether it was Nangong Hua or Jian Xiaoyu, they tried their best to persuade Jiang Chen to send them back to the bedroom.

On Jiang Chen's side, the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth, no matter what excuse the two girls found, it would be easy to dissolve it.

Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu were both helpless. They could see that Jiang Chen was completely unable to get in the oil and water. It seemed that he would not give up without taking the two of them to the hotel to open a room.

Seeing that the car was getting closer and closer to Capital University, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu did not dare to relax, because outside of Capital University, there were mostly hotels and hostels, large and small.

It can be said that being too close is more dangerous than being far away.

What's more, the two girls were thinking that if Jiang Chen really wanted to take the two of them to a room, and he couldn't refuse, then naturally the farther away from the school the better.

Otherwise, when checking out and leaving the hotel tomorrow morning, what should I do if I am met by my classmates at school?
Although it is common for couples to open a room during college, it is also common for two people to open a room, but has anyone ever seen a boy and two girls open a room?

Both Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu were restless, but Jiang Chen was very relaxed.

Jiang Chen could tell that even if he took the second daughter to open a room now, even if the second daughter subconsciously resisted, they absolutely could not refuse.

It has to be said that this kind of situation is a great test for any man's willpower.

Even Jiang Chen felt a strong urge several times to take the two daughters to open a room, but in the end, Jiang Chen forcibly suppressed it.

He couldn't disregard the feelings of the second daughter because of his own selfish desires. In that case, what is the difference between him and a beast?
In the matter between a man and a woman, what matters is that you love me and I will. Maybe in the future, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu will willingly accompany him to the room, but it is definitely not now, not tonight.

When Jiang Chen drove into Capital University, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu glanced at each other, and it was extremely obvious that they saw the deep surprise and surprise in each other's eyes.

The two daughters breathed a sigh of relief, the invisible pressure on their hearts disappeared in an instant, and both of them relaxed a lot, and their tense faces were unconsciously smiling. out.

"Jiang Chen, you will park a little further away from the girls' dormitory building, and Xiaoyu and I can just walk over there." Nangong Hua ordered.

"No problem." Jiang Chen said with a grin.

Jiang Chen stopped at a fork next to the girls' dormitory according to Nangong Hua's instructions. Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu got out of the car and walked towards the dormitory together.

"Nangong, you said that Jiang Chen is angry?" Jian Xiaoyu asked uneasily when he turned his head and saw Jiang Chen leaving in the car.

"Why are you angry?" Nangong Hua asked.

"That's right, I feel that Jiang Chen doesn't seem very happy." Jian Xiaoyu murmured.

The same is true for Nangong Hua after thinking about it, and then said, "But have you ever thought that if we make Jiang Chen happy tonight, we will be the ones who are unhappy."

"It seems that even if you go to open a room, it's not a big deal." Hesitating, Jian Xiaoyu said.

Nangong Hua was dumbfounded. When did Jian Xiaoyu become so bold and open?It's not a big deal for the three of them to go to open a room together.

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend, aren't we? Boyfriend and girlfriend go to open a house, and many people do this." Jian Xiaoyu explained coyly.

"But there are three of us in the room." Nangong Hua Fu sighed.

"It seems that it's not a big problem." Jian Xiaoyu said with a blushing face.

Nangong Hua looked at Jian Xiaoyu speechlessly. After a long time, she said quietly, "Xiao Yu, you are hopeless."

Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu separated, and when they returned to the dormitory, thinking about what Jian Xiaoyu said, she suddenly felt a little anxious, because she found that it seemed that Jian Xiaoyu was right, even if three people went to the room, it would not be a big deal.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't know what the two girls were thinking. He drove alone and returned to the boys' dormitory, but just arrived at the downstairs of the boys' dormitory when his phone rang, and Jiang Chen took out his phone to look, and was inexplicably stunned... …

(End of this chapter)

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