genius evil

Chapter 967 I have thought about it

Chapter 967 I have thought about it
On the campus of Yilan Middle School, there is an unnamed lake.

Inside Capital University, there is also an unnamed lake!

Back then, when Jiang Chen was choosing a school, the reason why he chose Capital University instead of other universities was because there was an unnamed lake in Capital University.

This is not some hypocritical Wen Qingfan attack, but just, there is a place for him to sleep comfortably.

No, it just so happened that the weather was fine today, so Jiang Chen ran to the bank of Weiming Lake, chose a deserted grassland, and fell asleep.

"Jiang Chen." However, Jiang Chen hadn't slept for a long time, and a voice that sounded a bit timid sounded next to his ear, his eyes opened, and a figure was reflected in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The tall girl with a soft face stood there with a bit of shyness in her eyes and a bit of restlessness.

"Miss Wanxi, are you here to sleep too?" After seeing who it was, Jiang Chen smiled and asked.

"Ah... No, I'm here to look for you." Gu Wanxi said shyly.

"Come on, sit down and talk, or lie down. You see, the weather is so good and the grass is so soft, it's the most suitable for sleeping." Jiang Chen patted the grass beside him and said.

After hesitating for a while, Gu Wanxi just sat down beside Jiang Chen. She glanced at Jiang Chen, but the look in her eyes was shy and timid. She didn't dare to look at him at all. .

"Miss Wanxi, why are you so shy?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"That's...that's..." Gu Wanxi stammered, there were some things to say, but when those words came to her lips, she was quite embarrassed, and she couldn't say them for a long time.

"You want to tell me about the text message you sent me last night?" Jiang Chen added.

Last night, when he was driving back to his dormitory, he received a text message. The person who sent the text message to him was none other than Gu Wanxi.

"Jiang Chen, did you see the text message?" Gu Wanxi asked softly.

"I see." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Then what do you think?" Gu Wanxi asked after mustering up her courage.

Last night, after sending a text message to Jiang Chen, Gu Wanxi was waiting for Jiang Chen's response, or Jiang Chen sent her a text message, or Jiang Chen called her.

However, Gu Wanxi couldn't wait for Jiang Chen's response.

That caused Gu Wanxi to not sleep well all night, and until today, she was not in the mood to go to class, so she came here.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen asked very puzzled.

Last night, the text message that Gu Wanxi sent him was very simple, as simple as only a few words. Gu Wanxi told him in the text message that she had considered it.

Jiang Chen couldn't tell what Gu Wanxi wanted to express in a text message without beginning or end, so he didn't respond to Gu Wanxi last night.

Gu Wanxi was stunned for a moment, her little face flushed, she bit her lip slightly, looking like she was about to cry.

"Jiang Chen, I understand, I'm leaving first." Standing up, Gu Wanxi said, her voice was clearly trembling.

"Miss Wanxi, can you tell me, what have you considered?" Before he could say clearly, Jiang Chen naturally couldn't let Gu Wanxi leave, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Wanxi's little hand.

"Jiang Chen, didn't you tell me last time that you want me to find a boyfriend? I've been thinking about it for several days, and I finally gave you an answer last night, but you..." Gu Wanxi said, gritting her teeth , biting even tighter, looking like that, I really want to cry.

"Finding a boyfriend is a very good and normal thing, why are you crying?" Jiang Chen wondered.

"" Gu Wanxi pointed at Jiang Chen, who was angry and ashamed, stuttering, speechless.

"Could it be that you want me to introduce you to a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen asked upon seeing this.

Gu Wanxi was stunned again, she stared at Jiang Chen in a daze, trying to distinguish whether Jiang Chen said such words on purpose or not.

After reading it for a while, Gu Wanxi finally understood, that is, Jiang Chen did not understand what the message she sent to Jiang Chen last night meant.

She said that she had thought about it, and if she wanted to find a boyfriend, she definitely didn't want Jiang Chen to introduce a boyfriend for her, but rather, she wanted Jiang Chen to be her boyfriend.

Gu Wanxi knew that if she didn't speak clearly, no matter whether Jiang Chen really didn't understand or pretended not to understand, there would be a lot of confusion.

But if she wanted to say it so bluntly, how would she say it?
God knows, how much courage it took her to send that text message last night, if she does it all over again, she may not have that courage again.

But if she doesn't say it, it won't work. If she doesn't say it, how can Jiang Chen understand her whole heart.

"Jiang Chen, I said I've thought it over, I'm going to be your girlfriend." After all, Gu Wanxi still said this.

Gu Wanxi didn't know if Jiang Chen would reject her, but in this situation, if she didn't even have the courage to confess, if she missed it, she would definitely regret it for the rest of her life.

After saying this, Gu Wanxi tightly closed her eyes, as if waiting for a trial, waiting for Jiang Chen's response.

"Looking for me? Be a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen was stunned at first, and then he completely reacted.

Jiang Chen remembered that last time, because Gu Wanxi ruined his good business with Nangonghua for the second time, he just joked that Gu Wanxi was going to find a boyfriend. Run to Nangonghua's side for a long time, let alone spoil his good business with Nangonghua.

After saying this, Jiang Chen just forgot.

Now that Gu Wanxi expressed his feelings, Jiang Chen realized that what Nangong Hua said to him back then was not a joke, but that Gu Wanxi really misunderstood him.

Gu Wanxi thought that he asked Gu Wanxi to find a boyfriend because he asked Gu Wanxi to find himself a boyfriend.

No wonder, Gu Wanxi said that she would think about it, and asked him to give her time.

Therefore, after the past few days, Gu Wanxi really thought about it carefully, and after thinking it over clearly, she was willing to be his girlfriend.

After trying to understand the cause and effect of the whole thing, Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, God knows, how could such a thing happen.

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to?" Gu Wanxi waited for a full minute, but she didn't wait for Jiang Chen's answer, her expression was extremely gloomy.

"No, how could I not be willing, I am so willing." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

If someone said that he saw the good thing about the pie in the sky, that guy would definitely be regarded as a fool.

However, things like beautiful blessings from heaven have always happened, why can't pies from the sky happen?
"Jiang Chen, are you serious? Did you lie to me?" Gu Wanxi looked at Jiang Chen stupidly, almost thinking that she had heard it wrong.

"There will be nothing more real than this." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Thank you... Thank you..." Gu Wanxi cheered happily, like a little girl who finally got her dream candy.

Gu Wanxi left very quickly, bouncing away, Jiang Chen watched Gu Wanxi leave, the corners of his mouth twitching involuntarily.

Just leave after confessing, what kind of routine is this?
Isn't it time to do something that boyfriends and girlfriends should do next?

After all, he made Gu Wanxi so happy, what's the matter, Gu Wanxi has to reciprocate to make him happy, right?
Obviously, Gu Wanxi did not have such awareness, which made Jiang Chen very disappointed.

Jiang Chen continued to sleep, but just as he closed his eyes, his cell phone rang. Jiang Chen took out the cell phone and saw that the call was from Tang Tian, ​​so he picked it up.

After the call was connected, after hearing Tang Tian say a few words, Jiang Chen's complexion sank, and the gloomy aura on his body suddenly rose.


In Baobao Lin's villa, Tang Tian and Baobao Lin's expressions were very ugly.

"Xiao Tiantian, you called Jiang Chen, what did Jiang Chen say?" Lin Baobao asked, with a rare seriousness and seriousness on his small face.

"He said he would come right away." Tang Tian said.

"That's good, this account must be settled carefully." Liu Mei raised his eyebrows, Lin Baobao said.

On that sofa, Shuang'er and Zong Xiaomei were sitting.

Zong Xiaomei seemed to have been greatly frightened, her face was pale and her eyes were dull, while Shuang'er's right wrist was impressively wrapped in a layer of gauze.

The white gauze had faint blood stains oozing out.

This undoubtedly indicated that Shuang'er was injured.

Jiang Chen came over very fast, entered the room, and when he saw Shuang'er's injured right hand, Jiang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank, stepped forward, Jiang Chen untied the gauze on Shuang'er's wrist, took a few glances, and immediately took out the silver needle , began to treat both children.

After applying the needles, Jiang Chen took clean gauze and wrapped Shuang'er again, before asking, "What happened?"

"Master, I went shopping with my little sister before, and I was suddenly attacked..." Shuang'er explained softly, explaining the cause and effect of the whole incident.

"You mean to say that the other party came after the younger sister?" After listening, Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

Shuang'er nodded and said, "I have a feeling that the other party is targeting my little sister, because that person is the first to strike at my little sister. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to draw my gun."

"Who could it be?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

"Jiang Chen, you must avenge Shuang'er." Lin Baobao said angrily.

"Don't worry, I will definitely settle this grudge." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen comforted Zong Xiaomei with a good voice. Seeing Zong Xiaomei's complexion improved, he knew that there should be nothing serious, so he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Jiang Chen's phone call was to Qin Wenyan.

Zong Xiaomei just came to the capital, so it is impossible to offend anyone, and Zong Xiaomei herself is not the kind of person who would offend others, so the biggest suspect is the Goddess Sect.

To Jiang Chen's surprise, the night before yesterday, he asked the woman in the yellow skirt to bring the message back. Today, the Goddess Sect's revenge has just begun.

But it doesn't matter, he will soon make the Goddess Sect realize what real revenge is!

(End of this chapter)

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