genius evil

Chapter 968

Chapter 968
Dinghong Hotel, this is a three-star hotel.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, a figure in a yellow dress hurried into the hotel, went straight to the elevator, and appeared in front of a door on the eleventh floor. He knocked on the door lightly.

The door rang three times and was opened from the inside. The figure in the yellow skirt moved and quickly entered the room.

"Huaiyu, have you succeeded?"

In that room, there were three other women in the same yellow dress.

Waiting for the figure in the yellow skirt to enter the door, among the three people, a woman in the yellow skirt with half-white hair in her sixties asked immediately.

"Elder Cao, my subordinates are incompetent and failed to kill that little sister." The woman in yellow skirt named Huaiyu said shamelessly.

"Not killed?" Hearing this, Elder Cao was stunned for a moment, then angrily, and said in a deep voice, "That little sister of Zong is just a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken. With your strength, you can't kill me." kill her?"

"There was...a little accident." Huaiyu stammered.

"What exactly is the situation, you give me a full explanation, if you dare to hide it, you will not be lightly forgiven." With a cold snort, Elder Cao said coldly.

Huaiyu explained in detail how she attacked and killed Zong Xiaomei, including how she squatted to guard, how to wait until Shuang'er took Zong Xiaomei out to buy vegetables, and how to attack.

Huaiyu explained every link in the middle in great detail and never dared to hide anything.

When he finally shot to kill Zong Xiaomei, because Shuang'er pulled out his gun and alarmed others, he had to retreat in failure. Huaiyu even spoke in detail to avoid being punished by Elder Cao.

"Idiot." After Huaiyu finished speaking, Elder Cao cursed viciously.

Huaiyu looked embarrassed, but did not dare to refute.

"Elder Cao, I didn't succeed in killing Miss Zong this time. I must have alarmed Jiang Chen. If I attack Miss Zong next time, it might not be so easy." Beside Elder Cao, a woman in her thirties , said.

"Yes, there is only one chance. If you miss this opportunity, it will be even more difficult next time. It may even be inevitable to have a direct conflict with Jiang Chen." Elder Cao sighed.

"Elder Cao, why do we have to go to such lengths to deal with a younger sister of the sect?" The third woman in the yellow skirt asked in a very puzzled manner.

This woman in the yellow skirt is also in her thirties, and she is quite good-looking, but the vicious aura on her body is a bit heavier.

This question is also quite puzzling for Huaiyu and the second woman in yellow skirt.

In their view, Zong Xiaomei has no power to restrain a chicken, and is no threat to the Goddess Sect. Why are they so determined to kill Zong Xiaomei?
Moreover, after the last defeat, this is the second time that Zong Xiaomei has been shot.

"There is a reason for killing the little sister of the sect." Elder Cao glanced at the three of them, and said slowly, "That Miaoyu's cultivation is astonishing, even if the sect master does it himself, there is no absolute certainty that he can kill her, but Miaoyu has always been close to Miss Zong, as long as we succeed in beheading Miss Zong, it will definitely affect Miaoyu."

"What, the suzerain is not sure?" Huaiyu and the three of them all changed their expressions when they heard this.

However, after being told by Elder Cao, the three of them finally knew why they had to kill Sister Zong.

It can be said that the life and death of Zong Xiaomei is related to the battle between the Zongzhu and Miaoyu.

If Zong Xiaomei died, the odds of winning the suzerain would be much higher invisibly.

After all, according to Elder Cao, this little sister Zong is quite close to Miaoyu, and the life and death of little sister Zong can be said to have a crucial impact on Miaoyu.

"There is another point, you may not know, the reason why Qianxiu Clan has been holding on all these years is largely because of this little sister Zong. In Qianxiu Clan, little sister Zong is loved by thousands of people. All in one." Elder Cao said slowly again.

"Elder Cao, in this way, this little sister of the sect must die, but in the current situation, we have to kill her again, unless we fight Jiang Chen head-on." The second woman in yellow skirt said deeply.

"Although Jiang Chen is strong, he can't protect Miss Zong 24 hours a day. We will always have a chance." said the third woman in a yellow skirt.

"There is no chance, unless we fight Jiang Chen." Elder Cao shook his head.

The reason why Huaiyu took the initiative to kill Zong Xiaomei this time was a very helpless choice in itself, one was to reduce the conflict with Jiang Chen, and the other was to avoid being targeted by the Tianzu.

Tianzu claims to supervise the world's ancient martial arts forces, and the capital is the base camp of Tianzu.If the Goddess Sect is too ostentatious in the capital, it will definitely alarm the Tianzu.

It is a pity that Huaiyu failed to attack and kill Zong Xiaomei. Then, if they want to kill Zong Xiaomei again, they can only expose them in all directions and fight Jiang Chen.

As far as the information collected about Jiang Chen was concerned, Elder Cao was unwilling to confront Jiang Chen head-on if he had no other choice.

Because, that kind of information, all aspects reflect that Jiang Chen is a more terrifying existence than that Miaoyu!

The Ancient Martial Alliance Conference is about to be held, and it is inevitable for the Goddess Sect to fight Qianxiumen. At such a critical juncture, falling out with Jiang Chen will definitely do harm to the Goddess Sect.

"You want to fight with me, don't you?" It was Elder Cao who had just finished speaking when a lazy voice sounded in the room.

Hearing the sound, the eyes of the four people, including Elder Cao, all looked in the direction of the sound, and then they saw that the door of the guest room was pushed open by one hand without a sound. A figure swaggered in from the outside.

"Are you Jiang Chen?" Looking at the young man who came in, Elder Cao's face changed slightly, and he said in a low voice.

"I'm Jiang Chen!" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly, and after entering the room, he closed the door smoothly, walked slowly, and walked in front of Elder Cao.

"Jiang Chen, why did you come?" Elder Cao asked strangely, still staring at Jiang Chen firmly.

Because they didn't want to be targeted by the Tianzu and spoil the plan to kill Zong Xiaomei, the four of them appeared in the capital this time, and the itinerary was not low-key.

Moreover, when Huaiyu went out today, Elder Cao even specially instructed Huaiyu not to reveal his whereabouts regardless of success or failure.

However, Jiang Chen still came to the door, which made Elder Cao feel puzzled.

"Have you heard of the Tianzu?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"You knew we were here through the Tianzu?" Elder Cao's expression changed again, and he asked, "Jiang Chen, what is your relationship with the Tianzu?"

"It seems that you have heard of the Tian group, but unfortunately, you don't know much about the Tian group. Of course, there is no need for you four dying people to know about the relationship between me and the Tian group. "Jiang Chen said teasingly.

"Jiang Chen, you speak so loudly." Huaiyu said sharply.

"If I'm not mistaken, the person who went to kill Miss Zong today is you." Jiang Chen said after glancing at Huaiyu.

Of the four people in the room, only Huaiyu's cultivation level is the lowest, but at around the fourth level of Guwu Houtian's strength, while the other two women in their thirties only have the strength of Guwu Houtian's seventh level.

As for this Elder Cao, in Jiang Chen's opinion, he should be a strong man at the peak of the Ninth Level of the Ancient Martial Arts Houtian!

If two women in yellow skirts in their thirties went to kill Zong Xiaomei, even if Shuang'er had a gun in his hand, they would not be able to stop them from attacking and killing Zong Xiaomei.

Only Huaiyu, who was on the fourth floor of the ancient martial arts, was scared away by Shuang'er when his strength was not good enough.

"So what if it's me? How dare you speak nonsense in front of Elder Cao, and you will never return today." Huaiyu said sharply.

"Not much, I just know how to kill you first." Jiang Chen said simply.

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Chen's feet moved suddenly, and in the next second, he appeared in front of Huaiyu. When he stretched out his hand, he grabbed Huaiyu's neck and lifted him off the ground.


The sound of bones shattering came out, Jiang Chen said that killing people would kill people, without any hesitation, he casually threw Huaiyu's body on the ground.

In an instant, a human life was harvested. Elder Cao and the three had their pupils constricted violently, staring at Jiang Chen firmly.

"Jiang Chen, that little sister of the sect is not too close to you." Elder Cao said coldly.

"Today, this idiot went to kill Zong Xiaomei, but he hurt my beloved woman. That's why I want to kill her. Do you have an opinion on this?" Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

On the one hand, Shuang'er is his apprentice, on the other hand, he is his woman... Jiang Chen has many women, but there is only one apprentice.

This Huaiyu caused Shuang'er to be injured, such injuries were quite serious, Jiang Chen would not allow her to live in this world.

"Of course we have an opinion, Jiang Chen, do you think that our Goddess Sect is easy to bully?" The second woman in the yellow skirt said with a serious expression.

"I don't know if the Goddess Sect is easy to bully, but if I have the opportunity, I will go to learn it, but there is no doubt that the three of you are really easy to bully." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"You..." Under Jiang Chen's pressure, the woman in the yellow skirt couldn't argue.

"It seems that you don't believe my words, right? It doesn't matter, I will prove it to you." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

"What do you mean?" The second woman in yellow skirt looked at Jiang Chen warily.

"It means to send you to die." Jiang Chen grinned and said with a grin. Immediately after, Jiang Chen made a move, his figure was like a ghost, unable to track his whereabouts.

When the second woman in the yellow dress realized that Jiang Chen had appeared in front of her, her fate was exactly the same as that of Huaiyu, and she didn't even have time to let out a scream, but she was killed by Jiang Chen's big hand. I pinched and broke my neck.

"Jiang Chen, you've gone too far." Elder Cao glared at each other, angry like a lioness, staring at Jiang Chen, his breathing was short of breath, and his killing intent soared.

As soon as Jiang Chen came, he killed two people one after another in just 2 minutes. He was extremely presumptuous and arrogant. He clearly didn't take her seriously. At this moment, Elder Cao was finally completely enraged by Jiang Chen. up!

(End of this chapter)

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