genius evil

Chapter 969 Kill Without Amnesty

Chapter 969 Kill Without Amnesty
"I only killed two people, and you say that I did too much. If I killed all four of you, wouldn't it be even more excessive?" Jiang Chen said jokingly.

His principles of life have always been simple, simple to rude.

It's nothing more than the eight words, tooth for tooth, blood for blood!

The night before yesterday, he let the woman in the yellow skirt live to bring the message back. Wasn't it a warning?
If the Goddess Sect stopped at this point, he would not take the initiative to provoke trouble, and since the Goddess Sect is so reckless, how can he be blamed for being cruel?

"Jiang Chen, you won't have a chance." Elder Cao said fiercely.

Now, it can be regarded as a complete turn against Jiang Chen, whether it is for himself or for the Goddess Sect, Elder Cao knows that he must kill Jiang Chen at all costs.

Otherwise, because of Jiang Chen's participation, there may be unexpected changes in the matter between the Goddess Sect and Qianxiu Clan!
"Yes, you won't have a chance, Elder Cao, kill him quickly." The third woman in the yellow skirt yelled loudly, as if she wished that the next second, Elder Cao would kill Jiang Chen.

"Okay, then hurry up and kill me." Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen jokingly said.


Hearing the sound, Elder Cao snorted heavily, and then his figure rose violently, and he shot like lightning. His right hand stretched out, curled up like a claw, and grabbed Jiang Chen's chest.

"Hey, it's interesting." Jiang Chen smiled when he saw that Elder Cao had caught him.

Speaking of which, during this period of time, all the time was spent on picking up girls, but it was a long time since there was a real battle. This Elder Cao has a good cultivation base, which is just right for him to enjoy the thrill of fighting.

Just when Elder Cao's right hand was about to reach his chest, Jiang Chen made a sudden move, and his right hand turned into a claw, grabbing towards Elder Cao's wrist.

"Like me?" Elder Cao narrowed his eyes slightly, quickly withdrew his right hand, and also grabbed Jiang Chen's wrist.

The speed of the two shots is extremely fast, because they both know very well that whoever is faster will take the lead, so they have never hidden their strength.


The two hands quickly collided in mid-air, making a dull sound.

"What a terrifying power!" Elder Cao thought to himself.

This is not a direct confrontation of strength, but the comparison of each other's fighting skills and speed, and the collision between the two sides is not very intense.

However, when Elder Cao's hand collided with Jiang Chen, it felt as if it had hit a steel plate, and the strong recoil force made her wrist numb slightly.

"Come again."

From Elder Cao's point of view, this kind of behavior of his may be suspected of imitating others, but Jiang Chen finds it quite interesting.

Elder Cao made another move, and slapped his right palm across the air. The air was swelled by her slap, and he slapped Jiang Chen angrily.

"Did you change your tactics so quickly?" Jiang Chen said lazily, imitating the example, and slapped each other with a palm.

"Teach me again?"

Jiang Chen's behavior made Elder Cao slightly taken aback.

If Jiang Chen learned from her for the first time, it could be regarded as an accident, then Jiang Chen learned from her now, but it was not an accident, but Jiang Chen did it on purpose.

"Stupid guy." Elder Cao then said contemptuously in his heart.

In Elder Cao's opinion, Jiang Chen's behavior, no matter whether it was his entrustment or anything else, was too stupid.

After all, everyone has their own best attack method.

Jiang Chen imitated her again and again, but it was tantamount to abandoning the method he was best at.

This kind of behavior is no different from courting death.

The two palms collided violently, and Elder Cao let out a muffled snort, feeling Jiang Chen's powerful physical strength again.

With a flash of his figure, Elder Cao changed his move again, turned his palm into a fist, and punched Jiang Chen, but she wanted to see if Jiang Chen would still follow her example.

In the end, Elder Cao was not disappointed, Jiang Chen also changed his tactics in an instant, punching, and blasting out.

"Or learn from me?" Seeing this, Elder Cao sneered in his heart, indeed, Jiang Chen was looking for death.


The two fists collided firmly, Elder Cao's figure swayed again, but at the same time as the swaying, her right foot made a semicircle, and her leg swept towards Jiang Chen like a whip.

Elder Cao's strongest strength is not her boxing and palm skills, but her leg skills.

The reason why the palms and punches were used was to confuse Jiang Chen.

In fact, Elder Cao has killed countless powerful enemies by relying on such blindfolding methods.

"Jiang Chen, I want to see if you still dare to learn." When Elder Cao's right leg swept towards Jiang Chen, he murmured to himself with some anticipation in his heart.

Elder Cao can guarantee that if Jiang Chen imitates her again, then Jiang Chen must pay the price of a leg.

Jiang Chen still did not disappoint Elder Cao, just as Elder Cao's kick swept over, Jiang Chen also swept over with his kick.


The sky-shattering crashing sound shattered the eardrums.

The corner of Elder Cao's mouth couldn't help but a playful smile emerged. She knew that Jiang Chen was going to die today.

But just as the joking smile emerged from the corner of his mouth, it froze. There was only a click, a slight cracking sound, and it was heard in his ears. Something was broken.

The broken one was none other than Elder Cao's calf bone.

"This..." His eyes widened suddenly, and Elder Cao stared at Jiang Chen confidently. He never thought that he would not be Jiang Chen's opponent in the field he was best at.

Immediately, a huge Wupeng force directly lifted Elder Cao into the air. When he landed, the calf of his right foot was extremely shocking. It was clearly visible that a piece of bone had pierced through the flesh and was exposed. outer.

"Is there any other way? If not, you can die." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Regardless of strength or fighting skills, this Elder Cao and himself are no longer at the same level. Elder Cao thinks that this is his best field, but he doesn't know that no matter what kind of fighting style it is, it is what Jiang Chen is good at. .

"Jiang Chen, why did you imitate me?" Gritting his teeth, Elder Cao asked.

"Just for fun." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Fun?" Elder Cao only felt a rush of blood rushing to the top of his head, and almost passed out.

It turned out that it was just for fun?

Does this mean that Jiang Chen didn't treat her as an opponent at all, and she thought she could kill Jiang Chen in vain, but she didn't know that all of this was just Jiang Chen playing cat and mouse.

"Don't believe me? How about we play again?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated." Elder Cao said bitterly.

"This means, you want to die, right?" Jiang Chen said, his figure appeared in front of Elder Cao like the wind, and he slapped his heavenly cap with a palm, reaping Elder Cao's life.

Since Elder Cao thinks that he can die, Jiang Chen will certainly want to fulfill her.

"Elder Cao!" Seeing Elder Cao died in Jiang Chen's hands, the third woman in the yellow dress lost her body, choking with grief.

"Three have already died, and you are the fourth." Jiang Chen said flatly, squinting at the woman in the yellow skirt.

"No...don't kill me..." The woman in the yellow skirt hurriedly begged for mercy, and said stammeringly: "Jiang Chen, as long as you don't kill me, I can do whatever you want me to do. If you need it, I can... can..."

"Can you commit yourself to me?" Jiang Chen asked after taking the woman in yellow skirt's words.

"Yes... yes..." the woman in the yellow skirt said with a twisted Nini, with an extremely shy look on her face.

Not to mention, this woman is extremely coquettish in itself, when she intentionally shows a coquettish appearance, that aura of coquettishness becomes even more astonishing invisibly, to most men in this world, they are It is fatal.

Unfortunately, Jiang Chen was excluded.

Which of the women beside Jiang Chen is not beautiful?
How could this kind of stuff fall into Jiang Chen's eyes?

"You must think that you are very beautiful, right? Unfortunately, in my opinion, you are too ugly." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly, and directly blasted him to death.

As the woman in the yellow skirt fell to the ground, there was a muffled sound. Immediately afterwards, the door of the guest room was pushed open by a slender hand, and a figure quickly entered the room.

"It looks like I'm late." The person who came glanced at the situation in the room and said.

"Ask Miss Yan, you came just in time. After all, there are four more pieces of garbage here that need to be cleaned." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The person who came was none other than Qin Wenyan.

When Jiang Chen called himself and asked where the Goddess Sect members were hiding in the capital, Qin Wenyan knew that Jiang Chen was planning to kill someone.

Qin Wenyan rushed to this side immediately, but he was a bit late, Jiang Chen had already killed everyone.

"I'll let someone handle it." Qin Wenyan said helplessly.

One person died in the hotel room, and four more died. If it gets out, it will definitely have a negative impact on the society. The Tian group can only temporarily act as a cleaner once.

"Jiang Chen, now, you and the Goddess Sect have formed a deadly feud." After saying that, Qin Wenyan reminded.

"I don't care." Jiang Chen said casually.

"The Goddess Sect is not simple. I would like to advise you that it is best to be careful. Moreover, it is impossible to hide these people's deaths in the capital. If you go to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference in a few days, the Goddess Sect will definitely It will target you." Qin Wenyan reminded again.

"It doesn't matter even more." Jiang Chen said calmly, "Ask Miss Yan, don't you think that the existence of the Goddess Sect is superfluous?"

"What are you going to do?" Qin Wenyan asked with eyelids twitching.

"Naturally, kill them all, then no one will threaten me again." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Qin Wenyan was speechless.

"In addition, there is one thing, I would like to ask Miss Yan, after I leave the capital, if there are people who don't have long eyes and trouble the people around me, please ask Miss Yan, if you do it righteously, I will kill everyone Forgive me! For this matter, I, Jiang Chen, owe the Tianzu a favor." Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Qin Wenyan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded. She realized that she shouldn't have appeared, but now, Jiang Chen tied her to a thief ship!
(End of this chapter)

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