genius evil

Chapter 971

Chapter 971

Wei Mingfei was arrogant and unscrupulous, and no one took it seriously.

The elder sister Song Yunrong and Lei Meng were all angry and trembling, but they were helpless to Wei Mingfei. They could only be humiliated by Wei Mingfei, daring to be angry but not daring to speak.

"Raimeng, the three of you hurry up, pack up your things and come down immediately." Song Yunrong ordered.

"Okay." The three of Raymond responded and walked into the hotel.

"Stop, who told you to go in." However, as soon as the three of Lei Meng left, Wei Mingfei stretched out his hand to block the way of the three of them.

"We're going to get our luggage." Raymond said angrily, holding back the anger in his heart.

"Don't worry, no one will care about your tattered gadgets. Someone will give them to you soon." Wei Mingfei said.




However, following Wei Mingfei's words, several dull voices suddenly sounded. It was the sound of something falling to the ground from a high altitude.

After following the sound, the expressions of Lei Meng and the four of them, including Song Yunrong, changed drastically.

The things that were thrown down were nothing but their luggage.

This Wei Mingfei was too much, he didn't let them pick up their luggage, but he even let someone throw their luggage, like tattered pieces, through the upstairs window.

"Wei Mingfei, you're bullying too much." Song Yunrong was furious, his face livid.

"Yeah, so what if I just bully people too much?" Wei Mingfei jokingly said, as if he just wanted to bully people too much and bully them to the end.

"Could it be that you think we're really afraid of you?" Song Yunrong said coldly.

"What's the matter, you want to do something to me, come on, I want to see who dares to do it." Wei Mingfei said mockingly.

One sentence left Song Yunrong speechless for an instant.

If he could do something to Wei Mingfei, he would have done it long ago, so how could he endure it until now?

She was really outraged just now, and she lost her mind a little bit, but now, being squeezed by Wei Mingfei like this, how could she really dare to do it, otherwise, she would have provoked a dispute between Baiquanmen and Fengqingmen.

"Haha, Song Yunrong, I knew you didn't dare to do anything, but I've always been soft-hearted, and I didn't give you a chance. You must really want to live here tonight, and it's not impossible. The premise is, Song Yunrong, how about you stay with me for one night? This condition is very simple." Wei Mingfei said triumphantly.

Lei Meng said that Song Yunrong was very beautiful. From Jiang Chen's point of view, at best, he could only be regarded as having good facial features, but his figure was extremely good. No wonder, this Wei Mingfei would have Song Yunrong's idea.

"Wei Mingfei, shut up." Lei Meng was completely angry.

In the past, it was fine for Wei Mingfei to flirt with Song Yunrong verbally, but today, he actually planned to let Song Yunrong accompany him for a night, which made Lei Meng couldn't bear it anymore.

"Raymond, shut up too." Song Yunrong scolded.

Regardless of whether Wei Mingfei really had her idea or intended to provoke her, Song Yunrong understood that the best way to solve the problem was to ignore Wei Mingfei.

Otherwise, Wei Mingfei would be even more complacent.

"Raimeng, you three, pick up your luggage and let's go." After scolding, Song Yunrong said again.

Lei Meng gritted his teeth, gave Wei Mingfei a hard look, and walked towards the place where the luggage was thrown.

"Useless trash." Wei Mingfei said dismissively.

Lei Meng ignored Wei Mingfei, picked up the luggage with Chen Jianzhi and Xu Cheng, greeted Jiang Chen and said, "Brother Jiang, let's go."

"I think this hotel is pretty good, I like it very much." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

The environment of this hotel is really good. The three of Raymond also like it quite a lot, but what if they like it?He could only be chased away by Wei Mingfei like a panicked dog.

"We will stay here tonight." Jiang Chen said again.

"Ah—" For an instant, Raymond almost thought he heard it wrong.

"Boy, what did you say?" Wei Mingfei was also stunned for a moment, and asked.

"I plan to stay here tonight." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Boy, I think you've had the guts of a bear. Who allowed you to live here? Did I tell you just now to let you go? If you dare to mess around again, I will break your legs." Wei Mingfei continued Pointing at Jiang Chen, he said in a strange way.

"This is already the second time you have pointed at me and yelled." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"So? What do you want?" Wei Mingfei said with a sneer.

"So, according to your own wishes, I will break your two legs." Jiang Chen said expressionlessly.

Hearing the sound, Wei Mingfei laughed wantonly as if he had heard a big joke, and seeing him like that, he almost burst into tears.

Lei Meng didn't know what Jiang Chen was thinking about being ridiculed by Wei Mingfei like this, but he was very anxious. He was afraid that Jiang Chen would attack Wei Mingfei impulsively, so he hurried over and stretched out his hand, wanting to grab Jiang Chen and grab Jiang Chen. The dust was pulled away.

It was Lei Meng who stretched out his hand, and felt that Jiang Chen disappeared in place.

In the next second, "Kach...Kach..." Two ear-piercing sounds of shattering joints came to Lei Meng's ears.

Afterwards, that Wei Mingfei, unable to laugh anymore, fell to the ground with a thud, hugging his knees, howling like ghosts and wolves, looking as miserable as he wanted.

"This—" Lei Meng was stunned, and Song Yunrong and the others were also stunned.

When Jiang Chen said that he wanted to break Wei Mingfei's legs, the four of them thought that Jiang Chen was acting out of a young boy's will, but they never expected that Jiang Chen would actually do something to Wei Mingfei, and he really broke Wei Mingfei's legs. Wei Mingfei's two legs.

Jiang Chen's attack was too fast, fierce and domineering, not to mention that Wei Mingfei didn't react, and the four of them didn't see clearly what happened.

It was only when Wei Mingfei fell to the ground that he realized that Wei Mingfei's legs must have been broken by Jiang Chen.


In such a situation, the four of them gasped, and then, the way they looked at Jiang Chen became strange.

In the depths of the pupils, there was a bit more shock and fear.

Wei Mingfei is presumptuous, but his strength is not bad, which is also the reason why Wei Mingfei has the capital of presumptuousness.

Among the four, only Song Yunrong and Wei Mingfei were almost the same, Lei Meng and the other three were not Wei Mingfei's opponents.

But when Jiang Chen made a move, Wei Mingfei had no power to resist, and his legs were broken by Jiang Chen. So, what kind of cultivation is Jiang Chen?It's scary.

Finally, the four of them understood that Jiang Chen would come to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference alone.

With Jiang Chen's strength, as long as Jiang Chen doesn't provoke those big shots, there will be no danger of his life at all.

All of a sudden, Lei Meng's black face was so hot that it was in vain. He thought that Jiang Chen was not strong enough, and he was worried about Jiang Chen's safety, so he let Jiang Chen go with his group.

Although it was a good intention, Raymond was still very embarrassed by this situation.

But soon, Lei Meng didn't have the heart to think so much. Jiang Chen broke Wei Mingfei's legs.

"Brother Jiang, hurry up, or the people in Fengqingmen will be alarmed, and you will not be able to leave." Thinking of this, Lei Meng hurriedly said.

"Yes, Jiang Chen, hurry up and leave." Chen Jianzhi and Xu Cheng also said earnestly.

"Jiang Chen, don't be in a daze, let's go." Song Yunrong also said.

Originally, Song Yunrong didn't have a very good impression of Jiang Chen. Thinking of Baiquanmen, there were many trivial matters. Lei Meng also brought Jiang Chen, an outsider, here. Wouldn't this add trouble to Baiquanmen.

But Jiang Chen's current behavior, in Song Yunrong's view, was to stand up for the Baiquanmen, and naturally he didn't want Jiang Chen to suffer from it.

After all, even if Jiang Chen's cultivation is good, how can Fengqingmen be easily provoked, especially Wei Qing, the master of Fengqingmen, who has reached the terrifying eighth-level peak of Guwu Houtian , it is rumored that he can break through the nine-level realm of the ancient martial arts Houtian with only one kick.

It was almost an invincible existence. If Jiang Chen didn't leave quickly, once Wei Qing was alarmed, in Song Yunrong's view, Jiang Chen would undoubtedly die.

"If I leave, what will you do?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"You don't need to worry about this matter, I, Baiquanmen, will deal with it." Song Yunrong said.

"How to deal with it?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"This—" Song Yunrong was at a loss for words.

Yes, what should I do?
Or rather, it can't be handled at all.

It's good if Jiang Chen doesn't leave. Once Jiang Chen leaves, Fengqingmen will definitely attack Baiquanmen if they can't find Jiang Chen. If that happens, it will be Baiquanmen who will suffer.

However, Song Yunrong didn't want Jiang Chen to bear it alone, so it was very embarrassing.

"Want to leave? All of you, don't think about leaving." Over there, Wei Mingfei, who was sweating profusely in pain and had a contorted face, said hysterically.

"You, all of you, up and down the Baiquan Gate, I, Wei Mingfei, swear here, are all dead." Then, Wei Mingfei grinned again.

When Wei Mingfei said these words, the expressions of Song Yunrong and the others changed drastically.

Sure enough, even if it was Jiang Chen's personal behavior, Wei Mingfei was determined to put this account on Baiquanmen's head.

But in this way, Song Yunrong's mind was strengthened. Song Yunrong gritted his teeth and urged again: "Jiang Chen, are you still going? How long do you want to wait?"

"Well, this trouble seems to be caused by me, so I will solve it." Jiang Chen said calmly, and he didn't intend to leave.

Although, from the very beginning, he had a pretty good impression of the three of Lei Meng, but Jiang Chen didn't intend to cause trouble for himself, but Wei Mingfei's eyesight was a bit too weak, and he yelled at him twice in a row. Yell, this made Jiang Chen very dissatisfied.

Another point is that, in Jiang Chen's view, Wei Mingfei's way of dealing with people is a bit too bad. They say that beating people is not slapping face, but he is going to trample the face of the Baiquanmen people under his feet. , severely ravaged.

As everyone knows, if you do bad things, there will always be retribution.

Jiang Chen didn't know if there would be other retributions that would befall Wei Mingfei, but he didn't mind at all, and let Wei Mingfei suffer first.

"It's up to you to solve it? How do you want to solve it? Could it be that you want to take your life to solve it?" Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, an extremely violent voice rang out...

(End of this chapter)

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