genius evil

Chapter 972 I Hate Trouble

Chapter 972 I Hate Trouble

That voice was extremely irritable, just listening to that voice, it was not hard to imagine that the person who spoke had an extremely irritable temperament.

Accompanied by that voice, several figures appeared quickly. The leader with a beard on his face seemed to give people a feeling that strangers should not be approached.

And after seeing this bearded man, Song Yunrong's expression turned extremely ugly. This person is none other than the master of Fengqing Sect, Wei Qing.

And behind Wei Qing, there are still several people following, and those people are the entire strength of Feng Qingmen to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time.

Although the number of people is not too many, only five or six, but this is the elite force of Fengqingmen, especially the deputy head of Fengqingmen, Fu Hansheng.

This Fu Hansheng is an existence in the Fengqingmen whose strength is only inferior to Wei Qing's. Ancient Wu Houtian eight layers.

However, because Fu Hansheng seldom made a move, this rumor has never been confirmed.

But there is no doubt that when Wei Qing and Fu Hansheng are dispatched together, even the Baiquanmen can only avoid their edge and dare not conflict with them easily.

As soon as Wei Qing appeared, his falcon-like eyes were firmly locked on Jiang Chen's body, and there was a flame-like light in his eyes.

Because, from what Jiang Chen said just now, Wei Qing already knew that it was Jiang Chen who killed Wei Mingfei.

As for Fu Hansheng, he took a few steps and appeared in front of Wei Mingfei. After carefully inspecting Wei Mingfei's injuries, he stretched out his hand and motioned for the two behind him to carry Wei Mingfei away first.

But Wei Mingfei was unwilling, he wanted to see with his own eyes that Jiang Chen died right under his nose, otherwise, he would never give up.

"How is Xiao Fei's injury?" Wei Qing asked Fu Hansheng.

"Both legs and knees have shattered bones. I'm afraid they will spend the rest of their lives in a wheelchair." With a long sigh, Fu Hansheng said.

"The boy is cruel enough!" Wei Qing's face was livid.

Seeing Wei Mingfei's broken legs at first, Wei Qing thought there was a possibility of a cure, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would be so ruthless in his attack, directly turning Wei Mingfei into a cripple.

"Han Sheng, in a moment, break this boy's legs first. Remember, just be exactly the same as Xiao Fei. Don't let him die. I don't want him to die too easily." Wei Qing ordered.

"No problem." Fu Hansheng nodded, his eyes looked around Jiang Chen, as if Jiang Chen was his prey.

"Boy, are you ready?" Fu Hansheng said with narrowed eyes.

"I just came to Penglai City today, and I never thought of killing people." Jiang Chen said slowly as if he didn't hear Fu Hansheng's words.

"So, are you planning to kill someone now?" Fu Hansheng asked.

"If someone thinks that he is getting impatient, I don't mind helping him at all." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"What a big tone." Fu Hansheng looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

Not only Fu Hansheng, but also Song Yunrong and the others felt that Jiang Chen's tone was too loud.

After all, what Jiang Chen said meant that he didn't take Fu Hansheng and Wei Qing seriously.

"Jiang Chen, don't be careless." Song Yunrong said.

Then, Song Yunrong said to Wei Qing again: "Master Wei, today's incident was caused by Wei Mingfei's initiative to provoke, Jiang Chen was just forced to act."

"So what?" Wei Qing sneered, and said, "Whether it's active or passive, both of my son's legs are crippled. Today, this kid is sure to die, but you and the other four have never made a move. It is still possible to make an exception, but the death penalty can be avoided, and the living penalty cannot be escaped. After a while, I will break the two legs of the four of you with my own hands."

"Master Wei, you are too domineering." Song Yunrong gasped, never thinking that Wei Qing would have such an attitude.

"You have no room to bargain with me. Even if Tao Yuan comes over, I won't give him any face." Wei Qing said coldly.

Tao Yuan is the master of Baiquanmen.

When Wei Qing said this, he meant that he didn't even pay attention to Tao Yuan. They were mere juniors, and they existed like ants. If Wei Qing wanted to make a circle, he would do it. If you want to squeeze it, then squeeze it.

Having said that, Wei Qing became a little impatient, and said to Fu Hansheng: "Hansheng, why are you still hesitating, do it."

"Okay." Fu Hansheng nodded when he heard the words, and with a movement, the figure appeared in front of Jiang Chen. The next second, he suddenly raised his right foot and kicked towards Jiang Chen's knee.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." Seeing this, Lei Meng was sweating nervously.

Jiang Chen didn't need to be careful at all. He didn't even look at Fu Hansheng. When Fu Hansheng stepped out, Jiang Chen's right hand stretched out violently. His five fingers were like pincers, and he grabbed Fu Hansheng's waist. neck, lifted it up.

"Fu Hansheng, isn't it? Your luck is quite good. It is an honor to be the first to die by my hands." Jiang Chen said lazily. Sheng's neck folded strangely, and he died instantly. Jiang Chen threw it on the ground like throwing garbage.


The incident happened suddenly, and everyone subconsciously thought that under Fu Hansheng's attack, Jiang Chen would never be spared, but the final result was beyond everyone's expectations.

Jiang Chen just made a random move, grabbing Fu Hansheng's neck. Judging from the situation, Fu Hansheng didn't even have the strength to fight back in front of Jiang Chen, or he was crushed to death by Jiang Chen. Squeezed to death like a chicken.

Wei Qing was horrified. He glanced at Fu Hansheng's body, then at Jiang Chen, and suddenly understood why Jiang Chen said that he had no intention of killing someone today.

As soon as he made a move, he crushed Fu Hansheng to death. What kind of strength is this?
You must know that although with his strength, he could suppress Fu Hansheng, but if he wanted to kill Fu Hansheng, it would definitely not be as easy as Jiang Chen.

Wei Qing was stunned, his cheeks twitched, unable to understand, how could this young man who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old in front of him be so terrifying.

"Why is Jiang Chen so strong?" Lei Meng muttered to himself.

After Jiang Chen abolished Wei Mingfei, Lei Meng already felt that Jiang Chen's strength had overturned his imagination. Right now, Jiang Chen had crushed Fu Hansheng to death again. It was hard for Lei Meng to guess. , to what extent.

"Ancient Martial Empress Dowager Nine Levels?" Lei Meng thought in his heart, no matter what, it was unbelievable that at Jiang Chen's age, he had such a terrifying cultivation.

Song Yunrong, Chen Jianzhi, and Xu Cheng were one by one, and they were all dumbfounded. They looked at Jiang Chen like a freak, their emotions were surging, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

"Next, who else wants to die?" Jiang Chen didn't care what everyone thought, and said calmly.

"Today's incident was all caused by a dog. I have no way to teach my son. Please forgive me. Just let it go, and I will not pursue today's incident anymore." Swallowing, Wei Qing said with great effort. Said.

"Wei Qing is begging for mercy?" Song Yunrong thought to himself, feeling like a dream.

Wei Qing has always been domineering, and he is notoriously unforgiving, otherwise, he would not have bullied the head of Baiquanmen again and again.

However, Wei Qing actually begged Jiang Chen for mercy. Song Yunrong would never have imagined this situation in the past.

Wei Qing groaned incessantly in his heart, he was indeed begging Jiang Chen for mercy, but he had no choice but to beg for mercy.

The depth of Jiang Chen's cultivation was unknown, even if he took action himself, he would probably only die. If he had offended Jiang Chen, if he wanted to survive, he would naturally have to humbly ask for it.

Otherwise, the people who came to Fengqingmen to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance meeting this time might all be killed by Jiang Chen before the meeting started.

Such an ending is destined to be unbearable for Wei Qing.

"I've always hated trouble." Jiang Chen gave Wei Qing a sideways look, and said slowly.

"I'm here to apologize to you on behalf of Quanzi." Wei Qing bowed his head and said.

"Wei Mingfei wanted to trouble me, so I abolished him. This guy wanted to trouble me, so he died." Jiang Chen pointed at Fu Hansheng, and then said expressionlessly, "Now, it's already No one dares to trouble me again, but it doesn't mean that no one will trouble me again in the future, you know what I mean."

"You want to kill them all?" Wei Qing asked, how could he not understand what Jiang Chen meant.

If there is no trouble, the best way is to kill all the troublemakers. Now that he has not caused trouble for Jiang Chen, it does not necessarily mean that he will not trouble Jiang Chen in the future.

Perhaps, he could ignore Fu Hansheng's life and death, but Wei Mingfei was his only son, and now that he was deposed by Jiang Chen, he could swallow his anger for a while, but he definitely would not swallow his anger for a lifetime.

Once he had the chance, he would definitely trouble Jiang Chen.

He himself understands this point, obviously, Jiang Chen also understands this point, therefore, Jiang Chen wants to kill them all!
"It's pretty smart, I'll give you a chance to make a move." He said with a faint smile.

"Boy, do you think that I, Wei Qing, am really afraid of you?" Wei Qing roared angrily, extremely angry.

"Is it revealed so quickly?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Go to hell." Wei Qing didn't want to make any disguise anymore, he rushed towards Jiang Chen frantically, punched Jiang Chen domineeringly, and he wanted to smash Jiang Chen's body into thousands of pieces.

"Small tricks." With a soft snort, Jiang Chen punched him.

Without any suspense, under Jiang Chen's punch, Wei Qing's fist shattered, and Jiang Chen struck Wei Qing's heart with another punch. With a "poof", Wei Qing's heart burst, and his eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and eyes all shattered. There was blood spilling out, and he fell to the ground with a thud, dying with regret.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going to kill you." Seeing Wei Qing's death, Wei Mingfei was mad with hatred, struggling, baring his teeth and claws, with a terrifying aura.

"Idiot." Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen moved his foot, appeared in front of Wei Mingfei, and broke Wei Mingfei's neck with his foot.

"Do not kill me."

"Don't kill us."


Jiang Chen was extremely domineering, and the few remaining members of Fengqingmen were so frightened that they panicked and begged for mercy, almost falling to the ground and kowtowing.

"Take the bodies of the three of them and get out." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

He is not a bloodthirsty person, Wei Qing and Fu Han are dead, Feng Qingmen has no leader, there is no threat to him, it makes no difference whether these people are killed or not.

"Yes Yes……"

Several people responded again and again, quickly picked up the bodies of Wei Qing and the other three, and ran out of the hotel gate as if fleeing from famine.

"Tonight, we'll live here, shouldn't it be a problem?" Jiang Chen said to Song Yunrong and the others when the person who had dealt with Fengqingmen turned around.

"No problem." Song Yunrong said hastily.

"Okay, arrange a room for me." Jiang Chen asked.

Song Yunrong personally arranged, after a while, Jiang Chen went to the room, and Song Yunrong took Lei Meng and the three to another room on the same floor.

There are two middle-aged people in the room, a man and a woman. The middle-aged man is Tao Yuan, the head of Baiquanmen, and the middle-aged woman is the deputy head of Baiquanmen, named Tengping.

"Wei Qing is dead?" Tao Yuan asked after Song Yunrong and the others entered the door.

"Dead." Song Yunrong said softly. She looked at Tao Yuan and said, "Master, I have a question. I don't know whether to ask it or not."

"Speak." Tao Yuan signaled.

"Master, before we were downstairs, we were humiliated by Wei Mingfei, why didn't you show up? Why didn't you show up when Wei Qing was about to kill Jiang Chen?" Song Yunrong asked, in his soft-sounding words, there was Aggressive meaning...

(End of this chapter)

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