genius evil

Chapter 973 The Unlucky Baiquanmen

Chapter 973 The Unlucky Baiquanmen
Although Wei Mingfei's humiliation was not fatal, Wei Mingfei's domineering demeanor deeply hurt Song Yunrong's heart, making her unable to calm down until now.

Jiang Chen broke Wei Mingfei's legs, regardless of the reason, whether it was because of Wei Mingfei's anger or not, in Song Yunrong's view, in the final analysis, he was waiting for her.

Tao Yuan and Tengping were clearly in the room, so it was impossible for them to know nothing about what was going on outside, and it was even more impossible for them not to know that Wei Mingfei had someone throw their luggage down the stairs.

However, neither Tao Yuan nor Teng Ping came forward to stop him, which made Song Yunrong very disappointed.

If it's just that, it's fine.

And after Wei Qing appeared, he threatened to break the legs of the four of them, not to mention killing Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen was weak and accidentally died in Wei Qing's hands, does that mean that even if Wei Qing broke their legs, they deserved it?

After all, Tao Yuan and Teng Ping didn't even show their faces if they didn't say anything.

It was the latter point that Song Yunrong was extremely concerned about.

Tao Yuan and Tengping looked at each other, both a little embarrassed.

With a dry cough, Tao Yuan said: "I have already noticed that that young man is not simple. Of course, if Wei Qing really wants to attack you, we will not stand idly by. His Fengqingmen is certainly powerful, but I, Baiquanmen, and I Is it easy to bully?"

A look of disappointment flashed in Song Yunrong's eyes.

She felt that Tao Yuan's explanation was too perfunctory, such an explanation would be better than no explanation, somewhat disheartened, and went back to the room to rest under the excuse of feeling uncomfortable.

After a while, the three of Lei Meng also left, leaving only Tao Yuan and Teng Ping in the room.

"I can see that the four of them are very disappointed." Tengping said.

"There is nothing we can do about it." Tao Yuan said helplessly, "Wei Qing is strong and domineering, and we are no match for him at all. If we force ourselves to stand out, we will harm our Baiquanmen."

"I think Yunrong and the others may not be able to understand, but you need to comfort them more." Tengping said.

Tao Yuan nodded, and said: "That young man named Jiang Chen should not be underestimated. If there is a chance, we will definitely make friends."

At around nine o'clock the next morning, Jiang Chen was having breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel, and the people from Baiquanmen happened to be there.

Seeing Jiang Chen appear, Lei Meng took the initiative to walk over, and asked cautiously: "Jiang Chen, gather around 10:30, are you going alone, or are you going with us?"

If it was when he first met Jiang Chen yesterday, Lei Meng would still think that such an invitation was for Jiang Chen's good, but now, Lei Meng naturally dare not have such an idea.

"Together?" Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen looked towards the table where Song Yunrong was, and suddenly saw a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman.

Even though he had never met those two, Jiang Chen knew that they should be the master and deputy master of Baiquanmen.

"I can do it alone." After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said.

"Alright then." Lei Meng said a little disappointed, and retreated without disturbing Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen refused?" Lei Meng walked over, and Tao Yuan asked.

Lei Meng nodded, Tao Yuan also frowned, and said, "Could it be that you are worried that we will hurt him?"

"If that's the case, this young man is really proud." Tengping said with a smile.

The reason why Lei Meng invited Jiang Chen was Tao Yuan's instruction. Tao Yuan was interested in Jiang Chen's strength. If he could go with him, Jiang Chen might be able to help if something unpredictable happened.

But even though he intends to make friends with Jiang Chen, it is naturally impossible for Tao Yuan to pull down his face and take the initiative to invite Jiang Chen. After all, he is the head of a sect, so it is impossible to be so humble.

After breakfast, under the leadership of Tao Yuan, the people from Baiquanmen took a step first.

Jiang Chen was not in a hurry, he ate slowly, and was about ten minutes late before calling the waiter to pay the bill, and left the hotel leisurely by himself.

People from Baiquanmen are not the only ones who live in this hotel.

Baiquanmen is just a small second-rate sect with a small number of people. In terms of financial resources, it is far from being rich and powerful. If it is to book a hotel, it will undoubtedly be a very uneconomical deal.

When Jiang Chen walked out of the hotel, he saw people from other sects leaving one after another.

Perhaps it was because of hearing about what happened yesterday, when those sect members looked at Jiang Chen, their eyes were always averted slightly.

Of course, there were also some people who looked at Jiang Chen several times, as if they wanted to remember what Jiang Chen looked like.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't care about this. Since the port was not too far from the hotel, Jiang Chen didn't take a taxi and walked towards the port on foot.

It was estimated that around ten o'clock, when Jiang Chen arrived at the port, there were already quite a few people gathered here.

But obviously, the trip to Penglai Xiandao is done in batches. Firstly, this is just a small port with limited carrying capacity.

Secondly, some big sects don't even bother to associate with some small sects, and they are rich and powerful, so they have already gone there on their own.

There were nearly a hundred people in the scattered crowd. Jiang Chen glanced roughly, but found that, except for the person from Baiquanmen, the other people did not know anyone.

A cruise ship was parked at the port and would not leave until 10:30. Jiang Chen was not in a hurry and waited quietly.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way quickly."

"Go away, don't get in the way."


Time passed quickly, and it was around 20:[-]. Everyone was about to board the cruise ship, but they saw a group of more than a dozen people walking hurriedly.

More than a dozen people surrounded a tall young man in the middle, and the four of them cleared the way in the front.

The four people who cleared the way yelled loudly as they walked, driving away people like flies, and driving away the people in front, their attitude was as bad as it wanted.

Before this group of people appeared, although there were many people present, they were in order. Therefore, the shouting sound like driving away flies immediately caused dissatisfaction among countless people.

Tao Yuan's complexion was particularly ugly.

Because he happened to block the way of this group of people. These people obviously didn't know him, and one of them rolled the word and nearly sprayed his saliva on his face.

"You are too presumptuous, what is this place, your back garden?" Tao Yuan said angrily.

"You don't have to worry about where this is, just get away from me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you." The person who drove you said impatiently.

"Should I get out of the way?" Tao Yuan was very angry.

"Then kill you." The man said coldly.

Tao Yuan's complexion changed, if he disagreed with him, he was about to kill someone, he was so pompous, and he was about to argue again, when he suddenly heard several exclamations in his ears.

"It's from the Wanwan sect."

"That's right, it's the Wanzong people."

"That young man is the young suzerain of the Wan Wan sect, no wonder he behaves like this."

"It's over, the guy who didn't get out of the way is going to be over, it's not good to offend anyone, but Wanzong must be offended."


"Wan Wanzong?"

Hearing that exclamation, Tao Yuan was immediately moved.

No wonder, when this group of people appeared, no one paid attention to them. They turned out to be members of the Wanzong sect!

Baiquanmen is just a second-rate sect, but this Wanwan sect is a first-rate sect. Although the Wanwan sect is not top-notch among the first-rate sects, it is not what Baiquanmen said. comparable.

But all first-class sects have their own pride and strong background, which makes them disdain to associate with some weak sects.

This is also the reason why everyone reacted calmly in the face of the scolding from Wan Wanzong and his group. Their own strength determines the right to speak.

In the absence of sufficient strength, being too arrogant is to seek death.

Presumably, the people of Wan Wan Sect knew that there was no first-class sect present at all, so they were arrogant and did not take anyone seriously.

Baiquanmen's heart skipped a beat. How could he have thought that Wanwanzong would appear at this time, and it seemed that he was going to take the same cruise ship with them.

Tao Yuan knew that he accidentally kicked an iron plate, and suddenly regretted it. So many people, under Wan Zong's driving, kept silent, why did he talk out loudly?

This is good, it can be regarded as offending the ten thousand yuan sect!

Even if Wan Wanzong didn't ask him to settle the score now, he would definitely remember this account. Offending a powerful enemy for no reason, Tao Yuan was extremely depressed.

Tao Yuan didn't speak any more, and stepped aside silently. Seeing that Tao Yuan moved away, the man sneered, and said, "It's like rubbish. I heard that Penglai Fairy Island has big waves and deep water. You have to be careful."

Afterwards, Wan Zong's group was the first to board the cruise ship, and the time was almost up, and the rest followed Wan Zong's group and boarded the ship one after another.

Tao Yuan gritted his teeth, and boarded the boat with Lei Meng and the others.However, before boarding the boat, Song Yunrong turned around and glanced at Jiang Chen with complicated eyes.

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly as a response.

After everyone boarded the cruise ship, the cruise ship broke through the water and headed towards Penglai Xiandao.

It is said that it is Penglai Fairy Island, but it is not a scenic spot that is familiar to outsiders to attract tourists, but the countless coherent islands near the sea.

The speed of the boat was extremely fast, but it took a full two hours to stop at the temporary stop on that island.

Just like when they boarded the oil tanker before, Wan Zong's people took the lead. Now when they disembark, they will be the first ones. No one will compete with them, and no one dares to compete with them.

After getting off the tanker, Tao Yuan ordered: "You guys, don't get separated easily at these times, remember."

Tao Yuan always remembered that the young master of the Wan Wan Sect had not expressed his opinion on the matter of offending the Wan Wan Sect just now, but Tao Yuan knew very well that the matter might not end so easily.

Song Yunrong and the others all nodded, each with a heavy heart.

When I was in the hotel earlier, I had a conflict with people from Fengqingmen, and now, I have offended Wanzong again. It is destined that this trip to the ancient martial arts alliance conference will not be peaceful.

Jiang Chen was alone and had no possessions. He came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time, but his purpose was different from others.

After getting off the tanker, Jiang Chen left alone, he was going to find someone...

(End of this chapter)

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