genius evil

Chapter 974 The Strong Is King

Chapter 974 The Strong Is King

Penglai Xiandao, dozens of islands, coherent vertically and horizontally.

Even in broad daylight, there is a thin layer of mist above the sea surface. If you look at it from a height, you will feel as if you are in a fairyland on earth.

Countless people were amazed by such a scene.

Jiang Chen had no time to appreciate such a scene.

But after looking around the surrounding environment, Jiang Chen found helplessly that there were too many ancient martial arts practitioners here. If he wanted to find the person he was looking for among so many people, it would take a short time time, basically impossible.

Unless, three days later, the ancient martial arts alliance meeting was officially held.

At that time, people from all walks of life gathered on the main island of this island. In that case, it was relatively easy to find people.

"Little brother, do you want to buy water?" It was Jiang Chen, who was looking around, when a short and fat guy ran up to him and said with a playful smile.

This guy looks quite festive in itself, and because of his fat, he looks even more festive. When he laughs, his eyebrows are beaming, which is somewhat funny.

"What water?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Of course it's mineral water." Humpty said, while talking, he grabbed a bottle of mineral water from his loose pocket, and shook it in front of Jiang Chen's eyes.

"Well, don't you provide food and drink here?" Jiang Chen asked.

A little far away, there are several large tents in a row. From a distance, with the sea breeze, you can still smell the residual aroma of the food. It is obvious that someone once cooked here.

If there is no accident, those tents should be the place where water and food are provided for this ancient martial arts alliance conference.

"Food and drink are naturally provided, but the price is not cheap at all. Take the cheapest mineral water on the market as an example. They sell it for 50 yuan a bottle, but here, As long as it sells for 30 yuan a bottle, this account is still easy to calculate, isn't it?" Humpty Humpty said with a smile, looking like a profiteer.

Jiang Chen was not clear about the prices of things on this island.

However, if the Humpty Dumpty did not lie, then the organizers of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference would have made an extremely huge fortune invisibly.

After all, if hundreds of ancient martial arts practitioners want to stay here for several days, they will need money for everything in terms of eating, drinking and drinking.

Unless someone prepares in advance, otherwise, they can only buy it, and the cost can be imagined.

"What a windfall." Jiang Chen thought to himself.

"How about it, little brother, would you like a bottle?" Humpty Dumpty asked.

"Let's have a bottle." Jiang Chen said, taking money from his pocket casually.

This fat man really came to do business. Seeing that Jiang Chen handed it over, it was a bill. While passing the mineral water to Jiang Chen, he quickly changed the money, and then said in a rambling manner: "Pay with one hand, and deliver with one hand." , high quality and low price, children and old people are not deceived."

A deal, a quick deal, and Humpty Humpty is going to walk away.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand to stop him, and asked, "If you want to eat, can you handle it?"

"Of course it's okay, it can be done anytime." The short fat man patted his chest and vowed, and the chicken thief said to Jiang Chen endlessly, "Little brother, if in the next few days, your three meals a day will be covered by For me, I can give you a [-]% off... No, [-]% off."

When it changed from [-]% off to [-]% off, Humpty Humpty was heartbroken, as if he had made a deal that lost all his money. It was obvious that this guy was a lover of money.

But that's right, a dignified ancient martial arts cultivator has actually become a peddler. If this guy says he doesn't love money, he is definitely lying.

"I'll talk about the money issue later, I have a few questions and I want to ask you for advice." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

The reason why he bought a bottle of mineral water was because he had a few questions to ask the short fat man.

"You can ask whatever you want, there is no charge for asking questions," Humpty Humpty said.

"I see that there are so many people here, where will everyone live at night?" Jiang Chen asked.

The short fat man smiled, pointed to the tents, and said, "Look over there, besides food and drink, there are also tents, but the price is naturally very expensive, but if you buy it from me , but it can be much cheaper.”

His cheeks twitched slightly, Jiang Chen was speechless, thinking to himself that the organizer of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, could it be that, like this short fat man, he is a money-seeker?
"If I don't want to buy a tent, what should I do?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"Two ways, the first one, little brother, you can sleep in the open air, blowing the sea breeze, listening to the waves, and it will be extremely refreshing. The second, little brother, you can grab a tent and use it yourself. To be on the safe side, I will I suggest you, little brother, find someone whose cultivation level is not as good as yours to snatch it, but obviously, this is not an easy task." Humpty Humpty said.

"Why is it not easy?" Jiang Chen asked with interest.

The Humpty Dumpty smiled again, and said, "Little brother, I have already noticed that you came here alone, have you ever thought that if you go to snatch someone's tent, you will have to fight against them alone? So, from me, buying a tent is undoubtedly the most cost-effective."

Jiang Chen looked at the short fat man, smiled and said nothing.

Seeing Jiang Chen's weird smile, the short fat man was startled, hurriedly took two steps back, and said, "Little brother, what do you mean by this, you don't mean to rob me, I warn you, I, Luo Song, It's not easy to bully. If you dare to touch me, you will definitely suffer the loss."

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Is there any other way?"

"Little brother, you haven't brought enough money, right? This is a bit embarrassing... There are other ways, it's not impossible, but the difficulty factor will increase a lot. It may even lose your little one." Fate." The Humpty Dumpty said while pondering.

It seems that because Jiang Chen didn't bring enough money, the business between each other couldn't continue, the short fat man sighed again, rather dissatisfied, he casually pointed in a direction and said: "Little brother, Dozens of islands, large and small, in all directions, have you seen them all?"

After Jiang Chen nodded, the short fat man said, "Except for the five islands in the middle, don't set foot on them lightly, there are ten other islands where there are beautiful big tents prepared. As long as you can successfully grab one of them, little brother, then the problem will be solved."

At the end, Humpty Humpty added, "By the way, there are water and food prepared in those exquisite tents. If you really only have one person, little brother, then even if you live for a month, that's enough." of."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up, and he had to say, this is very good news.

It was not in vain, he bought a bottle of mineral water from the short fat man for 30 yuan.

"Little brother, I see you look like this, you must be very excited, right, but there is one thing, I must remind you in advance, occupying the island, strength is the king, if the strength is not enough, if you force the island, then it will be regarded as being defeated." People are killed, and death is for nothing... In other words, little brother, don’t you really bring enough money? Buying a tent from me is undoubtedly the most cost-effective, but at worst, I’ll give it to you at a lower price.” Humpty Humpty said kindly Said.

"The law of the jungle?" Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

Whoever is stronger will be able to enjoy the best.

The common secular rules are all invalid on this uninhabited island.

Here, whoever has the biggest fist can get what he wants.

Simple!Easy to understand!rough!
Although it was still early, Jiang Chen didn't mind, he found a place for himself first, he ignored the short and fat man's nonsense, and walked away.

"Little brother, you don't want to die. At worst, I'll give you a [-]% discount... No, [-]% off." The short fat man shouted behind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen acted as if he didn't hear Humpty Humpty's words, and walked away.

But not long after Jiang Chen left, this short fat man found a few more guests, and it was the six people from Baiquanmen who were led by Tao Yuan.

"Wait a little longer, do you want to buy water?" Humpty Humpty ran over cheerfully and began to sell.


The islands are connected to the sea. At a glance, there are dozens of them, but in fact, most of them are small islands like reefs, which cannot be inhabited at all.

Although people can live on the few twenty or so large islands, among them, only ten islands have tents arranged.

Even if there are hundreds of ancient martial arts practitioners, not everyone will take the risk to seize an island, but even if only a small number of people fight for it, the competition they will face is conceivable.

Jiang Chen made up his mind that if he wanted to seize one of these ten islands, the sooner the better, otherwise, after those ten islands had owners, it would cost him more money to fight for it. effort.

Jiang Chen was extremely fast, and within a short while, he appeared on a small island with a good size.

The area of ​​this small island is about the size of three football fields. The terrain on the island is rugged. From one end to the other, the dense vegetation almost covers the entire island.

Jiang Chen looked around, wanting to see if there was a tent arranged on this island.

After a lap, Jiang Chen was slightly disappointed. The environment of this island was good, but unfortunately, there were no tents arranged.

Jiang Chen didn't stay long, but planned to go to another small island, but after a while, Jiang Chen's ears moved slightly, and a voice came to his ears along with the sea breeze.

"Who are you, get out, get out of here."

Judging from that voice, it was a woman who spoke, and the words were spoken quickly and urgently, it was obvious that the woman was in trouble.

"Let's get out of here, shall we? Girl, you're not mean."

"You have a hot temper, just like your figure, why don't you take off your sunglasses and mask, and let us take a good look at what you look like?"

"Yes, if you are really ugly, even if you don't drive us away, we will leave."


Immediately afterwards, the voices of three men came to Jiang Chen's ears, full of playfulness.

From the direction the voice came from, Jiang Chen judged that the woman was not far away from him, but he didn't intend to meddle in other people's business.

It's just that, the other three sides of this small island are all seawater, so he can only leave from the side where the sound came from, and he came from that direction before.

Before, I didn't see anyone. Undoubtedly, these people entered this small island after that.

Jiang Chen wanted to go to the next island. He didn't want to waste his time, so he walked straight towards the direction of the sound. When Jiang Chen walked out of the dense jungle, several figures appeared within his field of vision.

Three men surrounded a woman in the middle. The woman was wearing a peaked cap, not to mention sunglasses and a mask, which tightly wrapped her face.

If it weren't for her amazing curves, it would be difficult for anyone to discover that she is actually a woman.

But on the other hand, it is precisely because this woman's figure is so good that even if she deliberately blurs her gender, she can't hide it no matter what.

But when he saw that woman from a distance, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback. He realized that she was actually an acquaintance of his own...

(End of this chapter)

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