genius evil

Chapter 975

Chapter 975

This woman is none other than that Zhang Xueyou.

Previously, Honggu misfortune was diverted, and Jiang Chen tried to use him to deal with Tianxingzong. Jiang Chen killed Honggu and left Zhang Xueyou behind. Jiang Chen has always remembered these things, so he has a deep impression on this Xueyou .

However, what surprised Jiang Chen was that this Zhang Xueyou also came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference.

When Aunt Hong died, Zhang Xueyou was the only one left in Wuxinlou.

Leaving aside, how did Zhang Xueyou get the invitation letter, on the other hand, Zhang Xueyou came to attend the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference by herself, what was she going to do?Or, what is her purpose?
But there is one thing, it is obvious that Zhang Xueyou would not be able to attend the ancient martial arts alliance conference without a certain purpose.


"I'm too ugly. If I take off my sunglasses and mask, I'll scare you, please let me go." Just as Jiang Chen was thinking about these things, he heard Zhang Xueyou's voice.

Obviously, he knew these three people and would not let her go easily, so Zhang Xueyou was no longer as impulsive as before, and talked softly.

"Little girl, whether you are beautiful or ugly is not what you say, but we have to evaluate it. Listen to me and quickly pick it off yourself, or don't blame me for being rude." A man threatened Said.

"Yes, don't waste time. Did you think someone would come to save you? You really have to wait until someone else comes. The three of us don't mind at all. We'll have fun together." Said.

"Give you three seconds, take off your sunglasses and mask, or we will do it right away." The third person said, threatening more directly.

The three of them don't know Zhang Xueyou's appearance, but judging from Zhang Xueyou's figure, they can already conclude that Zhang Xueyou is definitely not ugly.

With such a determination in mind, it doesn't matter even if Zhang Xueyou is unwilling to take off her sunglasses and mask, but the behavior of the three of them is nothing more than deliberately humiliating Zhang Xueyou.

Zhang Xueyou didn't know what the three of them were thinking, but judging from the staring eyes of the three of them, how could it be clear that the three of them definitely had bad intentions.

Deep down in my heart, there was a quiet sadness.

She finally got an invitation letter. Could it be that before the start of the ancient martial arts alliance conference, she was going to die here?
On this point, Zhang Xueyou was extremely unwilling.

She also wanted to avenge her master's sect and make Xingzong pay for her blood.

This is exactly the reason why she came to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference alone. Zhang Xueyou knew that she was too weak. She had to find allies, find the enemies of the Heavenly Star Sect, and join hands to deal with the Heavenly Star Sect.

Even if the Sky Star Sect had no enemies, Zhang Xueyou still wanted to create an opportunity to attack the Sky Star Sect.

However, even if she has many plans, it seems that they cannot be carried out. It is very difficult for her to overcome the current hurdle.

Suddenly, Zhang Xueyou thought of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen killed Hong Gu, logically speaking, it was her teacher and enemy, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hold a grudge against Jiang Chen.

Zhang Xueyou had thought about it, Jiang Chen killed Hong Gu, of course it was Jiang Chen's fault.

However, Jiang Chen murdered in anger when he was being used. In the final analysis, it was their master and apprentice who were to blame.

Jiang Chen only killed Hong Gu but didn't kill her, which was already a manifestation of Jiang Chen's magnanimity, so how could he hate him?
"Jiang Chen--"

Within the field of vision, it was inexplicably blurred, Zhang Xueyou didn't know if she was hallucinating, because she saw a figure, it was Jiang Chen.

With his hand, he wiped his eyes vigorously, Zhang Xueyou looked again, yes, it was Jiang Chen.

"This—" Staring at Jiang Chen vigorously, Zhang Xueyou couldn't believe it. She would never have thought that Jiang Chen had appeared in front of her just now when she remembered Jiang Chen.

"Boy, what are you doing here?" When Zhang Xueyou found Jiang Chen, the three men also saw Jiang Chen.

There was no way, Jiang Chen was walking towards where they were, and it was difficult not to find Jiang Chen.

"You three, get lost." Jiang Chen said coldly.

He didn't intend to meddle in other people's business at first, but the other party was Zhang Xueyou, and Jiang Chen couldn't ignore it. After all, it would be fine if they killed Zhang Xueyou directly. In terms of the current situation, they wanted to humiliate Zhang Xueyou. Jiang Chen couldn't turn a blind eye.

"Boy, what are you talking about? Are you impatient?"

"You are looking for death."

"I'll give you a chance to kneel and kowtow, maybe we can spare your life."


Jiang Chen's words instantly enraged the three of them, and all three of them looked at Jiang Chen with murderous intent.

"If you don't roll, you die." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"You are the one who died." A man said angrily.

Xu felt that when Jiang Chen said this, his tone was too loud. After the man spoke, he jumped at Jiang Chen and tried to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he stretched out his hand and punched the man, like hitting a rubber ball, and sent the man flying.

"Kill him." Seeing this, the expressions of the other two changed, and they attacked Jiang Chen without hesitation.

Jiang Chen still didn't even look at them, he threw out two punches, ending the lives of these two people.

"Zhang Xueyou, this is not the place you should come." Jiang Chen said flatly after killing three people in a row.

This is a place that ignores the rules. In terms of Zhang Xueyou's strength, coming to this kind of place is no different from courting death. No matter what purpose Zhang Xueyou has, it is almost impossible to achieve it.

After saying this, Jiang Chen turned around and left.

"Jiang Chen--" Zhang Xueyou hastily called Jiang Chen to stop.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked, frowning.

"No...thank you." Zhang Xueyou said incoherently.

Jiang Chen nodded, as if he had accepted Zhang Xueyou's thanks, he kept on stepping, and disappeared from Zhang Xueyou's sight in an instant.

Looking at Jiang Chen's back that was drifting away, Zhang Xueyou's mood became extremely complicated.

It's not like Zhang Xueyou didn't think that Jiang Chen would come to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, nor did she never think that she would meet Jiang Chen at the ancient martial arts alliance meeting.

But what Zhang Xueyou didn't expect was that he would meet Jiang Chen under such embarrassing circumstances.

Fortunately, she met Jiang Chen, otherwise, it would not be those three men who died just now, but her... She would never accept humiliation no matter what, and would rather die than obey.

"Jiang Chen, why did you save me? Are you pitying me?" Zhang Xueyou murmured, sighed softly, and the expression on his face quietly became a little more sad.


In this group of islands, the distance between the islands is not far. It took Jiang Chen about ten minutes to land on the second small island.

Usually, the deserted island is covered with footprints on the sandy beach. Jiang Chen looked at those footprints and knew that many people had come to this island before him.

If nothing else, there should be a tent on this island.

Sure enough, as Jiang Chen went deeper, soon, Jiang Chen saw three groups of people.

The three groups of people confronted each other, and no one moved rashly. Not far behind, there was an exquisite big tent.

As soon as Jiang Chenfu appeared, the eyes of the three groups of people fell on Jiang Chen one after another, with vigilance and measuring light.

"Boy, do you want to get involved too?" Immediately, someone asked.

"Boy, leave quickly, don't delay your life." Someone also said.

"Boy, this tent is not something you can get your hands on." Someone said again.

As if Jiang Chen didn't hear what the three groups of people said, he walked straight and got closer and closer to the tent.


Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to walk to the edge of the tent, some people couldn't hold back after all, because they found that if they didn't stop Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen might just enter the tent directly.

In that case, wouldn't it mean that this tent was taken over by Jiang Chen.

"I want this tent." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, are you deaf? Why didn't you hear what we said?" Someone was furious and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

"Boy, if you dare to take another step forward, I promise to break your two legs." Someone stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes, and said sinisterly.

"I'll give you ten seconds to disappear from my sight." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said calmly.


"The little guy is crazy."

'Is he provoking all of us?''


As soon as Jiang Chen said these words, everyone was stunned.

The three groups of them arrived almost at the same time, and because none of them were willing to withdraw, they confronted each other. None of them made a move easily, and they didn't want to give the other an opportunity.

But Jiang Chen is good, as soon as he appeared, he would offend all three groups of them. If this is not crazy, what is it?
"I have a suggestion, let's work together to get rid of this little guy first, and then compete fairly, what do you think?" Someone suggested.

"Good idea." Someone agreed.

"It's just a little guy whose hair hasn't even grown yet. It is necessary for us to join hands. Wouldn't it be an overkill." Some people disagreed.

"There are still three seconds." Jiang Chen stretched out three fingers and said solemnly.

"Boy, you're really impatient. If that's the case, then I'll send you to die." A man in a rage raised his big knife and slashed at Jiang Chen's head.

Seeing the big knife slashing, Jiang Chen grabbed the big knife in his hand, and with a random movement of his wrist, the back of the knife hit the man's neck heavily. die past.

"I plan to stay here for a few days, and I have no intention of killing people for the time being, but if you don't leave, I don't mind killing people." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"It's too arrogant, everyone join forces and kill him."

"Send him to die."


With Jiang Chen's contemptuous attitude, he obviously didn't take these people seriously. How could they bear it one by one, clamoring, three groups of people joined hands to kill Jiang Chen.

"A fool who doesn't know how to live or die." Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

He really didn't want to kill, otherwise his blood would be filled and it would affect his sleep, but now, if he didn't want to kill, he couldn't do it.

Jiang Chen didn't know at all what the sect these people were in was called, and there was no need to find out. He happened to have a big knife in his hand, and Jiang Chen raised the knife in his hand, and harvested it like chopping melons and vegetables.




Following Jiang Chen's attack, people fell to the ground continuously. In less than a minute, nearly ten people died under Jiang Chen's knife.

The three groups of people were shocked, it was unbelievable, they felt that Jiang Chen had no way to attack, and he seemed completely unaccustomed to using a knife.

But under Jiang Chen's knife, each of them has no strength to fight, and no one can stop Jiang Chen's knife.


"Get out!"


Knowing that if the fight continues, more people will be killed and injured. The three groups of people finally reacted and wanted to escape from here.

"Take their corpses and leave, or you will all die." Jiang Chen's tone turned cold.

How dare these people disobey Jiang Chen's order, carrying around ten corpses and running fast.

Jiang Chen dropped the knife in his hand and strode towards the tent, but just as Jiang Chen walked over, a figure suddenly jumped out from the tent...

(End of this chapter)

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