genius evil

Chapter 976

Chapter 976
A fragrant breeze came.

The scent of fragrance has an astonishing power of bewitching.

I haven't been able to see clearly who is the person who sprang out of the tent, but the scent that hits my face has an infinite power to seduce people's hearts.

After that figure jumped out from the tent, it directly rushed towards Jiang Chen.

This action seemed extremely dangerous, but easily, Jiang Chen realized that there was no murderous intent on the opponent.

It was as if the opponent jumped out of the tent and rushed towards him, it was just an active gesture of throwing himself into his arms.

Because, because he didn't feel the other party's threat to him, Jiang Chen didn't do anything else. He stood still and let the other party pounce on him.

Finally, the gentle and tender body fell into Jiang Chen's embrace.

Those weak and boneless hands took advantage of the situation and hooked Jiang Chen's neck.

Perhaps it was because the action of rushing over was too intense, but each other's bodies were tightly attached to each other. Through two layers of thin clothes, Jiang Chen could clearly feel the plumpness and softness of the other's body.

"Brother Qing, your sister Qing, I want to kill you, why did you come to find him." Immediately afterwards, Jiao Didi's complaint, like anger or resentment, came to Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing, and said, "My dear sister, you said you were going to kill me, why didn't you take the initiative to find me? It's wrong to lie, you know?"

"I'm a girl, okay? Girls have to be somewhat reserved. You men don't cherish the woman who comes to your door." The woman rolled her eyes and said solemnly.

"You didn't take the initiative to send it to your door, how can you know that I won't cherish it?" Jiang Chen pretended to be dissatisfied.

The woman giggled, overjoyed, and said: "Then I am like this, so I should be taking the initiative to throw myself into your arms, right? If you really cherish me, are you capable of holding me all the time?"

"Eat and sleep too?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Don't let go." Without thinking, the woman responded.

"Want to go to the bathroom? Let it go or not?" Jiang Chen smiled more and more happily.

"Brother Qing, you are so disgusting." The woman said with disdain.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and moved his two hands down along the curve of the woman's back, and squeezed the woman's buttocks twice.


The ear-piercing scream was enough to burst the eardrums, the woman let go of her hand and fled instantly like a frightened rabbit, stepped back several steps, stared at Jiang Chen and said, "Brother Qing, you are really bad, When we meet, we take advantage of others."

"You take advantage of me, and I take advantage of you. Only in this way, everyone will not suffer." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It seems reasonable, but when did I take advantage of you?" The woman asked suspiciously.

"Sister Qing, is it really okay for you to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this? It's okay that we haven't seen each other for a long time, but this time you met me, you just hugged and hugged me, isn't this taking advantage of me?" Jiang Chen said very displeased.

"Brother Qing, I'm clearly showing that I like you, okay? Do you really want to say that about me?" The woman said sadly, looking as if she had been hurt by Jiang Chen.

"Okay, let's not blame each other, anyway, no one will suffer when we take advantage of each other, hurry up and come into my arms, Brother Qing." Jiang Chen stretched out his hands.

"Brother Qing, even if you still want to take advantage of others, you don't have to be so brazen, right?" The woman Bai Jiangchen said with a funny look.

"Didn't you agree not to let go? Sister Qing, it's wrong to say nothing." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Then I'll satisfy you once." The woman smiled coquettishly, and threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms again, tightly hooking Jiang Chen's neck, as if she never wanted to let go.

From this woman's attitude, anyone who saw this scene would subconsciously think that Jiang Chen had a lot to do with this woman.

But Jiang Chen knew very well that this woman was quite enchanting, and she acted boldly and boldly. She seemed to be able to take advantage of it casually, but in fact, she was often the one who took advantage of others.

This is also why he only took advantage of this woman a little bit, and the woman fled in fright.

But no matter what, this kind of personality is more in line with Jiang Chen's appetite than the twisted Nini's temperament. Therefore, Jiang Chen doesn't mind, and plays with this woman every time.

And this woman is none other than Huang Chan.

One mouthful and one love brother, calling so ambiguously and ecstasy, probably only Huang Chan can do such a thing.

Jiang Chen was quite surprised to meet Zhang Xueyou here.

But he was not surprised to meet Huang Chan at all. If he wanted to say it was a surprise, it was just a surprise that he met under such circumstances.

Jiang Chen hugged Huang Chan and walked directly into the tent.

The tent is very big, not to mention two people, even four or five people, it is more than enough. In addition, the interior configuration of the tent is also luxurious.

At a glance, all kinds of food and drink are available, thoughtful and considerate.

If it wasn't for participating in the ancient martial arts alliance conference, it would simply give people a feeling of being here for leisure and vacation.

It is not difficult to explain why so many people are vying for the ownership of this tent.

"Brother Qing, tell me, you won't bully me, right?" After entering the tent, Huang Chan asked Jiang Chen with a small face flushed quietly.

"If you don't bully me, I won't bully you." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, you really haven't changed at all, you're still so stinky and shameless." Huang Chan's straight smile trembled wildly, strands of beautiful hair brushed against Jiang Chen's face with her shaking, slightly itchy.

"Is this woman doing it on purpose?" Jiang Chen said in his heart.

On the one hand, she told him not to bully her, but on the other hand, she spared no effort to seduce him. I have to say, this woman is very courageous.

Huang Chan jumped out of Jiang Chen's embrace very quickly. According to her own words, she had to eat first, and rummaged through the box to find something to eat.

"Brother Qing, you are so handsome and unrestrained, why did you come to participate in the boring ancient martial arts alliance meeting? Could it be that you came here for that thing like me?" Huang Chan was vague as her mouth was stuffed. Qing asked.

"That thing, what is it?" Jiang Chen asked casually, found a place at random, and sat down.

"Xiao Pei Yuan Pill." Huang Chan was quite dissatisfied with Jiang Chen's pretending to be stupid, and said, "Brother Qing, with your cultivation, you still don't need the Xiao Pei Yuan Pill right now? Why bother to work so hard? Besides, I know that the effect of the little Peiyuan pill is not as powerful as it is claimed to be."

"Xiao Pei Yuan Pill?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

He came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time, to a large extent, he came for the three women, but he had never heard of it, what is Xiaopeiyuan Dan.

Furthermore, what is the effect of this little Peiyuan Dan?
Seeing Jiang Chen's bewildered look, it didn't seem like he was pretending, Huang Chan gave Jiang Chen a weird look, and said in an exaggerated tone: "Brother Qing, aren't you? You haven't even heard of Xiao Pei Yuan Pill? real or fake?"

"What is Xiao Pei Yuan Pill?" Jiang Chen asked.

Huang Chan sighed, with a look of helplessness, and murmured: "Brother Qing, I really admire you, you haven't even heard of Xiao Pei Yuan Pill? What is the purpose of coming to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference? Aren't you wasting your time?"

In the end, seeing that Jiang Chen really wanted to know what the Little Peiyuan Pill was, Huang Chan had no choice but to explain: "There are rumors outside that this Little Peiyuan Pill can make people collide with 90.00% of the barriers in the realm of the acquired realm of ancient martial arts. There are nine possibilities to break through and become a strong person in the innate realm."

"Huh?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

At the beginning, Wen Qing looked around for people from the Immortal Association in order to find a way to break through to the innate realm. If the so-called Xiaopeiyuan Pill had such a powerful effect, wouldn't it mean that only Wen Qing was needed? If you take a small Peiyuan pill with your heart, will you be able to break through to the innate realm?
"Sounds beautiful, right?" Huang Chan smiled, but with a look of sneer, she said: "This is just a public statement, in fact, there is not even a 50.00% possibility, and, This little Peiyuan Pill is not owned by the organization of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference at all, but someone else’s copycat.”

"The cottage?" Jiang Chen looked at Huang Chan unexpectedly, it seemed that she knew a lot of news.

"Brother Qing, you haven't heard of Xiao Pei Yuan Dan, so have you heard of the Immortal Association?" Huang Chan asked with a smile.

"You mean, this Little Peiyuan Pill is some kind of elixir from the Shanzhai Immortal Association?" Jiang Chen said.

"That's right, in the Immortal Association, the name of this kind of pill is Dapei Yuandan, and then, some guys shamelessly copied others, and they didn't even change the name, and directly named it Xiaopeiyuan Pill. It's a shameless fighter." Huang Chan snorted coldly.

"If that's the case, what do you want the little Peiyuan Pill for?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Brother Qing, don't get me wrong. I want the Little Peiyuan Pill, but I don't want to use it myself. I am so young and beautiful, and I want to live a few more years. I want to use it for refining. I have a way. The small Peiyuan pill is refined into the big Peiyuan pill." Huang Chan said.

Speaking of this, Huang Chan said smugly: "How about it, I'm very good at your sister, right?"

"That's right, it's very powerful." Jiang Chen was not stingy in admiring Huang Chan, but the premise was that Huang Chan didn't lie or deceive others.

After all, according to Huang Chan, if she could really refine a small Peiyuan pill into a big Peiyuan pill, wouldn't that mean that Huang Chan is a good alchemy master?

"Brother Qing, for the sake of how powerful I am, will you help me snatch that little Peiyuan Pill?" Huang Chan blinked and said.

"Is this your real purpose?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Huang Chan giggled coquettishly, shaking Jiang Chen's arm, and said, "Brother Qing, you are such a smart man, I never thought of lying to you, it's a big deal, when I refine Da Pei Yuan Dan, I'll give you one."

"You would be so kind?" Jiang Chen expressed doubts.

"Brother Qing, you don't have to believe anyone, but I'm your sister Qing. Moreover, the Dapei Yuan Pill I will give you at that time is absolutely a [-]% perfect finished product, which can make people safe and harmless. The innate realm can be said to be priceless." Huang Chan said heartbroken.

"Okay, I promise you." Jiang Chen said after pondering for a while.

"That's great." Huang Chan was extremely happy, leaned over, kissed Jiang Chen's face, and said with a wink, "Brother Qing, this is the reward I gave you in advance, when the time comes , I will give you more and better rewards when you help me get the Xiaopei Yuan Pill."

(End of this chapter)

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