genius evil

Chapter 977

Chapter 977
"What rewards will there be?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Brother Qing, you are really necrotic. How can someone say such a thing." Huang Chan said shyly.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't believe it. With Huang Chan's personality, she couldn't say anything.

Huang Chan did it on purpose, acting like this.

However, Jiang Chen originally didn't expect Huang Chan to give him any rewards.

The reason why Jiang Chen agreed to Huang Chan and asked for a Great Peiyuan Pill as a reward was because of Wen Qingxin.

He gave Wen Qingxin a prescription, and asked Wen Qingxin to find the medicinal ingredients. Jiang Chen was not absolutely sure of those medicinal ingredients, but Wen Qingxin could gather them together.

If Wen Qingxin couldn't get it together for a while, he couldn't start making medicine for Wen Qingxin.

And Wen Qingxin's breakthrough is imminent, and there is no time to wait. Therefore, he did Huang Chan a small favor, which can be regarded as giving himself one more choice, so as not to be too passive when unexpected situations arise.

Naturally, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to say these words, just talk to Huang Chan.

Just like, he didn't know Huang Chan's identity and origin, and he didn't intend to ask more. Jiang Chen also couldn't talk too much about himself to Huang Chan.

"It's okay to say it hard, I'll wait to see your performance." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, just wait, I'm sure you won't be disappointed." Huang Chan tapped her little head like a rattle.

Just as Jiang Chen and Huang Chan were talking, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps.

From the sound of footsteps, it could be heard that there were two people coming.

Two figures quickly walked towards the direction of the tent.

"There are people in the tent."

"There are two."

"Drive them away."

"If you don't want to go, kill them."


The two of them approached the tent while talking, and each of them said a sentence, which seemed extremely tacit.

Hearing that voice, Jiang Chen faintly felt that it sounded familiar, and before he thought about it, he heard Huang Chan say in his ear: "Brother Qing, someone is going to drive us away, and even kill us, hurry up and get out!" , kill them."

There are dozens of islands, except for the five islands in the middle that cannot be easily set foot on, there are only ten islands equipped with tents on the rest of the islands.

Today is the first day, and the battle for the tent has just begun.

It is impossible for Jiang Chen to give up this tent to others. He nodded and got up to go out. Huang Chan also got up quickly, took Jiang Chen's arm and said, "Brother Qing, I will go with you. When you kill someone, I will cheer you up."

When Jiang Chen and Huang Chan walked out of the tent, they suddenly saw two figures standing about two meters away from the tent.

"Jiang Chen, it's you." As soon as Jiang Chen walked out, the two recognized Jiang Chen, and one of them said in amazement.

"Jiang Chen, long time no see." Another person also said.

"You two look so alike, are you twins?" Huang Chan looked at the two with a curious expression.

Huang Chan was not mistaken, these two were indeed twins. Back then, when they were in Tiannan City, they had dealt with Jiang Chen once, and it was the brothers Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong.

At that time, Jiang Chen forcibly drove the ancient martial arts practitioners out of Jiangnan Province. For this reason, he offended many ancient martial arts practitioners, and the two brothers were also among them.

Yu Shaohong said that he would wait at the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, and the implication was that when the ancient martial arts alliance meeting starts, there will be resentment and hatred between each other.

Jiang Chen agreed quite readily, knowing in his heart that he had offended everyone so badly back then that it was impossible to just expose it.

Therefore, during this trip to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, Jiang Chen had long expected that he would run into these two brothers. It was just such a timing, but it was a bit of a coincidence.

"It's hard for you two to remember me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, we naturally remember you." Yu Shaohong said.

"Jiang Chen, do you still remember what we said back then?" Yu Shaohua said.

"We said that we will wait for you at the Guwu Alliance Conference," Yu Shaohong said.

"It seems that we were lucky. We bumped into you on the first day we came here." Yu Shaohua said.

"Jiang Chen, are you ready? We have been waiting for this day for a long time." Yu Shaohong said.


Two brothers, if you say something to me, Huang Chan's head will grow bigger.

"You two, can't you talk alone? Two elders, do you want to be so long-winded?" Huang Chan said dissatisfied.



Yu Shaohong and Yu Shaohua said in unison.

"Crazy." Huang Chan cursed.

Yu Shaohong and Yu Shaohua looked at Huang Chan coldly, and Yu Shaohong said, "We are going to order this tent."

"You two's lives are decided by us." Yu Shaohua added.

This is not Tiannan City. Here, everyone is not bound by any rules. Therefore, the two brothers showed their sharp fangs and never concealed their murderous intentions.

"Brother Qing, these two guys are mentally ill, they're annoying me to death, you kill them quickly." Huang Chan said extremely displeased.

"Jiang Chen, let's do it." Yu Shaohong said.

"Jiang Chen, you are doomed today." Yu Shaohua said.

The two brothers said, looking at Jiang Chen enthusiastically, looking forward to a battle with Jiang Chen.

"What are you two, you dare to talk nonsense in front of my brother Qing. Believe it or not, my brother Qing will crush you to death with one finger." Huang Chan yelled.

"Come on, let's do it." Yu Shaohong said.

"We have waited too long for this day." Yu Shaohua said impatiently.

"You two are too noisy." Jiang Chen said with a frown, not to mention Huang Chan's impatientness, Jiang Chen was also impatient to the extreme.

After all, looking at brothers Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong with such confidence, it was as if he was really doomed.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen made a move. He felt that if he didn't make a move, he would really be annoyed to death by these two brothers.

Seeing Jiang Chen's movement, both Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong's eyes flashed an explosive murderous intent, and the two launched the most overbearing attack on Jiang Chen in no particular order.

However, no matter how overbearing their attack methods were, they were still vulnerable to a single blow in front of Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen just threw out two punches, which sent the two brothers flying.

"Brother Qing is doing well, leave the next thing to me." Seeing the two brothers being blown away by Jiang Chen, seriously injured and exhausted to the ground, Huang Chan staggered and rushed out, suddenly a handful of gold appeared in her hand. dagger.

Following Huang Chan's attack, in the next second, there was a line of blood on the throats of the two brothers, and the blood gushed out like a fountain.

"Brother Qing, I've done it for you." Huang Chan said to Jiang Chen as if asking for credit for killing the two.

Jiang Chen nodded, but he was surprised that Huang Chan's killing method was so cruel.

The dagger in her hand was extremely sharp, and after she shot it, it only left blood lines. Brothers Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong would not die immediately, but would wait until the blood flowed out after struggling.

Jiang Chen didn't like this kind of killing method.

When he kills, unless the other party is vicious and intends to torture the other party, he will kill the other party very simply, ending the other party's life in an instant.

"Little girl, you are really cruel." However, just as Huang Chan finished speaking, an old voice came over.

Along with that voice, an old figure appeared.

The white-haired old man looked very decayed, and it was almost impossible to tell his age, whether it was seventy or eighty, with a feeling of dying.

"Cruel?" Huang Chan sneered, and said, "The two idiots are louder than the other, but less capable than the other. They deserve their lives."

While speaking, Huang Chan raised her neck, looked at the white-haired old man, and said bluntly: "I kill people is my business, what does it have to do with you, do you want to meddle in my own business?"

"So what if you meddle in your own business?" the white-haired old man asked sternly.

"Old guy, half of your body is buried in the soil. If you dare to meddle in other people's business, I will bury you in the soil." Huang Chan said with sharp teeth.

"Really?" Under Huang Chan's threat, instead of getting angry, the white-haired old man burst out laughing, but that kind of laughter could be as playful as it wanted?
"You don't believe me?" Huang Chan was extremely dissatisfied, and said to Jiang Chen, "Brother Qing, this old fellow bullied me, let's bury him together."

"Don't worry, I will bury him." Staring at the white-haired old man, Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, it looks like you still remember me." The white-haired old man said mockingly.

"It can be said that the impression is quite deep." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

It was also that time, in Juyi Village, the white-haired old man attacked Mei Hongyi. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, Mei Hongyi would have been murdered already.

He borrowed a sword to force the white-haired old man back.

Jiang Chen naturally kept this enmity in his heart.

Jiang Chen only remembered Yu Shaohua and Yu Shaohong brothers, but he was deeply impressed by this unknown white-haired old man.

"Jiang Chen, you are so resentful. Could it be that you really want to kill me? It's a pity that you were lucky enough to force me to retreat last time. This time, I'm curious as to who would lend you the sword." The white-haired old man teased.

"This time, no one needs to lend me a sword. I'll crush you to death, like crushing an ant." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"A guy as humble as an ant dares to speak wild words in front of me." The white-haired old man snorted coldly.

"Old guy, you are impatient, right? You are so loud, I warn you, don't say that my brother loves the old and loves the young." Huang Chan ran on.

"Little girl, your loving brother will soon die in my hands. After you say I killed him, what should I do with you?" The white-haired old man looked at Huang Chan and said leisurely.

"Brother Qing, tear him to pieces." Huang Chan was furious.

Although the white-haired old man's words were not very straightforward, how could Huang Chan not be able to hear what the hidden meaning was in those words.

An old guy who was about to die, actually had such an idea, which made Huang Chan feel so disgusted that he was about to vomit.


Jiang Chen didn't need to urge him, Jiang Chen had already planned to make a move. It would be fine if he didn't meet the white-haired old man. Since he met, how could he let him leave alive?

Almost as soon as Huang Chan's voice fell, Jiang Chen's figure disappeared in a flash, and in the next second, he appeared in front of the white-haired old man, raised his hand, and slapped the white-haired old man's Tianling Gai head-on.

"Die to me." An extremely cold and stern voice came from the depths of Jiang Chen's throat.

Then, there was a muffled bang sound, accompanied by the sound of bones shattering, Jiang Chen's right hand, solidly, slapped the white-haired old man's celestial cap...

(End of this chapter)

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