genius evil

Chapter 978 Peerless Powerhouse

Chapter 978 Peerless Powerhouse

Jiang Chen's moves were swift and violent, and he was extremely domineering. Once he made a move, he didn't intend to leave anyone alive.

After Jiang Chen slapped it on the Tianling Gai, the white-haired old man's legs were buried in the soil along his ankles under Jiang Chen's heavy blow.


When he opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted out from the white-haired old man's mouth.

The old face of the white-haired old man changed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming pale, then pale again, until later, his complexion was like gossamer, without a trace of blood.

"How is it possible." The white-haired old man lost his voice and stared at Jiang Chen, so unbelievable.

Back then in Juyi Village, he forced Jiang Chen into a mess, even if Jiang Chen borrowed a sword, it only added a little trouble to him.

He has always cherished his life, and he didn't want to fight Jiang Chen for his life. This is the way to escape before Jiang Chen goes all out.

However, how long has it been since Jiang Chen has grown to this level?
There is no need to borrow the sword anymore, just a mere slap is to make him completely defeated.

"Genius, peerless evildoer!" The white-haired old man sighed secretly in his heart.

Strangling Jiang Chen, the white-haired old man has never given up on this thought since meeting him at Juyizhuang.

Originally, Juyi Village failed to kill Jiang Chen, and let the white-haired old man feel extremely regretful.

This time, when he came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference, he met Jiang Chen on the first day. In the eyes of the white-haired old man, this was a perfect opportunity given to him by heaven.

He had to enjoy it and kill the pleasure of a peerless genius.

However, a genius is a genius, especially a peerless genius like Jiang Chen, whose growth rate is simply unimaginable.

He knew that Jiang Chen was a genius, but he greatly underestimated Jiang Chen's genius level. The white-haired old man felt unwilling. If he had known that Jiang Chen was such an evildoer, he would have turned around immediately when he met Jiang Chen this time. Walk.

"Is there anything impossible? You can't even imagine who my love brother is." Huang Chan said proudly, as if Jiang Chen was really her love brother, making her as good as You Rongyan. .

"Yeah, it's unimaginable." The white-haired old man sighed and walked away.

"Brother Qing, you are really amazing, I love you so much." Huang Chan flew up into Jiang Chen's embrace, full of joy.

"Sister Qing, if you want to take advantage of me, just say so, you don't need to make such clumsy excuses." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Huang Chan smiled, and didn't take Jiang Chen's words to heart, and said with a smile: "But brother Qing, you are really great."

"It's agreed to bury this old guy in the ground, will you still bury it?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"Just let him look like this, I think it's good, just enough to scare some cow~ghost~snake gods, so that no one who doesn't have eyes will come over." Huang Chan said.

Including this white-haired old man, there were three groups of people before, plus the two brothers Yu Shaohong and Yu Shaohua, it was quite uneasy.

However, this situation is far from over. There is no doubt that after a long time, more people will land on this small island.

Huang Chan's remarks are not without reason.

Unless Jiang Chen was willing to take the trouble to strike again and again, otherwise, it would be possible to use this white-haired old man to make an example and save a lot of trouble.

"Alright." Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Then, there's no need to tear him into pieces, right?"

"This old guy is very dirty, I don't want to get my hands dirty." Huang Chan said rolling her eyes.

Perhaps it was because the existence of the white-haired old man frightened many people. For several hours after that, there was a rare calm on this island.

Inside the tent, Huang Chan treated Jiang Chen in a nasty way. It seemed that following Jiang Chen's several strikes, they unintentionally made their relationship closer.

But Jiang Chen naturally wouldn't take Huang Chan's behavior to heart.

You know, according to Huang Chan, there will be Xiao Pei Yuan Pill appearing at the ancient martial arts alliance meeting this time. As far as the efficacy of Xiao Pei Yuan Pill is concerned, it is conceivable that there will be a battle for it at that time.

The stronger he is, the greater his chances of winning the Xiaopei Yuan Pill, which undoubtedly makes Huang Chan very happy to see it succeed.

But Huang Chan didn't say anything, and Jiang Chen didn't see it through. In the final analysis, the current situation, the relationship between the two is just to use each other and get what they need. There is no need to care about those insignificant details.

However, thinking of the ensuing battle for Xiaopei Yuandan, even Jiang Chen couldn't help but wonder whether this so-called tent battle was a warm-up for the battle for Xiaopei Yuandan.

After all, ten tents triggered hundreds of people to compete.

Except for some self-aware people, it can be said that most people will participate in this competition.

As a result, under the fierce competition, many people were brushed off intentionally or unintentionally.

From another point of view, anyone who can capture an island with a tent and defend it must either have extraordinary status or amazing strength.

This is an alternative perspective of the law of the jungle, a typical embodiment of the law of the jungle!

There is an area in Penglai Xiandao, no matter who it is without permission, it is not easy to set foot, otherwise, it will be the most severe punishment.

This area is the five islands in the middle among the many islands of Penglai Xiandao.

These five islands are inhabited by five major forces, and these five major forces are the organizers of this ancient martial arts alliance conference.

The five major forces usually live in seclusion and are not known to too many people, but each of them has the background to dominate one side.

There are even rumors that among the five major forces, there are strong people with innate realms.

In the afternoon, people appeared one after another on four of the small islands and plundered the first island.

On the first island, behind a messy reef, facing the sea breeze, an old man with a hunchback was making tea.

"It smells so good." A figure appeared, it was an old woman in red.

When the old woman in red was speaking, she was still more than ten meters away. When she finished speaking, she suddenly appeared beside the hunchbacked old man.

The old woman in red stared at the pot of tea, looked and looked, as if she coveted it very much.

"Haha, I'm not late." Immediately afterwards, another figure appeared, this is an old man with the appearance of a Taoist priest, wearing a long robe and pulling up a bun.

"I don't know if you're late or not, but I'm sure I'm not late." Another figure flashed over, but it was an old man with a hooked nose. Falcon, extremely sharp.

"Then I must not be too late." Behind the hook-nosed old man, a fourth figure appeared, walking all the way, seemingly very slowly.

This person is graceful, luxuriously dressed, meticulous, and has a faint bookish aura on his body, but a scar on his face is invisible, adding a bit of sinister taste.

The four of them appeared, unintentionally, all showing extraordinary strength.

But the hunchbacked old man didn't respond from the beginning to the end. He just concentrated on making tea, as if he didn't notice the arrival of these four people at all. He only had the pot of tea in his eyes.

It took about ten minutes for a pot of tea to be boiled, and five teacups were placed on the temporary table made of reefs. The hunchbacked old man raised the teapot to make tea, and invited: "Everyone, please."

The four of them were not polite, especially the old woman in red, who obviously got a little impatient with the wait, and was the first to reach out, grabbed a teacup, and drank it in one gulp.

"Have another drink." The old woman in red said, still wanting more.

"One cup per person." The hunchbacked old man said in a non-negotiable tone.

"Zhang Yuanshang, you have been stingy all your life. In the name of being stingy, could it be that you are going to be taken to the coffin?" said the old woman in red, extremely dissatisfied.

The old man named Zhang Yuanshang didn't take the accusation of the old woman in red to heart at all. He put down the teapot, picked up a cup of tea, and sipped it with an expression of enjoyment.

"Junior Sister Jingzhi, you said Brother Yuanshang has been stingy all his life, but your temper has also been impatient all your life, haha." said the old man who looked like a Taoist priest.

"It has nothing to do with you." The old woman in red named Jingzhi said coldly.

"Ox-nosed, this feeling of hitting a wall, isn't it good?" the hook-nosed old man gloated.

"To borrow a sentence from Junior Sister Jingzhi, it has nothing to do with you." The hooked-nosed old man said flatly.

Only the old man with the scar didn't speak, and drank tea quietly. When the cup of tea was finished, the old man with the scar put down his cup and said, "Brother Yuanshang, what are you calling us for?"

"Those ten islands must now have owners." Zhang Yuanshang said slowly.

"That's all for now," said the old man with the scar.

"Yeah, I think until tomorrow, who will be able to live in the ten big tents is unknown. Brother Yuanshang, I don't know how many people you have played with." The old Taoist priest said.

"I only look at the results, not the process." Zhang Yuanshang said indifferently, and then asked, "Are there any people who are eye-catching?"

"Brother Yuanshang, you have such an idea. It's a good plan. Of course you have it." said the old Taoist priest.

"In Fanyin Mountain, there is a female doll, she is quite good, if you just step into the door, you can step into the innate realm." said the old man with hooked nose.

"There is a disciple of Qianlongmen, who is only in his twenties, and he has already stepped into the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts, and his future is limitless." Said the old man with the scar.

"I have a disciple under the Heavenly Master's Taoism. He has been walking outside in recent years and has not been summoned. This time, he also came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference. He is also the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts. I think it is quite pleasing to the eye." Taoist priest said the old man.

"You have all seen that little thing in the Xuanling Sect who wants money, so I don't need to say more." The old woman in red knew it quietly, and said dispensable.

"These four people occupy four of the ten islands, and there are six other islands lying beside them. Could it be that none of them caught your eye?" Zhang Yuanshang said.

"Brother Yuanshang, you can recommend someone," said the old Taoist priest.

"I remember that when the invitation letter was distributed, there was a junior named Jiang Chen. Now, he is working for the Tianzu. He is also here today, and he occupies one of the ten islands." Zhang Yuan rubbed his chin, Said with a half-smile.

"Jiang Chen? That little guy who came out of nowhere before and was recruited by the Tianzu?" Jingzhi asked.

"It's him." Zhang Yuanshang nodded.

"I have a little impression of this little guy," said the old Taoist priest.

It is precisely because Jiang Chen has no family and no sect that his characteristics are very obvious. Not only the old Taoist priest has an impression, but also the old man with the scar and the old man with the hooked nose.

"Brother Yuanshang, what do you mean by your words, do you have a high opinion of him?" asked the old man with a hooked nose.

"Don't say anything, don't say much, there are still more than two days before the conference will officially start, and what you say now is unintentional, just look at it." Zhang Yuanshang said with a smile.

"Brother Yuanshang, you really like that kid named Jiang Chen. I'm curious as to what's different about him." Jing Zhi said.

The other three old men didn't speak, but their thoughts were the same as Jing Zhi's, but it was inadvertently, because Zhang Yuanshang's words made Jiang Chen enter the sight of these people...

(End of this chapter)

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