genius evil

Chapter 979 Play something more exciting

Chapter 979 Play something more exciting

"Brother Qing, have you noticed that it's so boring." Inside the big tent, Huang Chan said absent-mindedly while eating.

Afterwards, Huang Chan's eyes lit up, and she said, "Brother Qing, why don't we bury that old guy. If that happens, many people will come to trouble us."

"How did your brain grow?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"How about it, did you find that I'm smart?" Huang Chan asked with a smile.

"Yeah, you're really too smart, how about I show you something more exciting?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"More exciting? What are you playing?" Huang Chan became excited all of a sudden, and it was not difficult to see that this little demon girl had the kind of personality that was afraid of chaos.

"Let's go to other islands to see." Jiang Chen said.

"What's the fun in this? No, Brother Qing, don't you want to grab another tent?" Huang Chan asked.

"If there is a better one, why not grab it?" Jiang Chen said casually.

"Very good, this is really exciting." Huang Chan stood up, dragged Jiang Chen out, and complained: "Brother Qing, why didn't you say something so exciting and fun earlier, wasting my time for nothing. Therefore, as a condition to compensate me, you must grab all the other nine tents."

Jiang Chen staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Damn woman, doesn't she want to make him a public enemy?

"Little brother, little brother..." Jiang Chen and Huang Chan had just walked out of the island when they heard the sound of calling from a distance.

The short and fat guy ran over while calling, shaking the mineral water in his hand and asked, "Little brother, do you still want to buy mineral water? If you buy two bottles at once, I will give you a friendly price. The bottle only costs 28."

"You have the nerve to sell water so expensive for a bottle of one dollar. How dare you treat us as idiots?" Huang Chan rolled her eyes.

"Beauty, what you said is meaningless. The time is different and the place is different, and the price level is naturally different... If you don't believe me, go ask about it. I, Luo Song, started my business with integrity. Everyone who has bought it agrees." Humpty Humpty said confidently.

"At most one yuan and five bottles, if you like it, sell it, if you don't sell it, you will lose it." Huang Chan rolled her eyes and said angrily.

The Humpty Humpty Man was heartbroken, and took a deep breath: "Beauty, you are going to drink my blood. To be honest, if I sell you a friendly price, I won't make any money. I can understand bargaining." , but if you bargain like this, I can't even eat the sand."

"There is so much sand on the ground, you can eat whatever you want, in a word, should you sell it or not?" Huang Chan asked.

The short fat man's cheeks twitched, and he took two steps back, as if to prevent being robbed by Huang Chan, and said: "Little brother, I think we are destined, so let's sell it to you at a loss, a bottle only costs 27 yuan, really can't Make another bargain, or I will die."

When Huang Chan heard that the short fat man said that he would sell at a loss, he thought that there would be a big discount, but he never expected that the so-called loss of money was just a dollar missing.

"Brother Qing, how did you know this guy who wants money so badly?" Huang Chan was stunned and asked Jiang Chen.

"I don't know him." Jiang Chen said.

"Little brother, how can you say that you don't know me? If you don't know me, can I sell you something at a loss?" The short fat man was heartbroken and complained endlessly.

"If you sell me a [-] bottle, I'll help you say something nice to my elder brother Jiaqing. Maybe my elder brother Jiaqing will know you." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"No, no." Humpty Humpty shook his head like a rattle, gritted his teeth, and said, "The minimum is 26 yuan, and if I lose a penny, I'll die."


Huang Chan raised her foot and kicked Humpty Dumpty, knocking Humpty Dumpy to the ground, and said very annoyedly: "Hurry up, go die."

"What a ferocious woman, little brother, you're looking for good luck." The short fat man got up from the ground, patted the sand on his buttocks, and ran fast.

"Sure enough, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds." Huang Chan sighed.

Someone would take advantage of the ancient martial arts alliance meeting to come to make money. It has to be said that what this short fat man did was quite weird.

Jiang Chen had seen the short fat man selling things before, so he was not surprised. After judging the direction, he led Huang Chan towards the nearest island.

"Brother Qing, this island is very small, there must be no tents." Huang Chan said.

"Just take a look." Jiang Chen didn't explain.

On the surface, he told Huang Chan that he wanted to have some fun, but in fact, he came to find someone.

Soon, Jiang Chen and Huang Chan landed on the island.

As Huang Chan said before, this island is indeed not big. At best, it is only the size of a football field, with sparse vegetation. At a glance, you can see many ancient martial arts practitioners resting.

Some of these ancient martial arts practitioners rented tents, and some bought mineral water and food. On those tents, there was a big Luo character printed on them.

Obviously, Humpty's business is very hot, and he has successfully sold a lot of things.

Huang Chan also discovered this situation, and said, "Brother Qing, I suddenly have an idea... I was thinking, even if we didn't get anything from participating in the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference this time, in the end, as long as we rob that damned Fatty can also make a lot of money."

Huang Chan acts in her own way, without considering other people's feelings.

Hearing what Huang Chan said, Jiang Chen knew that Huang Chan was definitely not joking, so he couldn't help praying for the short fat man. Otherwise, if he was really robbed by Huang Chan, the short fat man would probably cry to death.

Due to the sparse vegetation, it was impossible to block the line of sight. Jiang Chen didn't need to go too deep. He simply scanned the situation inside the island.

Jiang Chen saw a few acquaintances, they were the six people from Baiquanmen.

They didn't buy a tent, but just bought a few bottles of mineral water from Humpty Dumpty and sat on the ground, resting.

Song Yunrong and Lei Meng also saw Jiang Chen, and they nodded towards Jiang Chen as a greeting, Jiang Chen nodded in response, led Huang Chan, and was about to leave.

But footsteps sounded, and a group of more than a dozen people rushed towards the island quickly.

A tall young man, like the stars holding the moon, is supported by this group of people, but he is a member of the Wanzong.

This line of Wanzong people had a clear and direct purpose, and went straight to the direction where the people from Baiquanmen were.

"Old boy, stand up for me." Walking closer, one of them pointed at Tao Yuan and scolded.

"What are you going to do?" Tao Yuan stood up and asked, frowning in displeasure.

No matter what he thought, he was the majestic master of the sect, but he was reprimanded by a guy who looked like a servant, pointing his nose like this.

Even if he knew that the other party was a member of the Wan Wan sect, this kind of behavior was based on the fact that Tao Yuan was extremely annoyed.

"What are you doing? What are you talking about? You were the one who blocked the way of our young suzerain when we boarded the ship earlier? Don't say that our Wanzong sect is unreasonable. Now, I will give you a chance to kneel down honestly. Next, kowtow three times to our young suzerain, our young suzerain has a lot, so I don't care about you." The man said arrogantly.


Suddenly, Tao Yuan's face flushed red.

In his view, this is a naked humiliation.

Although he had thought that Wan Wanzong would not easily expose the previous skirmish, Tao Yuan never expected that Gui Yuanzong would be so deceptive.

"What about you and mine? What's the matter? You don't want to kneel down, do you? You don't have to kneel down. I'll kill you directly, and the debt will be wiped out." The man grinned.

"What are you, you dare to threaten the sect master." Lei Meng couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said loudly.

Song Yunrong, Chen Jianzhi, and Xu Cheng also got up and stared at each other, each of them extremely angry.

Let alone, when boarding the ship, Wan Zong's group shouted and shouted, it was not Tao Yuan's fault, even if Tao Yuan was at fault, making Tao Yuan kneel and kowtow was extremely excessive and unbearable.

"What am I?" The man chuckled and said, "Very well, you are very united, right? Then I will kill you all."

"Young Sect Master, is this what you mean?" Tao Yuan looked at the young man with cold eyes.

"He who understands current affairs is a hero." The young man said leisurely.

"If I don't kneel down, are you Wanzong really going to kill us all?" Tao Yuan asked through gritted teeth.

"Are you talking nonsense?" The young man looked at Tao Yuan like an idiot, and immediately waved his hand impatiently, ordering; "Shoot, kill."


A group of people responded one after another, and without hesitation, they started to kill the people who were facing Baiquanmen.

Tao Yuan thought it was fine for Wan Zong to threaten them, but now that the people of Wan Zong really made a move, their eyes were even more gloomy. They stared at the young man and said, "Even if I die here, I will definitely be dragged!" I will be buried with you."

As Tao Yuan spoke, he moved his feet and instantly bullied the young man, intending to kill the young man here.

But when Tao Yuan was about to appear in front of the young man, a figure stepped out of the sky and stopped him.

"You actually want to kill the Young Sect Master, you're looking for death." The man shouted, his slap was like thunder, and Tao Yuan was forced back a few steps with an instant slap.

"It's so strong." Tao Yuan turned pale with shock, and looked at the side, Tengping and others, under the cull of Wanzong's people, were struggling left and right, and they definitely couldn't last long.

If it is a bad word, all the people from Baiquanmen who came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance meeting this time will be buried here. In that case, Baiquanmen will be considered exterminated.

Tao Yuan felt unwilling, and looked towards Jiang Chen, with a look of pleading in the depths of his eyes.

"Brother Qing, what is that guy looking at you for?" Huang Chan asked strangely when he found Tao Yuan looking at Jiang Chen.

"Maybe I'm too handsome." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Brother Qing, why are you so shameless." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Let's go." Jiang Chen pulled Huang Chan's little hand and said.

"Don't go, let's watch the excitement." Huang Chan was watching with great interest, she would not leave, her eyes were fixed on the direction of the battle without blinking, and she kept watching.

Tao Yuan asked Jiang Chen for help with his eyes, but Jiang Chen didn't respond in the slightest. He was heartbroken for a while, and fought with the person who made the move.

(End of this chapter)

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