genius evil

Chapter 980 Planting Evil Causes, Reaping Evil Results

Chapter 980 Planting Evil Causes, Reaping Evil Results

Compared with the Wanzong sect, the background of the Baiquan sect is far behind. Compared with the first-rate sect, the disparity between the second-rate sect and the first-rate sect is really too great.Such a gap is absolutely difficult to make up.

Moreover, the young master of the Wanwan sect came prepared, even if Tao Yuan wanted to do his best, he was powerless, and was killed after a few minutes.

After Tao Yuan, Tengping was also unavoidable and fell here.

"Sect master, deputy sect master." The four of them, Song Yunrong's eyes were about to split with anger, and they howled in grief. There was clearly a tear falling from the corner of Song Yunrong's eye.

Under the pressure of the two, Lei Meng couldn't move left or right. He was punched, stepped back hastily, and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

The situation of Chen Jianzhi and Xu Cheng was also extremely bad, and they all died in panic.


Wanzong acted domineeringly and without reason.

Many people saw this scene in their eyes, but none of them planned to stand up for Baiquanmen.

Here, without being bound by any secular rules, whoever has a big fist is right. Wanzong's fist is undoubtedly much bigger than Baiquanmen.

Therefore, even if Wanzong's actions are very unreasonable, it is also reasonable.

Moreover, if he stood up for Baiquanmen, he would offend Wan Wanzong. No one would stand up for Baiquanmen without any reason under the circumstances of no benefit.

"I don't know why, those guys look very pitiful." Suddenly, Huang Chan whispered in Jiang Chen's ear.

"It's very pitiful, but a poor person must have something to hate." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"It doesn't matter, because they are so pitiful, I will help them." Huang Chan said.

Huang Chan did what she said, and before she finished speaking, her figure moved, and she ran towards Song Yunrong, kicked the guy who was attacking Song Yunrong, and flew away.

"Little beauty, don't thank me." After kicking one person, Huang Chan smiled at Song Yunrong, and then, without stopping, went to rescue the three of Lei Meng.

"Who are you?" The young sect master asked in surprise, as if he hadn't expected that someone would stand up for Baiquanmen.

"You don't care who I am, I won't allow you to kill these four people." Huang Chan said without doubt.

"Beauty, if you say that you are not allowed to kill, then you are not allowed to kill. What is the reason?" The young suzerain smiled, his eyes rolled around, and said, "If I insist on killing, what about you?"

"Then I'll kill you." Huang Chan said.

"Woman, you are impatient, right?" A middle-aged man standing next to the young suzerain said with a frown, he was the one who killed Tao Yuan just now.

"Brother Qing, someone is threatening me." Huang Chan ignored this person and yelled at Jiang Chen.

"Beauty, it turns out that you have a love brother, but you are still a little boy. If I kill your love brother, what will you do with me?" the young suzerain said with a playful smile.

"Brother Qing, this idiot is taking advantage of me." Huang Chan yelled at Jiang Chen again.

"Uncle Yuan, go and kill that little boy." The young master said angrily.

The first time he saw Huang Chan, he felt amazed. He originally thought that it didn't matter whether Song Yunrong and the others were killed or not. return.

Not only did Huang Chan have a man, but she also talked about her love brother. She called so affectionately, and the voice almost gave people goosebumps.

The Young Sect Master couldn't stand it for a minute, and wanted Uncle Yuan to kill Jiang Chen. At that time, Huang Chan had no brother Qing, so let's see what else he could do.

"Okay." The middle-aged man who was called Uncle Yuan by the young master nodded.

He is very clear about the young suzerain's temperament, and he knows that the young suzerain has taken a fancy to Huang Chan, but it's no wonder that Huang Chan has a natural vixenous aura, which is astonishingly charming, and has always been immune to beauty. The young sect's main reason is that they are not tempted, and that's the problem.

After responding, Uncle Yuan walked towards Jiang Chen step by step, and said, "Little white face, what happened here today has nothing to do with you, but your woman is too ignorant."

"If I say that she is not my woman, would you believe it?" Jiang Chen said helplessly, feeling depressed that he would be shot even while lying down.

It's fine for Huang Chan to meddle in her own business, so what's the point of dragging him into the water?
This is simply asking for trouble for him.

And what he hates the most is trouble.

In order to avoid trouble, Jiang Chen would rather not know Huang Chan.

"Brother Qing, how can you say that I'm not your woman? His heart will be broken." Huang Chan said weeping.

"Little boy, do you think I'm a fool? There are so many people here, and that woman just calls you Brother Qing. How dare you say she's not your woman?" Uncle Yuan said angrily.

"Please believe that everything I say is true." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Looking for death." Uncle Yuan roared, how could he believe Jiang Chen's nonsense, he raised his hand and slapped Jiang Chen.

"What's going on in this world, I'm obviously telling the truth, why doesn't anyone believe me?" Jiang Chen was aggrieved and innocent, and with a random slap, Uncle Yuan was sent flying.

A good living person, after being blown away by Jiang Chen, has only half life left.


If Jiang Chen didn't make a move, everyone was stunned by this move.

Especially the young suzerain, his jaw was about to drop to the ground.

Although, judging from the situation of Huang Chan's attack, everyone felt that Jiang Chen, as Huang Chan's man, would not be so weak no matter how weak he was.

After all, if Jiang Chen was too weak, how could Huang Chan have a crush on Jiang Chen?

But not weak, and too strong are completely two concepts.

Jiang Chen slapped him and almost killed Uncle Yuan. Thinking about Uncle Yuan killing Tao Yuan not long ago, almost no one would accept this situation.

"Brother Qing, you are so amazing, I love you so much." Huang Chan clapped her little hands and kept winking at Jiang Chen, just like a star-chasing fangirl.

"Boy,'s going on?" The young sect master looked at Jiang Chen and stumbled.

"It's nothing." Jiang Chen shook his head and said lazily, "It's purely self-defense. If there is any accidental injury, it must be a coincidence."

The Young Sect Master looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost. He felt that Jiang Chen was too pretentious, and he could pretend better than him.

If it is said that when he himself was pretending to be aggressive, he could score eight points in a so-so manner, and Jiang Chen would definitely get a perfect score.

"Boy, I, Wanzong, have no grievances with you in the past, and have no hatred in the present..." the young Sect Master said.

Before the Young Sect Master could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted it with a wave of his hand, and said, "I don't intend to meddle in other people's business, or you can continue."

"Continue?" The young master was dumbfounded.

continue what?
Continue to kill, and kill the remaining four people from Baiquanmen?
He wanted to continue, but how should he continue?

God knows whether Jiang Chen's words are true or false, what if they are false?

Furthermore, when Jiang Chen said that he didn't plan to meddle in other people's business, it was clear that he was already meddling in his own business, okay?If he continued, he might be the next one to be kicked away.

"Let's go." Gritting his teeth, the young master said.

Even Uncle Yuan was vulnerable in front of Jiang Chen. The Young Sect Master knew that the people he had brought with him were not good enough in front of Jiang Chen, so he had to leave first to avoid immediate losses.

Naturally, leaving doesn't mean that the account will be settled like this, he will keep it in his heart, and then settle it with Jiang Chen slowly.

The Young Sovereign soon took people and carried Uncle Yuan away.

A farce came to an end amidst the complicated eyes of the crowd. Song Yunrong and the others restrained the bodies of Tao Yuan and Tengping, each of them was angry and sad, but most of them were helpless and panicked.

"Brother Qing, are you letting them go like this?" Huang Chan walked up to Jiang Chen and complained with her red lips pouting.

"Otherwise? Kill them all?" Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"It's not impossible, is it? Brother Qing, if you act casually, you will kill them." Huang Chan said.

"Could it be that you think I'm a good person?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Is he a good man?
No, it's not.

Jiang Chen never considered himself a good person, let alone a savior.

It is true that he has some relationship with Baiquanmen, but the favor Lei Meng gave him was exhausted as early as in the hotel, because Tao Yuan and Tengping never showed up.

Just because Jiang Chen doesn't talk about some things doesn't mean that Jiang Chen can't see them.

Back then when Fengqingmen was aggressive, Jiang Chen knew exactly what Tao Yuan and Tengping were up to.

What kind of cause will bear what kind of fruit.

Be it Tao Yuan or Tengping, have you ever thought that the two of them will have today?Have you ever regretted something you did in a hotel?
"But, I feel that you know them." Huang Chan said in a low voice.

"It's just acquaintance." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Huang Chan is very good at observing words and expressions, which is probably the reason why she will make a move, but Huang Chan doesn't know the secret behind it.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for saving us." Song Yunrong and Lei Meng walked over with sorrow.

"You don't need to thank me. If you want to thank her, you can thank her." Jiang Chen pointed at Huang Chan.

"Yes, if you want to thank me, thank me, I saved you." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Thank you." Song Yunrong and Lei Meng said.

The two of them looked at Jiang Chen with extremely complicated eyes at this moment.

In terms of Jiang Chen's strength, they all knew that if Jiang Chen really intended to help Baiquanmen, then Tao Yuan and Tengping would not die at all.

But they know better that Tao Yuan and Teng Ping will have today, in the final analysis, they are just the two of them to blame.

If Tao Yuan and Teng Ping were able to stand up during the conflict between the hotel and Fengqingmen, how would this ending happen today?

Although Tao Yuan and Tengping died at the hands of Wan Zong, it was also because of their selfishness that they killed him.

At this point, the two of them could not blame Jiang Chen for not taking action.

If Jiang Chen made a move, it was out of affection, and if he didn't, it was his duty.

But no matter what, because of Huang Chan's move, Jiang Chen was involved, and then, Jiang Chen's move, the one who knocked back the Wanzong, was the one who let the four of them survive. I kept it in my heart.

"Sister Qing, can I go now?" Jiang Chen asked Huang Chan.

"Let's go, let's play something more exciting, okay? Brother Qing, you have to rob all the other nine tents to make up for my wounded heart. Otherwise, I I must make you look good." Huang Chan muttered and left holding Jiang Chen's arm.

"Master, what should we do next?" Lei Meng asked with a sigh.

Tao Yuan and Tengping are both dead, this ancient martial arts alliance meeting is meaningless to Baiquanmen.

"Let's take one step at a time." Song Yunrong said hesitantly, she herself didn't know what to do...

(End of this chapter)

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