genius evil

Chapter 981 Let's go to fight for justice

Chapter 981 Let's go to fight for justice

In the following time, Jiang Chen took Huang Chan and shuttled between islands one after another.

What made Huang Chan extremely dissatisfied was that Jiang Chen didn't seem to intend to rob those nine tents at all, and every island he went to was those small islands.

Huang Chan complained all the way, feeling that this kind of thing is not exciting at all.

"Brother Qing, are you looking for someone? Let me guess, are you looking for a woman?" Huang Chan asked suspiciously.

When he boarded the islands, Jiang Chen seemed to be aimless. In fact, Huang Chan discovered that Jiang Chen was looking for something.

Naturally, there would be no treasures in this kind of place, so what Jiang Chen was looking for could only be people.

Narrowing down this range a bit, combined with Jiang Chen's personality, what Jiang Chen is looking for is a woman.

"Guess is correct, but there is no reward." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Brother Qing, you are really looking for a woman, so where does this leave me?" Huang Chan shouted.

Jiang Chen looked at the woman speechlessly, and said amusedly, "So, where do you want me to put you?"

"Of course I want Brother Qing to put me in your heart." Huang Chan said as a matter of course.

Jiang Chen almost spurted blood. His own face was already considered unique. Unexpectedly, Huang Chan's face was a bit thicker than his.

"Brother Qing, what is your reaction? I warn you, you will easily lose me if you do this." Huang Chan said dissatisfied.

"Whether I will lose you or not will not be discussed for the time being. Next, I should fulfill my promise and do something exciting." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, are you planning to lie to me again?" Huang Chan looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly.

Early in the morning, Jiang Chen said that he wanted to play something exciting, but until now, he hadn't even seen the shadow. Huang Chan decided not to trust Jiang Chen anymore.

"I'm sure I didn't lie to you this time, we're going to kill people... no, we're going to fight for justice, isn't that very exciting?" Jiang Chen squinted and said.

Dozens of islands, even if it is every island, it would take a lot of time just to go around. The most important thing is that Jiang Chen is still not sure whether Sleeping Beauty and the others are here.

Instead of looking for people aimlessly, it's better to let them come to you on their own initiative.

And if they want to take the initiative to come to them, first of all, what he has to do is to spread his fame and make his goal infinitely bigger.

It just so happens that disputes are the most common thing on the island, and there are not a few incidents of bullying.

Simply, he reluctantly acted as a chivalrous hero once, and gave away his reputation.

"Brother Qing, don't you have a fever? Do chivalry and righteousness have anything to do with you?" Huang Chan rolled her eyes.

The ancient knights of the family paid attention to killing one person in ten steps, and never staying behind for a thousand miles.

Let Jiang Chen kill one person in ten steps, that's not a problem at all, the biggest problem is that Huang Chan doesn't see the slightest aura of a knight on Jiang Chen's body.

Furthermore, if Jiang Chen really wanted to be a hero, why didn't he act when Baiquanmen was being bullied by Wanzong?
"No, it seems that I got the point wrong." After thinking for a while, Huang Chan murmured.

The point is not to be chivalrous, but to kill people.

Just like what Jiang Chen said at the beginning, let's kill people.

However, Jiang Chen probably felt that this kind of statement was too straightforward, so he temporarily changed it to say that we are going to fight for justice after he said it.

This seems to have found a perfect reason for his killing, but in essence, it is still killing.

"Brother Qing, who do you want to kill?" Huang Chan was immediately happy, and hurriedly asked, this kind of thing is really exciting.

"Kill anyone who doesn't like it." Jiang Chen said casually.

Today, all the ancient martial arts practitioners who came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference have all landed on Penglai Xiandao, and it is destined not to be a peaceful day.

On every island, there are more or less, large or small, conflicts.

To compete for territory, or to settle old grievances.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly a very simple matter to act chivalrously and justly, or simply to make trouble for others.

No, when Jiang Chen and Huang Chan set foot on the tenth small island, they found such an opportunity.


"Get out of this island, everyone."

"Our Gongsun family wants this small island."


As soon as Jiang Chen and Huang Chan stepped onto the island, they heard the voices of shouting one after another.

A few tall and strong men, wielding big knives in their hands, pretended to be no one else, and wanted to drive out the ancient martial arts practitioners who had come to this small island earlier.

They spoke arrogantly one by one, as if all the ancient martial arts practitioners present were like ants.

This kind of behavior naturally easily aroused public anger, but after several people were beheaded and blood was splashed on the spot, those ancient martial arts practitioners realized that the Gongsun family was not easy to provoke, no matter how reluctant they were, they could only leave angrily .

"What's the situation with this Gongsun family?" Jiang Chen asked Huang Chan.

"Brother Qing, don't you, you don't even know the Gongsun family?" Huang Chan said in a fuss.

"Very famous?" Jiang Chen said.

"It's not very famous, but it must be famous. This Gongsun family is a family of ancient martial arts practitioners. The family background is almost the same as that of ordinary first-class sects." Huang Chan explained.

"Really?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

He wanted to expand his popularity, but if he killed a few insignificant characters, the effect would be very limited. Since the Gongsun family is somewhat famous, it would be best to use the Gongsun family to do the surgery.

In particular, what the Gongsun family is doing now is very angry. If he takes action, even if it is not a chivalrous act, it can be said that the Gongsun family deserves what they deserve.

"I heard earlier that the Gongsun family's favorite thing to do is to bully the weak. In layman's terms, they like to squeeze soft persimmons. Now it seems that this is really the case." Huang Chan said thoughtfully.

Based on the current situation, to judge the power of a sect or a party, it can be seen at a glance just from its financial resources.

On this small island, there are only a few small tents in twos and threes. There is no doubt that the ancient martial arts practitioners who came to this small island are not very strong.

This is also the reason why the Gongsun family dared to be so arrogant and did not take everyone seriously.

"It just so happens that I also prefer to squeeze soft persimmons." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Under the forceful expulsion of the Gongsun family, the ancient martial arts practitioners were all gone in a short while. On the small island, apart from a dozen people from the Gongsun family, only Jiang Chen and Huang Chan remained.

"You two, don't get out, do you want to die?" A big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes came over with a big knife in his hand, and shouted loudly.

"Why are you so stupid, don't you see why my brother Qing doesn't leave?" Huang Chan said.

"Are you trying to tell me that you guys are getting impatient?" the big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes said suddenly.

Huang Chan rolled her eyes, very suspicious of this guy's IQ.

After all, the Gongsun family was so arrogant that they drove all the ancient martial arts practitioners out of this small island, but she and Jiang Chen did not leave.

As long as this guy has a little brain, he will find that this situation is very unusual.

But this guy is good, saying that the two of them are impatient. Could it be that this idiot is so arrogant that he thinks that anyone has to make a detour in front of Gongsun's house?

Huang Chan sighed incomparably, the Gongsun family had good luck, it can only be said to be a great miracle that such a stupid family can survive for hundreds of years.

It's a pity that this miracle will be broken today.

"Brother Qing, hurry up and be a hero." Huang Chan said to Jiang Chen, paying too much attention to the big man.

"Heroic and righteous?" Following these words, the big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes laughed out loud, as if he had heard a big joke, he was out of breath from laughing.

"You guys are here to be funny, right? You're really looking for death." Then, the big man said.

"It's not funny, we are serious about being chivalrous." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Then let's do it. I want to see if you dare to do it." said the big man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

In order to show that he dared to make a move, Jiang Chen made a move, raised his foot, and kicked the big man flying out.

Then, Jiang Chen roared: "Everyone from Gongsun's family listen to me, draw your sword to help when you see injustice, I, Jiang Chen, am here to do justice, you all come here and suffer death."

In terms of attracting hatred, if Jiang Chen voluntarily takes the second place, no one would dare to fight for the first place.

Especially, under the circumstances that Jiang Chen intentionally seeks hatred.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's words were too much of a stretch. When a group of Gongsun's family members heard the words, they were all furious and wanted to tear Jiang Chen apart.

Also, Jiang Chen kicked the strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes until he vomited blood and flew upside down. It looked like he was looking for trouble, so in an instant, the people of Gongsun's family pointed their finger at Jiang Chen.

"The kid wants to die."

"Whoever dares to touch my Gongsun family, you will die."

"kill him."


The sound of yelling and shouting drowned Jiang Chen in it, the lights of the swords flickered, and several swords slashed at Jiang Chen head-on.

What Jiang Chen wanted was this kind of effect, rushing out like a tiger descending a mountain, charging and killing all the way.

Ten minutes later, all the members of the Gongsun family were killed by Jiang Chen.

"It's not too challenging, Brother Qing, let's go kill people elsewhere." Huang Chan grabbed Jiang Chen's arm and left.

Among the dozen or so members of the Gongsun family, except for a few who were able to withstand Jiang Chen's few moves, the rest were killed by Jiang Chen's one move. There was no suspense at all. From the reader's point of view, it is undoubtedly a little less exciting.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Chen smiled.

The two left the small island, but they saw that there were many figures hovering around the edge of the small island. These people were the ancient martial arts practitioners who were kicked out by the Gongsun family earlier.

They hovered here, never far away, obviously unwilling to be kicked out by the Gongsun family, but frightened by the strength of the Gongsun family, they did not have the courage to land on the island again.

"All the members of Gongsun's family are dead, you can go back now." Jiang Chen stopped and said to these people.

"What? The Gongsun family was wiped out?"

"Who did it?"

"Could it be that this kid wiped out the Gongsun family."


Those ancient martial arts cultivators were shocked when they heard Jiang Chen's words. If they were more courageous, they ventured into the island and found that all the members of Gongsun's family were indeed dead. All the people were shocked.

You must know that although the Gongsun family is only a family of ancient martial arts, its family heritage is not inferior to that of ordinary first-class sects. Against a first-class sect, they were not at a disadvantage, but were silenced by Jiang Chen alone.

"Who is this kid?" In everyone's mind, such a thought popped up, staring at Jiang Chen, looking non-stop.

"You must be very curious about who I am, right? Remember, my name is Jiang Chen. No one needs to thank me, just remember my name." Jiang Chen laughed and led Huang Chan away.

"Jiang Chen?"

These ancient martial arts practitioners all silently read these two words a few times, and silently remembered Jiang Chen's name in their hearts...

(End of this chapter)

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