genius evil

Chapter 982

Chapter 982
"Brother Qing, you're so good, why are you telling them your name?" Huang Chan asked strangely, sizing up Jiang Chen with extremely suspicious eyes.

"If you do something good, of course you must leave a name." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

"Brother Qing, even if you want to lie to me, can't you make up a better reason?" Sighing, Huang Chan said quietly.

She and Jiang Chen went in and out of ten islands one after another. Jiang Chen had been looking for people, but he couldn't find them. Obviously, Jiang Chen changed a method, and wanted the people he was looking for to come to him on his own initiative.

On this point, Jiang Chen didn't need to say much, Huang Chan was able to make a good guess.

The reason why Huang Chan felt a little resentful was that firstly, she felt that Jiang Chen's explanation was too perfunctory, and secondly, that Jiang Chen searched so hard, presumably the person he was looking for had an extraordinary special interest in Jiang Chen's heart. status.

If Jiang Chen wanted the person looking for him to come to him on his own initiative, he would have to make his name famous and spread across dozens of islands, large and small, in Penglai Xiandao.

In that case, it is not only possible to take a knife from the Gongsun family, but also to challenge a more powerful force.

This kind of behavior, if one is not good, may even arouse public anger and lead to group attacks.

If the person he was looking for was not very important to Jiang Chen, how could Jiang Chen do such a thing?After all, Jiang Chen must know how risky this approach is!

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Did you guess it?"

Huang Chan rolled her eyes, thinking that I am not an idiot, and asked, "Brother Qing, can you tell me the name of the woman you are looking for?"

What Jiang Chen was looking for was not just one woman, but three women.

The three women are Sleeping Beauty, Wen Qingxin and Meng Xiyan.

However, given the current situation, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to find Wen Qingxin and Meng Xiyan.

Wen Qingxin is very powerful, looking at the entire Penglai Xiandao, I'm afraid there are not many opponents to be found.

As for Meng Xiyan, the relationship between each other is at best a transactional relationship.

What Jiang Chen was most anxious to find was Sleeping Beauty!

Sleeping Beauty's strength is weak, and Jiang Chen doesn't know much about the sect that Sleeping Beauty is in, so he is not very clear about the strength of the sect that Sleeping Beauty is in.

If the strength is strong, it's okay to say.

If the strength is weak, Sleeping Beauty will become very dangerous.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen would take such a risky approach.

"She has a name, Ling Qingluo." Jiang Chen said softly.

"Judging from this name, she must be a stunning beauty." Huang Chan blinked and asked again, "Who is more beautiful, Ling Qingluo or me?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of woman she is, she can't avoid this problem, even a little witch like Huang Chan is no exception.

But when it comes to who is more beautiful, Sleeping Beauty or Huang Chan, this question baffles Jiang Chen.

In terms of appearance alone, they are comparable, but in terms of temperament, the two women are completely different.

"Each has its own merits." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

"It means that she is almost as beautiful as me, but I want to see with my own eyes, is that Ling Qingluo really as good as you say." Huang Chan said in a fit of anger, and then, in a sense of anger, pulled Jiang Chen away.

Soon the two set foot on the No.11 island.

Inside the No. 11 islands, there was nothing to report. Jiang Chen and Huang Chan stayed for a while, and went to the No. 20 islands. The situation was still the same.

Until, the two of them searched all the way and appeared on the No. 14 island. It was not easy, and they found a chance to fight for justice.

Jiang Chen spent a little time, and after solving a little trouble, he left his name and left gracefully, then went to No.15 island.

The No. 15 islands are quite large, and the shape of the islands is quite peculiar, a bit like a big ship floating above the sea.

It is precisely because of the size of this island that there are especially many people on this island.

"He's new here, right? Are you passing by here, or are you planning to stay here?" Jiang Chen and Huang Chan had just stepped into this island, and a guy with a slightly wretched appearance stopped them and said.

"What's the explanation?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"If the two of you pass by here, each of you will pay 1000 yuan, and then leave quickly. I will just pretend that nothing happened. If you two plan to stay here, each of you will need to pay 1 yuan. , are eligible to stay." said the wretched man.

"What's the point?" Jiang Chen became even more curious.

"Hey, you two little guys really don't understand anything." The wretched man laughed and said, "This island is now my Feiyumen's territory. Practitioners will be protected by my Feiyumen, but if there are foreign enemies invading, my Feiyumen will defend it desperately, even if there is only one person left, I will not hesitate."

After a pause, the wretched man added: "Of course, this is the case of paying the money. If you don't pay the money, then I'm sorry, you two little guys, you are going to be unlucky."

Hearing what the wretched man said, Jiang Chen and Huang Chan looked at each other, and then their eyes lit up.

The wretched man keeps saying that the Feiyumen provides shelter, which is incomparably grandiose, but in fact it is no different from Zhandao being the king.

Needless to say, this is a great opportunity for chivalry.

"According to what you said, all the people on this island have paid protection fees, right?" Jiang Chen then asked.

"That's natural." The wretched man said with a proud face.

"One person is 60. I took a rough look and there are nearly 56 to [-] people. You Feiyumen just made [-] out of thin air without doing anything. It's a deal without capital or profit." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Boy, why are you talking so much nonsense? I don't have time to talk to you. Hurry up and pay the money. By the way, if you pay the money, register there. We are very formal and never do illegal things." The wretched man pointed in a direction, there were several people gathered there, they should be the people from Feiyumen.

One of them held a notebook in his hand, which should be for registration.

"You said just now that if you don't pay the money, we two will be in trouble. I want to ask, what will you do?" Jiang Chen asked solemnly.

"Kill you all." The wretched man said viciously.

"Very good, this is very interesting." Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and Huang Chan also laughed.

"Everyone present, are you all willing to pay the money?" Then, Jiang Chen raised his voice and said loudly.

Its sound spread far and wide, just so that everyone on this island could hear it.

"What are you going to do?" The wretched man's face changed slightly, thinking that Jiang Chen wanted to stir up public anger, instigate everyone, and deal with Feiyumen together.

Jiang Chen ignored him, and continued: "This small island is a land without an owner, and anyone can come here, but this Feiyumen is bullying others and forcibly collecting protection fees. I will ask you In a word, are you just being oppressed by the Feiyumen like this?"

"Shut up!" The wretched man was angry.

"It's you who should shut up, you talk too much." Frowning, Jiang Chen said in a deep voice, and he punched it flying away.

"Feiyumen is too deceitful, and its heart can be punished. Everyone's money is not blown by the wind. Is it possible that you just hand it over to Feiyumen for no reason? What about your blood? Will there be a day in the future? If someone rides on your head to shit and pee, you all, just suffer in silence." Jiang Chen said again.


The crowd was in an uproar, and countless pairs of eyes looked towards Jiang Chen.

Feiyumen is domineering and imposes fees, so naturally no one is willing to do so.

However, they are not the opponents of Feiyumen, they can't offend Feiyumen, they can only spend money to eliminate disasters, so as not to offend Feiyumen.

[-] per person, although it is not a big sum, but as ancient martial arts practitioners, they are usually very arrogant, how have they ever suffered such oppression?
Bloody, they all have it.

It's just that everyone is in a state of disunity, and everyone has their own concerns, so it's hard to make a deal.

Jiang Chen's words were undoubtedly a fire, instantly igniting the anger in everyone's hearts.

"Little brother, you are right. Everyone can punish what Feiyumen has done." An elder said angrily.

"God damn Feiyumen, you deserve death." A white-faced middle-aged man said.

"Everyone join hands to destroy this Feiyumen here, otherwise, I don't know how many people will be bullied by this Feiyumen." A young man roared wildly.


One person responded, and one call was answered.

On the small island, all the ancient martial arts practitioners were boiling, and countless pairs of angry eyes shot at the disciples of Feiyumen.

There were not many people from Feiyu Sect, only about seven or eight. They relied on force and thought they could suppress everyone. They never imagined that Jiang Chen would do something like this and stir up public anger, making them the target of public criticism.

"The kid wants to die."

"Kill this little bastard."


The people from Feiyumen stared at Jiang Chen, and flames were about to burst out from everyone's eyes.

Originally, when Jiang Chen didn't come, everyone lived in peace. When Jiang Chen came, it caused disputes. They knew that no matter how strong they were, they would be very dangerous under the attack of these dozens of people.

Only by beheading Jiang Chen, the instigator, would it be possible to calm down the public anger.

A murderous roar burst out from the depths of the Feiyumen's people's throats. Immediately, several figures flew towards Jiang Chen, and each launched the most violent attack, hoping to kill Jiang Chen as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it will be too late when everyone joins hands.

I have to say that their calculations are pretty good, they can be called perfect, but their opponent is Jiang Chen.

Don't say that Jiang Chen would look for trouble even if he was free. Since something happened, how could Jiang Chen miss this golden opportunity?

Jiang Chen made a move without leaving any room, and directly bombarded and killed them.

The few figures rushing towards Jiang Chen came and went quickly. In an instant, the three of them were blown away by Jiang Chen, and the others, before they had time to attack Jiang Chen for the second time, were drowned. In the anger of the crowd.

Within 10 minutes, all the people from Feiyumen were wiped out.

"Little brother, thank you."

"Little brother, this old man is so old that he is so stupid that he is bullied by others. Thank you for your guidance."

"Little brother, thank you so much."


Feiyumen was destroyed, and all the ancient martial arts practitioners expressed their sincere gratitude to Jiang Chen.If Jiang Chen didn't come forward, they would inevitably continue to be bullied by Feiyumen. It can be said that Jiang Chen made all of them feel proud.

"You don't need to thank me, remember, my name is Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said lazily.

After leaving their names, Jiang Chen and Huang Chan appeared on No. 16 islands... After that, No. 17 and No. 18 islands...

Island after island left footprints of Jiang Chen and Huang Chan, and at the same time, Jiang Chen's name was also left behind.

Following Jiang Chen's righteous actions time and time again, his name was passed down from word to mouth, almost everyone in the entire Penglai Immortal Island knew it!
(End of this chapter)

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