genius evil

Chapter 983 The Murderer

Chapter 983 The Murderer

"Brother Qing, don't you think something is wrong?"

When Jiang Chen and Huang Chan left the No. 20 islands, it would be dark, and Huang Chan seemed a little sleepy, so she yawned and said lazily.

"It's really not quite right." Jiang Chen nodded, and his gaze was directed towards the nine tented islands above the Penglai Immortal Island.

He and Huang Chan set foot on twenty islands one after another, not to mention finding Sleeping Beauty, but they didn't even see the shadow of Wen Qingxin and Meng Xiyan.

Jiang Chen knew that if he kept searching like this, the hope of finding someone was very slim.

His only wish now is that after his reputation is revealed, the three women can take the initiative to come to him.

"Brother Qing, we've already wasted a lot of time, we can't waste any more time, now, let's go to the nine islands and grab tents... No, let's find Ling Qingluo." Huang Chan said.

There is no doubt that on the nine islands equipped with tents, there is the existence of Megatron. Huang Chan believes that if one is looking for excitement, the real excitement is to go to those nine islands. She can't wait up.

"Look at me like this, do you seem impatient?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face and couldn't help asking.

"Brother Qing, you look like you are going to live a long life, don't be afraid, no one is your opponent." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"No." Jiang Chen said without negotiating.

Today, he has done enough things, he will definitely not go to the nine islands, unless there is still no news of Sleeping Beauty and others by tomorrow, then he will consider going.

Killing a few insignificant existences and exterminating a few insignificant sects is just a trivial matter, but before the ancient martial arts alliance conference officially started, it was just to provoke those big forces indiscriminately. Put yourself up as a target?

How stupid is Jiang Chen to do that?
Huang Chan was extremely disappointed, but fortunately, her loss only happened for a while, and she grabbed Jiang Chen's arm and said, "Okay then, let's go back and make the bed."

Is Jiang Chen a casual man?
Obviously, he is not.

But the little demon girl said so, Jiang Chen felt that no matter what, he had to do it just once, so Jiang Chen said happily: "Sister Qing, you agreed to have sex, if you lie to me..."

"So what if I lie to you?" Huang Chan said with a smile.

"I will force the overlord to bow." Jiang Chen said fiercely.


Jiang Chen became famous in a very special way. His name was passed on word of mouth among many islands, and many people received it. A young man with a coquettish and stunning girl helped justice and acted chivalrously. news.

"That kid Jiang Chen really is restless no matter where he goes."

"Yeah, I originally thought that Jiang Chen would keep a low profile, but unexpectedly, he is still high profile as always."

"If Jiang Chen keeps a low profile, then he won't be called Jiang Chen anymore."

"That's right, from the beginning to the end, have you ever seen Jiang Chen keep a low profile?

On an island, there were several people sitting in a beautiful big tent. If Jiang Chen were here, he would find that all of them were his acquaintances.

In addition to the elder Miaoyu of the Zong family, among the seven major families in Huaxia and the four small families in the capital, the Ren family, Zhou family, and the Qian family and Sun family, the sect masters who are backed by them are all here.

The sects behind these big families, although they are not usually called the same spirit, and there are many internal struggles, but at this ancient martial arts alliance conference, they came together in an unusually tacit understanding.

Of course, the reason why such a situation occurs is that the most important point is that these big families all have more or less deep or shallow connections with Jiang Chen.

The Ren family and the Zhou family needn't say much, Jiang Chen is the prospective grandson-in-law of the Ren family, and in the Zhou family, he is the prospective grandson-in-law.

And because Qian Fugui and Sun Haoyang are very close to Jiang Chen, the Qian family and the Sun family have benefited a lot from many changes, and the sect behind them is naturally with Jiang Chen, Established a connection and a tacit understanding.

Several major sects, who came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time, did not accompany Jiang Chen, but they all received the news that Jiang Chen would also come.

Originally, they were looking forward to the meeting with Jiang Chen, but they never expected that Jiang Chen would gain fame in such a way.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's behavior made people from several major sects very dumbfounded.

After all, before the ancient martial arts alliance meeting really started, except for some sects that were usually very high-profile, most of the other sects chose to recuperate and act in a low-key manner. Who would kill like Jiang Chen? What about Quartet?
"Should we find a time to meet Jiang Chen?" Gu Momo said.

She had a good impression of Jiang Chen, and thought that Jiang Chen might become a target if he was like this, so she wanted to meet Jiang Chen and persuade him.

"Old man, you are overthinking. Jiang Chen is so shrewd. He did this with the intention of doing so, so let's not make trouble." A middle-aged man said, he was the head of the sect that the Sun family relied on, It's called Yuan Qingping.

"That's right, it's impossible for Jiang Chen to do this for no reason, let's take a look first." said the sect master behind the Qian family.

Hearing that both of them said this, Gu Momo thought for a while, knowing that what the two of them said was correct, Jiang Chen was not stupid, it was impossible to do this for no reason, there must be some intention to do that, It was to dispel the idea of ​​meeting Jiang Chen.


"Sovereign, I have received news about Jiang Chen." On an inconspicuous small island, a figure flew under a tree, and under that tree, a figure sat, it was that Miaoyu.

Lifting her eyes slightly, Miaoyu said, "Xiaorou, what's the news?"

"The news said that Jiang Chen killed many people and offended many people." The girl named Xiao Rou said.

"Great killing?" Miao Yu was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Is this news true?"

"It should be true, many people are spreading it, and some people say that they want to meet Jiang Chen for a while." Xiaorou said.

"How could Jiang Chen do this?" Miao Yu pondered, but because the information provided by Xiao Rou was not detailed, it was hard to figure it out for a while.

"Have you ever found out about the whereabouts of the Goddess Sect?" Miao Yu immediately asked.

"No, I have asked many people, but there is no news." Xiao Rou shook her head.

"Continue to inquire, and you should also pay attention to the news from Jiang Chen's side." Miao Yu ordered.

The reason why Miaoyu wants to inquire about the news about the Goddess Sect is precisely to determine how many people from the Goddess Sect have come to the ancient martial arts alliance conference, so as to avoid being too passive when a conflict arises.

Although the Goddess Sect is not very high-profile, it is far from being low-key. Miaoyu is quite surprised that she can't find any news about the Goddess Sect.

This kind of situation is naturally a bit unusual, and Miaoyu faintly worried.


"Master, do you still remember that I told you that someone can heal your illness?" On another island, a girl broke into the tent and asked the woman who was sitting cross-legged.

"What's wrong?" the woman sitting quietly asked.

"Master, the person who can heal your illness has come to Penglai Xiandao. Besides, I know where he is now, so we can look for him tomorrow." The girl said excitedly.

"Okay." The woman who was sitting quietly nodded slightly, but said nothing more.


In the ancient martial arts alliance conference, since history, there have always been many high-profile people, but no one has ever been as high-profile as Jiang Chen, as if he was afraid that others would not know his name.

Jiang Chen's behavior, in some people's eyes, was obviously intentional, to let others remember his name.

In fact, as Jiang Chen wished, his name was remembered by many people.

A little Taoist priest was walking on the beach. He looked a little sloppy. His Taoist robe had not been changed for an unknown period of time.

The long hair was not pulled up, but was scattered behind the head, giving people a sense of unruly.

"Jiang Chen?" Looking up, looking at the sea level in the same sky, the little Taoist whispered to himself, then laughed out loud, and said, "It seems like a very interesting guy."

A young man with a face like a crown jade is drinking.

Even in this situation, he was still exquisite and elegant, and the glass of red wine in his hand radiated amber light under the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Jiang Chen?" Taking a sip of red wine, the young man smiled slightly, "I hope you won't be too mediocre, otherwise this time, there will be a lot less excitement."


"Senior Sister, Senior Sister, it's not good, there is a murderous monster out of Penglai Xiandao, killing people everywhere." The golden dress followed the girl's running, like a butterfly fluttering around.

The girl ran up to a woman, panting, and said out of breath.

"Jin Ling, I told you not to run around, why did you run out like crazy again." The woman said with a bit of reproach.

"Senior sister, I didn't run around, it's just too boring." Jin Ling blinked and said, "Senior sister, let me tell you, there is a murderous maniac."

"What's the situation?" The woman asked when Jin Ling mentioned it again.

"It's a murderous maniac. He killed a lot of people. The funniest thing is that that guy's name is Jiang Chen. It's exactly the same name as your ex-boyfriend, Senior Sister." Jin Ling said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen?" Hearing Jin Ling and mentioning the word Jiang Chen, the woman's expression was slightly moved.

"It's Jiang Chen." Immediately, the woman said.

"Senior sister, are you saying that that murderous maniac is your ex-boyfriend?" Jin Ling said with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense." The woman glared at Jinling, and said: "Jinling, I said before, no matter what, my relationship with Jiang Chen will not change. I hope you can remember this and don't make an example."

"Senior sister, you are so fierce." With her mouth flattened, Jin Ling felt aggrieved.

The woman ignored Jin Ling's cuteness, and said: "Jin Ling, tell me now, what Jiang Chen has done to become a murderous maniac."

"Who knows what he's doing, maybe he's gone crazy." Jin Ling said, seeing the woman glaring at her again, she shrank her neck, reluctantly, and told the news again.

"Jiang Chen, he's come to look for me." After Jin Ling finished speaking in detail, the woman was uncontrollable and became agitated, and her beautiful eyes were unconsciously filled with mist.

"Senior sister, you must have made a mistake. Even if that murderous maniac is the Jiang Chen we know, but beside him, there is a beautiful woman, how could it be that she came to see you, senior sister?" Jin Ling reminded.

"No mistake, he just came to find me." The woman said with great certainty, there is no doubt about it!
(End of this chapter)

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