genius evil

Chapter 984 Can You Be More Shameless

Chapter 984 Can You Be More Shameless?
This woman is none other than Sleeping Beauty Ling Qingluo!

The reason why Sleeping Beauty is so sure is that Jiang Chen is looking for him.

It was because she heard from Jin Ling that Jiang Chen had been to many islands and killed many people.

Sleeping Beauty didn't know for the time being what it was like to bring a beautiful woman by Jiang Chen's side, but there was no doubt that Jiang Chen went to so many islands to find someone.

This made Sleeping Beauty instantly understand that Jiang Chen was looking for him.

"Jiang Chen, you are so stupid." Sleeping Beauty murmured.

She knew that Jiang Chen was not a bloodthirsty person, and she also knew that Jiang Chen was not the kind of person who likes to be high-profile. At this time, Jiang Chen was so high-profile, as if he was afraid that others would not know his existence.

Obviously, Jiang Chen did this on purpose to let her know that he was here.

"Senior Sister, I don't know if Jiang Chen is stupid or not, but in my opinion, you are the one who is stupid. If Senior Brother sees you like this, Senior Senior Brother should say that you are crazy." Jin Ling pouted and said.

"Brother, he doesn't understand anything." Sleeping Beauty said a little helplessly.

"Junior Sister Ling, if you don't understand what you said, it's because I don't understand Jiang Chen's words, then I really don't understand." It was just after Sleeping Beauty's voice fell, a figure walked into the tent. Lynch.

"Senior Brother Lin, are you overhearing what Jin Ling and I are saying?" Frowning, Sleeping Beauty said displeasedly.

She didn't think that it was such a coincidence that Lynch came here. He must have been outside the tent a long time ago. He didn't come in until he heard what she said.

"I just came here not long ago, and I was still hesitant to come in, but since you mentioned me, Junior Sister Ling, I'm sure I'm going to come in and speak out from my own experience." Lynch said without changing his expression.

Then, Lynch said again, "Junior Sister Ling, let me ask you, why do I need to understand Jiang Chen, what qualifications does he have, let me understand him, but he is just a shameless villain."

"Senior brother Lin, what kind of person Jiang Chen is, I don't think it's your turn to point fingers." Sleeping Beauty became more and more displeased.

Lin Qi smiled lightly, but he didn't take Sleeping Beauty's accusation to heart, and he continued: "If, Junior Sister Ling, what you say you don't understand doesn't mean that I don't understand Jiang Chen, but that I don't understand you and Jiang Chen." In terms of the relationship between Jiang Chen, this point, in my opinion, is even more ridiculous. In the world, I'm afraid I can't find anything more ridiculous than this."

"Senior Brother Lin, are you saying that my relationship with Jiang Chen is a joke?" Sleeping Beauty asked coldly.

"No." Lin Qi shook his head and said, "Junior Sister Ling, it seems that you still haven't understood what's going on between you and Jiang Chen. Haven't you thought about it? If you never went to If you have been to Tiannan City, how could this shameless villain Jiang Chen take advantage of it? The biggest mistake you have made in your life is that you have been to Tiannan City."

"Senior brother Lin, you say Jiang Chen is a villain, so what are you talking about behind others' backs? Isn't it the practice of a shameless villain?" Sleeping Beauty said coldly.

Lynch smiled, and said indifferently: "Junior Sister Ling, I don't want to argue too much with you, and I'm not here to argue with you."

"Are you here to stop me from seeing Jiang Chen?" Sleeping Beauty couldn't understand.

"Junior Sister Ling, it's good that you understand this." Lynch nodded noncommittally.

"What if I must go to Jiang Chen?" Sleeping Beauty asked coldly.

"Junior Sister Ling, you know that no matter what, I will never let you see Jiang Chen, unless you step on my dead body to find him." Lynch said without doubt.

"The Yu family, what kind of benefits have they given you, so that you don't even care about the righteousness of the family?" Looking at Lin Qi, Sleeping Beauty said disappointedly.

"Junior Sister Ling, you made a mistake. I did this not because the Yu family gave me any benefits, but because I was thinking about our sect." Lynch said seriously.

He stared at Sleeping Beauty, and said slowly: "Junior Sister Ling, you can be willful, but as a senior brother, I cannot be willful. No matter what I do, the first thing I should consider is the interests of the sect. Besides, you Don't forget, it is because of the Yu family that we were able to escape the catastrophe a few years ago, everything we have now, it can be said, was given by the Yu family."

"Of course I won't forget this, but it doesn't mean that I have to sacrifice myself." Sleeping Beauty said tit for tat.

Of course she understood how much the Yu family had helped them. It could almost be said that all the people in the same family were able to live until now because of the Yu family.

But, is this the reason why she has to sacrifice herself?

"Junior Sister Ling, you know exactly what Young Master Yu thinks of you, why bother to say such angry words? Could it be that you want me to call Young Master Yu over and confront you in person before you can understand?" Lin Qi sighed.

"Senior Brother Lin, are you threatening me?" Sleeping Beauty's face changed slightly.

"This is not a threat, but a kind word, Junior Sister Ling, some things are destined to be beyond your control. It was like this in the past, and it is still like this now. You have to face the reality and don't give it to yourself, let alone the sect. Trouble." Lynch said earnestly.

The Sleeping Beauty laughed out loud, what a high-sounding rhetoric!What a sham of sincerity!

After all, in the final analysis, it is to sacrifice her alone in exchange for a comprehensive family.

But who ever asked her if she was willing to make such a sacrifice?

Now, she can tell anyone that she doesn't want to, and would rather die than obey.

"Senior brother Lin, you don't need to try to convince me anymore. I don't need to go to Jiang Chen, you can also call Mr. Yu over, but whoever I like is my freedom, no one can control it, and no one can change it." Sleeping Beauty said loudly.

Lynch's face changed drastically, and he knew he was in trouble.

According to Sleeping Beauty's words, she has no intention of accepting the sect's arrangement at all. If the Yu family finds out about this, it will definitely cause a big trouble.


In the morning of the next day, a bonfire was lit on the small sandy beach by the sea, and a few sea fish were set up on the fire, and they were grilling.

Huang Chan made the fire, Huang Chan caught the fish, and Huang Chan was also doing the job of roasting the fish.

Fortunately, sea fish already has the taste of sea water, but there is no need to deliberately add any seasoning, as long as it is cooked, it can be eaten.

The reason why Huang Chan knows how to catch and grill fish is because according to Huang Chan's own statement, he is idle anyway, so why not find something to pass the time, and anyway, Jiang Chen will not go to the nine islands right away, which is great Time wasted, literally wasted life.

In fact, Jiang Chen thinks that there are still things to do, especially in the case of a man and a woman, such as sex.

That's right, last night Jiang Chen and Huang Chan didn't succeed in having sex. This point made Jiang Chen resentful, and even wanted to kill someone.

There was no way, he thought he was molested by Huang Chan.

Moreover, after Huang Chan molested him, she had no intention of taking responsibility at all.

As a hot-blooded young man, living in a tent with a stunning beauty, but he can watch but not eat, even if Jiang Chen wants to, he can't complain.

However, no matter how deep Jiang Chen's resentment was, there was nothing he could do about it, even the Overlord could not forcefully attack him. The reason was that the relatives of Huang Chan's family had visited.

"Brother Qing, come here quickly, the fish is almost ready." Huang Chan obviously didn't have the slightest awareness of being responsible for Jiang Chen, and waved at Jiang Chen cheerfully.

Jiang Chen walked over and saw those fishes were roasted like black charcoal, he wondered and asked, "Is this something edible?"

"It must be edible." Huang Chan said with certainty.

After a while, a fish was grilled, Huang Chan took it, handed it to Jiang Chen, and said with a smile: "Brother Qing, eat the fish."

"You don't need to be so polite, sister Qing, you eat first." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, hurry up and eat it while it's hot. It's specially baked for you. He's inconvenient, so he went into the water to catch fish for you." Huang Chan said sweetly.

Jiang Chen felt a sudden chill.

Specially baked for him?Could it be that this woman wanted to murder her husband?

Jiang Chen finally understood why Huang Chan was so sure that she could eat it. She didn't know how to eat it herself, so she gave it to him.

"Sister Qing, do we have any enmity?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Brother Qing, what are you talking about, eat the fish quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold." Huang Chan urged.

"I forgot to tell you, but I actually don't eat fish." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Brother Qing, this is a wish from others. Don't tell me you don't give any face? Or, you can just take a bite, right?" Huang Chan said heartbroken.

"The reason why I don't eat fish is because I'm allergic to fish. If I eat half a mouthful, let alone one bite, I will die immediately." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

That meant telling Huang Chan that it wasn't that he didn't want to eat fish, but that he couldn't eat fish, otherwise he would die.

How could Huang Chan not know that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, and said angrily: "Brother Qing, have you forgotten that we ate fish last night? If you were going to die, you would have died long ago, so , you can eat it, eat it quickly."

"Is there?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"The white balls I ate last night are fish balls." Huang Chan reminded.

"No, it must not be fish balls, otherwise I will die." Jiang Chen said with a sloppy eye.

One of the two let them eat, and the other refused to eat.

Huang Chan originally wanted to play tricks on Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen refused to let go at all, and didn't take her beauty tricks to heart at all.

In desperation, Huang Chan had no choice but to throw away a few burnt fish and take a few fish to grill again.

This time, it was obvious that Huang Chan's cooking skills had improved a lot. After a while, with the sound of sizzling, the aroma of grilled fish overflowed, making people look at it and feel a sense of appetite.

Soon, Huang Chan finished grilling the fish again, and she didn't ask Jiang Chen to eat it, she took it by herself and started eating.

"It's so strange. I suddenly discovered that I made a mistake. It turns out that I'm not allergic to fish." Jiang Chen said to himself, and with the sound of speaking, his right hand moved quickly. One of the two fish that had been grilled in the oven fell into his hands.

"Brother Qing, can you tell me one thing, that is, can you be more shameless?" Huang Chan said dumbfounded.

"Maybe it's because I've been too tired recently, and I actually had an illusion. This damn illusion almost made me miss such a delicious grilled fish." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Sure enough, brother Qing, you are shameless, there is no limit." Huang Chan said happily.

When Huang Chan was serious about grilling fish, not to mention, her craftsmanship was quite good. No, the few fish that Huang Chan caught earlier were not enough to eat. Jiang Chen had to do it himself, and caught it again. A few, this is barely enough, so that the two of them are full.

But it was the two of them. Just after eating the grilled fish, footsteps sounded behind them. Then, a rather playful voice came to their ears: "Excuse me, is the grilled fish delicious?"

(End of this chapter)

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