genius evil

Chapter 985 Group 1 Neuropathy

Chapter 985 A group of neuroses
That questioning voice, amidst the banter, contained a bit of schadenfreude and gloating. Jiang Chen and Huang Chan heard the voice, and when they looked back, they saw more than a dozen people coming out in a file.

Walking in the front was an old man with a long face. This old man's old face was clearly full of ridicule. It was obvious that the old man with a long face asked what he said just now.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious, I can't stop eating." Jiang Chen lazily responded.

The long-faced old man laughed and said, "Since you said it was delicious, then I can rest assured."

"Brother Qing, why can't I even understand the punctuation marks that this old guy said? What can he worry about?" Huang Chan asked in wonder.

"It's very likely that he's getting old and out of his mind." Jiang Chen explained.

"Brother Qing, what do you mean, this old guy is crazy?" Huang Chan suddenly realized.

Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction. Huang Chan's comprehension ability can get full marks.

"Hey, old guy, let me ask you, are you crazy?" Ever since, Huang Chan asked that long face.

"To shut up."

"The little girl is presumptuous, the sect master must not be humiliated."

"Apologize quickly, or I will kill you."


However, as soon as Huang Chan said this, before the long-faced old man could react, the group of people behind him started clamoring one after another, all of them extremely ferocious.

Looking at them like that, it seemed like they wished they could tear Huang Chan apart.

"Brother Qing, they are all so fierce. They are so fierce for no reason. They must all be insane." Huang Chan asked Jiang Chen timidly.

"There is a saying, there is a sect master as there is, and I think your guess is correct, this group of people must be crazy." Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"One... two... three... four... eleven... thirteen... oh my god, there are thirteen psychopaths in total. It's not against the law. If they start killing people, we won't even have a place to reason." Huang Chan looked terrified.

"You two are crazy."

"Don't dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that you will die without a place to bury you."

"No one wants to run away, you are dead."


That group of people listened to Jiang Chen and Huang Chan talking to themselves, each and every one of them was itchy with hatred, if it wasn't for the long-faced old man who was extremely calm from the beginning to the end, they would have already swarmed rushed up.

"You two, have you talked enough?" Just then, the long-faced old man asked slowly.

"You don't care if we've said enough, why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail." Huang Chan rolled her eyes.

"If the two of you haven't said enough, I don't mind you two continuing to talk. I have plenty of time. If the two of you think that you have said enough, then I can say a little bit about what I just said. Explain." The long-faced old man said with a faint smile.

"Explain why you are crazy?" Huang Chan asked curiously.

"Explain why I asked you two whether the grilled fish is delicious." The long-faced old man said solemnly, appearing quite meticulous.

"Tsk tsk, I don't understand this. Brother Qing and I caught the fish, I made the fire, and I baked the fish. Does it have anything to do with you?" Huang Chan said angrily, thinking This old guy is too nosy.

The long-faced old man smiled slightly and said: "I would ask this question, of course there is my reason. If I hadn't added a little seasoning for you, this grilled fish would definitely not be so delicious."

"Season, do you have any? Why do I seem to remember that when grilling the fish, nothing was put in?" Huang Chan said suspiciously, and asked Jiang Chen again, "Brother Qing, do you add any seasoning?"

"What this old guy means is that he sneakily sprinkled a bit of poisonous powder in the air before, and that kind of poisonous powder happens to have the effect of invigorating the mind and even derangement, so when the two of us were eating grilled fish, , will feel that grilled fish is very delicious." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"So that's the case, Brother Qing, once you said that I understood everything, does that mean that we should thank them?" Huang Chan blinked and asked.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Naturally, I want to say thank you. After all, that poisonous powder is refined from 49 kinds of highly poisonous substances, including thirteen grasses, which are extremely rare and difficult to obtain." It is no exaggeration to say that Xun is priceless, and we must thank him for using such a precious thing as a condiment for us."

"Then what, old guy, thank you." Huang Chan was kind and thanked immediately.

However, seeing the long-faced old man, an old face, black as coal, there is no trace of calmness, and even the pupils of the long-faced old man are constantly shrinking, and the depths of the eyes are full of shock and disbelief.

He just said that he had added a little condiment, and before he had time to elaborate on the other things, Jiang Chen and Huang Chan sang and sang, he said that condiment clearly.

Even Jiang Chen clearly pointed out that 49 kinds of highly poisonous substances were used, and the statement about [-] kinds of highly poisonous substances was also accurate.

This has to be said, extremely scary.

And you must know that after the poisonous powder is scattered into the air, it is colorless and odorless, and it is difficult to detect it. Only after the toxicity occurs, the poisoned person will realize that he has already been severely poisoned.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, described the medicinal properties of that poisonous powder in such detail, as if the poisonous powder was refined by himself. This undoubtedly shows that Jiang Chen has terrifying attainments in medicine.

Another point is that Jiang Chen and Huang Chan chatted casually, so poisonously, but they didn't take it to heart at all. There is only one possibility, and that is whether Jiang Chen or Huang Chan, neither poisoned.

Just, how is this possible?

After all, Jiang Chen must have inhaled the poisonous powder in the air, otherwise, he would not be able to know the composition of the poisonous powder.

Since he inhaled the poisonous powder, how could there be any reason not to be poisoned?

This question made the long-faced old man very puzzled. His eyes fell heavily on Jiang Chen and Huang Chan, and he looked carefully, wanting to see if Jiang Chen and Huang Chan were poisoned.

"Old guy, I already told you thank you, shouldn't you tell me you're welcome?" Seeing the stern expression on the long-faced old man, Huang Chan yelled dissatisfied.

"You two, have you been poisoned?" The long-faced old man ignored Huang Chan. He stared at Jiang Chen and Huang Chan for a while, but couldn't see the clues, so he had to ask directly.

Jiang Chen and Huang Chan looked at each other, they both burst into laughter, and said in unison: "Guess."

"You two, it's impossible not to be poisoned." The long-faced old man said sharply.

"Guess again." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile, looking at the long-faced old man as if he was watching a joke.

Whether it was medicine or poison, looking at the earth, Jiang Chen could be regarded as an existence at the level of an ancestor. In his eyes, the methods that this long-faced old man was proud of were no different from those of a three-year-old child playing house.

As for Huang Chan, since the last time, Jiang Chen knew that this eccentric little demon girl had many little-known tricks, especially in the field of poisons.

So in this way, let alone the poisonous powder of the long-faced old man, it is just sprinkled in the air, even if it is directly smeared on the grilled fish for the two of them to eat, as long as the two of them can eat it, there must be nothing to eat. unaffected.

"This..." Seeing Jiang Chen's attitude, the long-faced old man was a little speechless, his eyes flickered for a while, and he said, "Excuse me, let's leave now."

"Listen to what you mean. After I kill you, I apologize to you. It has the same effect. Are you people in the heavenly medical school so naive? Or, if I kill you, I will apologize to you again." How about apologizing to you?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

He didn't stop the long-faced old man from leaving. The premise is that the people in the medical school can leave alive.

"Jiang Chen, you knew earlier that we are members of the Heavenly Medicine Sect?" The long-faced old man was shocked.

"Otherwise? I'm afraid that although the world is big, it will be difficult to find such arrogant idiots like you." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

When this group of people appeared, Jiang Chen already knew that they were members of the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

Speaking of which, he has a deep old grudge with the Heavenly Medicine Sect, since they have all come to this Penglai fairy island, it is impossible for the Heavenly Medicine Sect not to make trouble for him.

It's a pity that the way the Heavenly Doctor Sect seeks trouble is still as stupid as ever.

"Jiang Chen, your medical attainments, I have been taught by the Heavenly Medicine School, from now on, my Heavenly Medicine School and you, the well water does not interfere with the river water, the previous incidents are written off, and nothing has happened, how about it?" Long face The old man said in a deep voice, making a compromise.

Jiang Chen was not poisoned, and the long-faced old man was not absolutely sure that he would fight Jiang Chen head-on. Instead of taking risks, it would be better to shake hands and make peace.

He thought so and did it.

"It turns out that your Heavenly Medicine Sect is not only arrogant, but also very naive." Jiang Chen laughed, very teasingly.

"Brother Qing, how can you insult the word innocence? Only those who look as beautiful as me can be called innocence. Look at the people in their heavenly medical school. They all look like crooked melons and jujubes. At best, they can only be called innocent. You're an idiot." Huang Chan said dissatisfied.

"Jiang Chen, our Heavenly Medicine Sect is not easy to mess with. If you insist on falling out with our Heavenly Medicine Sect, you will definitely not feel better." The long-faced old man said in a cold voice.

"You really are crazy." Huang Chan rolled her eyes, and suddenly giggled coquettishly while talking.

"Sister Qing, did something funny happen?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"That's right, I accidentally didn't hold back just now, and I added a little condiment to the air, and, accidentally, these idiots from the heavenly medical school just happened to stand in the downwind, what should I do?" Well." Huang Chan said with a smile, like a little fox.

"Sister Qing, when did you become so bad?" Jiang Chen asked dumbfounded.

"People have already said that it was a mistake. They are very simple and naive, okay?" Huang Chan said delicately.

It was Huang Chan who said this. Including the long-faced old man, all the members of the Heavenly Medicine Sect had complex expressions. They all looked at Huang Chan as if they had seen a ghost. Their expressions were as ugly as they wanted .

"Little girl, are you sure you're not joking?" the long-faced old man asked in a deep voice.

"No, I'm joking, I'm really joking, you all must, don't take it seriously." Huang Chan waved her little hands in a hurry, laughing non-stop, as if she was afraid that people from the Heavenly Medicine School would take it seriously .

"I warn you, you'd better make sure you're joking, otherwise..." The long-faced old man was extremely displeased.

"How else?" Huang Chan asked lightly.

"Otherwise--" The long-faced old man was about to say a few threatening words, but before he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and sprayed a big mouthful of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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