genius evil

Chapter 986 You have to have confidence in yourself

Chapter 986 You have to have confidence in yourself
With a mouthful of blood spurting out, the long-faced old man staggered and almost fell to the ground. On that old face, there were a few traces of grayness, which was a sign of severe poisoning.

As for the rest of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, since their cultivation is not as good as this long-faced old man, everyone's situation is even more miserable.

Several people, under the attack of toxicity, immediately vomited blood and died violently.

The rest of the people, although they didn't die immediately, are still in a serious situation, in danger, and their lives are not long.

"Sister Qing, why didn't I know that you still have such a skill?" Jiang Chen asked.

The poison given by Huang Chan was more than ten times more poisonous than the poison given by the long-faced old man. It can be seen that Huang Chan has an extremely cruel side.

"Brother Qing, don't you suspect that I will poison you?" Huang Chan said aggrievedly, looking at her appearance, she almost shed two tears.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Then yes or no?"

"Brother Qing, don't worry, even if I poison anyone in this world, I won't poison you." Huang Chan said solemnly, almost raising her hand to make a poisonous oath.

In this case, Jiang Chen was naturally skeptical.

After all, there is no conflict of interest between him and Huang Chan. Of course, Huang Chan will not do anything to him, but if there is a conflict of interest, it is hard to say what Huang Chan will do.

However, what Huang Chan said was unquestionable, but she acted like she had convinced herself, which made Jiang Chen somewhat dumbfounded.

"The antidote!" The long-faced old man stretched out a hand, roaring angrily, out of breath.

"Sorry, there is no antidote." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Impossible, you must have an antidote, bring it quickly, or I will kill you." The long-faced old man roared, his voice hoarse.

"An idiot is an idiot." Huang Chan dismissed it very dismissively, and her figure moved around. The next moment, the golden dagger flashed golden light, and she suddenly saw a line of blood on the neck of the long-faced old man.

"Brother Qing, I helped you so much today, how can you thank me?" Huang Chan asked Jiang Chen without even looking at the long-faced old man's body.

"There is no repayment, only a promise with your body." Jiang Chen reluctantly said.

"Brother Qing, you are already my person, so why do you need to promise yourself with your body, but since you don't know how to repay me, then I have a small request, it is really a very, very small request Brother Qing, just satisfy me." Huang Chan said cautiously.

"Oh? What request?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"That's right, when you find the woman you're looking for, tell her in front of her that I'm prettier than her... Isn't that a small request." Huang Chan said.

Jiang Chen was immediately speechless.

That's right, this is indeed a small request that can't be smaller, and it can be settled with a simple sentence, but the premise is that Huang Chan is her woman.

Huang Chan is not his woman, but she deliberately competes with the women around him. Is this really okay?

"Brother Qing, you don't even agree to such a small request, do you?" Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't reply, Huang Chan said heartbroken.

"Sister Qing, your scheming is really deep." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Am I scheming?" Huang Chan looked confused.

"I didn't hesitate to kill so many people just to let me praise you for being beautiful. Wouldn't the price be too high? Sister Qing, you have to have confidence in yourself." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.

"Jiang Chen, die to me." This time, Huang Chan didn't even call out to Brother Qing, and kicked towards Jiang Chen.


People from the Heavenly Medicine Sect died one after another.

They tried to kill Jiang Chen and Huang Chan with poison, but ended up humiliating themselves, and instead died in what they were best at. This has to be said, is a great tragedy.

Of course, for this kind of situation, Jiang Chen didn't have any compassion at all.

The Heavenly Medicine Sect is known as the Heavenly Doctor, but what they do is such a mediocre thing. The existence of this kind of sect will only harm more people. It is better to be exterminated directly, so as to save more people from being harmed.

The Heavenly Medicine Sect brought its own destruction, and the old grievances between Jiang Chen and the Heavenly Medicine Sect were settled.

This, to some extent, proves that Jiang Chen's intention to become famous yesterday was correct. After all, if he hadn't taken the initiative to become famous again and again, the Heavenly Medicine Sect might not have come to him so quickly.

It's just that although the method was correct, what made Jiang Chen feel a little helpless was that he couldn't wait for the Sleeping Beauty to appear in the following morning.

"Could it be that something went wrong with Sleeping Beauty, is there some irresistible factor that prevents Sleeping Beauty from coming to me?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, thoughtfully.

Jiang Chen was not a suspicious person. In fact, since the last time he met Lin Qi in Tiannan City, the words Lin Qi had said to him had made him somewhat speculate about certain aspects.

Also, the night before Sleeping Beauty left, she was so crazy, as if she wished she could give him everything at once.

"Sister Qing, let's rob those nine tents." After pondering, Jiang Chen said to Huang Chan.

Jiang Chen believed that if there were force majeure factors on Sleeping Beauty's side, there would be more than 80.00% probability that Sleeping Beauty would be on the nine islands with tents at this moment.

Picking one out of nine is obviously much easier than searching for one by one on many other small islands.

Although, there is no doubt that on the nine islands with tents, there is probably no force that can be easily provoked.

But without any other choice, Jiang Chen had no choice but to do so.

He would rather take risks by himself than put Sleeping Beauty in danger!
"Brother Qing, I don't understand. Is that Ling Qingluo so important to you? Is it worth it for you?" Huang Chan asked.

In fact, Huang Chan wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

In her opinion, with Jiang Chen's unrestrained personality, there must be many women around him. No matter how good and beautiful that Ling Qingluo was, she was just one of the many women around Jiang Chen.

Another point is that she doesn't think Jiang Chen is the kind of man who has a lot of affection. After all, if Jiang Chen has a long-term affection, how can he provoke other women everywhere?

Jiang Chen has many women, and they are not long-term men, but they do so many things for Ling Qingluo, which makes Huang Chan very puzzled.

"It's worth it!" Jiang Chen said without a doubt.

"Now I am more and more curious about what kind of woman Ling Qingluo is." Huang Chan said quietly.

"When you see her, you will know." Jiang Chen smiled, with rare tenderness in his eyes.

"I don't believe it, she is better than me." Huang Chan said angrily.

Jiang Chen was going to rob the nine tents. Huang Chan naturally wanted to join in the fun of this kind of thing. Yesterday, she wanted to do it like this. Fortunately, it's not too late now.

However, Jiang Chen and Huang Chan were planning to leave this small island when another person appeared.

This time, it was still an acquaintance.

"Jiang Chen." A guy who looked like a hedgehog cheerfully waved at Jiang Chen, as if seeing an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

"Hedgehog?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen still has a little impression of this guy who looks like a hedgehog and is nicknamed Hedgehog.

And that is, he was able to have a rough understanding of the ancient martial arts alliance, the sky group and the earth group, and the way of ancient martial arts cultivation through this hedgehog.

The hedgehog smiled and said, "Are you going to do something? Then go quickly, I just came to say hello to you, there is nothing else important."

Jiang Chen nodded. Speaking of which, he and the hedgehog were no more than nodding acquaintances. There was nothing to say, just a few words, and he would leave with Huang Chan.

"Hedgehog, so you really know Jiang Chen." Behind the hedgehog, a man said with envy.

Jiang Chen was undoubtedly very famous.

If it's just famous, it's nothing, but Jiang Chen's fame in this Penglai Immortal Isle was earned.

Although some people hated Jiang Chen to the bone, there were others who wanted to make friends with Jiang Chen.

The Blackwater Sect where the hedgehog is located is such a situation.

The Black Water Sect is just a small sect that is not popular. If you can make friends with Jiang Chen, it will be a great thing. No, after hearing that the hedgehog knew Jiang Chen, the Black Water Sect came here.

At the beginning, the people of the Black Water Sect were quite nervous, but it wasn't until the hedgehog and Jiang Chen spoke a few words that they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I told you I know you, but you still don't believe me." The hedgehog said triumphantly.

"Good job." The head of the Blackwater Sect said appreciatively.


Jiang Chen didn't take the Blackwater Sect's deliberate friendship with him seriously. After leaving the island with Huang Chan, he went straight to the nine small islands with tents.

Because he only thought that the Sleeping Beauty might be among the nine small islands, Jiang Chen had no way of knowing which small island the Sleeping Beauty was on. Therefore, Jiang Chen decided to search for each of the nine small islands. .

Soon, Jiang Chen and Huang Chan appeared on the edge of one of the small islands.

"Brother Qing, why are there so many men here?" Huang Chan asked curiously after a slight pause in her footsteps.

Impressively, he saw more than a dozen ancient martial arts practitioners hovering around the edge of this small island. These dozen or so ancient martial arts practitioners have good cultivation bases.

The most important thing is that among the dozen or so people, there is not a single woman.

"Brother Qing, do you think these people are admirers of the owner of this island?" Huang Chan asked again.

"Admirer?" Jiang Chen frowned slightly, "You mean, the owner of this island is a woman?"

"Obviously that's the case. Otherwise, these fellows wouldn't be able to stare at a man." Huang Chan said firmly.

"Woman?" Seeing Huang Chan's words were so determined, Jiang Chen's mind moved slightly, he grabbed Huang Chan's little hand and said, "Let's go in."

"Another overreaching little guy."

"It actually brought a woman in, hehe, interesting."

"How about we make a bet, bet on that kid, how long it will take to get kicked out."

"Undoubtedly, within five minutes."


Seeing Jiang Chen and Huang Chan stepping into the small island, the dozen or so men gloated and talked one by one. They could almost imagine how embarrassing the scene Jiang Chen would be when he came out after a while.

After all, so many of them were kicked out, but no one would think that Jiang Chen would be the exception.

"Who, get out!"

Over there, Jiang Chen and Huang Chan had only entered the small island not far away, when a sound of shouting suddenly exploded in their ears!

(End of this chapter)

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