genius evil

Chapter 987

Chapter 987

That voice sounded gentle and indifferent, but amidst the gentleness, there was an irresistible fierce aura.

Accompanied by the sound, a young girl flashed up, stopped Jiang Chen and Huang Chan, and said indifferently, "If you dare to go forward, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Little sister, then tell me, why are you being rude to us?" Before Jiang Chen could speak, Huang Chan said with a smile, and began to tease him.

"Throw you two out, if you dare to barge in after throwing out, you will be killed without mercy." The girl said coldly.

"Little sister, I think you have such a cute and pitiful appearance. I guess you have never killed a chicken before? Are you sure you will kill?" Huang Chan continued to tease.

"You can try it." The girl said with a blank face, she didn't add color to Huang Chan's teasing.

"Little sister, I can be 100% sure that you have never killed anyone, but if you want to taste the taste of killing, I will teach you." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Are you trying to annoy me on purpose?" the girl asked.

"How could it be? I just did it out of good intentions. Now, I'll teach you how to kill people." Huang Chan said, before she finished speaking, her figure moved and appeared in front of the girl.

Seeing this, the girl subconsciously wanted to make a move, but where was Huang Chan's opponent? A gleaming golden dagger was accurately placed on the girl's neck.

The girl's delicate body stiffened immediately, unable to move.

Huang Chan took a deep breath, narrowed her eyes and said: "Little sister, did you see that? After a while, I will lightly move my wrist, and there will be a thin bloodstain on your neck. In that way, you will be slow. Die slowly... Remember, I mean, die slowly, you won't die right away, but wait until the blood in your body is empty before you die."

Xu Shi was frightened, the girl's face was pale and trembling.

"This is my favorite method of killing. Now, I have taught you without reservation, little sister, have you learned it yet?" Huang Chan said softly.

"Sister Qing, don't hurt anyone for now." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, I didn't hurt anyone. I'm teaching my little sister how to kill. Don't worry, my little sister should learn it soon." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Little sister, you haven't answered my question yet. If you haven't learned it yet, then I will teach you again for free." Huang Chan said.

The girl's face became paler and she didn't know how to answer.

"Be merciful." But at this moment, a slightly anxious voice sounded, and immediately after, several figures appeared quickly.

The girl walking in the front glanced at the girl controlled by Huang Chan, her face full of anxiety.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was stunned when he saw this girl.

"Jiang Chen." The girl also saw Jiang Chen at this time, she didn't know whether it was shock or joy, her red lips were slightly parted, and she was dazed.

"Brother Qing, do you know this woman?" Huang Chan asked suspiciously as she looked at the girl who had just appeared.

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and said, "I know."

This girl is exactly Meng Xiyan, how could Jiang Chen not recognize her?
Speaking of which, part of the purpose of his trip to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference was for Meng Xiyan.

However, the reason why Jiang Chen stepped into this small island was to find Sleeping Beauty, but by mistake, he met Meng Xiyan.

"Jiang Chen, are you here to look for me?" Meng Xiyan walked towards Jiang Chen, rather excited.

"Of course not, my brother Qing is here to find Ling Qingluo." Huang Chan said, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Although Huang Chan had never met Meng Xiyan before, seeing Jiang Chen's astonished reaction, she also knew that Meng Xiyan was not Ling Qingluo, so she said so on purpose.

While talking, Huang Chan secretly scolded Jiang Chen in his heart.

It was agreed to find Ling Qingluo, why did another woman appear out of nowhere?
She heard Meng Xiyan ask Jiang Chen if he came to find her. Obviously, there is a certain relationship between Meng Xiyan and Jiang Chen. Otherwise, how could Meng Xiyan say that?
Immediately, Huang Chan had a sense of being deceived.

She felt that Jiang Chen didn't say that there were other women at all, which was tantamount to deceiving her feelings and hurt her very much.

"Jiang Chen, I originally agreed with Master to look for you in the afternoon, but I didn't expect you to come." Huang Chan said that Jiang Chen didn't come to find him, but Meng Xiyan was not disappointed either.

Her only wish is that Jiang Chen can cure her master's illness.

She has been waiting for a long time, finally waiting for the start of the ancient martial arts alliance conference, and now she is so impatient.

"I'm here now, it's the same." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

Meng Xiyan had spent so much time and energy trying to get him to treat her master's illness, but now she was caught, and Jiang Chen knew that if he slipped away, Meng Xiyan would definitely be extremely sad.

He could only waste a little time, healed Meng Xiyan's master first.

As for finding Sleeping Beauty, it must be delayed a bit.

"Well, Jiang Chen, come with me." Meng Xiyan said happily, she was afraid that Jiang Chen would refuse, but fortunately, Jiang Chen did not.

"Then what about me?" Huang Chan shouted.

"Hello, my name is Meng Xiyan. I don't know my last name?" Meng Xiyan asked.

"My name is Huang Chan." Huang Chan said.

"Miss Huang Chan, please come with me." Meng Xiyan took the opportunity to invite.


Meng Xiyan treated Jiang Chen and Huang Chan as honored guests, and the rest of them naturally did not dare to take it lightly, except for the first girl who appeared, full of grievances.

She was scared to death by Huang Chan just now, and almost thought that Huang Chan would kill her, and now she still has lingering fears, and she is full of resentment towards Huang Chan.

Unexpectedly, Huang Chan seemed to be addicted to molesting her. On the way to the tent with Meng Xiyan, she also molested her from time to time, which made the girl feel ashamed and angry.

"Master, Jiang Chen is here."

Before a beautiful tent, Meng Xiyan stopped and said respectfully.

After saying this, Meng Xiyan waited for a while, but she didn't get a response. She couldn't help being taken aback. Before she could figure out what was going on, she saw a fiery red figure flashing across the tent. out.

"Jiang Chen?" After the fiery red figure appeared, his eyes fell on Jiang Chen's body, and his voice seemed to be whispering.

"Be careful?" After seeing the appearance of the fiery red figure clearly, Jiang Chen's expression was strange.

It's Wen Qingxin!

What's happening here?
Could it be that Meng Xiyan's master is Wen Qingxin?
No, it should be certain that Meng Xiyan's master is Wen Qingxin!

"Master, do you know Jiang Chen?" Jiang Chen's expression was strange, and Meng Xiyan's expression was even more strange.

It was with great difficulty that she got Jiang Chen to agree to treat Wen Qingxin's illness. She never thought that Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin knew each other.

But, when did Wen Qingxin know Jiang Chen?Why didn't she know anything about it?
Listening to Jiang Chen again, asking Wen Qingxin to be careful, Meng Xiyan's heart skipped a beat, knowing that this is an extremely intimate title, only if Wen Qingxin and Jiang Chen have an extraordinary relationship will be called so.

This situation inexplicably made Meng Xiyan a little frustrated.

What was frustrating to her was not that Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin knew each other before.

Rather, she thought that everything she had done before was so superfluous. After all, since Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin knew each other and their relationship was so close, why would she need to ask Jiang Chen for help?
At the same time, Meng Xiyan felt a little regretful.

She felt that she should have told Wen Qingxin earlier that the person she invited to treat her was Jiang Chen, otherwise, Wen Qingxin wouldn't have known until now that it was Jiang Chen she invited, right?
Meng Xiyan was frustrated and embarrassed again.

And the expression on Huang Chan's small face was extremely wonderful.

Huang Chan felt that it really opened her eyes.

It's okay to find Ling Qingluo and meet Meng Xiyan as agreed, but she still has a gentle heart. Huang Chan felt that she was about to admire Jiang Chen to death.

"How hard is this damn pervert?" Huang Chan said in her heart.

Even if he knew early on that Jiang Chen was a playful guy, seeing two women one after another in such a short period of time still made Huang Chan unbearable.

"I know." Wen Qingxin nodded.

How could he not know Jiang Chen?
The tenderness of that night, thinking about it until now, is still slightly throbbing, deep in my heart, there is a special emotion surging and revealing.

"What's going on, be careful, before you and Beauty Xiyan, didn't each other know of my existence?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

Wen Qing shook her head heartily, somewhat dumbfounded.

She knew a long time ago that Meng Xiyan found a guy with great medical skills for her, and said that he met at the ancient martial arts alliance meeting to treat her illness.

Wen Qingxin didn't take this kind of thing to heart at first, and it was rather perfunctory, which led to it. She didn't get much information from Meng Xiyan.

After coming to Penglai Xiandao, Wen Qingxin was more worried about Jiang Chen, and she was even more worried. It was Meng Xiyan who told her several times that she was about to ask her, so Wen Qingxin made the decision. , I went to meet that man with Meng Xiyan this afternoon.

If Wen Qing had known early in the morning that Meng Xiyan was talking about Jiang Chen, then she would have gone to find Jiang Chen last night.

"Be careful, you do have a good disciple." Looking at Meng Xiyan, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Xiyan has always served me, she is my most proud disciple." Wen Qingxin nodded.

"Hey, if the two of you talk about love, can you avoid suspicion a little bit? We are both big girls who have never been in a relationship. What if we are taught by you two?" Huang Chan said unhappily.

Wen Qing's brows were calm, but she didn't feel shy because of Huang Chan's words. She turned around and entered the tent, and Jiang Chen also entered the tent afterward.

"Pretty is quite beautiful, almost as beautiful as me, but this face is too thick, like a city wall." Huang Chan rolled her eyes and said brokenly.

"Shut up, don't insult my master." The girl who was molested by Huang Chan said angrily.

"Did I insult your master? I was just telling the truth." Huang Chan said.

"You are still talking nonsense. Master and Jiang Chen are not what you said at all. They were just communicating normally and did not talk about love. You are maliciously hurting my master's name." The girl said.

"Jiang Chen would tell your master to be careful in normal communication?" Huang Chan said angrily.

"It's just a title, Master and Jiang Chen are inseparable, it's nothing." The girl argued forcefully.

"Just now, when your master heard that Jiang Chen was coming, he immediately ran out to meet Jiang Chen, as if meeting a lover. Didn't you see?" Huang Chan was speechless.

"When a friend comes, Master comes out to welcome him. This is the etiquette." The girl said firmly.

"Well, look at this." Huang Chan said, stretched out her hand, and lifted the curtain of the tent. In an instant, the scene inside the tent fell into everyone's eyes.

"Now, little sister, do you still think that the relationship between Jiang Chen and your master is normal?" Huang Chan said, extremely triumphant...

(End of this chapter)

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