genius evil

Chapter 988 I was spoiled by you a long time ago

Chapter 988 I was spoiled by you a long time ago
When the curtain of the tent was lifted by Huang Chan, it was obvious that Jiang Chen was embracing Wen Qingxin in his arms.

Such a scene almost made everyone's eyeballs drop to the ground, especially the girl who argued with Huang Chan, arguing that Wen Qingxin had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, looked pale, like that unbelievable.

It's as if inadvertently, I saw something that shouldn't be seen.

"How is it possible?" the girl murmured.

"Brother Qing, hurry up and kiss your family carefully." Huang Chan said.

"Sister Qing, what's wrong with you?" The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

"I just want to prove your relationship with Xiaoxin to these innocent girls." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Then, can you put your hand down now?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Such a good woman, why is she so wicked?
Fortunately, he just hugged Wen Qingxin and didn't do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise wouldn't he be gone?
It's nothing if he is a big man, anyway, he has a good figure, so he can look at it casually, but Jiang Chen would not agree to let Wen Qingxin go away.

Even if the object of exposing was a group of women, Jiang Chen would never agree.

"Brother Qing, why are you so stingy, you have no masculinity at all." With a soft snort, Huang Chan let go of her hands in anger, and then closed the curtain, covering everything in the tent.

"Little sister, do you still want to accuse me of insulting your master's reputation?" Huang Chan said to the girl like a demonstration.

"It must not be true." The girl said angrily.

"Little sister, you are so innocent and cute. Big sister, I like you the most. How about we find a place where no one is around, and talk about life and ideals?" Huang Chan said with a smile, like a big bad wolf Molesting a little white rabbit.

"Miss Huang Chan, Xiao Lian is still young, so don't take offense." Meng Xiyan said to Huang Chan, protecting the girl.

Huang Chan was weird and charming, but Meng Xiyan was not at ease. The girl named Xiao Lian was alone with Huang Chan, not because she was worried that Huang Chan would hurt Xiao Lian, but because she was afraid that if Huang Chan was not careful, she would ruin Xiao Lian.

"So little sister, your name is Xiaolian. Is it the little Lian who came out of the water lotus? This name is really nice, I like it the most." Huang Chan teased without sparing any effort.

Meng Xiyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking to herself what the hell was going on.

If Huang Chan was a man, it would be fine if he was so interested in Xiao Lian, but as a woman, she was nakedly molesting another woman, is that really okay?

Inexplicably, Meng Xiyan thought of Jiang Chen.

It seems that Huang Chan's temperament is very similar to Jiang Chen's. No wonder, the two brothers and sisters call each other back and forth, and it's not embarrassing at all.

"Jiang Chen?"

For some reason, when thinking of Jiang Chen, Meng Xiyan felt a little strange.

She herself didn't know why she had a strange mood.

This strangeness may be due to the relationship between Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, or it may be because of the past between her and Jiang Chen.

For a moment, Meng Xiyan didn't dare to think too much, lest she accidentally show emotions that she shouldn't have, and the teachers and sisters would see the clues.

Of course, Meng Xiyan was even more worried that Huang Chan would see the clues. If Huang Chan molested her like Xiao Lian, it would be bad.

"This name doesn't sound good, it's full of nonsense." Xiao Lian said angrily, rolling her eyes.

"I say it sounds nice, little sister, don't be so indifferent, big sister, besides teaching you how to kill, I have more interesting things to teach you, which will definitely benefit you endlessly in your life." Huang Chan smiled coquettishly. road.

"What else can you teach me?" Xiaolian asked curiously.

"For example, teach you how to seduce a man." Huang Chan said casually.

Xiao Lian's small face suddenly turned hot red, she was both ashamed and angry, she pointed at Huang Chan with her slender fingers, as if she wanted to curse a few words.

But how to say the curse words, he could only tremble with anger, while Huang Chan laughed out loud, which made all the people look weird at Huang Chan like that.

"That Huang Chan's personality is very similar to yours. No wonder you two hit it off." Inside the tent, Wen Qingxin said with a chuckle.

Even if it was the scene of being embraced by Jiang Chen just now, and was accidentally seen by outsiders, Wen Qingxin was not at all ashamed, she was always so detached.

"Be careful, do you want to say that if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black?" Jiang Chen smiled.

Not to mention, Huang Chan's temperament is indeed quite similar to his. Fortunately, Huang Chan is a woman, otherwise Huang Chan would definitely be his biggest competitor in the career of picking up girls.

"So be careful, are you worried that I've ruined you?" Jiang Chen once again hugged Wen Qingxin into his arms, and teased.

"The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change." Wen Qingxin said indifferently.

"Be careful, you are so serious." Jiang Chen seemed a little wronged, and said in Wen Qingxin's ear, "Be careful, what I said to spoil you is not to change your nature, you have to be clear, men are the most I like bad girls."

"It's the woman who was personally taught to be bad by that man." Wen Qingxin corrected her sternly.

"It turns out that you know everything carefully." Jiang Chen said ambiguously.

Wen Qingxin is right. For any man in this world, the most fulfilling thing is to lead a woman to ruin, and let that woman accompany him to fall together. No hesitation.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Wen Qingxin was slightly taken aback, and soon realized that Jiang Chen had intentionally lured her to say such words.

Lonely man and widow, in the same room.

Any love words are far less ambiguous than a single sentence, which can stir up the heartstrings in each other's hearts.

Especially when they haven't seen each other for a long time, the inadvertent ambiguity can quickly shorten the distance between each other.

Feeling Jiang Chen's hugging him tighter and tighter, the smell of Jiang Chen's body filled his breath, Wen Qingxin's elegant face finally climbed up with a few traces of rosy color.

With the emergence of those few traces of ruddy color, it was also invisible, which changed Wen Qingxin's temperament, making it a little more coquettish.

"Be careful, you know, I've already brought you to ruin." Jiang Chen said, becoming more and more ambiguous.

"I've been led to ruin by you a long time ago." Wen Qingxin said in a low voice.

But being so close to each other, Jiang Chen could hear Wen Qingxin's voice, and his heart moved. He knew that no matter what he said at this time, it would be superfluous, and he could only express himself with practical actions. Mood will do.

Therefore, Jiang Chen, who was an activist, kissed Wen Qingxin's red lips unceremoniously.

Even though the two of them once spent a night together in the spring breeze, Wen Qingxin was still very young in this regard, passively accepting Jiang Chen's invasion until she was almost suffocated before pushing Jiang Chen away.

"Be careful, I think we should do it again." Jiang Chen stuck out his tongue, licked his lips, the corners of his lips clearly still had the taste of Wen Qingxin, and said solemnly.

Of course, there were many women around Jiang Chen, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that Wen Qingxin was the most special one.

Wen Qingxin's body seemed to be wrapped in a layer of mist, which made him intoxicated, and he was extremely impulsive, wanting to clear the layer of fog and show Wen Qingxin what happened.

"Huh?" Wen Qing looked at Jiang Chen steadfastly. She didn't know whether she understood Jiang Chen's words or not, but she didn't react too much.

If it was another woman with such a reaction, as a man, he would almost doubt his life and doubt whether his charm was too bad.

However, when Wen Qingxin reacted like this, in Jiang Chen's eyes, there was a seductive charm.

Jiang Chen couldn't bear it after all, he hugged Wen Qingxin for the third time, and kissed her viciously.

This kiss lasted for a full 5 minutes, and Jiang Chen reluctantly let go of Wen Qingxin, feeling as if his life was complete.

Wen Qing's breathing was disordered and her heart beat faster. Perhaps it was because she was worried about being kissed by Jiang Chen again. She quietly took two steps back and looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing, and said, "Be careful, can't you take care of my self-esteem as a man?"

Even the bed sheets were rolled, although there was a bit of an inexplicable smell that night, the fact that Wen Qingxin was his woman could not be changed.

Wen Qingxin's cooperation in the two kisses was clumsy and not enthusiastic, but there was no resistance at all, which undoubtedly showed that Wen Qingxin accepted him from the bottom of her heart.

There is the most direct physical communication, is kissing too much?
Do not!
At least in Jiang Chen's view, it was not too much, no, Jiang Chen was distracted, and had the urge to kiss Wen Qingxin again.

"Jiang Chen, I have been searching for the prescription you gave me last time, but there is a medicinal ingredient that I have not been able to find." Wen Qingxin said at this moment.

"Be careful, we will talk about this topic later." Jiang Chen said absently.

If Wen Qingxin hadn't mentioned this matter, he would have almost forgotten it after seeing Wen Qingxin.

"That herb is called fire dragon vine. I have asked many people, but it seems that they have never heard of the existence of this herb, and it is not even recorded in the pharmacopoeia." Qing Xin said with a little worry.

"Fire Dragon Vine?" Even if Jiang Chen wanted to change the subject, he couldn't help it. He pondered for a while, and said, "Maybe, there is no such medicinal material on the earth."

The fire dragon vine is just the most common medicinal material in the True Spirit Continent. On top of the prescription that Jiang Chen gave Wen Qingxin, there are several other medicinal materials, which are much more expensive than the fire dragon vine.

Originally, Jiang Chen thought that it would be more difficult to find those kinds of medicinal materials, but he never thought that it was the fire dragon vine that had the problem.

"Medical ingredients that don't exist on the earth?" Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen like that, and couldn't help being a little more surprised.

"Haha, maybe I wrote the wrong name, but it doesn't matter, I have already found a solution to the problem." Jiang Chen smiled, and changed the subject without any trace.

The origin of one's own identity is the biggest taboo, even if the other party is Wen Qingxin, it is impossible for Jiang Chen to talk about it, at least for now, it is impossible for him to reveal it.

Even Sleeping Beauty, who knew him better, only taught him a formula for getting started with cultivation.

What Jiang Chen did was not because he was so taboo about his own identity, but because he believed that his strength was not strong enough. Once his background was revealed, it would definitely do him no good.

Wen Qingxin is not the kind of woman who likes to ask questions. She heard Jiang Chen's way of changing the subject, she was extremely blunt, and she knew that Jiang Chen didn't want to say more.

Under such circumstances, she was naturally not prepared to ask more questions.

"You mean, you found another way, what way?" Wen Qingxin said.

(End of this chapter)

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