genius evil

Chapter 989 A Careful Suitor

Chapter 989 A Careful Suitor

The way Jiang Chen said to solve the problem was to compete with Huang Chan for the small Peiyuan pill, and then let Huang Chan refine the small Peiyuan pill into a big Peiyuan pill.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a little thankful for his foresight. Fortunately, he had made two-handed preparations. Otherwise, if Wen Qingxin's side continued to delay, no one knew what would happen.

Hearing Wen Qingxin's question, Jiang Chen simply explained his plan to Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin had heard about the Xiaopeiyuan pill in this ancient martial arts alliance conference, and she didn't take it seriously, but she didn't expect that Huang Chan would have such a means to make Xiaopeiyuan pill Pill, refined into Dapei Yuandan.

"The appearance of Xiaopei Yuan Pill will inevitably cause competition among all parties, and it will not be easy to win it." Wen Qingxin said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter, if anyone robs me, I will kill him." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Without the fire dragon vine, Jiang Chen couldn't make medicine for Wen Qingxin. Under the current circumstances, the only hope was the Little Peiyuan Pill.

It is impossible for Jiang Chen to let it fall into the hands of others.

No matter what method, no matter what price he pays, he will definitely get it, even if he offends everyone because of it.

Anyway, Jiang Chen offended not a few ancient martial arts practitioners.

Under such circumstances, what does it matter if you offend a few more people?

Wen Qing could hear Jiang Chen's determination in his heart, and was slightly moved. In the depths of his eyes, the look of guard gradually dissipated. Jiang Chen saw that the opportunity had come, and was about to take action, but he heard the sound from outside. Meng Xiyan's voice.

"Master, a guest is here."

"Xiyan beauty, let them wait for 10 minutes... No, wait for an hour." Before Wen Qingxin could speak, Jiang Chen hurriedly said.

Just kidding, it was hard to move Wen Qingxin, the great opportunity was right in front of him, if he missed it, even he himself would not forgive himself.

" hour?" Outside the tent, Meng Xiyan couldn't speak fluently.

"Brother Qing, you are so good, how can one hour be enough, I will give you three hours, don't worry, you two take your time." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Miss Qingxin, please don't blame me if I bother you." Immediately afterwards, another voice sounded, but it was a man's voice.

"Be careful, why is your guest a man?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

It seems that men are not allowed to enter this small island, so, that guy can walk in openly, and Meng Xiyan regards him as Wen Qingxin's guest, who could it be?

"Hey, who told you to make noise, did you tell me to talk? What if I disturb my brother Jiaqing?" Huang Chan said dissatisfied.

Not far in front of Huang Chan, stood two figures, a man and a woman.

The man is tall and straight, with a handsome appearance, giving off a majestic and extraordinary taste.

As for the woman, she was of average length, she looked quite thin, her complexion was slightly pale, and she looked a bit sick, as if she was ill.

Regarding the appearance of a man and a woman, no one, including Meng Xiyan, ever refused, let alone expelled. This situation made Huang Chan very dissatisfied.

She felt that if she wanted to talk about guests, she and Jiang Chen were the guests. Besides, what was the relationship between Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin?
And these two people were actually treated as guests by Meng Xiyan, which made Huang Chan very upset, so her words were stinging, very impolite!

"This beauty, it should be the first time we met, I don't remember, I offended you." The man said, with a gentle manner and an extraordinary bearing.

"Is it okay if you don't like it?" Huang Chan asked.

The man smiled slightly, but didn't say a word, the meaning was nothing more than telling Huang Chan, as long as she was happy.

"You hypocrite, do you think that if you pretend to be a wolf with a big tail, I will take a liking to you? It's a pity, I don't like you even more." Huang Chan said angrily.

With her intelligence, how could she fail to understand the meaning of this man's smile.

But it was also because of understanding that Huang Chan became even more upset.

"This beauty, this person looks like a gentleman like Jian Yue. You'd better stay away from him, lest one day be sold by him and count the money for him." Just listen to Huang Chan Said to the woman again.

Because of her own displeasure, she planned to make this man even more displeased.

"Master Yu, are you that kind of person?" The woman smiled.

The man looked helpless, and said: "I really don't understand how I offended this beautiful woman. In terms of female popularity, I think I have always been quite good."

The woman was still smiling, and said to Huang Chan: "Girl, can you tell me why you don't like Mr. Yu?"

"Surname Yu?"

Huang Chan thought to herself, a strange color flashed in her eyes, she opened her mouth and said, "There are so many surnames in a hundred families, is there such a surname as Yu?" It's like a sissy, but it's far worse than my brother Qing."

"Sister Qing, this is fine, what do you think I should do?" Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin walked out of the tent, Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Brother Qing, why did you come out so soon? I'm trying to delay the time for you. How can you live up to my heart?" Huang Chan said.

While talking, Huang Chan stretched out her hand to push Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin, and said, "Brother Qing, be careful, you two go in quickly, I will treat these two guests well, and I promise to let them both satisfy."

Jiang Chen also wanted to go in, to have some intimacy with Wen Qingxin.

But even if it's intimacy, you have to pay attention to whether the atmosphere is good or not. It's so lively outside, how can he be intimacy with Wen Qingxin?No, I can only come out and see the excitement?

"Be careful?" Young Master Yu and the woman looked at each other, and there was a hint of confusion in their eyes.

Because there is a heart in Wen Qingxin's name, both of them knew that Huang Chan's "careful heart" was Wen Qingxin.

But when did Wen Qingxin have such a unique nickname?

But soon, Young Master Yu and the woman just didn't think about it any more. Both of them were attracted by Jiang Chen.

That woman was curious about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin.

Because she knew that Wen Qingxin had always treated all men indifferently, other men, not to mention approaching her, even if they talked, they couldn't say a few words.

But Jiang Chen entered Wen Qingxin's tent.

And listening to what Jiang Chen said before, it is obvious that Jiang Chen has a lot to do with Wen Qingxin.

Mr. Yu looked at Jiang Chen quietly, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes flickered slightly, and even his expression quietly became a little unattractive.

And when the two were looking at Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was also looking at them.

Jiang Chen wasn't very interested in that woman's identity and history, but what interested him was this Young Master Yu.

This Young Master Yu must have a certain friendship with Wen Qingxin to be able to enter this small island.

If it's just that, it's fine. On the other hand, even he has to admit that this guy has a good skin, and he is almost catching up with him.

"Miss Qingxin, I wonder who this is?" Young Master Yu asked, he was more curious than that girl, what is the relationship between Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin.

"I am a careful husband." Jiang Chen said directly.

"You mean, you are Miss Qingxin's boyfriend?" Young Master Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? Say it again, I'm a careful husband." Jiang Chen emphasized, with an unhappy expression on his face.

Young Master Yu knew that Wen Qingxin was not married. As far as Wen Qingxin was concerned, if there were no major changes, Wen Qingxin might never get married in this life.

But Jiang Chen emphasized so much that he was Wen Qingxin's husband, not her boyfriend, which meant that Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin had a deeper relationship than male and female friends.

Looking at Wen Qingxin's brows calmly, not intending to refute, Young Master Yu's complexion unknowingly became more ugly.

"Miss Qing Xin, when did you have a boyfriend? How come Miss Shi and I didn't know about it?" On the surface, Young Master Yu asked with a smile.

"It's my husband... This is the second time I've emphasized it. I really don't want you to challenge my patience." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Haha, Miss Shi, it seems that I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, and I'm being aggressive everywhere." Young Master Yu said.

Miss Shi smiled lightly and said, "Qing Xin, I haven't heard you talk about this before, this handsome guy, is everything true?"

"That's interesting. Could it be that something happened to my family, and I still have to report it to you two?" Jiang Chen teased, and took Wen Qingxin's little hand smoothly.

"Jiang Chen and I have known each other for a while." Wen Qingxin said slowly, this short sentence was just an explanation of the relationship between her and Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen? Are you Jiang Chen?" Miss Shi asked in astonishment.

Jiang Chen has a nickname right now, called Killer Maniac, which is very famous, and Miss Shi has certainly heard of it.

That Young Master Yu had also heard of Jiang Chen's name, he smiled indifferently: "So it's Brother Jiang, I have admired his name for a long time."

"Fame and so on are all false. In fact, I don't care too much about those false names." Jiang Chen said with a smile, saying that he didn't care, but anyone could see that he was enjoying himself.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. Young Master Yu looked at Jiang Chen strangely, thinking what kind of freak this guy is, and, with Wen Qingxin's temperament, how could he like such a man?
"I'm Yu Zizai," said Young Master Yu.

"I didn't ask your name. Why did you introduce yourself so proactively? Anyway, even if you said it, I can't remember it... Tell me, what's the matter with you when you come to my house? If you don't, I won't entertain you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Miss Qingxin, Miss Shi and I just happened to pass by, so we stopped by to have a look. Since it's inconvenient, we don't bother you." Yu Zizai said, clasped her hands, turned around and left.

"Qing Xin, then I'm leaving too." Miss Shi gave Jiang Chen a meaningful look, and also left.

"Be careful, this damn toad was chased away by me, how can you thank me?" When Yu Zizai and Miss Shi left, Jiang Chen couldn't wait to ask Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin looked at Jiang Chen helplessly, knowing that Jiang Chen must have seen that Yu Zizai had a good impression of her. This is on the one hand, an extremely domineering declaration of her ownership, and on the other hand, he spared no effort , to drive Yu Zizai away.

But without saying anything, Wen Qingxin entered the tent.

"Be careful and wait for me." Jiang Chen shouted, and hurriedly followed.

"Brother Qing, I think it is necessary for me to remind you that the guy just now is named Yu." Huang Chan stretched out her hand to stop Jiang Chen, smiling sweetly, full of gloating!
(End of this chapter)

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