genius evil

Chapter 994

Chapter 994

"Sister Qing, do you know what will happen if you seduce a man, especially when that man is in a state of dissatisfaction?" Jiang Chen stared at Huang Chan and said.

It has to be said that this woman has a seductive aura, and with his concentration, he would be disturbed by it over and over again.

Feeling the aggression contained in Jiang Chen's gaze that fell on him, Huang Chan knew in her heart that this joke of hers probably went too far.

If Jiang Chen really desperately dragged her to have sex, she probably wouldn't be able to cry because of that.

"Brother Qing, it's just a joke, a small joke, you are a big man, why bother with a little girl like me." Huang Chan said with a pure face.

"Are you sure it's a joke?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Very sure." Huang Chan hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

She felt that what Jiang Chen said was correct, it was really not a wise thing to provoke a man who was in a state of dissatisfaction with desire.

In addition, Jiang Chen himself was extremely dangerous, but she provoked Jiang Chen again and again, which was very suspected of seeking her own death!
"So it was a joke? I almost took it seriously, sister Qing, you let me down too much." Jiang Chen said regretfully.

Huang Chan giggled, not daring to talk more about this topic with Jiang Chen, so she changed the subject and said, "Brother Qing, that little Taoist boy just now has such a great style, it reminds me of a person, probably only that guy, can Such a little Taoist boy has been trained."

"Who?" Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Chen was quite interested in the owner of this island, and if it wasn't for the inappropriate timing, he would definitely pay a visit.

"There is a disciple of Tianshi Dao who has been cultivating hard outside for many years. He has reached the pinnacle of cultivation and is known as the number one genius of Tianshi Dao in hundreds of years." Huang Chan said in a deep voice.

"Sister Qing, after talking so much, you seem to have forgotten to tell me his name." Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

The so-called genius, he has seen too much.

Leaving aside what they saw in the True Spirit Continent, Shen Shijing and Wen Qingxin on the earth alone can be regarded as rare geniuses in a hundred years.

Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to the genius theory mentioned by Huang Chan.

"In the Tao of Heavenly Master, No. 1 of the younger generation, the disciple of the Xuan character generation, Xuan Ye." Huang Chan said slowly.

"This name is quite interesting." Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Brother Qing, I've made it so clear, don't you have any sense of crisis at all?" Huang Chan asked wonderingly.

She felt that when the time came for the Xiaopei Yuandan battle, this Xuan Ye would definitely be Jiang Chen's number one opponent and should not be underestimated. This is why she would introduce it in such detail, in order to deepen Jiang Chen's understanding of Xuan Ye .

But Jiang Chen was fine, he didn't seem to take it seriously at all.

"Sister Qing, there is one thing that you may not know, your elder brother Qing, I am the first genius in thousands of years." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Brother Qing, I think if there is a shameless ranking, you must have been ranked first for tens of thousands of years." Huang Chan said solemnly.


With Huang Chan's company, Jiang Chen's side was always full of excitement.

This woman will always have endless ideas, and she really likes to join in the fun. In this way, Jiang Chen's side can't help but want to be lively.

When Jiang Chen and Huang Chan landed on the third of the nine islands, all they met were acquaintances.

Grandma Gu from the Zhou family, Yuan Qingping from the Sun family, Fang Yunfei from the Qian family, and Dong Yun from the Ren family.

After hearing Jiang Chen's name in Penglai Xiandao, Gu Momo had long thought of visiting Jiang Chen, and she was overjoyed to see that Jiang Chen took the initiative to find him.

Jiang Chen and the four of them met before, and were a little curious about Dong Yun.

The sect behind the Ren family was named Xiaoshui Sect. When the Ren family was in civil turmoil, several important figures of Xiaoshui Sect died, but this Dong Yun never showed up.

Speaking of which, so far, this is the first time Jiang Chen has seen him. Presumably, after the death of Huanglongshe, the previous lord of Xiaoshuizong, this Dong Yun took advantage of the situation.

So if it is calculated in this way, Dong Yun is the one who has gained the most benefit from the civil strife in the Ren family.

After exchanging pleasantries with the four of them, Jiang Chen asked curiously, "Where is Elder Miaoyu, isn't he with you?"

"None of us have seen Miaoyu before." Mother Gu said with a wry smile.

"If it's convenient, please wait, Madam Gu, and help me pay attention to the news of Elder Miaoyu." After thinking about it, Jiang Chen said.

Regarding the grievances between Qianxiumen and the Goddess Sect, Jiang Chen originally didn't want to get involved, but the Goddess Zong was too good at killing himself. Therefore, this grievance is not just a matter between Qianxiumen and the Goddess Sect. He must be Jiang Chen. to meddle.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the four Gu Nunnies looked at each other, and they all recognized the hidden meaning of Jiang Chen's words. What kind of relationship does the door have.

However, among the four of them, none of them asked any further questions and agreed.

Jiang Chen and Huang Chan didn't stay long, and after about half an hour, they led Huang Chan away.

"Brother Qing, I thought you were enemies all over the world, but I didn't expect you to have friends." Huang Chan said with a strange face.

Just now, Huang Chan acted very well, just like a good girl next door, but as soon as she walked away, she immediately revealed her true colors.

"Your brother Qing is so handsome, I naturally have more enemies than friends." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

Huang Chan rolled her eyes and said, "There are still six islands left, tell me, what is the probability of finding Ling Qingluo?"

"I have a hunch that it's coming soon." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, can you stop opening your eyes and talking nonsense? Even for Ling Qingluo, on these six islands, the probability of you finding her is only one in six." Huang Chan said angrily.

"It will become one-fifth soon." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Well, I think Brother Qing is right, but there is a pervert, you better not accidentally run into it, otherwise, hehe..." Huang Chan said.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's just a good show to watch. To be honest, I'm looking forward to it." Huang Chan said, with a look of gloating.

"Don't look forward to it, the good show is already here." Jiang Chen reminded.

Just saw, a young man in a white suit walked towards the direction where Jiang Chen and Huang Chan were at extremely fast speed.

The man in the suit stopped only about one meter away from Jiang Chen and Huang Chan.

As soon as his footsteps stopped, the man in the suit stared at Huang Chan unscrupulously, with a lewd and evil look in his eyes from time to time.

Looking at the situation, it was obvious that Huang Chan was being sized up like a prey.

Huang Chan was displeased, her brows stood on end, and she was about to explode when she saw two women running over panting all the way.

"Young master, why are you so fast?"

"Young master, wait for us."


The two women, complaining coquettishly, ran to the man in the suit and said coquettishly.

The man in the suit laughed, stretched out his hand, put his arm around one, put the two women into his arms respectively, and said with a smile: "My lord made a calculation before, and there will definitely be a beautiful woman who will take the initiative to send you to the door today. No, right away!" I just saw a beautiful woman."

"My lord, is that the beauty you're talking about?" Hearing what the man in the suit said, the two women looked at Huang Chan provocatively.




However, as the second woman's voice fell, the man in the suit suddenly let go of the second woman, and then, two slaps were slapped on the face of the second woman, and the second woman was slapped to the ground. Suddenly, five red finger prints emerged!

The man in the suit changed his face as soon as he said it. There was no warning in advance. The two women were all fooled by the man in the suit.

But perhaps, the reason why he was extremely jealous of the man in the suit was that no one dared to complain even if he was treated like this by the man in the suit.

On the contrary, the two women sat on the ground wearily, trembling, and their faces were pale. It was obvious that they were extremely afraid of the man in the suit, lest there would be other punishments.

"Two blind things, from today onwards, they will roll as far as they are away from me." Immediately, the man in the suit scolded.

The two women nodded like chickens pecking at rice. No one dared to disobey the man in the suit. Hearing the sound, they got up from the ground in a panic and ran away. Looking at them, they seemed to hate their parents for giving birth to two children. leg.

Naturally, such a scene fell into the eyes of Jiang Chen and Huang Chan, which was inexplicable.

"Beauty, I'm really sorry, I'm not a gentleman enough, but you must have noticed that the two of them offended you, and I couldn't help it, so I whipped them." The man in the suit smiled like a gentleman He said to Huang Chan.

"You offended me too, now, slap yourself twice." Huang Chan said coldly.

This guy, the way he looked at her before was too presumptuous, which made Huang Chan extremely uncomfortable.

If those two women hadn't appeared, Huang Chan would have made a move long ago.

"Haha, beauty, your personality is really aggressive. Did I offend you? It's just that I admired your beauty purely from the perspective of appreciating beauty." The man in the suit laughed.

"It seems that you don't want to slap yourself twice, right?" Huang Chan asked.

"Beauty, I have such a handsome face, do you think I will slap myself?" the man in the suit asked back.

"Brother Qing, this guy is too slapped, help me slap him twice... no, twenty slaps." Huang Chan said angrily to Jiang Chen.

Originally, she wanted to do it herself, but the man in the suit was too smug, but Huang Chan didn't want to do it herself, she was afraid of getting her hands dirty.

"Brother Love? What do you mean, you have Brother Love?" But as Huang Chan said this, the man in the suit frowned suddenly.

It was as if, at this moment, he had only noticed Jiang Chen's existence, and his eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"Boy, the big beauty said that you are her love brother. This must be a misunderstanding, right? I will give you a chance to kneel down and kowtow to me three times. Then, I will pretend that I didn't hear anything. I will give you ten Seconds, hurry up, I don't have time to accompany your ink marks." The man in the suit then said.

His eyes were contemptuous, as if he could play Jiang Chen in his hands at any time, even if his eyes fell on Jiang Chen, he would even look at Jiang Chen with disdain.

"Brother Qing, is this guy an idiot?" Huang Chan was stunned for a moment, then asked wonderingly.

"Sister Qing, I don't think what you said is right. It would be more appropriate to say that you are brain-dead." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Then do you still want to beat him? Wouldn't it be inhumane to bully an idiot?" Huang Chan said worriedly.

"That depends on how stupid the person is." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Idiot?" The man in the suit chattered, the laughter was sharp and piercing, and he said: "Boy, the time is up, since you don't want to kneel down, then, I will do what you want, turn you into Really stupid!"

(End of this chapter)

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