genius evil

Chapter 995 1 good news, 1 bad news

Chapter 995 Good News, Bad News
As soon as the voice fell, the man in the suit stretched out his hand to make a false move. In an instant, a little distance away, two figures rushed towards him, and within a few seconds, they appeared behind the man in the suit.

"Young master." The two greeted the man in the suit respectfully.

"Ah Da, Ah Er, have you seen this idiot? You two don't need to kill him, you two just need to beat him into a brainless man." The man in the suit ordered.

"Young master, where is this woman?" Ada asked.

"The woman I like, naturally only I can get my hands on it. I will do it myself and make her bow down to me." The man in the suit said Youyou.

"Brother Qing, is this the one in the legend, a beauty that's a disaster?" Huang Chan asked Jiang Chen with a smile.

"Sister Qing, is there anything to be happy about this kind of thing?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

"Brother Qing, I just think that although this ugly monster is a bit brain-dead, his eyes are not blind." Huang Chan said happily.

"Beauty, aren't you afraid that I'll be angry if you're such a fool?" the man in the suit asked.

"None of my business." Huang Chan swears.

"Have a personality, I like it." Instead of being angry, the man in the suit showed a look of excitement. He waved again and said, "Ah Da, Ah Er, what are you two still standing around for? Do it for me. Remember, it’s enough to be beaten into a brain.”

"Yes!" Ah Da and Ah Er responded one after another.

After the two responded, they walked towards Jiang Chen step by step.

"Boy, don't resist, or if you are beaten to death, it will be bad." Ah Er said.

"Ah Er, the young master said that he can't be beaten to death." Ah Da said.

While the two were talking, they punched Jiang Chen's head like thunder.

"Although there are already a lot of idiots in this world, no one would mind if there were two more idiots." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Seeing the two of them, two punches were aimed at his forehead, Jiang Chen also made a move, and both fists came out at the same time, and they punched each other.


Four fists collided together in mid-air.

A strong force struck, Ah Da and Ah Er couldn't help but retreat back, giving them the feeling that when the punch just now collided with Jiang Chen, it seemed to be their fists, smashing It's like being on an iron wall.

Biting pain, along the fist, spread throughout the body.

Ah Da and Ah Er's expressions changed. Realizing that the situation was getting worse, they were about to warn the man in the suit, but unfortunately, the two of them didn't even have a chance to talk.

Jiang Chen once again threw two punches together, attacking indiscriminately, hitting the foreheads of Ah Da and Ah Er, sending them both flying.

"Boy, how dare you fight back!" The man in the suit looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and scolded.

"Only those with brain damage have no medicine to cure them. The ancients never deceived me." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Boy, do you know who I am, how dare you stand in front of me, whoever hurts me, you will die." The man in the suit said angrily.

"Brother Qing, from this guy's point of view, he seems to be very powerful." Huang Chan said.

Ah Da and Ah Er were abolished by Jiang Chen. Not only did the man in the suit not have the slightest fear, but he still threatened Jiang Chen. Unless he was really stupid, otherwise, his background would not be too small.

Otherwise, the man in the suit would not have the confidence to say such a thing.

"Is there? Why didn't I find out?" Jiang Chen said indifferently, walking towards the man in the suit.

"Boy, I warn you, if you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, no one in the sky and on earth will be able to save you." The man in the suit said in a vicious voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your fine hair." Jiang Chen said mockingly, raised his hand and punched the man in the suit to death.

It was as if, no matter what, he never expected that Jiang Chen would kill him, and the man in the suit kept his eyes wide open until he died, with an expression of absolute disbelief.

"Brother Qing, I think there is something wrong with this guy. Why did you kill him directly?" Huang Chan said.

"He wants to die himself, so I will fulfill him." Jiang Chen said slowly.

This man in a suit was just thinking about Huang Chan's idea, he could rob people openly, if that happened, Jiang Chen might look at this guy with high regard and spare his life.

Unexpectedly, this man in a suit is too self-righteous, as if he is the only one in heaven and earth, trying to make Jiang Chen kneel down in vain, he is very arrogant.In this way, even if Jiang Chen wanted to save his life, it would be impossible.

"Brother Qing, have you ever thought about what to do if this guy's background is really big?" Huang Chan asked.

"It's very simple. You only need to use a little beauty trick at that time, and it will definitely make everyone dizzy." Jiang Chen laughed.

Huang Chan giggled coquettishly, she was charming, and said embarrassedly: "Brother Qing, is his charm really that great?"

But even though she was smiling, deep down in Huang Chan's heart, she was faintly worried. In the final analysis, she believed that this trouble was caused by her, that she caused Jiang Chen to suffer.

If the man in the suit had an extraordinary background, then, because of her, Jiang Chen would definitely be in a lot of trouble.

Jiang Chen didn't think about it that much at all, his way of dealing with the world is very simple, whoever wants to kill him, he will kill whoever!
Seeing that it was still early, Jiang Chen led Huang Chan and planned to continue looking for Sleeping Beauty.

"Jiang Chen, wait...wait..." It was a voice, and at this moment, it came to Jiang Chen's ears from afar.

Hearing that voice, I was extremely anxious.

Accompanied by the sound of speaking, a figure came running at an extremely fast speed. Jiang Chen followed the sound and looked back, feeling a little surprised, but it was that Zhang Xueyou.

"Miss Xueyou, is there something wrong?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

Zhang Xueyou didn't immediately answer Jiang Chen's question. She stared at the body of the man in the suit, looked and looked, and after a while, sighed, and said bitterly: "Jiang Chen, you might have caused a catastrophe this time. Hurry up!" Let’s leave Penglai Xiandao.”

"You know him?" Jiang Chen asked.

Zhang Xueyou nodded vigorously, and said in a deep voice: "He is from the Yu family, the young master of the Yu family, Yu Ruyi."

Following Zhang Xueyou's words, Huang Chan's expression changed quietly.

She finally understood why the man in the suit spoke so loudly, even claiming that if Jiang Chen dared to touch him, no one would be able to save Jiang Chen.

The members of the Yu family really have a great background!
What Zhang Xueyou said was right, Jiang Chen really caused a catastrophe this time.

"Oh, a member of the Yu family?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, then smiled, and said, "It seems that I don't fit in with the Yu family. I just kicked out a young master Yu, and now I am Killed a young master Yu. This Yu family is really unlucky."

"Brother Qing, please don't pretend to be calm, okay?" Huang Chan said with a sad face.

After Jiang Chen offended Yu Zizai, Wanzong came to find him, and the sequelae were fully exposed. Now, Jiang Chen killed this little Yu Zizai, Yu Ruyi.

You know, the Yu family is a strong man with innate realm.

But anyone, before offending the Yu family, has to weigh their own weight.

But Jiang Chen was good. In less than half a day, he completely offended two important figures of the Yu family. This would definitely make the Yu family retaliate crazily.


The Yu family is undoubtedly very famous.

At least on the huge Penglai Xiandao, there are countless people, almost everyone knows the name of the Yu family.

Even though many people have never had contact with members of the Yu family, they have all heard of the name of the Yu family.

When the news of Young Master Yu Ruyi's death spread, it immediately caused an uproar from all parties.

"Yu Ruyi is dead? Maybe sure?"

"Who killed it?"

"Jiang Chen? That Jiang Chen known as a murderous madman?"

"What courage, is Jiang Chen impatient?"

"Jiang Chen is dead!"


As the news of Yu Ruyi's death spread throughout the Penglai Immortal Island, after confirming that the murderer was Jiang Chen, all forces were overshadowed by it.

Everyone felt that Jiang Chen was seeking his own death.


Seaside, sandy beach.

The waves were churning, and a figure sat on a rock, staring at the sea in a daze. It was Sleeping Beauty.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister..." The glittering golden bell yelled loudly as she ran towards Sleeping Beauty.

"What's the matter?" Sleeping Beauty turned her head, glanced at Jin Ling, and asked.

"Senior sister, I have two news here, one good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear?" Jin Ling said with a playful smile.

"Good news." Sleeping Beauty said casually.

Now, she is trapped on this island, under surveillance everywhere, has no interest in life, and doesn't want to pay attention to anything.

But Sleeping Beauty knows Jin Ling's character, if she doesn't respond, Jin Ling will definitely pester her.

"Senior sister, you are so smart, you must have guessed that the good news is about you." Jin Ling said with a smile.

"About me?" Sleeping Beauty was slightly taken aback, but she didn't know what news would be related to herself.

"Senior Sister, after listening to me, you will understand why it has something to do with you." Jin Ling said mysteriously, then, Jin Ling blinked and said, "Senior Sister, the good news I want to tell you is, That annoying Yu Ruyi is dead."

"Yu Ruyi is dead?" Sleeping Beauty was even more astonished.

"Senior Sister, isn't this considered good news?" Jin Ling said with her lips pursed.

"Maybe?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"Of course it is certain, the news has spread all over the world." Jin Ling said with great certainty.

"That's right." Sleeping Beauty nodded, with a rare smile on her face full of melancholy.

Yu Ruyi died, and the news was certain, so, as Jin Ling said, it was great news for her.

Sleeping Beauty knew that it might be wrong for her to have such an idea, but she just couldn't help but feel a little happy and want to laugh.

Shimen has always been trying to match her and Yu Ruyi, hoping to take this one step further, to narrow the relationship with Yu's family in exchange for the greatest benefits.

This matter, no matter how much Sleeping Beauty resists, is not negotiable from the master's side.

But now, Yu Ruyi is dead, which means that the curse that has been imposed on her head has been unraveled. It is very likely that she will get the long-lost freedom because of this, and return to Jiang Chen's side.

How could this situation make Sleeping Beauty unhappy?

"Senior Sister, it's been a long, long time since you laughed. I almost forgot when was the last time you laughed." Jin Ling said softly.

Sleeping Beauty smiled slightly and said, "Jin Ling, thank you for bringing me such good news."

"Senior Sister, this is what I should do." Jin Ling said, and sat down beside Sleeping Beauty.

"By the way, you just said that there is another bad news, what is the bad news?" Sleeping Beauty thought for a while and asked.

"The bad news's..." Jin Ling hesitated.

Originally, she thought that she could speak out quickly and neatly, but seeing Sleeping Beauty's happy face, Jin Ling suddenly realized that she shouldn't be so gloating...

(End of this chapter)

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