genius evil

Chapter 996 You Are Killing

Chapter 996 You Are Killing
Jin Ling suddenly felt a little regretful, and told Sleeping Beauty two pieces of news.

She felt that if she told Sleeping Beauty from the very beginning that there was only one news, then Sleeping Beauty should be happy for a long time.

And once she told Sleeping Beauty that the bad news was related to Jiang Chen, I'm afraid that Sleeping Beauty would become the same as before and couldn't be happy anymore.

It's just that the words had already been spoken, and there was no way to take them back, so Jin Ling became hesitant.

"Junior sister, why are you silent?" Sleeping Beauty asked suspiciously.

"Senior sister, it's like this, Yu Ruyi was killed by Jiang Chen." Jin Ling said hesitantly.


In an instant, Sleeping Beauty felt her head buzzing, as if something had exploded, her eyes widened, and she looked at Jin Ling in disbelief.

"You said, Yu Ruyi was killed by Jiang Chen?" Panting, Sleeping Beauty asked.

Jin Ling nodded vigorously, and said: "Senior Sister, I didn't lie to you, Yu Ruyi was really killed by Jiang Chen... It seems that Yu Ruyi offended Jiang Chen, so she was killed by Jiang Chen."

"A good news? A bad news?" Sleeping Beauty smiled wryly.

If she had known early on that the price of this good news was so high, then she would rather not have this good news.

She knows exactly how powerful the Yu family is.

Therefore, Sleeping Beauty is very clear about what kind of consequences Jiang Chen will have if he kills Yu Ruyi.

"Senior Sister, are you okay?" Jin Ling asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Sleeping Beauty shook her head, lost her mind for a while, and immediately, Sleeping Beauty stood up, and said to Jin Ling: "I'm going to find Jiang Chen now, don't any of you stop me."

"Senior sister, if you want to go to Jiang Chen, I will definitely not stop you, but senior brother, he will not let you go to Jiang Chen." Jin Ling reminded.

"Little sister is right, I won't let you go." Lynch appeared and said.

"No matter what, I have to go." Sleeping Beauty said firmly.

Before that, she had a lot of considerations and concerns, but now, she will ignore everything and ignore everything, she must go to see Jiang Chen!

"Junior Sister Ling, you have to understand that it is impossible for me to let you mess around." Lynch said.

"Nonsense?" Sleeping Beauty smiled.

It turns out that she wants to pursue her own happiness, but in the eyes of others, is it just nonsense?

No wonder, from the beginning to the end, no one ever asked her what she wanted and what she needed. They just arranged everything for her on their own initiative and told her that it was for her own good.

But, is it really for her?
I'm afraid, it's for the good of everyone, but I just forgot whether she is okay or not.

"Senior Brother Lin, Yu Ruyi is dead, and your calculations have come to nothing. It is meaningless for you to stop me now. Please respect yourself, Senior Brother Lin." Sleeping Beauty said coldly.

Frowning, Lynch said, "It's true that the young master is dead, but the Yu family is still there, but I won't let you leave here until the Yu family has made a statement."

"Senior Brother Lin, you are really my good senior brother." Sleeping Beauty laughed angrily.

Lynch's face turned blue and purple, and he knew that his behavior must have offended Sleeping Beauty to the death. However, in his opinion, it is undoubtedly a choice between offending Sleeping Beauty or offending the Yu family. Multiple-choice questions that you can make without using your brain.

"Junior Sister Ling, whether you blame me or hate me, this is my attitude," Lynch said.

As Lynch said this, he suddenly heard footsteps. When he subconsciously looked back, he saw a tall and handsome man walking slowly.

At a glance, he recognized the identity of the person who came, and Lynch hurriedly said respectfully: "Young master."

It was Yu Zizai who came, and Yu Zizai ignored Lin Qi, and he didn't even see Lynch in his eyes. After Yu Zizai appeared, his gaze fell on Sleeping Beauty.

Immediately, Yu Zizai asked: "Ling Qingluo, I have a question for you, and you must answer it truthfully."

Undoubtedly, the tone of command.

"Are all of you from the Yu family so rude?" Sleeping Beauty said coldly.

"Jiang Chen killed Yu Ruyi, is this related to you?" Yu Zizai asked directly as if she hadn't heard what Sleeping Beauty said.

Sleeping Beauty was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect that Yu Zizai made a special trip here to ask such a question.

"All communication methods between me and Jiang Chen have been cut off, and I am here and under the surveillance of your Yu family everywhere, do you think it has something to do with me?" Sleeping Beauty asked back.

"In this case, it has nothing to do with you, which is good." Yu Zizai nodded.

"Do you want to see Jiang Chen?" Then, Yu Zizai said.

"Finally you are willing to hold your hand high and let me go?" Sleeping Beauty sneered.

"If you want to go, you can go anytime from now on, but I need to remind you that if you leave here, you will no longer be protected by the Yu family." Yu Zizai said casually.

Sleeping Beauty's heart skipped a beat, she understood the hidden meaning of Yu Zizai's words very well, that is, once she left here, she went to see Jiang Chen's words.

Then, when the Yu family takes revenge on Jiang Chen, she will also be regarded as an enemy.

"I, Ling Qingluo, have never needed the protection of the Yu family." Sleeping Beauty said, she took a step forward and left calmly.

"My lord, this..." Lynch said hesitantly.

"Tell you sect masters, I'm going to kill people." Yu Zizai ignored Lynch's existence as before, and issued an order indifferently.

"Yes!" Lynch nodded repeatedly.

Yu Zizai wanted to kill someone, and the person who was killed was naturally Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, you are going to be in bad luck." Lin Qi said in his heart, and quickly left to deliver the report.


"Brother Qing, how about we leave here." Huang Chan said to Jiang Chen.

He just killed a brain-dead, and that brain-dead turned out to be a member of the Yu family, and Huang Chan was about to die of worry.

"Will the Yu family's innate realm powerhouse come to this ancient martial arts alliance meeting?" Jiang Chen asked.

"According to the logic, it is impossible to come here." Huang Chan said.

"In that case, why did you leave?" Jiang Chen said disapprovingly.

His real purpose of coming to the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time is nothing more than to come because of Sleeping Beauty and Wen Qingxin. Meng Xiyan can only be regarded as half at best.

Due to Wen Qingxin's extraordinary strength, Jiang Chen would not feel that there was anything wrong even if Wen Qingxin could not be found temporarily, but Sleeping Beauty was different.

Jiang Chen would not leave without seeing Sleeping Beauty.

What's more, in the past few days, he has been calling the sleeping beauty, but every time, the phone is turned off.

Sleeping Beauty's mobile phone cannot be turned off for no reason.

It is impossible for Sleeping Beauty herself to lose contact for no reason.

This was what made Jiang Chen most worried. Therefore, he had to find Sleeping Beauty, no matter how high the price was.

"Brother Qing, even though the old ancestor of the Yu family won't come, how can the Yu family claim to be the number one cultivating family for nothing? As far as I know, apart from the old ancestor of the Yu family, they are innate In addition to the strong ones, the current Yu Changhe, the head of the Yu family, is a strong man who is half a step in the innate realm, not to mention, there are several strong men in the Yu family who are at the peak of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts." Huang Chan reminded.

The name of the first family is to show the family heritage of the Yu family, how amazing it is.

Another point that Huang Chan didn't mention is that the Yu Family has intricate relationships with various forces, and the layer upon layer of network of relationships is enough to make ordinary ancient martial arts practitioners feel hopeless.

Although, Jiang Chen will not despair.

However, it is absolutely impossible for Jiang Chen to take advantage of such a behemoth as the Yu family.

"Really?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

He didn't know much about the Yu family, and all the news about the Yu family was obtained through Huang Chan.

No wonder, this Yu family dared to claim the number one cultivating family. If Huang Chan's words were true, then the background of this Yu family was probably even better than some super sects.

The Yu family has such a background, so naturally, Yu Ruyi has enough presumptuous capital, so naturally, Yu Zizai can ignore him.

But don't say it, Yu Ruyi is looking for death by herself.

Even if he killed Yu Ruyi for no reason, how could it be easy for the Yu family to take advantage of him, Jiang Chen?

"Sister Qing, don't you want to play something exciting? This Yu family is so powerful, shouldn't it be exciting enough?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Brother Qing, I'm doing this for your own good. If you accidentally die in the hands of the Yu family, don't blame me then." Huang Chan said angrily.

She said so many words, but Jiang Chen couldn't listen to a single word, Huang Chan felt that she was about to be pissed off by Jiang Chen.

"Sister Qing, dare you, are you afraid that I will blame you, are you so irresponsible?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"I want to be responsible to you, but you didn't give me a chance." Huang Chan said angrily, her chest trembling in anger.

Seeing Huang Chan like this, Jiang Chen has a new understanding of Huang Chan. No matter how this woman treats others, she treats him as much as she does. She is kind of sincere.

"Sister Qing, just wait, I will give you a lot of opportunities to be responsible to me." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Qing, do you mean that you want to tell me that you don't pay attention to anyone in this Yu family, except for the ancestor of the innate realm?" Huang Chan said strangely.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Chen asked back.

Huang Chan yelled loudly, is this all right?
A strong man who is half a step in the innate realm, plus a few strong men who are at the peak of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, can sweep half of the ancient martial arts cultivation world without any problem.

However, Jiang Chen expressed his words with certainty and did not take it seriously.

Huang Chan simply couldn't understand what it was that gave Jiang Chen such confidence.

"Sister Qing, your name is too harsh." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Brother Qing, can I say, are you trying to die?" Huang Chan also said angrily.

"I haven't lived enough." Jiang Chen said lazily, but as the words fell, Jiang Chen's eyelids couldn't help but twitched, and a gleam of light shot out from his eyes.

"Brother Qing, did someone from the Yu family come to the door?" Huang Chan asked nervously, following Jiang Chen's line of sight in a hurry.

Huang Chan didn't see anyone from the Yu family, she saw a woman.

But that woman didn't look at her, that woman was staring at Jiang Chen, staring closely, her eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness.

For an instant, Huang Chan felt goosebumps all over her body popping out...

(End of this chapter)

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