genius evil

Chapter 997

Chapter 997
"It's Ling Qingluo."

At the same time feeling nauseous and disgusting, looking at the woman, Huang Chan suddenly had such a thought in his mind.

Huang Chan herself didn't know why such a thought came up out of nowhere.

After all, Jiang Chen did not hesitate to offend so many people in order to find Ling Qingluo.Logically speaking, judging from the current situation, the probability of Ling Qingluo taking the initiative to find her is already very small.

However, Huang Chan was certain that this woman was Ling Qingluo.

Even though, she had never seen Ling Qingluo before.

But who else could have such a charming woman, She Ling Qingluo?
This woman is Sleeping Beauty.

When Jiang Chen first saw the Sleeping Beauty appearing, he almost thought that he was hallucinating. Immediately after realizing that it was not a hallucination, Jiang Chen grinned and laughed.

With Jiang Chen's smile, Sleeping Beauty also smiled softly. She looked at Jiang Chen with a fixed smile, just like a willow swaying in the wind.

Even as a woman, Huang Chan was deeply amazed by the beauty of Sleeping Beauty.

"No wonder brother Qing is so anxious to find this Ling Qingluo, this guy has really high taste in women." Huang Chan said silently in her heart.

Jiang Chen didn't care about Huang Chan's thoughts, he stretched out his hands, Sleeping Beauty understood, walked quickly, and threw himself into Jiang Chen's arms, snuggling tightly into Jiang Chen's arms.

Perhaps, because this meeting was so difficult, it even made Sleeping Beauty's body tremble uncontrollably.

The Sleeping Beauty threw himself into his arms, and Jiang Chen embraced her tightly with both hands. He suddenly felt that even for this woman, it was worth it to make enemies all over the world.

"Brother Qing, you can let go."

Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty hugged for a full 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, the two just hugged each other without saying a word. Huang Chan couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help reminding.

At this moment, Sleeping Beauty seemed to have just discovered Huang Chan's existence, her face blushed, and she reluctantly left Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Sleeping Beauty, don't worry about that woman, let's hug for a while." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, enough is enough for you, you are deliberately angry with me." Huang Chan said angrily.

Jiang Chen laughed, and said, "Sister Qing, I didn't intend to anger you, it's really not enough."

"I'm lazy to care about you." Huang Chan rolled her eyes, pulled Sleeping Beauty and said: "Big beauty, I have a question that I don't quite understand, you should have known it early on, brother Qing and I are looking for you, why at this time, It just showed up."

Sleeping Beauty looked at Huang Chan, and knew that Huang Chan was the beauty next to Jiang Chen that Jin Ling had told her about. Facing such a question, she looked at Jiang Chen and hesitated for a while, but she didn't agree. I know, how should I answer.

Because Sleeping Beauty didn't know for the time being whether she wanted to tell Jiang Chen about some things between her and the Yu family.

"Sleeping Beauty, could it be that you have something to hide?" Huang Chan asked again, looking extremely curious.

Sleeping Beauty nodded slightly, and said softly, "It's hard to say."

"It's okay, you can speak slowly." Huang Chan said.

Sleeping Beauty didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she glanced at Jiang Chen again, and then said slowly: "Speaking of which, it has something to do with the Yu family."

"The Yu family? Why is the Yu family involved again?" Huang Chan was very depressed.

Jiang Chen was also taken aback. He was also puzzled by Sleeping Beauty's loss of contact. He wanted to ask what was wrong with Sleeping Beauty, but he didn't expect that Sleeping Beauty would mention the Yu family.

Could it be that he and the Yu family really clashed?

Sleeping Beauty didn't know whether to mention this matter at first, but since she had already said it at this time, she simply explained the cause and effect.

"Yu Ruyi?" After listening to Sleeping Beauty, Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and only then did he realize that there was such a story about Sleeping Beauty's loss of contact.

In this way, he killed Yu Ruyi, but unintentionally, he did an extremely correct thing.

"Yu Ruyi, that damned bastard, doesn't show her appearance like a girl. Brother Qing, it's a good thing you killed him." Huang Chan said with a grin.

"Good kill, are you sure?" However, following Huang Chan's words, suddenly, a voice sounded.

Accompanied by the voice of that kind of talking, a figure floated towards him, and in an instant, it appeared in front of Jiang Chen and the three of them. It was Yu Zizai.

"Of course I'm sure. Moreover, Yu Ruyi is dead. If you are not convinced, you have the ability to let him cheat the corpse." Huang Chan insisted, with sharp teeth.

Yu Zizai's complexion was not very pretty.

When Huang Chan said this, Yu Zizai's face unknowingly became a bit uglier.

"My younger brother is dead, I just need to make you pay for it." Yu Zizai said coldly.

"It's up to you?" Huang Chan said dismissively.

Yu Zizi smiled, stretched out his hand and made a move, and soon saw a group of dozens of people swarming over.

Seeing so many people, Huang Chan's face couldn't help changing, and he shouted: "Yu Zizao, what kind of man are you? Your brother was killed by us. If you want revenge, you can avenge him yourself. Find so many Helper, what kind of man is he?"

"Perhaps you are right. I should kill you all to avenge my brother." Yu Zizai nodded seriously.

Huang Chan was overjoyed all of a sudden, and said, "Very well, that's how it should be, then, do you want to fight alone, or do you want to fight in groups?"

"When they destroy you, I will slowly kill you with my own hands." Yu Zizai said as if she didn't hear Huang Chan's words.

Avenge Yu Ruyi with your own hands?

Of course, Yu Zizai was willing to do that. He felt that only by doing it himself could Yu Ruyi rest in peace under the Nine Springs.

But what he thought was revenge for Yu Ruyi with his own hands was nothing more than borrowing someone else's help to destroy Jiang Chen and Huang Chan first, and then he killed them.

As for asking him to directly kill Jiang Chen, Yu Ruyi would not do that.

It wasn't that he was afraid of Jiang Chen, it was just that he didn't think it was necessary.

After all, he has a better way to deal with Jiang Chen, why not use it?
"You really are not a man." Huang Chan glared at Yu Zizai.

She thought just now that Yu Zizai had been duped, but she never thought that Yu Zizao was so shrewd that he wouldn't take the bait at all.

"Maybe, before I kill you, I still need to prove to you that I am a man." Yu Zizai stared at Huang Chan closely, and said coldly.

Huang Chan teased and said: "Everyone says that what you lack is what you care about the most. I was talking nonsense just now, but now it seems that you are really not a man."

"Shut up." Yu Zizai said viciously, he was impatient and was grinding his tongue with Huang Chan.

"Brother Qing, he is vicious against me." Huang Chan pitifully complained to Jiang Chen, asking Jiang Chen to stand up for him.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Sister Qing, don't be afraid, I will help you get back."

"Oh, it's this time, and you still have the heart to flirt?" Yu Zizai said sarcastically.

"For me, Jiang Chen, flirting and scolding are just like killing people, and there is never a need for a time and place." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Unfortunately, you will only be the target of being killed today." Yu Zizai said, while talking, Yu Zizai stepped back.

Accompanied by Yu Zizai's retreat, several figures stepped forward and stood in front of Jiang Chen.

One of them, a rather refined middle-aged man, looked at Sleeping Beauty with regret on his face, and said in a deep voice: "Qing Luo, I told you a long time ago that there are some things that can be done, and some things that can be done. Absolutely can't do it, but you can't listen to the teacher's words at all."

"Master, what I'm doing now is exactly what I think I should do." Sleeping Beauty tremblingly said.

The elegant middle-aged man smiled sarcastically and said: "But this is wrong. You will soon pay the price for your mistakes. Could it be that you haven't understood this truth until now."

"Brother Xin, you are really kind to your disciple. It's a pity that he has long been dazzled by a little boy. No matter what you say, he won't listen to you." A woman jokingly Said.

"That's right, brother Xin, are you softening your heart?" Another thin old man said slowly.

"I, Xin, are all clear about what I am, are you soft-hearted?" The elegant middle-aged man snorted coldly and said, "I will personally kill this unfilial disciple."


Sleeping Beauty never expected that a refined middle-aged man would say such a thing, her voice was choked with grief, heartbroken.

"I'm not your master." The elegant middle-aged man said coldly, "From the moment you betrayed your master, you are no longer my disciple. You can't call me master this time."

"Master, Senior Sister is just confused for a while, don't you want to be like this?" Jin Ling hurriedly said a little far away.

"Qingluo, then tell me, are you just being confused? If you tell me yes, then I will give you a chance to kill Jiang Chen." The elegant middle-aged man said.

Sleeping Beauty has tears in her eyes.


She is extremely clear, she is not confused, she is more sober than ever, she can't kill Jiang Chen, even if she dies, she can't kill Jiang Chen.

"Why, don't you want to? I, Xin Qihu, a bastard who deserves more than a crime, how could I accept a disciple like you in the first place." Xin Qihu said in a vicious voice.

"Master, I will not kill Jiang Chen. If you think that I am not worthy to be your disciple, then, from now on, you will be my disciple." Sleeping Beauty gritted her teeth, struggling Said.

"Haha, what a deep love and righteousness, it's really touching. Everyone, please give me a proof for me, Xin. I, Xin, don't have Ling Qingluo as a disciple. Today, I will never be kind." Xin Qihu said with a grin.

"Master—" Jin Ling called out anxiously, tears streaming down her face.

"Enthusiasm and righteousness?" When these four words came out of Xin Qihu's mouth, Sleeping Beauty's feet went limp, and she almost fell to the ground.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Jiang Chen grabbed Sleeping Beauty, glanced at Xin Qihu, and said coldly: "Have you said enough? Shut up when you have said enough."

"Jiang Chen, it is because of you that I lost my beloved disciple. I will blame you for this." Xin Qihu said.

"Why do you have to say such high-sounding words? After all, you are just a dog raised by the Yu family. To be a dog, you must have the consciousness of being a dog. Otherwise, if you are not careful, you will be slaughtered, and it will not look good." Jiang Chen said.

It is true that Xin Qihu is the Sleeping Beauty's master, but he is not Jiang Chen's master, so he dares to act arrogantly in front of him, and he does not weigh his weight.To put it bluntly, with this kind of existence, he can crush ten of them to death with one hand.

Xin Qihu had to be thankful that he was Sleeping Beauty's master, otherwise Jiang Chen would never have allowed him to talk so much nonsense in front of him, and he would have already stretched out his hand and crushed him to death!

(End of this chapter)

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