Chapter 1059
"You have eaten expired food. The station just now was the last one, and it is far away from other stations, and there is not much passenger traffic on weekdays. Of course, it is more difficult to sell things here. These things are repeatedly frozen. Otherwise, it will be backlogged in the refrigerator, and when there are more customers, it will be cooked and sold." Zi Huashang calmly analyzed, and then threw the contents of the cup into the trash can.

"Ouch." The two people who had eaten Oden had already picked up the vomiting bags and started to vomit, and the car was filled with a sour smell.

Others hurriedly opened the car windows and yelled to turn off the air conditioner.

Ding Ling also wanted to vomit, but everyone watched, she could only bear it, but her complexion was not very good.

Zi Huashang waited for Xiang Jie to vomit, then walked into her, felt her pulse, then returned to the seat, and took out a small medicine box.

There are some exquisite porcelain bottles inside. Yang Yi and the nearby classmates looked at them and praised: "These bottles are so beautiful, there can't be any pills in them!"

"It's the elixir." Zi Huashang smiled faintly. After answering, she walked up to Xiang Jie and Li Jun with a bottle of pills, and handed one to them each.

Xiang Jie hesitated, and finally put it in her mouth. Zi Huashang smiled: "Don't worry, you have mild food poisoning. This pill is for detoxification. Hold out your hands."

As soon as the two people stretched out their hands, two golden needles pierced their wrists respectively.

When Xiang Jie saw that half of the golden needle hadn't penetrated her wrist, she was startled and almost cried out, only to find out that it didn't hurt at all.

About 5 minutes later, Zi Huashang pulled out the gold needle, and a drop of black blood flowed out. Zi Huashang said, "Squeeze the blood yourself, and when the blood turns bright red, it will be fine."

"Don't tell me, my stomach really doesn't hurt anymore." Li Jun touched his stomach and said in surprise.

Everyone looked at Zi Huashang differently, and Ding Ling was even more resentful, but Zi Huashang didn't care about it, and even gave her a pill and an injection. After all this, everyone's compliments While praising, she closed her eyes again and went to sleep.

Yang Yi frowned, this girl has a really big heart.

Professor He also looked at it with a smile, and said to Professor Gan: "This child is really obsessed with sleeping, so cute."

"Maybe it's the same as our family Qingqing, how many hours must I sleep, otherwise I will be uncomfortable all the time." Professor Gan also looked at her and said with a smile.

Professor He nodded and looked at Zi Huashang lovingly.

This is thinking of my precious granddaughter, who has been engaged in this job all the time. Wherever a large ancient tomb group is found, she must go there. She doesn't spend many days at home all year round.

I was thinking of doing it for a few more years, but I suddenly saw a girl who was similar to my granddaughter, so I fell in love with it.

Ding Ling's abdominal pain was no longer there, but her face was also darker.

Zi Huashang was completely jealous, but Zi Huashang didn't care about it, she had to sleep for ten hours.


At about eight o'clock the next morning, the car stopped in a village.

"Wow, the air in this mountain is good, but we are all asleep, and we don't know where we are now!" Because of the need to keep the ancient tombs secret, not much information came out.

Everyone only knew that they were coming to the mountains, but they didn't know where they were going.

"This is in the deep mountains in the south of H province. You must follow us later. It's early June, and there may be many poisonous insects in the mountains. Although we don't need to go to the deep mountains, this place has not been developed yet, so it is necessary to be careful. Yes." Teacher Han said, pointing to a rolling mountain not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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