Chapter 1060
Everyone's complexion changed, the joy at the beginning dropped a bit, and they became a little worried and scared.

"Don't be afraid, some of you are here for the first time. Most of the ancient tombs are in the mountains. Later, we will follow Mr. Han to the camp to meet everyone. There are troops stationed there, which can guarantee our safety." Seeing that everyone was afraid, Professor He quickly said kindly.

Only then did everyone relax a bit. The village was cooking breakfast, and the smoke was rising. Some villagers had already walked to the fields with their hoes on their shoulders.

Recently, troops and a group of people with equipment on their backs have come frequently, and they are familiar with it. After learning that there are ancient tombs in the mountain, they are not curious.

This village is a bit backward. It has just been connected to electricity and roads have been built, so it is not very developed. It still has a sense of respect for the people arranged by the state.

"Let's go, let's go up the mountain from there, don't disturb the peace of the villagers." Teacher Han asked everyone to line up, and then said.

The driver said to Teacher Han: "Then Teacher Han, I have been staying in the village recently, waiting to take you back."

"Okay." Teacher Han nodded. There are also troops stationed in the village, but they are not too conspicuous. He just said that he is a member of the archaeological team. He rented two large yards. He said that when he was tired, he would come down the mountain to rest in batches. , the village head and others have no doubts.

After speaking, Teacher Han took the lead, and Professor He and Professor Gan followed behind, helping each other up the mountain.

Before Ding Ling went up the mountain, she turned around and gave Zi Huashang a cold look, and sneered in her heart. When she got to the mountain, it was her decision. She had been here two months ago, and then she would really go to patrol the mountain, hum!
In fact, the camp is not too far away. After turning over a small hill, you can see army green tents stationed on the mountainside not far away from the top of the hill, and some archaeological pits dug out of cleared stones.

After walking for about an hour, we arrived at the destination, but the road was not easy to walk, and many people were stung by poisonous mosquitoes in the mountains.

When they arrived at the camp, everyone collapsed on the ground and scratched desperately. Some girls didn't dare to scratch, but carefully applied ointment or sprayed mosquito repellant.

Ding Ling also took the special effect mosquito repellent brought back by Feiguo and sprayed it everywhere. She glanced away and saw Yang Yi and Zi Huashang sitting leisurely and looking at the scenery, as if they hadn't been bitten at all.

Because Zi Huashang saved her, Xiang Jie stepped forward and asked curiously, "Hua'er, why didn't you and Yang Yi get bitten? Look at me, it's terrible, your face and hands are all bitten." It's itchy."

Yang Yi chuckled, and took out a small spray bottle: "This was given to me by Hua'er before getting off the car. I sprayed this and I didn't get bitten. Give it a try."

As he spoke, he sprayed Xiang Jie's bitten area a few times, and found that the area that had been sprayed was no longer itchy, and immediately asked happily, "Where did you come from? The mosquitoes from Africa are enough. It’s poisonous, the mosquito repellent over there is very good. I sprayed it and it didn’t matter, but yours is very good, no wonder you didn’t get bitten.”

With this shout, many people ran over, and some of them were resting in the tent. They have also been deeply troubled by this in the past few days.

Yang Yi glanced at Zi Huashang in embarrassment, Zi Huashang didn't say anything, bent down and took out a porcelain bottle from the small medicine box, and said to everyone: "You take a container and fill it with water, and I will give you a drop with enough concentration later." Insect repellant liquid, mix and shake to repel insects.”

"So simple?"

"It's that simple." Zi Huashang nodded earnestly. Many people poured out their mosquito repellent liquid, poured it into mineral water, and waited in line for the liquid to be dispensed.Others also ran back to the tent and lined up.

(End of this chapter)

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