Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 397 Engagement to the Tomb of King Xia

Chapter 397 Engagement to the Tomb of King Xia (3)
The days returned to calm again, An Ziqing went to and from school as usual, and did not bother Chen Lingyu.However, Chen Lingyu paid attention to An Ziqing every day, that Xu Hongxing was also a bitch, and would hang out in front of An Ziqing when he had nothing to do.

On the eve of An Ziqing's birthday, just as An Ziqing and Ding Ran came out of the classroom, Xu Hongxing reappeared with a present in his hand, and he said to An Ziqing with a flattering smile, "Ziqing, I heard Today is your birthday? This is a little meaning, please accept it."

An Zi looked at him calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "No, thank you, I didn't invite you, so it's hard to accept your gift."

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that they were about to leave, Xu Hongxing suddenly raised his voice and shouted.

It attracted many students to watch, including several teachers who were also attracted.

Relying on his family background, Xu Hongxing walked up to An Ziqing regardless of the presence of any teachers, and opened the gift box in his hand.

"Wow!" When the gift box was opened, the surrounding students and teachers gasped in surprise.

What was contained in the gift box turned out to be a diamond bracelet. The sun shone on the diamond, emitting a bright light.Immediately attracting everyone's attention, Chen Lingyu hid in the crowd. Seeing this scene, she bit her lip and clenched her fists bitterly.

Damn Hu Meizi actually let Hong Xing confess to her in public.

"Ziqing, this is a series of bracelets launched by Biqingxin. As long as you like it, I can give you other bracelets. Please be my girlfriend!" Xu Hongxing looked proud. He can afford it. For this bracelet, he spent a long time on his grandma before he got the money. Although grandma didn't share his expense, after listening to his words, he was unwilling to let anyone dare to refute his face. Only then did he give him the money and buy the bracelet.

When An Ziqing agreed to be his girlfriend, and he got tired of playing with her again, he would definitely trample her hard, make her arrogantly refuse again and again, and dare to embarrass him in public.

However, Xu Hongxing did not expect that An Ziqing would still look at him indifferently under such a temptation, unmoved at all.

"It's still the same sentence, I'm only ten years old, still very young." After speaking, An Ziqing and Ding Ran passed Xu Hongxing and walked out of the crowd.

Mo Lan, who was watching from a distance, was overjoyed and greeted her with a smile.

Huawei and Zhang Kaiyu also followed, and a group of five walked out of the school. Xu Hongxing's fingers gradually turned white, and he closed the gift box with a 'snap'. Left towards the other side.

The students who had been stared at innocently looked at each other, they dared not speak out, and quietly dispersed.

Several teachers also sighed, the current students are really incredible.

Seeing Xu Hongxing like this, Chen Lingyu felt very distressed.He chased after him: "Hongxing, Hongxing, wait for me."

"Ling Yu, do you really like me?" Xu Hongxing suddenly stopped, turned his head, his eyes were scarlet, and the anger in his eyes had obviously not dissipated.

Seeing Chen Lingyu, she was a little scared, but soon she nodded with a sweet smile: "Well, I like you."

"I'll send you off. From today onwards, you will be my woman." As he said, he hugged Chen Lingyu and walked to the Yuying Building behind the teaching building. The third floor is the teachers' offices, but downstairs there are many In such a large space, few people come here.

Chen Lingyu looked excited. Although he was a little bit embarrassed that the bracelet was supposed to be given to An Ziqing, he still happily accepted it.

(End of this chapter)

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