Rebirth of the mad doctor and businesswoman

Chapter 398 Engagement to the Tomb of King Xia

Chapter 398 Engagement to the Tomb of King Xia (4)
And on this day, she handed herself over to Xu Hongxing in the storage room behind the lecture theater in Yuying Building.

Although the angry Xu Hongxing was a bit merciless, it still surprised her. She never expected that the thin Xu Hongxing would have such explosive power, which made her like him even more.

On this day, she was tossed until dark before limping and leaving the school with Xu Hongxing, but she was very sweet and happy in her heart.

The next day, Saturday.

An Ziqing's [-]th birthday party was also the opening day of Jinhuang Hotel's S Province. Early in the morning, An's father and An's mother went to host the opening ceremony. Today, the mayor and senior city officials and other dignitaries went to tailoring.

Fang Yanan's family also rushed to Province S at noon. The little sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, and there was another burst of laughter.

Ziyin also knew that An Ziqing liked these little sisters very much, so she didn't bother her, but went to prepare a secret gift for her.

Li Jiao also stayed because An Ziqing's birthday was approaching, so she didn't leave.

This afternoon, the five of them went shopping together. Li Jiao still dressed up a bit. After all, she is also a celebrity now, and she is featured in many advertisements.

Recently they released several best-selling discs, and they went directly to Jinhuang Hotel after shopping. Li Jiao has been living in a suite of Jinhuang Hotel recently.

An Ziqing also changed into a small dress in her suite.

It was a pink dress with slanted shoulders, with exquisite patterns embroidered on the waist and one shoulder, and a diamond clip was pinned to the coiled hair.

The same series of diamond jewelry is also worn on the neck and wrist. This set of jewelry is made by herself. There are a few loose diamonds hanging on the thin chain, which is very beautiful.

Gorgeous but unobtrusive, wearing a pair of silver-white rhinestone leather shoes on her feet, today's outfit is all specially made by Liucuifang for her, it is unique.

Zhang Kaiyu, Ding Ran, Fang Yanan and Li Jiao also changed into dresses.

The five girls walked together, it was quite amazing, especially An Ziqing, who was only ten years old, but already looked like a 15-year-old girl, calm, restrained, and exuded an affinity, tranquility but It also has an insolent contradictory temperament.

The appearance combined all the advantages of An's father and An's mother. Of course, Li Jiao and the others were not bad because they practiced martial arts and were influenced by An Ziqing's space crops.

Soon it was time for the dinner, and An Ziqing brought the four of them to the venue.

Immediately, it attracted the attention of many people. There was amazement and inquiry in these people's eyes, and more they were thinking about whose family they were children. They were not very old, but they all had extraordinary bearing.

An Ziqing felt several eyes following her closely, looked over without any trace, and saw two unexpected people.

Xu Hongxing and Chen Lingyu were actually among those invited, but they were not invited by An Ziqing, but by Father An.

Xu Hongxing fixed his eyes on An Ziqing, he didn't expect her to look so good-looking after dressing up, and her skin shone brightly under the light.At the same time, he was also thinking about whose daughter An Ziqing was, and why he had never heard of it.

And Chen Lingyu, who was following Xu Hongxing like a small bird, also looked unbelievable. Didn't the data show that An Ziqing came from the countryside?How could she appear here, and it seemed that the clothes on her were obviously higher than her own by many grades.

Damn woman, she's still haunted, she's completely out of the spotlight today.

(End of this chapter)

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