Chapter 466 Gossiping (2)
Li Boqing still knew his own child very well. Although this youngest son was unruly, he was not one of those white-eyed wolves who were looking forward to his own death.

So, his tone became a little better, and he said: "Qingqing is a member of the Taoist sect, so naturally there are some medicines with good skills and effects. You don't say thank you to Qingqing, but you still doubt her. You know, just my point How can her wealth be worth this pill of hers? Why don't you come over and thank Qingqing!"

"Qingqing, since you are the granddaughter recognized by my father, you are my niece, Li Jianzhong. I was the one who lost my head just now. I, Li Jianzhong, will never forget your kindness to our Li family. Don't blame me for turning against me if you say a few bad things about Qingqing." Li Jianzhong first said something sincerely to An Ziqing, then glanced at the rest of the Li family, and said the following words.

Seeing Li Jianzhong like this, An Ziqing knew that this person should be counted as the head of the Li family.

"Uncle Li is too polite. Since you already recognize me as a niece, why don't you say thank you. Isn't it right for me to save grandpa!" An Ziqing smiled at Li Jianzhong, not paying too much attention to his suspicions before.

"Hey, good." Li Jianzhong touched his head, walked over, and held the other hand of Mr. Li. Mr. Li glanced at Zi Yin, and patted An Ziqing's hand. An Ziqing smiled generously and let go of Li. Bo Qing's arm went to Ziyin's side.

Ziyin looked at An Ziqing with a smile on his face, and the girls present all looked at the back of An Ziqing walking past with envy and envy.

That man is cool when he doesn't smile, and even more refined and gentle when he smiles.


"Well, I heard about Mengge, so I came here to see if I need help." Zi Yin nodded and said softly.

"It's all been resolved. It's just an unlucky resentful soul who has been dispatched to serve in the Yin Division." An Ziqing said lightly, but everyone else's eyes widened. This girl must be bragging.

A girl from the Li family couldn't stand it anymore, and said loudly with jealousy: "Hey, don't brag, what a ghost, what a ghost. It's shameless to be so affectionate with a man at such a young age. Why don't you let my elder sister and I go sooner or later?" Big aunt!"

"Li Wei!" Li Boqing yelled angrily. Li Wei shrank her neck and looked at Li Boqing with grievances in her eyes: "Grandpa, I am your own granddaughter. That is just a girl of unknown origin. What Xiao Miss Jia, I think she is a liar. I am starting to wonder if it is this stinky girl who did something to you, and then deliberately came to save you as a savior, so that you would fall into her trap. It's a conspiracy."

As soon as Li Wei's words came out, many people in the Li family suddenly came to their senses, yes, why couldn't it be the girl who made a move, and then deliberately rescued her, so as to deceive the old man's trust.And in exchange for the trust of the old man, and even his property!

"I don't need you to tell me what Qingqing is capable of." Li Boqing snorted coldly, Li Wei wanted to say something, but was stopped by a woman.Li Wei turned to look at her mother, only to see her mother shook her head, and then Li Wei stomped her feet and fell silent.

An Ziqing watched with a sneer during the whole process. Li Boqing walked up to the person she had immobilized with a spell, without turning his head, and said in a soft but soft voice, "Qingqing, untie them."

An Ziqing responded with a smile: "Okay."

Li Xiao couldn't move or speak at first, but after An Ziqing spoke, he was able to speak suddenly.She paused, her face brightened, and then she yelled at An Ziqing: "Damn girl, you are playing tricks on me."

(End of this chapter)

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