Chapter 467 Gossiping (3)
As soon as she finished scolding, she saw Ziyin, and after seeing Ziyin's glamorous face, her face turned red, she twisted her body pretending to be coy, and then threw a shameless face at Ziyin. winking.

An Ziqing looked at her indifferently, ignoring her.

"Grandpa, Ziyin and I will go downstairs to wait for you. Come down when you are well. Let's go back to Province S. This time, you have hurt yourself, so you need to take a good rest." An Ziqing didn't want to stay here any longer, so she turned to Li Bo Qing said.

Li Boqing knew An Ziqing's temperament, and when he looked at his eldest granddaughter's youthful appearance, he understood.

"Okay. You guys go, I'll come later." Li Boqing nodded, An Ziqing turned around, Ziyin held her little hand habitually, and the two walked outside.

"You stop."

"and many more."

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was Li Xiao's angry stop, and the other was the perplexed attending physician.

An Ziqing turned around politely, looked at the attending doctor, the doctor blushed, and apologized first: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you before. But, I wonder if you can tell me, how did you use How can Mr. Li recover so quickly after being rescued?"

"Use this, if you can research it, you can also apply for your own patent." An Ziqing took out a thumb-sized jade bottle containing a Peiyuan Pill and threw it to the doctor, saying cheerfully.

Dr. Zhao quickly caught it. When he saw the jade bottle at first glance, he knew that the material used in the bottle was not simple.

But what surprised him even more was what was inside the bottle. When the cork was opened, a fresh fragrance spread out. After smelling this fresh fragrance, all the people present felt their bodies lighten up.

Li Jianzhong finally believed why his father would say that.

"This, this is, this is the same as what team leader Wen Hao and the others got!" Dean Peng couldn't help but screamed, the smell was the same as what team leader Wen Hao showed him that day Elixir.

"You know Wen Hao?" An Ziqing was surprised, and turned to look at Dean Peng.

Dean Peng nodded, and An Ziqing got the answer from his mouth shape. It turned out that he was also a member of the Dragon Group.

"Actually, it's different. Since you opened your mouth, I'll give you one too." An Zi flipped through the list, and another small jade bottle appeared in his hand, and then it turned into an arc and was thrown towards Dean Peng.

Dean Peng took it excitedly, but unexpectedly, he was just surprised, and got one himself.

He put it away carefully as if he had found a treasure, and the old men in military uniforms also raised their minds when they saw Dean Peng was so careful, but they didn't dare.

Everyone knows that the Xiao family's alchemy skills are good, but in recent years, they have only refined some health-preserving pills for the more important people in the country.Among these people, there were a few of them, so after smelling Dr. Zhao's elixir, they also wanted to ask for it, but they couldn't get rid of that old face.

"Thank you, Miss An." Dean Peng bowed solemnly, but An Ziqing waved his hands with a smile, and said, "It's okay, you're welcome, and you will benefit others in the future."

"We must follow the instruction carefully." Dean Peng nodded, An Ziqing smiled, and was about to leave again.

Seeing that An Ziqing ignored her, Li Xiaoben wanted to get angry, but her father covered her mouth. Li Xiao's father was very afraid of Li Boqing.Seeing Li Boqing glaring at him, he immediately didn't dare to let his daughter mess around anymore, Li Xiao could only watch An Ziqing and Ziyin leave in resentment.

An Ziqing was waiting outside the ward. Within half an hour, Li Boqing was helped out by Ah Hao and Li Jianzhong. Li Boqing smiled when he saw An Ziqing: "Okay, let's go."

"En." An Ziqing smiled, and Li Jianzhong said again: "Qingqing, my father will trouble you."

"What's the trouble, isn't it my grandfather?" An Ziqing asked back with a smile, and Li Jianzhong also smiled after hearing this, and said, "Yes, yes, then uncle will hand over grandpa to you."

"Don't worry, Uncle Li, if you have nothing to do, go to Province S to have fun. We live in Century Garden, if you go over and ask, someone will take you to our house." Before leaving, An Ziqing said to Li Jianzhong.

"Okay, I'll definitely go when I'm free." Li Jianzhong agreed with a smile, and An Ziqing and Ahao supported Li Boqing to say goodbye to Li Jianzhong.

Li Jianzhong was unwilling at first, but An Ziqing's embarrassment was relieved only after being driven away by Li Boqing.

"Qingqing, you don't know. After I taught those unfilial sons and grandchildren just now, those old friends envied me to death. They all said that I recognized a good granddaughter, and even mentioned to me intentionally or unintentionally that they were willing to buy pills from you. Medicine." Li Boqing looked proud, An Ziqing saw it funny, and said that it was impossible to sell the medicine.

Following the four of them into the corridor, Ziyin took them all back to Province S in a teleport.

Because there was one more person, An Ziqing had no choice but to go to the third district and choose a well-decorated villa, and the whole family moved there.

Li Boqing lived in An's house. In the following days, An Ziqing prepared the ingredients himself, and then cooked for his family.After Ding Ran and Zhang Kaiyu heard that An Ziqing was cooking in person, they also started to come to An's house to make a living.

after dinner.

"That Guo Lan is really too much. She provokes Yaya at every turn. She can't beat Yaya long ago, and she's making fun of herself." After dinner, Zhang Kaiyu said while playing in An Ziqing's room.

Ding Ran leaned on the back of the chair and said with a sneer, "She won't stop until she knocks down the south wall. That's right, Yaya has come from behind and is already stronger than her. She is naturally jealous."

(End of this chapter)

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