Chapter 979
Zhan Qing saw that the people at this table all had stupid expressions on their faces, and she was a little confused, so she was puzzled, but she said with a smile on her face: "Sister, do you have anything you like, Zhan Qing?" Sister Qing can buy it for you. However, I want to be friends with your brother, so you have to help me when the time comes!"

Saying that, she also winked at Xu Chuyao in a cute way on purpose.

Wei Luo was speechless, rolled his eyes, and played rock-paper-scissors with Xia Qi.

"I'm sorry, but I'm an only child. You said you fell in love with A Yan? I don't care. As long as A Yan wants you, you can do whatever you can." Xu Chuyao shrugged, and when she said this, she was loved by Chu Yan I flicked the tip of my nose.

Seeing this, Zhan Qing didn't know that she was making a joke, she became angry from embarrassment: "You are only in high school, and you have already started to learn to seduce people. Aren't you afraid that the news of puppy love will be reported to school?"

"I don't need you to worry about that." Xu Chuyao was also unhappy, too lazy to tangle with this person, "You can get out."

Just as Zhan Qing was about to say something else, Chu Yan cast an impatient look over him, Zhan Qing was startled, turned around and left in a daze.It wasn't until he returned to his seat and was surrounded by gossiping colleagues that he came back to his senses. There was a chill on his back, and his back was drenched in cold sweat.

That man is definitely not someone who can be provoked at will, but she is not reconciled. She is beautiful, tall and enchanting, and has always been the object of men's pursuit. She doesn't believe it, and she can't win this man.

She secretly looked at Xu Chuyao's table, and gave Xu Chuyao who was joking with Wei Luo a hard look.

Xu Chuyao also paid no attention to her, if this woman committed suicide, she can't be blamed.

After dinner, Xu Chuyao left with Chu Yan alone, while Xia Qi sent Wei Luo back.Xu Chuyao got bored with Chu Yan all afternoon, and Chu Yan sent her back at dinner time.

As soon as he entered the door, Han's father greeted him with a smile: "Yaoyao, there is a pot of flowers blooming."

Xu Chuyao was also a little surprised. She put down her things, and pushed Father Han to the balcony. She saw a pot of flowers blooming, fiery red, and the petals bloomed layer upon layer. It was extremely beautiful.

"Yaoyao, what's the name of this pot?" Dad Han didn't know much about camellias, so he asked with a smile.

"This pot should be a fire waterfall. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful." Xu Chuyao also sighed, and then looked at the other pots, and there were more or less flower buds. I'm afraid it won't be long before they bloom.

"The pot of orchids also had buds a few days ago, but they haven't bloomed yet, but even though they haven't bloomed, the faint orchid fragrance has come out. I don't know how the pot of flowers bloomed. It's amazing." Father Han said excitedly, staring at the pot of orchids.

"If there is nothing wrong with that plant, it should be Tianyihe." Xu Chuyao said with a smile.

Han's father was taken aback for a moment, then looked up at his daughter, and asked uncertainly, "What do you think is that?"

"Tianyihe, or wild Tianyihe." Xu Chuyao replied again.

Han's father leaned over excitedly, oh my god, it turned out to be Tian Yihe, I don't know why.Since my daughter seemed to have grown up suddenly half a month ago, this luck has also come suddenly, and she has discovered this rare variety. I remember my daughter said that this orchid seedling was a gift.

"I hope it can gain some energy and open up within this week. There will be a flower show in our city next Sunday. I want to take them to take a look." Xu Chuyao lightly smiled and touched Tian Yihe's orchid leaves, Father Han His eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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