Chapter 980
"I just don't know if I can stand up at that time."

Xu Chuyao smiled and said: "It's definitely possible. After another acupuncture, Dad will be able to stand up. The elixir left by my master is not fake. Besides, Lao Ning's acupuncture is not a display."

"En." Father Han nodded with a smile, and he was also looking forward to the time when he could stand up again.

"Father, can I eat noodles tonight?" Xu Chuyao stood up from Tian Yihe, suddenly a bad feeling came to her heart, Xu Chuyao looked at the flowers suspiciously.

While Papa Han wasn't paying attention, he set up an attack formation on the balcony. As long as anyone other than her and Papa Han wanted to touch these flowers, they would be counterattacked by this formation.

"Father doesn't care, anyway, my daughter's cooking skills are getting better recently, and everything is delicious." Han's father said with a smile.

Xu Chuyao smiled slightly, changed into a set of home clothes, and got into the kitchen to work.


Early the next morning.

Xu Chuyao woke up from her practice, and it was still early. After getting up to wash and wash, she went out for morning exercise and ran three laps. When she came back, she went into the kitchen to make freshly ground soybean milk and porridge, and made fried dough sticks and fried dough sticks with the flour grown in the space. Scallion pancakes.

After serving it out, Han's father had already got up.

"Well, it's so fragrant, I'm so happy, I'm woken up by my good daughter's breakfast every morning, and I don't bring heavy dishes. Daughter, you will definitely make money with your craftsmanship when you go out and open a shop." Dad Han praised with a smile.

Xu Chuyao smiled and greeted Father Han for dinner.

After eating, Xu Chuyao put away the bowl and said to Han's father: "Dad, my company is gradually on track, and I still have some money in hand, so don't bother with your hands and make less handicrafts. It's okay to go out and talk to Uncle Zhang and the others." Just play chess and chat."

"Okay, Dad knows, don't be too tired. When Dad's legs get better, he will go to work for my precious daughter. I have already agreed with Brother Zhiqing a few days ago." Han's father smiled and nodded, Xu Chuyao did not refuse After all, Han's father also opened a company with good profits, and Xu Chuyao's ability to do business is still recognized by Xu Chuyao.

"Okay Dad, then I'm going to school. You can eat whatever you want at noon. If you don't want to cook, go to the restaurant at the gate of the community to have a meal." Xu Chuyao put her bag on her back and waved to Father Han with a smile. After Father Han nodded, she Just left home.

Seeing that it was still early, Xu Chuyao didn't choose to take the car, but walked to No. [-] Middle School on foot.

At the school gate, I ran into Wei Luo, and walked to the second class of the third grade together with Wei Luo. Both of them were wearing the new clothes they bought yesterday, and Wei Luo was wearing a floral beige sleeveless dress.Xu Chuyao was wearing a gray printed sleeveless vest with a pair of royal blue shorts on her lower body, with a slender and soft waist, long slender and straight legs, and refreshing sneakers.

The long hair is arranged into a pear blossom head, with a peaceful temperament, coupled with the slightly raised corners of the mouth, it looks bright and beautiful.

Those eyes were cold and beautiful, like the bright moon hanging high in the sky.

Seemingly contradictory but very compatible, Wei Luo and Xu Chuyao immediately attracted everyone's attention when they appeared at the door of the class.Including the hibiscus who lost all face in the mall yesterday, but what appeared in her eyes was not surprise but resentment.

"This is really Hanyao? Oh my god, the changes are really big, it won't be what Mu Jin said, she has to go for plastic surgery!" A girl who usually has a good relationship with Mu Jin covered her mouth in surprise.

"Definitely. In the past, she was gloomy and gloomy, like a ghost. Look at her now, those eyes, that nose, that mouth, even the face and chest, can't be what she should have, okay? "Another girl who is not very good-looking also said jealously.

(End of this chapter)

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