Chapter 26

Seeing that it was getting colder, Sun Qiufang was reluctant to let her daughter suffer the cold together, so she simply asked Su Min to go to the vegetable market to buy something to eat.Now that my family has more money, I don't pick up vegetable leaves all the time like before. I cut a few taels of meat a day and fry a few seasonal vegetables, and my life is getting more and more prosperous.

Su Min took the two yuan and went to the vegetable market by himself.

Now that they have stayed in the city for a long time, they know this place well, and Sun Qiufang is very relieved to let her do grocery shopping by herself.Seeing Su Min walking away, Sun Qiufang yelled, "Go home early, don't run around."

"Understood, Mom." Su Min smiled and waved back.

The most lively times in the vegetable market are in the morning and after get off work in the afternoon.It was noon at this time, and there were not many people buying vegetables in the vegetable market.

Su Min took the money and went to buy a Chinese cabbage and bought vermicelli, planning to make some Chinese cabbage and vermicelli for lunch.Moreover, the cabbage and vermicelli are not worried about spoiling, and they are also cheap at this time. Sun Qiufang and Su Changrong both like to eat this.

After buying vegetables, Su Min was ready to cut a few taels of pork back.

"Minzi is here, your parents didn't come today." Boss Zhu asked cheerfully as he cut the meat for her with a smile.

Su Min had a good impression of this Boss Zhu. He came from the city and didn't know him at home. Well, after leaving the landlord's family, this Boss Zhu who sells pork was the only one left.

She smiled, "They're still busy, I'll go back and cook first."

Boss Zhu handed her the pork and said with a smile, "This kid is really sensible."

"Uncle, it's time to eat."

Just as Su Min was about to go back, he heard a somewhat familiar voice behind him.She looked back and saw a little girl in a green padded jacket and braided braids coming with a basket.

She asked in surprise, "Liao Zhaodi?"

Liao Zhaodi heard the voice, looked over, and was shocked, "Su Min!"

"It's really you." Su Min suddenly felt the excitement of seeing fellow villagers.In her previous life, she met Su Min when she was in junior high school. In this life, she only had a good relationship with Liao Zhaodi, her deskmate. She never expected to meet Su Min when she came to the city.

According to the trajectory of her previous life, Liao Zhaodi seems to have arrived in the city at this time.

When Boss Zhu saw that the two knew each other, he immediately became cheerful, "You two know each other."

Liao Zhaodi was obviously a little restrained in front of Boss Zhu, she nodded and said, "Su Min is my middle school classmate. We used to sit together."

Boss Zhu looked at Su Min and said with a smile, "What a coincidence."

Su Min also thought it was a coincidence.She didn't expect to meet Liao Zhaodi.Seeing the food in Liao Zhaodi's basket, she asked in surprise, "Zhaodi, are you delivering food to Uncle Zhu?"

Liao Zhaodi nodded when she heard the words, and took out the things in the basket, "Uncle, you can eat, I will go back and help my mother with work."

Boss Zhu smiled and said, "Go back first."

Liao Zhaodi nodded obediently, and said to Su Min, "Let's go together."

Su Min glanced at her, then at the smiling Boss Zhu, and then hummed.After greeting Boss Zhu, he took Liao Zhaodi by the hand and left the vegetable market.

After leaving the door, Su Min said, "Zhaodi, how do you know Uncle Zhu?"

Liao Zhaodi lowered her head and said after a while, "My mother is going to marry him, and she plans to get the certificate during the Chinese New Year." She looked up at Su Min, "A while ago my parents got divorced, and my mother brought me to the city , and later met Uncle Zhu."

It turned out to be Boss Zhu.

It was only then that Su Min came to her senses. No wonder she always had a hazy impression of Boss Zhu.Only now did I recall that she and Liao Zhaodi actually met once in her previous life, a hasty meeting.At that time, Uncle Zhu was old, and he was standing in line with Liao Zhaodi on crutches. When she went to the hospital to get medicine for her mother, she met him once.It's just that when I saw Liao Zhaodi at that time, Liao Zhaodi looked older than her, and her eyes were full of vicissitudes honed by life.

It's just too hasty, she didn't remember such a thing at all.Now that I think about it, that old man with white hair is really Uncle Zhu.I didn't expect such a big change in ten years.

"Zhaodi, where do you live now, you can come to me when you are free in the future." Su Min took Liao Zhaodi's hand and said.

Liao Zhaodi's palm was very cold, and when Su Min held her hand, he clearly felt her hand tremble.

Su Min was startled, looked up at her, and saw that Liao Zhaodi's eyes were already red. "Zhaodi, what's wrong with you?"

Liao Zhaodi pursed her lips and cried, wiping the tears on her face with her sleeves, "Su Min, how did you think it would become like this? In just how long, my mother divorced my father, and I have to call another A stranger is a father. You don’t know, when we left, my eldest sister and second sister cried so sadly. They all knelt down, but my mother insisted on crying and leaving. But I can’t blame her in my heart. My father has beaten a lot and is also sad."

Su Min didn't know how to persuade this kind of thing.Emotionally speaking, no one would like their mother to divorce and remarry, but intellectually speaking, this is also forced by reality.Otherwise, who would be willing to leave home without a husband and a daughter?

(End of this chapter)

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