Chapter 27

Liao Zhaodi is a sensible girl, she cried for a while, and then listened to Su Min's enlightenment, and she relaxed.

"I have to go back to help with work, so I won't tell you. I live with my mother in a small restaurant on Minzheng Street. My mother is helping in the kitchen over there. If you want me, go there .”

Su Min also told her her address, "If you are unhappy, you can come to me."

Liao Zhaodi nodded with a smile, turned around and left.

Seeing Liao Zhaodi's figure, Su Min suddenly wondered whether Liao Zhaodi's life in her previous life was really like that of her junior high school classmates, living a good life in the city.If yes, how did the side that I met in a hurry look like that?
At noon, Su Min had just finished cooking when Sun Qiufang and Su Changrong came back.The two met on the road and came back directly.

"Minzi, come and see what we've gained today."

As soon as Su Changrong arrived at the door, he excitedly called his daughter to come out.

When Su Min came out of the room, he saw that the cart that Su Changrong pushed out was as high as a hill.And these things are much neater than the things they picked up before.The appearance is also much better, at least there is no mud.

"A lot, Dad, how many places have you been here?"

Su Changrong said with a smile, "If you don't believe me, I have only traveled less than half of the range. I have to go for a run in the afternoon. I think we have to go farther to see if there are any in the surrounding villages. The sale of broken copper and rotten iron has a wide range, and there are more things collected here.

Sun Qiufang saw that he was talking more and more out of bounds, she rolled her lips and smiled, "Look at your frightened look, you just have a pair of legs, if you really go to the surrounding countryside to harvest them, you will lose them if you go back and forth in a day .”

Su Changrong touched his head honestly, "What you said is really true." He thought, it would be great if he had a car, but buying a bicycle would cost hundreds of dollars, so it's not worth it.Then he directly rejected this idea.

There were too many things, and the family didn't have time for lunch, so they unloaded the things and sorted them together, and hurriedly took them to the toll station to change the money, and continued to collect them in the afternoon.

This time, the family took a large load of stuff.

It took the family a whole noon to sort everything out.In addition to broken copper and iron, there are also some waste cardboard boxes, glass bottles, and some old books.

Su Min picked out two fifth-grade textbooks and prepared to review them by herself.

Sun Qiufang saw it and said with emotion, "When we earn money again this month, we will buy you a whole set of new books. As long as you are willing to learn, we will be willing to give up the money."

Su Min smiled, "I'll take it out first to see how much I can remember."

Su Changrong put things on the car and said with a smile, "At our speed, Minzi will be able to go to school in September next year. I think those children in the city still wear the same clothes to school. It's so pretty. It would be great if our Minzi could wear it too."

"It must be worn. No matter how poor we are, we can't make Minzi worse than others." Sun Qiufang said firmly.In the past, the family was taken care of by others, but now I am in charge of the house. Of course, everything that is good is given to the children.

After Su Changrong and his wife went to sell scraps, Su Min was at home looking through the books that had just been left behind.

She remembered that her academic performance in her previous life was quite good. At that time, she also liked to study. If there were no accidents at home later, she would definitely have to take the high school entrance examination.

Thinking about those regrets in her previous life, Su Min became more determined to continue studying.

The textbooks for the fifth grade of elementary school are quite simple, basically there are no difficulties.Although Su Min hasn't read a book for many years, these elementary school things are basic, and there are quite a lot of things used in these years of life experience, so it seems that it is not difficult.

Taking advantage of this time, she quickly read the book from beginning to end.After reading it, she found that her memory was surprisingly good, and perhaps because her body was still 13 years old, her learning ability was much stronger than she thought.I actually remember everything I read just now.

Su Min felt that she was not a genius at this level.It may be because I am mature in my heart, so when I study, I know how to focus more than when I was a child.

However, this advantage can only be useful when learning is simple. If you want to maintain it, you still have to work twice as hard as others.It is not enough to rely on self-study, she must find someone to tutor her.

After thinking about it for a long time, she finally thought of Liao Zhaodi.Liao Zhaodi's grades are good, and she is also in the county now, so she can ask her about things she doesn't understand in the future.When school starts, it won't be too much.Moreover, Liao Zhaodi probably has to go to school. There are now two junior high schools in the county.I don't know which junior high school Liao Zhaodi will attend.

"Minko, we're back."

Su Min was thinking about the future study arrangements when he heard Sun Qiufang's happy voice.

As soon as Su Min put the book away, he was about to go out when he saw Sun Qiufang and Su Changrong coming back with a cart.

As soon as Sun Qiufang entered the room and closed the door, she pulled her daughter and said happily. "Minzi, do you know how much we sold for that thing?" She looked at Su Min's curious eyes and made a big smiley comparison, "How about it, let's have more."

(End of this chapter)

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