Chapter 101 Test
Although Wang Yuanyuan is over 15 years old, she is very short in stature, just like an immature teenager.Petite and exquisite, he blinked his big bright eyes and looked at everything around him curiously.

"Wang Yuanyuan? The name is so cute. It looks like a girl's name. He should be a boy." Lin Xiaoxiao, the cutest member of King's Team, couldn't help asking, and her words also spoke out the feelings of other team members.

Xia Ninghan had already guessed that the team members would ask this question, so she hurriedly replied: "He is an authentic boy, Xiaoxiao, is it interesting for Yuanyuan to ask you this way? Hehe."

Lin Xiaoxiao blushed, dissatisfied: "Master, you just know how to make fun of me. I have already decided that I will not fall in love or marry before I become a qualified professional player!"

At this moment, whether it was Xia Ninghan or the other team members, they all fixed their gazes on Lin Xiaoxiao, all showing unbelievably funny expressions.

However, Ye Wuhen, who has always acted erratically, but is cautious in his heart, has noticed some key information from the previous conversation between Xia Ninghan and Wu Di. He did not make fun of Lin Xiaoxiao like everyone else, but changed the topic and asked Wu Di asked:
"Captain? Are you and Weiwei the same senior brother?"

Obviously, this question has always focused everyone's attention on Wu Di.

It was only two weeks ago that Wu Di mobilized everyone and said that he would treat each other honestly and cultivate a tacit understanding in the team. Therefore, facing Ye Wuhen's culture, Wu Di also told the truth:

"Well, yes, I didn't tell everyone this fact out of consideration for my own safety - in fact, I have a master, he is the founder of Wang Daoliu, and I, Lu Li and Weiwei are all His disciple! I was the first disciple to worship under him, so when Lu Li and Weiwei faced me, they would respectfully address me as senior brother. I am inconvenient to disclose other things. What I can say, I have already It's all said."

Wu Di's frankness without delay also inspired everyone, especially Chen Jiang, who likes to analyze tactics, nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, and said to himself:

"It's no wonder that when I saw the captain's style of play, I had a strange feeling. The style of play that is similar to Wang Daoliu but not different from Wang Daoliu has always puzzled me. Today I really understand Now, it turns out that the captain's style of play originated from Wang Daoliu!"

For a moment, the training room fell into a brief silence.

Everyone in King's Team thought they knew the captain well enough, but they didn't expect that the captain who was once the world's number one genius would have such a confusing background.

After Wu Di saw this, he interrupted everyone's contemplation and said:

"Everyone don't have to worry about this. I will tell you what I can tell you clearly. As for what I can't say, I won't make up a lie to deceive everyone. So, if you have any questions in the future, you can Ask me directly in private. Now, should we welcome our new little partner——Wang Yuanyuan?"

Wu Di deftly shifted the subject to his new partner, and it seemed to work.

Chen Jiang, who had never had a chance to play, was also very unconvinced when he saw this shy little guy.During this period of time, in order to get the chance to play, he intensified his training and practiced hard day and night, but even when Xia Ninghan was away for two weeks and the team was short of players, he still didn't get the chance. Any chance to play.Therefore, when he saw the little Wang Yuanyuan, he felt contempt in his heart.

He weighed it and asked softly:

"Sister Ninghan, you said this kid has the ability to never forget? Isn't that the same as my Chen Jiang's traits?"

Xia Ninghan didn't show any mercy, and directly denied:
"It's not the same. Although both of you have the ability to remember with a photograph, Chen Jiang, due to your extremely handicapped hand speed, can't show all the things you have memorized. But Yuanyuan is different, He can use his extraordinary talent to imitate all the things he wrote down without deviation. He is a master of imitation in the true sense, and there is a fundamental difference between imitation and imitation like you. .”

As soon as Chen Jiang heard this, his face turned red and white.He stood up unconvinced, and said solemnly:

"Sister Ninghan, you don't sound good when you say this. Although my professional quality is limited and I can't replicate those superb skills, my brain turns very fast. After I write down anything, I just need to write it down After flashing it twice in my mind, I can see the essence! Otherwise, the captain would not have given me such an important position as a tactical analyst!"

"Well, my sister underestimated you. I know you are very capable, I was just joking just now. But... I know you will definitely have doubts about this little boy. If you don't believe in this kid's strength, Let him show you now."

"How to demonstrate?" Everyone asked in unison.

While Xia Ninghan was hesitating, the passionate voice of the Chinese commentator came from the 51-inch large screen in the center of the living room.Everyone followed the sound and glanced at it, only to find that the brilliant team led by Lu Li, the number one ADC in China, and the mermaid Ye Ling, who has won the top spot in the All-Star vote list for three consecutive years, has appeared on the stage!

And their opponent is China's old rival in the e-sports circle - the KKT team from South Korea!

Since more than ten years ago, whether it is the original StarCraft or the League of Legends that is popular all over the world today, any e-sports team from China and South Korea will detonate the fans of the two countries and ignite the buried deep in their hearts. Unlimited passion.

As for the progress of the game between the two sides, its hot scenes are absolutely dazzling and dizzying.

Following the provocative speech of the Chinese commentator, thousands of fans from the two countries sitting in front of the computer and watching the live broadcast of the game have already started a war of words on the Internet.

Staring at the live broadcast on the big screen, Xia Ninghan suddenly had a whim and proposed:

"Well, let this kid imitate some basic skills that professional players can master. I really can't see his depth. Then, let him imitate Lu Li, the number one ADC in China and one of the successors of Wang Daoliu. ,How about it?"

This proposal was immediately approved by everyone.Even Wu Di, the senior brother of Wang Daoliu, couldn't help nodding, approving:

"This is a good proposal. Let us take a look at the amazing ability of this little friend you brought back to us."

Chen Jiang, who is good at collecting information, raised his own questions:
"This proposal is very good. However, this finals is the first time for Team Bright to stand on the world stage. Will they perform abnormally and prevent this kid from learning anything real?"

Wu Di laughed dumbly and said: "Hehe, you are worrying too much. The psychological quality of my tall, rich and handsome junior is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people. Don't worry, he will use his performance to conquer the world in this competition !
Because, he who practiced Wang Daoliu bears... the name of king! "

 I seem to be on the shelves, but I still publish the public version, I hope everyone will support it.

(End of this chapter)

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