The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 102 Three-stage combo

Chapter 102 Triple Combo
Thus, all the members of King's Team began to sit silently in front of the big screen, watching the game intently.

The quarter-final match between Brilliant Team and KKT Team has already detonated the scene of the game. Thousands of Chinese fans and Korean fans present at the scene have already begun to greet each other with international hand gestures, making the scene extremely hot.

With the end of the ban, the competition between the two sides officially began!
Lu Li's popularity in China can be said to be in full swing, unmatched by anyone. When fans saw him take out the best night hunter Wayne as an ADC hero, whether it was the audience or the fans on the Internet, they instantly A strong fighting spirit was ignited——Lu Li's Wei En, with a career winning rate of 93%!

After the statistic was displayed on the screen, the audience erupted.Even the Korean audience's eyes widened, completely at a loss.

For a long time, the Brilliant team has only been an upstream team in the Super League, and has never won the top three in the league, so it has never appeared on the world stage.Therefore, whether it is the Korean audience or the Korean team, they all underestimate the Bright team.

The pre-match investigation showed that Lu Li, the leading player of Team Brilliant, was just a good ADC player.

Koreans generally think highly of themselves. They thought their ADC was enough to crush their opponents, but when the winning percentage was announced, they were amazed and broke out in a cold sweat.

This winning rate... is too terrifying!

The man who claims to be the strongest ADC in Huaxia has used Wei En more than [-] times!
Facing the Korean audience who suddenly died down, Su Xiaoyan, a beautiful Chinese commentator, also immediately teased:
"Dear fans of Huaxia Kingdom, have you seen it? As the only heir to Wang Daoliu among the current professional players, Lu Li, just showing a winning percentage, let Kimchi Kingdom... Oh, SORRY, is a Korean friend I was stunned! Let us wait and see how long our Korean friends, who have always been arrogant and arrogant, can be rampant in front of the first ADC!"

The game quickly entered the official picture.

Team Brilliant conservatively adopted the strategy of guarding their own BUFF monsters, which made Korean fans enthusiastic again.

What first ADC?What Huaxia National League champion team?Aren't they afraid of us and dare not invade our wild area?

Because the KKT team has always maintained contempt for the Bright team, they did not adopt lane-changing tactics like their domestic league opponents to curb Lu Li's performance.They still adopt the traditional 1+1+2+1 laning tactics.

(1 player on the top lane, 1 player in the middle lane, 2 players in the bottom lane, and 1 jungler. This is the most traditional basic tactic for laning, commonly known as 1+1+2+1)

However, it took a few minutes for the Korean audience to understand: the biggest reason why the Brilliant team did not provoke team battles at the first level, and did not make any adjustments to the line - because they have enough online advantages!

The mermaid Ye Ling, the mid laner of the Brilliant team, naturally steadily suppressed the opponent's last attack. Although he failed to get a kill, it also made the opponent very uncomfortable.Opponents will frighten for a while before completing each minion.

The mermaid, who has the ultimate offensive flow deep into her bone marrow, will attack herself almost at any time, which has caused a lot of psychological shadow on the mid laners of the KKT team.

And the top laner of Team Brilliant is also extremely stable, neither aggressive nor shrinking. In short, his performance can only be described in one word - steady!

In the end, Team Brilliant's bot lane, in just a few minutes, already made the self-esteemed Koreans taste a huge bitter fruit!

Lu Li, who has perfected Wang Daoliu's style of play, made the opponent's bottom lane duo suffer from the moment they met!
What excites the audience the most is that each time Lu Li's Wei En uses the real damage of the third basic attack that comes with the W skill, he uses the [three-stage combo] skill to exchange blood with the opponent.

After using this skill that almost all professional players are proficient in, it is quite different after he uses it.

Because when this technique is used, it is very easy to be easily resolved by the opponent.Its trick success rate is quite low!However, when Lu Li used this technique, he maintained a [-]% success rate!
Whether it is a lay audience watching the excitement or an experienced professional player who knows the way, after seeing Lu Li's miraculous [three-stage combo] skill success rate, cold sweat runs down his back—this guy , too strong for no reason!Even the three-stage combo technique with the highest failure rate is so slippery. It seems that after facing this guy, he must be extra careful.

The so-called [three-stage combo] means that every time Wei En launches an attack, he must throw everything at his opponent and attack the opponent three times!

There is no skill at all in the first general attack, just use the position to narrow the distance between the two sides and avoid the blocking of the minions; the second general attack is the most critical step, and this general attack plays a key role in linking the past and the future effect.Because when Wei En provokes the attack, the opponent will definitely not sit still, either retreat immediately so that he is not within Wei En's range, or immediately counterattack violently, and exchange blood with the opponent head-on!Therefore, Vayne's second basic attack is very particular. It must judge the opponent's position in an instant-whether to advance or retreat!

At this time, whether Wei En's Q skill dodges and surprises is used properly or not becomes the most important thing in whether he can complete the [three-stage combo].

If it is judged that the opponent will retreat immediately, then Vayne will use the Q skill to roll forward, which will surely ensure the success rate of the third basic attack; It can guarantee to reduce the damage you suffer while completing the [three-stage combo].

To the astonishment of all professional players, when Lu Li's Wei En makes the second general attack, he can always be one step ahead and judge the opponent's next move!This is a fatal prediction, and it is also the biggest reliance on the success rate of [Three-stage Combo].

After Vayne completes the second basic attack, the timing of the third general attack is also a key. The last step of [three-stage combo] is to use the E skill Demon Judgment to repel the opponent immediately after making sure that the silver arrow shot by Wei En's basic attack action has entered the system judgment, so as to ensure that he will not Then be attacked by the opponent's ADC hero.

The third general attack is the last step of [three-stage combo], and its difficulty is no less than that of the second general attack.Because if the last hit of the three-stage combo is successful, the screen should be: the opponent is repelled by Wei En, and then the silver sharp arrow from the third general attack also hits the opponent at the same time when he stabilizes his figure!
If Vayne's E skill is handed in too early, then her third basic attack will not enter the system judgment and cannot hit the opponent, and if Vayne's E skill is handed in too late, then she will inevitably suffer a lot of damage , the advantage after the blood exchange is very obvious.

Whenever a player using Vayne uses a three-stroke combo, it will definitely ignite the enthusiasm of the audience.But in essence, the three-stage combo technique is a blood exchange technique that injures the enemy one thousand and self-injures five hundred.

Although you will suffer a certain amount of damage, as long as you use it properly and ensure a high success rate, your opponent will definitely suffer more damage!
For this technique, the timing of each basic attack is very critical. As long as any of the three general attacks is flawed, the three-stage combo cannot be perfectly realized.Even if the player controlling Vayne forcibly withstands the opponent's hero's strong attack and the siege of minions, and hits everything in a three-stage combo, he has already suffered tons of damage.

At that time, it is not the result of injuring one thousand enemies and self-defeating five hundred, but the result of injuring one thousand enemies and ending by oneself.

Therefore, when Lu Li not only guarantees a [-]% success rate of the three-stage combo, but also ensures the best effect of injuring the enemy by a thousand and injuring himself by [-], all LOL players have already regarded it as A player who is strong enough to compete for the world's No. [-] ADC!

Coupled with Lu Li's near-perfect positioning and timing of attacking when he was in the lane, audiences all over the world were dumbfounded.

Where did this Chinese man named Lu Li come from?

With such a strong strength and aggressive style of play without giving up half a point, why has he never heard of his name before?Such a guy should have been famous all over the world long ago, right?
While some neutral audiences marveled at Lu Li's strength, they also focused their attention on Ye Ling, who possessed a classical temperament.

From the live broadcast, this beautiful Chinese player in the mid laner is a very quiet and elegant young girl, right?Why is her murloc so brilliantly used and so aggressive that it has suppressed the opponent for 20 last hits?The little murloc is a melee hero.

All the fans who watched the game gradually became loyal fans of Lu Li and Ye Ling, and even the Korean friends had to sigh inwardly: This brilliant team that suddenly appeared may become their team's way to win the championship. The biggest stumbling block...

training room.

Without exception, everyone in the King's team fell into the fanatical worship of Lu Li and Ye Ling.But there was only one person, but he blinked his big innocent eyes and looked at the big screen of the live broadcast with excitement.

Seeing that the little guy Wang Yuanyuan was looking at it very seriously, Wu Di couldn't help asking softly:
"How about it? Can you imitate the three-stroke combo of Wei En just now? Make sure you have a [-]% success rate?"

The little guy ignored Wu Di, and was still staring at the screen intently, with a sense of joy gradually appearing on his face.

Wu Di was puzzled, and the little guy ignored him, so he had no choice but to turn his head and ask Xia Ninghan for advice:
"Sister Ninghan, this little guy just ignores me... Is there any problem with asking him to imitate this extremely difficult three-stage combo?"

Xia Ninghan pursed her lips and smiled disapprovingly, and replied:

"Hehe, you underestimate Yuanyuan too much, wait for him to watch for a while. After the Bright team defeats the opponent, we will test the quality of this little guy."

"En..." Wu Di just wanted to turn his head to look at the big screen, but a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

Strange... what is wrong?

Wu Di secretly glanced at Xia Ninghan beside him again, but still couldn't explain the doubt in his heart.

Suddenly, he realized why there was such a strange feeling of incongruity—he just called Xia Ninghan "Sister Ninghan" out of habit!However, Xia Ninghan did not reprimand herself!

You know, ever since the two confirmed their boyfriend and girlfriend, whenever he blurted out to call Xia Ninghan Sister Ninghan, she would reprimand her head and face, and in the end he had to call out dear, or Han cold.

But today, after Xia Ninghan came back from Quancheng, she didn't make a big fuss because she called her sister...

Maybe it's because I'm too tired...

Hey, why do I have to think about such a trivial matter for a long time?
Ah!Why am I becoming more and more paranoid now...

Wu Di laughed at himself, and continued to turn his head to watch the game.

And at the moment when he turned his head, Xia Ninghan's eyes that were looking directly at the screen contained a hint of a smile.

This kind of smile is a kind of proud smile, a kind of contemptuous smile, and a kind of smile that contains infinite cruelty...

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(End of this chapter)

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