The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 103 Amazing Imitation Ability

Chapter 103 Amazing Imitation Ability

The night is dark, and everything is silent.

Most of the Chinese people had already fallen asleep and went to play mahjong with Duke Zhou, but the training room of the King's team outside the west gate of Tianfu University was still brightly lit and very lively.

All members of the team cheered and applauded each other, because just 1 minute ago, under the leadership of Lu Li and Ye Ling, the Bright team won the first victory of the knockout round with a huge advantage without bloodshed!
Next, they only need to make persistent efforts and win the second game to successfully advance to the semi-finals!

Wu Di embraced his chest with his hands, although his face was full of city, without any expression, but his hands were tightly grasping his arms - he was very excited, the stunning appearance of the tall, rich and handsome junior brother was enough to shock the world LOL player.

He has won great popularity for the master's Wang Daoliu!

At this time, even Su Yan, the beautiful commentator who entered the halftime break, began to flatter the No. [-] ADC who had long been famous in China:

I believe that after this battle, the opponent will definitely adopt targeted strategies against Lu Li and Ye Ling.And the two of them, especially China's number one ADC Lu Li, shocked the whole world with their eye-catching performance!

I bet that starting from today, the talent of Wang Daoliu withered, and the traditional genre with extremely difficult practice will surely usher in a heyday.Fans will definitely rush to learn this genre, even if they can only learn a little bit, but its popularity will definitely cover the world!

Let us cheer up and witness the process of whether Wang Daoliu can reach the top together.Oh, I'm sorry, viewers, my personal emotions are a little out of control. Here I, Su Yan, announce that I have completely become an absolute fan of Luli!

Since the fall of Wu Di, the world's number one talent, China's e-sports industry, especially the League of Legends, has been defeated in the World Series, which has greatly hindered the development of our domestic e-sports industry.

But today, Lu Li used his unique Wang Daoliu to announce to the world again: Our Huaxia Kingdom is back!We are still the world's e-sports powerhouse!

Come on, Team Bright, come on, Lu Li, come on, Ye Ling!Behind you are the eyes of countless people looking forward to, you will definitely win the championship of this year's finals!We will support you till the end!
The well-known commentator Su Yan expressed his heart without reservation, but it also made Wu Di feel mixed feelings in his heart.

He never thought that his sudden fall would cause the people of the country to suffer unspeakably.It wasn't until today that Lu Li shocked the world with Wang Daoliu's style of play that they found a way to vent their enthusiasm.

I will be back - this is Big Big Wolf's favorite catchphrase every time he is bounced off the screen, but Wu Di repeats this sentence in his heart with self-deprecation...

10 minutes later.

The second match between Brilliant Team and KKT Team has officially started!
In view of Lu Li's powerful performance before, the KKT team banned the night hunter Vayne as soon as they came up.Ye Ling's little murloc followed closely behind and became the second banned hero.

After the two sides completed the ban, Lu Li, as the final player, chose Graves, an outlaw fanatic in the shape of a gangster godfather, as the team's ADC hero under the eager anticipation of hundreds of millions of viewers.

When the live screen displayed the winning percentage of Lu Li's career as an outlaw lunatic - Graves, audiences all over the world were once again shocked.The Korean friends at the scene bulged their eyes as big as a bull’s eye again. Almost all the audience in the country and the Internet fans sitting in front of the computer watching the live broadcast rubbed their eyes, as if they didn’t believe the data displayed on the screen at all. !
Lu Li, the leading ADC player of the Brilliant team, is the orthodox successor of Wang Daoliu's style of play.

Outlaw Outlaw Graves win rate: 97%,

Career games played: 301 games.

I grass!

His sister's, what kind of winning percentage is this?The stat card is wrong.

97%?That is to say, in the [-] official games, he only lost less than ten games?Doesn't that mean that the bright team will win when this outlaw lunatic appears?Is this data official statistics?Did the official count some irregular small games?

Hey, Wei En, who was supposed to be banned, is the best of that Chinese person... As a result, a more ruthless outlaw fanatic with a higher winning rate emerged? KKT team, don’t you guys know how to do research before the game?
Don't think that the opponent is a rookie who has never made an appearance in the World Series, so he is so careless...

The South Korean audience has exploded in private, looking at the data given on the big screen in disbelief.

Until now, they felt that they were too conceited. They despised the opponent without even investigating the details of the opponent. This was undoubtedly ruining themselves, and it was a fart.Wei En, who has a winning rate of 98%, is like an adult playing with a child when cutting the KKT team's bot lane, let alone the outlaw lunatic who has an even more terrifying winning rate.

The Korean spectators lowered their heads like eggplants beaten by frost, as if they had already decided that this game was more ominous.

When Su Yan, a beautiful narrator, saw the reaction of the Korean friends on the scene, she immediately added fuel and vinegar:

The KKT team seemed to be too careless. They thought Wei En was Lu Li's good hero, and if they banned him, they could sit back and relax.As a result, I never expected that what Lu Li is best at is the outlaw lunatic with an outrageously high winning rate!
Well, tell me, how many minutes will the KKT team last in this game?
Two 10 minutes to surrender?Oh, no no no, you underestimated the KKT team, I think they can last at least 21 minutes!

And in the League of Legends open finals forum, most of the Korean friends have already dispersed, and the Chinese people have also begun to cheer for the bright team.

Sure enough, as Su Yan expected, after 21 minutes and [-] seconds, the KKT team was taken down by Lu Li alone with [-] heads, and directly helped the Brilliant team win the second knockout match with a superb performance!

2: 0!

Team Brilliant has successfully entered the semi-finals of this year's finals!

This is the best result China has achieved in the World Series since Wu Di's fall!However, the fanatical Chinese fans did not pay attention to this record. They only have one goal in their eyes - the world championship!
In the training room, Team King also witnessed the whole process of Team Brilliant entering the semi-finals.After being excited for a while, everyone gradually calmed down under Wu Di's gesture.

Now, they have a more important thing to do - that is to verify the strength of this child named Wang Yuanyuan!

Under Xia Jie's funny eyes, all the members of King's Team deliberately formed a circle, surrounding Wang Yuanyuan in the middle.

Wang Yuanyuan immediately behaved like a frightened little rabbit, and kept silent under the seemingly malicious eyes of the big brothers and sisters.

At this time, Xia Ninghan immediately pushed aside the crowd with a smile on her face, and said with a smile:
"What are you big brothers and sisters doing? He is only 15 years old and has never traveled far. If you scare him like this, you will scare him. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you , Wang Yuanyuan actually suffers from a very rare childhood innocence disease. Although he is 15 years old, his mental age has always been less than ten years old. His parents have searched for famous doctors from all over the country, but they have not found one. Find a way to heal him. As his future teammates, you should love him even more and don't bully him. He is indeed very shy, and it took me a lot of effort to get along with him. We're getting close."

After explaining Wang Yuanyuan's characteristics to everyone, Xia Ninghan then whispered to Wang Yuanyuan:
"Come here, come to my sister, Yuanyuan."

Wang Yuanyuan seemed to listen to Xia Ninghan's words very much. When he saw the savior coming, he rushed to Xia Ninghan with a stride, with a rather aggrieved expression on his face.

Xia Ninghan patted his head and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, they just care too much about you, they don't mean anything malicious. Starting today, you will stay with them from now on. Don't you always want to play? Is it from League of Legends? These big brothers and sisters are very powerful. They can teach all skills. Come on, be generous and tell them about Wei En’s three-stage combo skill in the live broadcast just now. Can it be imitated?"

Upon hearing the League of Legends, Wang Yuanyuan's immature face immediately beamed with joy. He took La Xia Ninghan's hand, and said in a childish voice: "Sister, I can do that kind of operation! If you don't believe me, I will perform it for you right away." look!"

Xia Ninghan led Wang Yuanyuan to a computer, asked him to sit down, and logged in to an account at random, allowing him to enter the matchmaking mode of the League of Legends public server.

Soon, those who had doubts about Wang Yuanyuan opened their mouths wide in surprise, unable to close them for a long time.

Chen Jiang looked at Wang Yuanyuan's three-stage combo of Bailing, and immediately exclaimed:
"Damn it! Isn't it, Sister Ninghan, are you sure he didn't know this skill before?"

Xia Ninghan nodded triumphantly, and replied: "Of course I'm sure. Before coming here, he only learned basic steps such as zigzag steps and S steps. Let me tell you an unbelievable fact—I once saw it with my own eyes. Seeing how messed up he was in the game, he was dubbed "Attacking Elementary School Student" by the opponent's players!

If I hadn't seen his unbelievable imitation ability with my own eyes, I really thought he was just a fake. "

At this time, Wu Di had been quietly looking at the computer screen, watching Wang Yuanyuan's performance, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind, which made him very curious immediately. He raised his head, looked at Xia Ninghan's big bright eyes, and couldn't help but asked:
"Where did you get such a good seedling?"

"You should know that most of the current League of Legends rookies are poached and cultivated by professional clubs. The parents of this child are good friends of my parents. It was they who told me that this child has such magical abilities, so I am He was brought here with the consent of his parents. Don't worry too much, don't think that my sister has become a child trafficker after going out for more than a week."

Everyone was amused and burst into laughter.Wu Di also twitched the corners of his mouth, and continued to laugh:
"Then it seems that this kid is really a gifted genius. With such imitation ability and being able to reproduce it, then when he can absorb the skills of all masters, then he is already a super master." .

Alright, little guy, on behalf of Team King, I officially welcome you to join us! "

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(End of this chapter)

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