Chapter 104 Together

Seeing that Wu Di was very satisfied with the genius she brought, Xia Ninghan was also quite proud.She touched Wang Yuanyuan's head and asked Wu Di:

"Your good junior sister has given you special training, have you recovered the memory of the unit?"

"Well, it has recovered. Except for the mid unit and the jungle position, the level of the other positions has recovered. Moreover, after two long-term special trainings, my strength in these three positions has only improved but not decreased! "

When they heard this sentence, the other members were very excited. There is still room for improvement in the captain's strength?In this way, then that ultimate goal is by no means a blank promise.They will also be able to enter a bigger stage under the leadership of Wu Di.

When everyone was extremely excited that Wu Di's strength was getting closer, a trace of surprise flashed through Ning Han's eyes, and then he asked Wu Di unexpectedly:

"Then I'll hand this child over to you! Since you've recovered the memory of the three locations and made it to the next level, you must be able to teach this child a lot."

"No!" Wu Di categorically refused, making everyone stunned.

"Why?" Xia Ninghan squinted her eyes, and said coldly as if she wanted to grab Wu Di's wrist.

"Because... I have another special training to do, and I don't have time to teach this kid.

Moreover, I decided that in the future amateur games, I would not play if I could not play. "

"Why?" This time, it was the other members' turn to ask in puzzlement.

"You should know the lineup configuration of the team I used to be in, the Brilliant team." Wu Di paused for a moment.

Chen Jiang on the side slapped his forehead, and suddenly realized: "I understand what the captain means! Don't forget what the captain's previous nickname was - Terminator, to end the opponent's ace player!

His unique finishing style of play is precisely for the opponent's ace player.

Therefore, in the former Brilliant team, there were five masters in all positions.And the position of the captain to play is determined by the opponent!If the opponent's jungler is the strongest, then the captain will be the jungler and replace the original jungler. If the opponent's mid laner is the strongest, the captain will replace the mid laner and become the mid unit.And so on for other positions.

Therefore, the captain's team will inevitably have a strong player in every position.In this way, it can be ensured that while the captain uses the final style of play to limit the opponent's ace, the other positions will not fall behind.

Captain, are you going to keep the King's team in this configuration from now on? "

Wu Di nodded in satisfaction, and gave Chen Jiang a look of approval.

"You are right. You are indeed the tactical analyst I like. The reason why I still have special training is to restore all my memories! Through the previous two special trainings, I seem to have found some recovery. The trick of remembering. In the next period of time, I will try to see if my idea can work.

And your strength is already enough to deal with amateur competitions.But there are two teams, you should pay attention to them, one is the anti-fighting team led by the big beauty Naye, and the second is the top team practicing the Dragon Turtle Style.You must notify me in advance of the Amateur Cup with these two teams participating, because you are not their opponents yet.

Sister Ninghan came back at the right time today, and I am planning to inform everyone of my arrangement after you come back.Of course, my next special training will be after all the finals are over!
I want to see with my own eyes, how that organization will make a move, and what will happen in this competition! "

When Xia Ninghan heard the word "organization", her body obviously shook a little, but everyone was thinking about whether Wu Di's idea and arrangement were feasible, but did not notice this subtle move.

After a while, Xia Ninghan had recovered her composure, and she behaved as before.Seeing that Wu Di seemed to have made up her mind, she immediately asked with concern:
"Looking at you, it's a firm decision. Well, what about this kid? He needs someone to take him now."

Wu Di smiled, pointed at Xia Ninghan, and said, "Aren't you the most suitable candidate? You are the sexiest ADC in the history of our Tianfu University."

"Okay, since you have already made arrangements, then I will take care of this child for a while. But let's talk about the ugly things first, if I lead this child astray, you can't blame me."

After everyone discussed for a while, Wu Di and Xia Ninghan walked out of the training room and went to their respective dormitories.But Lin Xiaoxiao didn't go back with them in order to practice more. The others also went to their respective positions, looking for their mothers, and went to work alone.

Xia Ninghan took Wu Di by her arm, and walked slowly under the cover of night.

"Di, what special training are you going to do? Why don't you tell me." Xia Ninghan asked first.

Wu Di touched his forehead, and replied with some guilt: "It's not that I didn't tell you, but I don't know if that method will work. Before it succeeds, I want to keep it a secret. Sister Ning Han, Don't blame me."

Xia Ninghan grabbed Wu Di's arm pretending to be angry, and snorted coldly: "I told you, you have to tell me everything. Let's forget about it, anyway, don't hide it from me to find your sister." Just do it."

Wu Di was sweating, and quickly expressed his innocence: "I am a dedicated person. Don't worry, sister Ninghan."

At this time, Xia Ninghan suddenly lowered her head, her expression was a bit weird, Wu Di saw that she hadn't spoken for a long time, so he said with concern:

"What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell? Or are you too tired from the long journey?"

Unexpectedly, Xia Ninghan seemed to be struggling hard in her heart, she suddenly raised her head, and softly said to Wu Di with affection:

"Dee, I don't want other girls pestering you anymore.

That mermaid Ye Ling... has always been very interesting to you; and your sexy and plump second junior sister Weiwei is also bold and bold. I can see that she looks at you with eyes full of love...

I am really afraid that one day, I will lose you. "

Wu Di was startled, and immediately comforted him: "Don't worry, I'm not a sentimental person. I've said I'll treat you forever, and I'll do what I say!
Don't think too much, I think you are really tired, why are you talking such nonsense in a daze.If it was before, you would have patted your proud chest and yelled—you girls are also worthy of competing with your sister for a man?Let's all go and cool off, hehe. "

Wu Di intentionally made Xia Ninghan happy, but it made her even more sentimental.At this time, Xia Ninghan buried her head down again and stopped talking.

Seeing that the situation showed signs of expanding in a bad direction, Wu Di also said softly:
"Well, in order to make you feel at ease, what do you say I should do?
Growing up, I will never refuse any proposal from you.Just tell me what you really think, and I will definitely follow suit. "

Just when Wu Di was at a loss, Xia Ninghan suddenly raised his head again, his eyes were crystal clear, with tears in them.She whispered in Wu Di's ear with a mosquito-like voice:
"Di, let' together..."

 Chapter 1 is on the shelves, but I still can't play this function, I will try it.The public version of three chapters has been published in succession, friends who are capable, please subscribe and support, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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