The pinnacle of the League of Legends

Chapter 105 The Happy Woman

Chapter 105 The Happy Woman
Being together has many meanings.

One is that in order to reduce the noise in the dormitory, the student party deliberately moves to a quiet and elegant rental room so that they can concentrate on completing their studies; the other is that after entering university, college students are keen to find their other half in life as soon as possible. Being together can deepen the relationship between two people. Whether it is to achieve a love myth in the future or to pursue happy love memories, they like to do so.

Wu Di's eyeballs were about to fall out, he stared at Xia Ninghan blankly, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time - it was obvious that what Xia Ninghan said together meant the latter.

"This... this, what do you mean being together?" Wu Di was a little incoherent, his face flushed.

Xia Ninghan raised her shy eyes, looked directly at Wu Di, and said:
"Oh, are you pretending to be reckless with me on purpose? My sister made a huge determination to say this. If you don't want to, or if you still have fantasies about the mermaid and junior sister, you You can just refuse it directly, don't need to be so coy, like a girl! I will never force you!"

The queen's arrogance leaked out, but Wu Di was at a loss.The pie that fell from the sky seemed to be too big, and it was already a bit beyond my ability to bear.

Wu Di hesitated for a long time without answering, Xia Ninghan was annoyed, and shouted loudly in the middle of the street:

"Elder sister is not afraid of being taken advantage of by you, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will come to overlord you?"

As soon as these words came out, passers-by looked sideways at Xia Ninghan, who looked like a queen, all of them were startled.

[This... this beauty is so powerful!Wanting the Overlord to fight hard? 】

[I wipe!Isn't this Xia Ninghan, one of the top ten campus beauties?My Goddess!She is confessing to someone?Is the sun coming out from the west?Or am I dazzled, dreaming? 】

[Definitely tomorrow's headline news, I have to quickly take a photo with my phone, tomorrow's hot post!It's mine! 】

In today's era of extremely developed Internet, any lace news can spread quickly in a short period of time.Among the passers-by, some people have already recognized Xia Ninghan, so naturally they will not let go of this excellent opportunity to seize fear.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Di saw that some good-natured people had already pulled out their smartphones and prepared to take pictures as a nostalgia, so he hurriedly dragged Xia Ninghan forward and fled desperately.

After a while, the two of them were panting heavily, leaning against a sycamore tree as tall as two people, looking up from time to time to see if anyone was following them.

"Do you agree or not?" Xia Ninghan put her hips on her hips, her tone was domineering and tough.

Wu Di rubbed the back of his head, and replied in embarrassment: "Sister Ninghan, didn't you say... We can only hold hands? If we are together, do we have to do that?"

"The one you're talking about? Which one is it?" Xia Ninghan pursed her lips into a smile, like a woman making fun of a boy from a good family.

"That's it... It is said that that is a necessary process for human beings to reproduce life and explore the meaning of life. You know..."

"Hesitating, not like a man! If you are together, of course you want that! Otherwise, what are you doing together? Playing the game of house?" Xia Ninghan bit her lips, and said sternly with all her might. A crystal clear teardrop slid down.It's just that she was in a backlit position, so Wu Di couldn't detect her unusual expression.

"Then... alright! How long have we been together?" Wu Di thought for a second, Xia Ninghan was just a girl, and she was so bold and straightforward, it would be completely unreasonable for her to pretend like that.So he also took the attitude of going all out, and immediately agreed.

A bean-sized teardrop slipped from the corner of Xia Ninghan's eyes again, she hurriedly wiped it away, and replied:

"It will start tonight! The reason why I came back late is to find an acquaintance to rent a house!
Let's go, we won't go back to the dormitory today, I have already rented a one-suite house outside the south gate, we will go there tonight! "

Then, the mighty and domineering Queen directly led Wu Di to an elegant and quiet living quarter outside the south gate.After entering the community, three steps turned into two steps, and soon came to the door of a set of rooms.

"Di, after tonight, I will be your real woman. You must treat me well in the future, don't be half-hearted, especially don't lie to me! Whatever I ask, you have to answer truthfully, you understand?"

Xia Ninghan stood at the door, did not open the door, but turned her back to Wu Di, and made three chapters first.

Wu Di looked at Xia Ninghan's graceful and colorful back, especially the pair of black stockings and stiletto high heels that can most stimulate male hormones, and suddenly felt a strong dry mouth from the bottom of his heart.

"Hmm... um! I will always be nice to you, but... Sister Ninghan, I'm not ready yet, let's not do that for now. After we are all mentally prepared, we can do it when the conditions are right. ...That! To be honest, I have always wanted to have sex with you, but firstly, I think we are still young, and secondly, I always feel that we have not reached that time yet, so when you said you want that, although I was very excited in my heart, But now I still can't do that with you. Let's not force ourselves, let everything go with the flow. Wait until one day, when you and I both want that, let's do that again!"

"What about this and that? You kid is talking in a set of words now. Well, to be honest, I'm not ready. Tonight we will sleep separately, and draw a dividing line between [-] and [-] on the bed! Who Whoever crosses the line is a beast!"

Xia Ninghan turned her head, relieved.

Unexpectedly, the atmosphere that had just calmed down was shattered by Wu Di's next sentence - whoever fails to pass the line is a person who is not even as good as a beast...

"Find a fight!"

After half an hour.

In the dark room, Wu Di and Xia Ninghan posed at the same time, holding the blanket tightly with both hands, and lying on their backs.It is worth mentioning that the two were covered with two different sheets.

"Di, can you sleep?" After a while, Xia Ninghan, who had been staring at the ceiling, couldn't help asking.

"Ah? Sleep...can't sleep." Wu Di closed his eyes tightly, but his mind couldn't calm down at all.

" hug me?" Xia Ninghan mustered up her courage and made this suggestion that could easily make people commit crimes.

"Okay!" Wu Di jumped up from the bed like a carp, which shocked Xia Ninghan.

"You... what are you doing?" Xia Ninghan grabbed the quilt tightly, a little flustered.

"No... nothing. Didn't you mean to hug you? I'll just hug you. If you mind, I won't hug you."

Sitting on the bed, Wu Di didn't dare to hug her. He touched his cheek, which was already burning hot.

Looking at Wu Di's back, Xia Ninghan had mixed feelings, she reached out her hand several times, trying to pull him to her side, but in the end she gave up.

Finally, the unbearable Wu Di jumped from the bed to under the bed, and sighed softly:

"Sister Ninghan, I started to see that there is a computer here, you can surf the Internet. I'm going to play League of Legends for a while, you go to bed first... don't wait for me." Wu Di had an idea and found a way to resolve the embarrassment.

Although he wondered why Xia Ninghan, who had been sticking to the bottom line, hastily proposed to live with him tonight, but since he was sensible, he had never rejected any of Xia Ninghan's proposals, so he also agreed in a daze. Follow her to a rental house with only about [-] square meters.

When he was lying on the bed with Xia Ninghan, his heartbeat had already exceeded [-]. He was so excited that he finally chose to use games to vent his impulse.

Wu Di hurried to the computer in the living room, opened it and entered the League of Legends cleanly, and within a minute, he was already fighting fiercely against the computer with a focused expression.

Xia Ninghan sat on the head of the bed not far from him, staring blankly at this familiar yet unfamiliar man, feeling agitated in her heart, not knowing what to do.

According to the seamless plan that day, she and Wu Di should complete the relationship between men and women tonight, so as to bring their relationship to a higher level.

In this way, he can firmly control his every move in the days to come.

However, this seemingly innocent boy chose to play games when faced with his own body, which can be called the most coveted body of a man?At this moment, she really didn't know whether she should be happy or unhappy.

The night wind in the early morning squeezed in desperately from the window, causing Xia Ninghan to shudder. She summoned up all the remaining courage, and softly called out to Wu Di who had already completed a match:

"Di, I...I'm a little cold, can you come and hug me to sleep?"

Wu Di's hand holding the mouse was visibly stiff, and he knew that this was Xia Ninghan's last reminder to himself tonight.

From the analysis of the man's genetics, Wu Di really wants to be the man in "Nine Pins of Sesame Officials" who yells at the throat - you scream, even if you break your throat, no one cares about you, but Xia Ninghan has always been in his heart An inviolable woman, he didn't want anything to happen to her without warning.

a long time.

Wu Di gently put down the mouse, turned off the computer, and came to Xia Ninghan's side.

He put his hand on Xia Ninghan's shoulder as gently as possible, and said softly:

"Sister Ninghan, go to sleep, I will always be by your side, when you need me most."

Wu Di felt that Xia Ninghan's body tightened obviously, so he no longer worried, and directly increased the intensity of the hug, sighing:

"I don't know why you are so eager to be with me, but I can't refuse you. Go to sleep, just let me sleep with you like this for one night.

I think... When we go home during the Chinese New Year, after we announce our relationship to our family, let's talk about that... I believe that everything will fall into place.

Now, let me hug you to sleep, and let you be a carefree little woman who can cling to others..."

Xia Ninghan only felt a strange emotion flow through her body. She was already doing things mechanically according to the plan, but she was deeply touched by Wu Di's affection.

At this moment, she really wants to become another person—that happy woman named Xia Ninghan...

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(End of this chapter)

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