Chapter 106 Exchange
In the morning of Tianfu City, the cold wind blows, and the coldness of early winter has come quietly.

Xia Ninghan slowly opened her eyes, a big boy leaning his head on the bed was reflected in the bloodshot bright eyes.

The big boy's left hand has been tightly hugging his fragrant shoulder, without any sign of relaxation, and there is a happy smile of satisfaction on the boy's mouth.

Xia Ninghan stared at the owner of this figure, in a daze.

She was just about to wake up Wu Di, when a sudden ringing of the bell woke Wu Di, whose arms were completely numb, to wake up in an instant.

At this time, Xia Ninghan immediately changed into a distressed expression, and wrapped his hand around her shoulder.

Wu Di searched the phone in his pocket dimly, and pressed the answer button.

"Hey, who is it?" Wu Di asked impatiently.

"Who? I wonder if your tutor is qualified to wake you up instantly?" Bai Yiyi's slightly annoyed voice came from the other end of the phone.

Wu Di hurriedly rubbed his sleepy eyes, forced his eyelids open, and said politely:

"Oh, it's Teacher Bai. I don't know what to do to greet the students early in the morning?"

"Order? I don't dare, the captain of the majestic king team, the ace of the strong team who won nine amateur championships in a short period of time, what qualifications do I have to order you. It's just, Wu Di, do you still want to get out of the game smoothly?" Graduated from Tianfu University?" Bai Yiyi replied playfully, with a hint of lethality in her tone.

Although Wu Di has devoted most of his time and energy to League of Legends in the past few months, he doesn't want his parents to worry, he goes to the classroom whenever he has time, so as not to let his studies fall too far.

However, since the team began to frequently participate in various competitions and Weiwei went back to China to train him for three weeks, his homework has fallen behind a lot.Therefore, the counselor teacher's call made Wu Di immediately feel that something was wrong.

Sure enough, as he expected, Bai Yiyi smiled proudly on the phone:

"Our big master classmate, you can be said to be famous now. The whole LOL circle in Tianfu City is discussing a guy named Wu Youzhi. What? Are you going to develop into a professional player in the future? You don't even plan to read the book Wow?"

Wu Di was wronged, so he didn't dare to refute, so he could only say angrily:

"Oh, my good teacher, don't you think I'm just about to come to class. You can do me a favor, don't bother with ordinary students like me. Skipping class or something, such a trivial matter, don't you just say a word Just help me out."

Bai Yiyi saw that her words had the effect of intimidation, so she continued her efforts, intimidating and luring her:

"Okay, I can help you with all the affairs in school. But, there are conditions?"

"Please speak! For Teacher Bai, I am willing to go through fire and water, and I will do anything!" Wu Di hurriedly expressed his position, fearing that he would offend the counselor teacher who has the power of life and death.

Bai Yiyi smiled coquettishly, and continued: "I won't talk nonsense anymore, let's open the skylight and talk brightly. One of my suitors, in order to chase me, used a very ridiculous method - he set up a Team, as long as my team goes, his team will follow. What annoys me the most is that his team's strength is a little bit higher than mine. Every time my team is killed .What I want you to do is also very simple, help me vent my anger! I will temporarily rent you for two weeks! You only need to help me beat his team a few times, after that, I can do anything about your studies Help you get it done! How about it, this condition is not too much."

After Wu Di thought for a while in silence, he also felt that this was a good deal. As long as he helped the counselor and teacher vent his anger, he could get himself a stable life in school, which is naturally a great thing.

"Okay! No problem! Anyway, the amateur team is not as strict as the professional league. I will temporarily stay in your team for two weeks! However, I still have a small request."

"Hey, have you learned how to bargain? My child, you don't want to push yourself too hard." Bai Yiyi never thought that Wu Di would make a request, and a tinge of anger immediately arose in her heart.

Wu Di didn't dare to provoke the counselor teacher, so he quickly explained: "Mr. Bai, my request is very simple - your team should not participate in any competitions that the king's team participates in. This request should be very reasonable. "

Bai Yiyi snorted coldly, and said, "Hmph, your King's team is already famous in the entire Tianfu City, what's the matter? Are you afraid that my ineffective little team will defeat them? That's all, this time we have something to ask for each other, right? A fair exchange, just do as you say. However, you must severely teach those bastards who don’t know the heights of heaven and earth!"

Seeing that Bai Yiyi agreed to his request, Wu Di quickly agreed, "No problem! Teacher Bai, you can play whenever you want!"

"That's good! You hurry up and wash up, my team will participate in a small cup competition in the afternoon!" Bai Yiyi struck while the iron was hot.

"Ah? Aren't there two advanced math classes in the afternoon?"

"Take a fart class! I'm here, why are you afraid! Come find me in the office of the Materials Department later!"

After hanging up the phone, Wu Di smiled slightly at Xia Ninghan, who looked tired but was troubled inside, then hurriedly got up to wash up, and then left the room.

Not long after Wu Di left, Xia Ninghan's phone rang suddenly.

She looked at the caller ID, it was an unfamiliar number.

"On the 18th, the mission is going well, have you established a close relationship with that kid?" A hoarse and vicissitudes of life male voice came from the other side of the phone.

After hearing this question, the hairs on Xia Ninghan's whole body stood on end, and cold sweat broke out in his palms in an instant.

"No... not yet..." Xia Ninghan replied hesitantly, beads of sweat were already dripping from his forehead.

"Oh? It seems that you don't care about your brother's safety. As I said, your brother only took part of the antidote, and the effect of the medicine can only last for half a month. In terms of tasks, your brother is not as simple as that Chinese man who lost his memory.

That drug has been completely completed, and it can keep anyone's IQ below ten years old.If you want your dear brother to become like that forever, you can give up the mission, we will not force you.

After all, this is a society ruled by law, and we cannot force others to do what is difficult for us. "

Every word of the hoarse male voice was like a sharp blade, carving out one knife after another in Xia Ninghan's heart.Under great pressure, she finally couldn't help but roar out:
"You must keep your word! I will find out all his details as soon as possible in a short time! You must ensure the safety of my brother!"

The other end of the phone didn't give Xia Ninghan any chance to get to the bottom of it, so she hung up the phone directly...

After a night of sweet and warm sleep, Wu Di ran to the office of the Materials Department refreshed.To his surprise, there was only Bai Yiyi in the white suit sitting alone at the desk in the office.

"Mr. Bai, hello. I'm here to report." Wu Di flattered.

"Hmph! The master of our materials department, you finally appeared. During this time, it's been really fun."

"Where is there, Mr. Bai covers the sky with one hand, his appearance is imposing, and his might is extraordinary. His life must be going smoothly and happily. How can ordinary students like me be able to compare with it?" Wu Di laughed, desperately She flattered Dao with all her strength, and she also prayed in her heart that her flattery would be able to hit the position.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few months, and I have learned to brag and flatter. Don't be glib in front of me. Follow me now!" Bai Yiyi immediately got up and packed her satchel with an anxious expression.

"Ah? So urgent? Is there anything that needs to be done?" Wu Di was puzzled.

"En! There is a man in that man's team called Ma Muhu, a student of our school. I heard that the qualifying level has reached the diamond group. He is very crazy, even more crazy than you! Now we will kill him. prestige!"

While tidying up the desk quickly, Bai Yiyi was ready to pull Wu Di out of here.

Wu Di was confused and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Bai, how do you destroy the prestige of that insolent kid?"

"He's in the network room of the student activity center in the North District. You go and fight him one-on-one now! I want to kill this kid first! When the game is in the afternoon, let him see you psychological shadow.

He is the core of that team, as long as he performs abnormally, my team can crush them in one fell swoop! "

Wu Di is relieved: It turns out that my instructor and teacher are very familiar with Sun Tzu's art of war, and know how to give the enemy a blow before the official battle!
In a short while, the two had arrived in the network room.

Wu Di looked up, and in the center of the network room, a group of young men and women formed a semicircle, as if they were watching something.

Bai Yiyi resolutely drove away the onlookers. Following the gradually dispersed crowd, Wu Di saw a figure with pigtails appearing in his eyes.

After noticing the abnormality behind him, the little braid turned around and immediately recognized Teacher Bai Yiyi, whom his boss was chasing so hard.

"Ha, it's Teacher Bai. I heard that your team will participate in the competition again in the afternoon. Why do you still have time to come here?"

With a cold face, Bai Yiyi said: "Mumba, today I brought a student, he has heard of your name a long time ago, and wants to learn your skills now, you... dare?"

Bai Yiyi deliberately accentuated the tone of the last two words, which immediately made the horse feel a sense of war.

Players who have played League of Legends know what the diamond team is like, and the crowd of onlookers were enjoying the wonderful performance of the horse.And now this ordinary-looking man brought by Mr. Bai wants to challenge himself?
Are you a vegetarian with diamond-level strength?
Ma smiled contemptuously, and asked, "Oh? I don't know what rank this student who looks like a master has reached?"

"Oh, my account is only level 18, and I haven't played qualifying recently."

Wu Di told the truth, but the contempt on the corners of Ma's mouth was even stronger than before.Bai Yiyi glanced at Wu Di, as if to say: "You really don't bat an eyelid when you tell a lie."

Wu Di gave an innocent look, and responded: "What I said is true, there is absolutely no falsehood."

Ma vaguely saw that the two of them didn't take him seriously and were still flirting there, so he said harshly:

"Oh... so it was Teacher Bai who brought me the [newcomer] to warm up. Well, I'll give Teacher Bai a face! Let's start!"

Afterwards, his mouth shape made a rookie mouth shape, which was clearly seen by Bai Yiyi and Wu Di.

Wu Di smiled knowingly, and said softly to Bai Yiyi: "It will be done in 15 minutes!"

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(End of this chapter)

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