Chapter 107 Another Wu Di

In the crowded Internet room, many people had heard Wu Di's extremely arrogant words, and all of a sudden, the crowd was excited and discussed.

[Where did this kid come from?Wearing a huge peaked cap and pretending to be a master?How dare you brazenly say that you can solve the problem of diamond-level strength in 15 minutes?Did I time travel, or did I have hallucinations? 】

[Yeah, he himself said that he was only level 18, and he dared to be so arrogant without having played qualifying matches. The current students... really have higher hearts and thinner lives than paper. 】

[Stop babbling, let's watch horses abuse food, I like to watch this kind of face-slapping scene the most. 】

Ma Muhu was originally irritated by Wu Di's words, but after hearing the comments from his loyal fans, he also secretly said in his heart:
That's right, as a master of the diamond team, why am I angry with this idiot?Since he is looking for abuse, let him be fulfilled! 】

The wide peaked cap has become one of Wu Di's signature decorations now. In order to hide people's eyes and ears as much as possible, he is also used to this kind of dress. They cast eyes of pity, contempt or ridicule.

The two sides sat opposite each other, and soon began this one-on-one contest under the watchful eyes of everyone.

According to the traditional heads-up rules, the two sides can only face each other in the middle lane, and the way to determine the outcome is whoever destroys the opponent's base first will be the final winner.

Stimulated by Lu Li's strong performance, Wu Di chose Graves, the outlaw lunatic in this match, while Ma Muhu chose the night hunter Wayne after a moment of weighing.

As soon as he entered the battle screen, Ma immediately arrogantly typed a sentence on the public screen: Hey, this master brother, you watched the game of the Bright team last night, right? Is Lu Li, the number one ADC in China, your idol?

After getting along with Ye Wuhen for a few months, Wu Di is also deeply familiar with the essence of bad language. Seeing that the provocative meaning in his opponent's words is so obvious, he also tapped the keyboard calmly and said something that is in the insider's mouth. In the eyes are facts, in the eyes of outsiders it is pretending to be big words: I watched the game, but Lu Li's performance can only be regarded as quite satisfactory. With his strength, such performance is not surprising.He is not my idol, if you really want to talk about his status... he is at best just a junior brother of mine.

Ma Muhu: Hey, the little guy at level 18 has never even played in ranking, how dare he speak so brazenly?Lu Li is your junior brother?Hahaha, be careful that the cowhide is blown.Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that Lu Li is the only authentic heir to Wang Daoliu in China, you little brat, you will really give yourself face.

A friendly reminder to you, you have to be careful, I will use [-]% of my strength to deal with you!
Wu Di: [-]%?I think... Even if you use [-]% of your strength, you may not be my opponent.

Ma confused: It seems that he is a little guy with eyes above the top and has never seen the world. Do you know what a diamond group is?

Wu Di: Diamond group?Oh, I never mixed in that group, I used to be in the strongest group all the time.

Ma Muhu: You!It's rare to talk nonsense with you, let me see if you will be so arrogant again later!

Wu Di: I advise you to do your best, I'm afraid you won't last for 10 minutes...

Ma Muhu: Rub!You are dead!

Players who are familiar with League of Legends know that as long as Wei En drags it to the later stage, she is absolutely invincible in one-on-one, and even if she is a little weaker in the early stage, as long as she makes the core equipment of the Ruined Sword, she can still compete with her. All ADC heroes contend.

Therefore, Ma, who didn't pay attention to Wu Di at all, went directly to the middle road and launched an attack very arrogantly!
Wu Di chuckled, and confronted Wei En without hesitation.

A first-level outlaw fanatic, because of the existence of the Q skill [Large Buckshot], he will not be afraid to fight head-on with any opponent.

Ma Muhu is worthy of being a diamond-level player. After interacting with the outlaw lunatic twice, he used the Q skill and immediately rolled away. Before leaving, he did not forget to attack the outlaw lunatic again.

Just when he was smugly watching that the opponent's blood volume was significantly less than his own, the bearded man on the opposite side flashed in front of his eyes and came to him in an instant!
What?Is this a flash?

ah?No, he wants to really fight me hard!
Just when he realized what the opponent's intention was, the male gun's [Large Lead Bullet] had completely wrapped up Wei En's body.

The skill screen of Male Spear shows three barrages firing at the same time in the shape of a trident, but if the target stands in the middle of the three barrages and eats all the skills, this skill will have a good bonus damage .

And the location where Wu Di flashed was just in front of Wei En's tumbling foothold!
The horse flashed in a daze, and he had already taken advantage of the opponent's skills.

This large lead bullet and the additional damage caused tons of damage to Wei En, and instantly dropped his blood line by a large amount!

The horse had suffered a great loss, learned from the pain, and immediately opened the shield and stood in place with the male gun to point each other.He didn't believe that this opponent would have strength above the diamond level!

However, the male gun is not afraid at all, and has already preempted the general attack. After you come and go, the male gun relied on the previous advantage to force out Wei En's flash!

At the same time, the pawn lines of both sides had reached the line, but Wei En, who was short of health, did not dare to step forward to make up the knife comfortably, but hid behind the pawn line extremely wretchedly, relying on the power of Dolan's Blade Passive effect slowly regenerates blood.

In the first round of the meeting, Wu Di gave his opponent a strong blow, leaving Bai Yiyi who was watching the battle dumbfounded.

Wu Dina started with Wang Daoliu, and developed his own perfect ending style of play. Taking advantage of this initial advantage, he quickly and easily grasped the initiative in this duel.

15 minutes later.

The words "Failure" unexpectedly appeared on the confused computer screen, and the onlookers immediately fell silent, watching this incredible scene in shock.

The most unbelievable death to them was that this pretentious man wearing a peaked cap almost effortlessly defeated the master of the diamond team.

In particular, Wu Di's various operations and skills that can only be done by professional players made everyone's eyes shine, and they were at a loss with their mouths wide open.They couldn't believe that this pretentious guy was so powerful?
In this duel, Wu Di completely suppressed Ma Muhu from the very beginning, without giving him the slightest chance.At first, he also tried to make some counterattacks, but soon he found that he was completely at a disadvantage in a head-to-head confrontation with his opponent.

Her sister's!So strong!
This is the first time I have met someone with such strength in reality!I'm the Diamond Team!Some time ago, I did qualifying rounds day and night, and it was hard to reach the diamond group.

etc!This guy was brought by Teacher Bai... In other words, he is likely to have been recruited by Teacher Bai?We will meet in the afternoon?No, I have to notify the boss immediately!

Ma Muhu has a maturity far beyond that of ordinary students. At this time, he did not become angry from embarrassment. After losing to Wu Di in an extremely ugly manner, he did not act aggressively. Instead, he hurriedly withdrew from the crowd and quickly called his boss , fully report Wu Di's appearance and that extremely strong strength...

Bai Yiyi is very satisfied with Wu Di's performance, what she wants is this kind of performance that destroys the opponent's confidence. She is in a good mood and treats Wu Di to a sumptuous meal. After adjusting her skills for a while, she leads Wu Di to the I went to a large Internet cafe in the North District of Tianfu City to participate in the competition.

This Internet cafe is called "Reciprocity", and among all the Internet cafes in Tianfu City, it is the one that likes to host amateur events the most.

From the appearance, its boss is a suave young man with a scholarly temperament, and this person is the confused boss——Qin Tianzheng.

He pursued Bai Yiyi hard for more than two years, but was listed by Bai Yiyi as the most unwelcome person on the blacklist.

The means he pursues are various, and he is one of the perfect representatives of the principle of chasing women.He almost completely infiltrated the three principles of romance, waste, and debauchery into his bones, and every time he appeared on the stage, he would always bring an extremely shocking visual impact to the onlookers.But Bai Yiyi didn't like this. According to her own words, this kind of man is just a rich man who doesn't know how to cherish.Therefore, she has always been disgusted with him, and has never had a date with him or had a meal with him alone.

After knowing that Bai Yiyi is keen on the e-sports career of League of Legends, this guy immediately invested a lot of money to form an amateur team named [Yiyi], and wherever Bai Yiyi's team goes, he will follow. , to participate in the competition together, after defeating Bai Yiyi's team, he would always hold a large bouquet of fiery red roses, hand them to Bai Yiyi's eyes, and express his love loudly in front of everyone, such The situation repeatedly made Bai Yiyi feel extremely embarrassed.Moreover, he also announced to the outside world: As long as Bai Yiyi's team can't beat his own team, then he will keep confessing his love like this until the day he succeeds!
Originally, she wanted to continue looking for good seedlings to strengthen her team, but Qin Tianzheng was so thick-skinned that he didn't give her a chance to breathe. Therefore, she weighed it again and again and asked Wu Di for help.

Although she doesn't know exactly what level Wu Di's strength has reached, but with the special research on League of Legends in the past few years, she can conclude that Wu Di's level must be at the professional level. Her face strengthened her confidence even more - this time, she can shut up that annoying guy!
As soon as she saw the sexy and charming Bai Yiyi in white clothes appearing at the entrance of the Internet cafe, four young boys aged [-] or [-] took the initiative to greet her and stood respectfully in front of her.

Bai Yiyi nodded imposingly, and said: "This classmate Wu Youzhi is my temporary helper, and he will be with you within two weeks. His strength is enough to surpass any amateur player! Therefore, At that time, the important task of commanding will also be handed over to him! In a word, no matter what happens during the game, you must respect him, and you must absolutely obey his words."

The four boys who were only slightly younger than Wu Di nodded in acquiescence at the same time. They also knew in their hearts that their beautiful boss had been living in the shadow of Qin Tianzheng for a while, and the master she brought this time would definitely make them stronger. Big increase, win the game!

Bai Yiyi's team is called [Huafeihua], and the members of these Huafeihua team are talents she has collected from all over the world.When Wu Di briefly asked about the basic situation of each team member, he was also thinking a lot: Teacher Bai, teacher Bai, if you have good candidates in your team, I will poach someone.This is your chance to bring it to your door.

However, Wu Di was slightly disappointed that although these players were talented, they didn't have outstanding potential stars, so Wu Di could only shrug his shoulders and let go of the bad idea in his heart.

While Wu Di was arranging the location, a young man also in a pure white Versace casual suit greeted Bai Yiyi from a distance.

Qin Tianzheng strode over with a spring breeze, and when he saw Bai Yiyi, he immediately smiled: "Yiyi, you really keep your word, it's great to see you here! I thought you would be timid and dare not come Participate in the amateur competition held by my Internet cafe that is just for fun. This time, I am fully prepared, if you lose to me again, you promise to be my girlfriend!"

Qin Tianzheng seemed to have a friendly and flattering tone, but the implication was that Bai Yiyi's Huafeihua team would definitely be defeated by his own Yiyi team.

In order to solve this problem so that she would no longer be harassed, Bai Yiyi also put forward a long-thought-out suggestion:

"Qin Tianzheng, first, don't call me Yiyi! You don't have the qualifications yet. Second, for this competition, do you dare to make a bet with me?"

Qin Tianzheng pursed his lips into a smile, and replied, "I just like your gentle and domineering style! Besides... what do you want to bet with me?"

"If my team wins your team this time, then don't appear in my sight in the future!"

Bai Yiyi's harsh words made Qin Tianzheng smile even brighter.

"Okay! Since you made this suggestion, I have to say something ugly in front - if you lose, you have to agree to be my girlfriend!"

After Bai Yiyi turned her head to look at Wu Di who covered most of her face with a peaked cap, she immediately said firmly:

"No problem! That's it! You can be considered a respectable figure in Tianfu City, I hope you keep your word!"

At this time, Qin Tianzheng just nodded silently, and after acquiescing to the bet, he went straight to Wu Di who was not far away from them.

He pointed at Wu Di's nose arrogantly, turned his head and asked:

"Yiyi? This is the new member you are looking for? I heard that the strength is not bad, and he defeated the main force of my team."

Bai Yiyi smiled lightly: "It seems that your news is still so well-informed. How about it, don't you want to go back on your word?"

"Hahaha..." Qin Tianzheng burst out laughing, then clutched his stomach pretentiously, and sneered, "Do you think this kid can help you defeat my team? You are too naive, Yiyi. Tell the truth You, I just accepted a strong player two days ago, his name is...Wu Di!"

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(End of this chapter)

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